

Squidge’s Summer of Ships Fundraiser

If you haven’t seen the post over on SquidgeWorld Archive, the Summer of Ships fundraiser has almost hit our fundraising target of $2,000 for the year!  We’re 95.8% there, and I’m confident that we’ll hit our target soon. For those of you that haven’t donated, please do if you can!  If you can’t, that’s cool […]

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administrivia fundraising

Summer of Ships Donation Details

Our Summer of Ships fundraiser is up and running, and a huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far! As mentioned in the original post, we will be offering gifts for those who give at certain levels.  Here are the final details: Everyone who gives will get a copy of our Summer of […]

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administrivia fundraising special events

Summer of Ships Fundraiser!

It’s not only summertime up here in the Northern Hemisphere, but it’s also time for’s annual fundraiser!  This year, we’re going for the theme of Summer of Ships!  It’s Summer, and fandom is almost always about ships – whether it be the popular Jack/Daniel or Sheppard/McKay from the Stargate series to the not-so-subtle Myka […]

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administrivia fundraising INC Financials for 2023

Attached is the financials for INC for our first year of existence.  Of course we didn’t start taking official donations until mid-2023, and as such our bills were paid out of pocket until Squidge could support itself so the bills aren’t expressed in full-year context.  We’ll see that next year, as long as we […]

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Results from our Give Back To Squidge fundraiser are in!

And it’s even better than we could have expected! Since starting the Give Back To Squidge fundraiser in mid-August, our final total is $1,205! We bested our goal by more than $200 – and it’s all thanks to you all. Thank you to everyone who donated, reblogged our Tumblr fundraiser, and passed on the information […]

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Give Back To Squidge Fundraiser could use your help!  We’re running a Give Back To Squidge fundraiser! While is much smaller than other fandom organizations, it still costs a couple thousand dollars a year to run and maintain.  And that’s where you come in.  We’re running a “Back to School? Give Back To Squidge!” fundraising campaign, and hope […]

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administrivia fundraising

You Can Now Support With an Online Donation! is not only an official 501c3 here in the United States, meaning you can take a tax deduction for donating to us – we’re now officially taking donations!  It’s been a long journey, but we’re finally here! If you are interested, you can make a donation via our donation platform partner, Aplos at this […]

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administrivia fundraising

It’s Official! is now a 501c3 organization within the United States.  YAY! Okay, so we haven’t gotten the paperwork from the IRS, but they say that can take up to 18 months to get, and in the meantime you can operate as a 501c3.  This means we can take donations and you will get a tax deduction […]

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