What news?

June 2, 2015 - It's Aliiiiiiiiiiive...


September 16, 2011 - Happy Mayflower Day!
Well! Since last we met, On Stranger Tides came along, and this set-in-her-ways old-schooler summoned up her courage and saw it. And... (to her surprise)... loved it. It had its flaws, of course. That's putting it mildly. Two, in particular, very very serious and inexplicable sucker-punches flaws.

At least this time they left a tiny bit of room for doubt. Unlike another sequel I could name...

But that aside: Jack! Competent, intelligent, magnificent Jack! Oh, what a sight for sore eyes.

And another gift: Not a single reference to either of the preceding sequels. Not one! Which means (if you want to play it that way)... they never happened. Which means James is still alive. In Port Royal. Waiting for that familiar rustle of the trellis and creak of the opening window...

Disclaimer: This is the personal opinion of yr humble svt and no official position of Horizon or anything like that. Your mileage may vary.

Many thanks and appreciative hugs to lakela, worlds_junk and pir8fancier for story recs!

And now, on with the show...
Rags of Time, a J/N epic by Pyrite's Gold
Allegiance, a J/N and N/E epic by The Stowaway
Naked to Mine Enemies, a J/N epic by Mundungus42
Some Other Fool Across the Ocean Years Ago, a J/N (with Ana/James) epic by Aris Merquoni
Most recent uploads

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

As always, your recommendations, comments, criticisms and suggestions are welcome and appreciated!

Follow Horizon on Twitter for updates, to question, comment, rec, whatever.

Thanks for being here! ♥


February 3, 2011 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY HORIZON!
We are three years old today!

And on the horizon, a new PotC movie... and rumor has it, even more to follow. The reaction to the news may be mixed, but hey, Captain Jack is back! And you know what else? Each new sequel is a possibility of the return of James Norrington, because of course he never really died. It was... an optical illusion. A flesh wound. He rolled off into the sea and was healed by Oasis Herself's mermen. Or something. Right?

Our denial, let us show you it.

Now on to the good stuff...
New Artist Gallery! New to Horizon, but another old friend. Welcome Nyx!
Fine Men, a J/N epic by sileya
Most recent uploads

If you like something you see (or see something you like) please let the author or artist know! Click that "Leave Comment" link. You'll make her day, seriously.

As always, if you've seen or created something that belongs here, you need only let me know! Ditto any comments, criticisms, suggestions.

Follow Horizon on Twitter for updates, to question, comment, rec, whatever.

Thanks for being here. My love to you all. ♥

Have a button! Spread the joy!

Horizon PotC Archive

Aye, the code... copy/paste this. It's got the graphic and link all built in.
Click in the box below. Ctrl-A to select all. Ctrl-C to copy. Ctrl-V to paste.


July 6, 2010 - Happy International Kissing Day!
This one's from me to you:

Pass it on!

Now on to the good stuff. Unless you're still kissing...
By NautilusL2!
Mucha-Style Sparrow
By DrBillBongo and The Farmer!
Partner Looks (Sheepington!)
GoGo Norrie (warning: put down your coffee first)
"Gag Reels" from DrBillBongo's & The Farmers comics!
DebauchingED Commodore James
You Can't Resist, Mate
Note: Links go to comics, because you must see those first! You'll find the links to the gag reels there.

Most recent uploads

If you like something you see (or see something you like) let the author or artist know! Click that "Leave Comment" link. You'll make someone's day.

As always, if you've seen or created something that belongs here, you need only let me know!

Follow Horizon on Twitter for updates, to question, comment, rec, whatever.

Love you guys! Thanks for being here! ♥


May 25, 2010 - Happy Towel Day!
Got yours? Then let us continue...

Horizon is now on Twitter! Follow to learn about updates and other news, ask questions, comment, discuss, whatever else people do in this strange, new (to me) world that is Twitter.

The Resources page is taking on a life of its own! Several nifty new links added, not just Age of Sail/PotC-related, but useful stuff for writers in general. Enjoy!

Here's what else is new...
The Challenge , a J/N epic by Like A Hurricane.
Most recent uploads

If you like something you see (or see something you like) let the author or artist know, eh? Click that "Leave Comment" link. You'll make someone's day.

As always, if you've seen or created something that belongs here, please let me know!

Thanks, all. You're the best. ♥


February 3, 2010 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY HORIZON!
On November 14, 2007, Horizon was conceived. On February 3, 2008, Horizon was born. Today, Horizon is TWO YEARS OLD! And still going strong - 484 stories (including 35 novel-length epics) and 152 pieces of fan art! Thanks all of you wonderful people for making this worth the effort! ♥ ♥ ♥

New stories and artwork are welcome, as always! Either new new, or just new to Horizon, as long as they fit somewhere within the Guidelines. Over the past year, at least two more sites have vanished, leaving material on Horizon that appears nowhere else on the interwebs. Help save endangered fanworks from extinction! See the FAQ for more info about archiving on Horizon.

Last but not least, if you read or look at something here that makes you happy, or makes you think, please consider taking a moment to leave a comment. Let the authors and artists know they are still appreciated! There's a "Leave Comment" link at the bottom of every story and art page.

And now, just for you...
Beyond the Horizon, a J/N epic by Like A Hurricane.
Most recent uploads

Resources Page! The 'Resources' section was threatening to take over the Links page, so it has its own home now. If you have a favorite reference site that might help other authors and artists, please share!

Have a pimp button! Spread the joy!

Horizon PotC Archive

Aye, the code... copy/paste this. It's got the graphic and link all built in.
Click in the box below. Ctrl-A to select all. Ctrl-C to copy. Ctrl-V to paste.


November 1, 2009 - Happy Authors Day!
It's National Authors Day in the USA, but that's not fair. So Horizon is pleased (and empowered, being that this is our sandbox here) to officially proclaim this to be...

~ International Author's Day ~


Not a huge update for you. Most of the time spent has been behind-the-scenes, fixing crap code and all that other little stuff that just adds up. And the backlog is dwindling. Whew!

If I managed to break something in the act of fixing it with my mad skillz, please let me know!

Now on to the good stuff...
Tyger, Tyger, a J/N epic by Like A Hurricane
Most recent uploads

If you like something you see, please consider letting the author or artist know. Every fic and art page has a "Leave Comment" link at the bottom. You'll make someone's day!

Last but not least, have you seen or created something that belongs here? Tell me!

Thank you for being here. ♥


September 29 , 2009 - Happy 251st Birthday Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson
First off, many heartfelt thanks once again to Smith-Kingsley, who has (once again) gone above and beyond the call of duty. Grateful HUZZAH!

We've been getting a ton of hits lately from Delicious. Many thanks to you Delicious members! Hope you will continue to bookmark your favorites, especially the older stuff people may have forgotten. Any of you not familiar with Delicious, check it out. It's free and easy.

I'm working on expanding the Resources section of the Links page. If you know any sites that would be useful to fic writers or fan artists, please let me know!
New Artist Gallery! Well, new gallery, not new artist. You oldtimers will remember her and her adorable kitties. Welcome mangaKat!
New Art by NautilusL2!
From Elessil, for you aspiring manippers!
Manipping Tutorial
Behind-the-Scenes: Creating the picture Brothers In Arms
Dead Men Tell No Tales - a J/N epic by E. Batagur, sequel to One Silly Bloody Wish Later
Most recent uploads

If you like something you see, please consider letting the author or artist know. Every fic and art page has a "Leave Comment" link at the bottom. You'll make someone's day!

Last but not least, have you seen or created something that belongs here? Tell me!

Have a pimp button. Share the lurve. Thank you for being here. ♥

August 31, 2009 - Happy Birthday to the Movies!
First, major loves and gratitude to Smith-Kingsley, for all her help! Horizon is truly blessed.

Second, it is thrilling to see people coming into the Livejournal PotC community through Horizon! Our beloved fandom continues to grow even after all this time, and how cool is that?

Third, the massive backlog is under attack, and is shrinking slowly but steadily. Stay tuned!
New Artist Gallery! Welcome Rebecca and her lovely Pirate Novels!
Most recent uploads and there's quite a bit this time!

As always, if you see something here that makes you happy... please take a minute or two to make the author or artist happy in return. Every fic and art page has a "Leave Comment" link at the bottom.

Last but not least, have you seen or created something that belongs here? Let me know!

Thanks for being here. You guys rock like Gibraltar. ♥


July 25, 2009 - R.I.P. Nelson's right arm (ouch), 212 years ago today
Here is an art update for you! Fic will be next, I promise!
Two very different takes on James and Elizabeth, by NautilusL2 :
Elizabeth and James
Scruffington and Lizzy

If you see anything you like on Horizon, please let the author or artist know! There's a comment link on every fic and art page.

If you see (or create) a story or picture that belongs on Horizon? Drop me a line and let me know. Thank you for your help, and thank you for being here! ♥

Take a pimp button. Take a few. Give nothing back.


June 2, 2009 - Happy Saint Elmo's Day, patron saint of sailors.
We're going to Mars! There's a new Rover heading there in 2011, named Curiosity. How cool is that? She'll have a microchip full of names, and yours can be among them. You might recognize some other names, for we are a silly lot around here. Click here to see what I'm talking about.

In other news, Happy Birthday (June 9) to Johnny Depp and (coincidentally) Captain Jack Sparrow. June's birthstone is a Pearl. Of course!

Here's what's been uploaded in the last month. Not much, but yours truly has fallen behind (temporarily, I promise).

Have you read something or looked at something wonderful here? Please let the author and/or artist know by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

Last but not least, thanks for the positive responses to the last update. I confess I was a little worried about flames, but nary a one. Thanks guys. You are the best! ♥

Have a pimp button. Take several. They are especially delicious with rum and pineapple juice. Arrr.


May 9, 2009 - Your Ownership of Your Work
I've been asked about this a few times lately, and it's time to make a statement.

Regarding a fandom-oriented blogging service that has just opened, and the mindset that since creators of fan works are themselves infringing on copyright, they have (and deserve) no say in where their material is re-published, or by whom:

Please be reassured. This is NOT Horizon's position, and it will never be. Whether you create fanfiction, fan-art, original fic or art, meta, or just babble in your blog, your work belongs to you. Horizon will never publish it without your permission in advance. This is spelled out all official-like in Ye Articles, and it's not going to change.

Thank you for being here. ♥


May 1, 2009 - Happy May Day!
And are you ever in for a treat!
New Artist Gallery! Welcome Manic Intent! Another renaissance woman. (We are so blessed in this fandom.)
Three J/N epics by Manic Intent. All beautifully illustrated.
Guardian Angel
White Admiral
Most recent uploads

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

As Always, your recommendations, comments, criticisms and suggestions are welcome and appreciated!

Anyone feel like helping out with formatting? Drop me a line.

Thank you all for being here! ♥


April 6, 2009 - Happy Birthday, Twinkies!
Mmmmmm. Twinkies. ♥
Between Wind and Water, a magnificent J/N epic by Rex Luscus!
Most recent uploads

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

As Always, your recommendations, comments, criticisms and suggestions are welcome and appreciated!

Have a pimp button. Spread the joy!


With the help of danglingdingle we've added a lot more J/W to Horizon! So, an enormously grateful HUZZAH to her, and apologies to Will Turner, who has been neglected so long, and hasn't bitched about it once. ♥ ♥ ♥
More of DrBillBongo's adorable cartoons! (Rehearsal and At Variance)
Never Say Die, a J/N epic by Hippediva & Elessil, with an illustration by Elessil!
One Silly, Bloody Wish Later, a J/N epic by E. Batugur
Most recent uploads

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

As Always, I welcome your recommendations, comments, criticisms and suggestions! Email me any time.

Have a pimp button. Take two, they're small.


February 3, 2009 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY HORIZON!
Yes, we are one year old today.

We're up to 375 stories, including 24 novel-length epics, and 84 pieces of fan art. And a ton yet to upload!

A year ago, hours and even days went by without a single visitor. Now, the site is never empty. There's always a minimum of one visitor onsite, every moment, every day. How cool is that?

Thank you wonderful people for making this worth the effort! ♥ ♥ ♥
New Artist Gallery! AinSoph15 is another one of those renaissance women who does it all. See her pretties. Read her stories.
Merely Players, a J/N epic by Hippediva & Elessil, with an illustration by Elessil!
Pirate Dreams, a J/W epic by Alexfandra.
Most recent uploads

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

As Always, I welcome your recommendations, comments, criticisms and suggestions! Email me any time.

Have a pimp button. Take two, they're small.


January 1, 2009 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
This year has seen increasing acceptance of the idea that the PotC universe we play in is up to us. If we don't like the sequels? It's okay to ignore them, and frolic in the sandbox of CotBP. It's okay to agree to disagree, to live and let live. And THAT is an idea whose time has come. HUZZAH!
Blast from the Past: Cartoons by DrBillBongo and The Farmer (the Lennon and McCartney of Silly). Welcome aboard to The Farmer!

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

As Always, I welcome your recommendations, comments, criticisms and suggestions! Email me any time.

Thank you for all your help, and thank you for being here! ♥


November 27, 2008 - Have You Hugged Your Turkey Today?
New Artist Gallery! Welcome Rex Luscus, and her 1748 Royal Navy Pin-up Calendar. And she's a women of many talents, so check out her stories while you're at it.
Two additions to Elessil's gallery:
Purr-ley - A lovely interlude on the beach. James knows just where to skritch.
Wanton (a collaboration with Betrue) - A much steamier interlude. Jack knows just where to...

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

Have you seen (or created) a story or picture that belongs on Horizon? Drop me a line and let me know. Thank you for your help, and thank you for being here! ♥


October 31, 2008 - BO00oooOOOOo!! Happy Hallowe'en! Blessed Samhain!
An addition to Justawench's Gallery, in which Jack Sparrow enjoys the beach at Cuckmere Haven. Could he be waiting for someone...?
An Evening With Jack Shaftoe, by Tessabeth. This is a crossover between PotC and the Baroque Cycle, and a "choose-your-own-adventure" story, so it's actually several stories in one.
Most recent uploads

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

Do you know of a story (old or new) that should be here, and isn't? How about artwork? I'd be so grateful if you'd drop me a line and let me know. Thank you for your help, and thank you for being here! ♥


August 30, 2008 - Happy Toasted Marshmallow Day!
Look what I have for you! Not a toasted marshmallow, alas, but a nifty little pimp-graphic, for you to put in your LJ userinfo or your (non-commercial) website. Spread the word!

Horizon PotC Archive


Aye, the code... copy/paste this. It's got the graphic and link all built in.



Moving right along...
Plotting and Planning, by NautilusL2—an interesting take on Captain James Norrington!
Most recent uploads

As always, please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

Do you know of a story (old or new) that should be here, and isn't? How about artwork? Please drop me a line and let me know. With the new job and all, I need all the help I can get. Thank you! ♥


July 31, 2008 - Belated Happy Birthday, PotC! (July 9, 2003)
Since last update, we've seen the FIFTH ANNIVERSARY of the release of Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. Can you imagine it's been five years? And our fandom is still going strong!

As part of the celebration, the Livejournal community Raise_the_Dead held the 2008 Summer Swagfest, a fic exchange that produced 23 wonderful stories by some top-notch authors. Many of these works will appear here (or have, by now), but you can read them all at the community. You'll find slash, het, gen, and just about any pairing you can imagine. And all quality stuff.

Raise_the_Dead got its start as a sanctuary for writers with CotBP-era fics in progress and fans who prefer that universe. It has since evolved into a CotBP-era fic challenge community. Need an idea? Then this is the place for you!


Most recent uploads

As always, please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

Do you know of a story (old or new) that should be here, and isn't? How about artwork? Please drop me a line and let me know. Thank you for being here, and let's keep this magnificent fandom going another five years! ♥ ♥ ♥


June 26, 2008 - Happy Rat Catcher's Day!
Justawench gives us poor Jack during the Mutiny (an illustration for Powdermonkey's Truths & Lies series).
Most recent uploads

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

Do you know of a story (old or new) that should be here, and isn't? How about artwork? I'd be so grateful if you'd drop me a line and let me know. Thank you for your help, and thank you for being here! ♥


May 25, 2008 - Happy Nerd Pride Day!
Interactive Dress-Up James, by NautilusL2. To keep Dress-Up Jack company!
Jack in Singapore, by Justawench, an illustration for Sixth Nut Out of the Locker, part of Powdermonkey's Nuts Out series
Most recent uploads

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

Thank you to everyone who emailed over the past month with recs and comments and suggestions. You guys are the best! ♥


April 26, 2008 - Happy Richter Day! May the Earth move for you (in a good way).
NautilusL2 presents: Gillette
Most recent uploads
There are now 300 stories in the archive! *throws confetti*

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

Attention Turrow Fans! I need your help. I want your pairing well-represented here, but I'm just not as familiar with it as you are. So I'd like to know: What was the story that got you into this pairing in the first place? And if you had to pick the best of the best J/W (or Will genfic) stories of all time, what would they be? If they aren't here already, I'd like to try and get them. Email me your recs, please? (I'd prefer stories set in the CotBP universe, but that's "only guidelines.")

And to you and everyone: Thank you for everything. ♥


April 15, 2008 - Happy Ides of April!
Note to the Writers and Artists who appear on this site:

When I asked you for permission to host your work, many of you had the same concern: Would you be able to have your stuff taken off the site, if for any reason you wanted it off? Some of you had some real webmaster horror stories.

Now I have a webmaster horror story of my very own, identical to many of yours. Holy cats, no wonder this is such an issue! I understood before, but there's nothing like having been there to really get it.

So let me just state the following, for the record. I hope it puts any remaining fears to rest.

Nothing gets posted on Horizon without permission in advance, ever. Your work belongs to you. It is a privilege to host it, not a right. The correct response to "I don't want to be on your site" is not anger, whining, guilt-tripping and argument. The correct response is "No problem." No questions asked. Your reasons (much as I might be dying of curiosity) are your business, unless you choose to share. So, if any of you ever want out of here, just let me know. I'll remove your work and email you the files. If I've made your story a cover, that's my gift to you.

I'll put that with ye Official Manifesto, but I wanted to get it under your noses first.

And that's all for now! I am grateful to you all, writers, artists, fans. Thank you for being here! ♥


March 29, 2008 - Happy (Spring or Fall as the case may be)!

Three lovely additions to Justawench's Gallery:
Heart's Desire
Jack's map of Shipwreck Cove
Most recent uploads

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

The site focuses mostly on CotBP-Universe stories and art, but that doesn't mean it has to have been created back then. If I've missed something old OR new that belongs here, I want to know about it. Thank you for your help! ♥


February 29, 2008 - Happy Leap Day!

Groves and Gillette - new art by NautilusL2
New Artist Gallery - welcome Mithrilarrow!
Turn of the Tide, a new segment in the Jack/James arc of the Men Must Work universe by Gryphon's Lair
Most recent uploads

Please feed the authors and artists by leaving feedback! Use the comment link at the bottom of every fic and art page.

As always, your comments, suggestions and story/art recommendations are very much appreciated ♥

Email Horizon

Disclaimer: All characters from the Pirates of the Caribbean universe are the property of Disney et al, and the actors who portrayed
them. Neither the authors and artists hosted on this website nor the maintainers profit from the content of this site.
All content is copyrighted by its creator.

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