Avast! There's a bug in the comments feature!

Have you left a comment, and it didn't show up? Read on:

First, if you commented on an Epic (multi-chaptered fic) or Art page, and your comment was the first, and failed to appear, it's not a bug. The "Read Comments" link on those pages has to be coded manually by a humanoid (namely, me) so there will be a delay. Once it's there, subsequent comments for that page will appear immediately.

If you commented on a standalone fic and it didn't show up, you may be a Bug Victim.

The issue is in "hard breaks." These are breaks you put in yourself manually, NOT breaks due to word-wrap. Comments with single-line breaks may not post.

For example:
This is a comment with no breaks at all. If you make it long enough, it'll word-
wrap, as it just did. This is fine.
This is a comment with a double-line break, as we generally see between paragraphs. Here it comes now!

This is also fine. The bug doesn't seem to mind this.
This is a comment with single-line breaks.
This is not fine.
This is where the bug lives.
So, don't leave comments like this!

Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully a future version of the archiving software will eliminate nasty bug. Meanwhile, watch those line breaks.
Many questions may be answered by the following:
(so please take a moment to read, because it's important)
~ Ye Manifesto ~

This is not a comprehensive archive. It will never represent every ship, character, artist or writer. It is not intended to be "The" all-encompassing PotC archive, and it will never claim to be. It is not intended to replace or compete with any other site.

At present, it's mostly old-school (with exceptions), mostly gen and slash (with exceptions), with the
slash mostly between Jack, James and Will, in various combinations (with exceptions).

~ They're more like Guidelines ~
The following applies to both fiction and art.
Most likely to appear on Horizon
Anything starring Jack, James and/or Will, in any combination, any universe (or AU).
Slash or gen set within the CotBP universe, and starring CotBP characters (major or minor).
Slash or gen AU starring CotBP characters (major or minor).
Least likely:
Anything with non-CotBP characters in the starring role(s).

~ Ye Articles ~

Nothing gets posted on Horizon without permission in advance, ever. Your work belongs to you.
It is a privilege to host it, not a right.

The correct response to "I don't want to be on your site" is not anger, whining, guilt-tripping and argument. The correct response is "No problem." No questions asked. If any of you ever want out of here, just let me know. I'll remove your work and email you the files. If I've made your story a cover, that's my gift to you.


How do I upload my stuff?
I do the actual uploading. But read on...
Would you please put my [fiction or art] on Horizon?
Most likely!

First, does it meet or closely approximate the guidelines? If so...

Send it to Horizon, either via link, file attachment, etc.

Please include the following information:
(Optional) An email address to include in your author info, so readers can write to you, and feedback left on site can be forwarded to you. This address will be hidden from spam-bots via javascript, but a throwaway addy (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc.) wouldn't hurt. Without an email address, you can still read your feedback, you'll just have to come here to do it.
(Optional) Any website you'd like included in your author-info. This can be your fic or art site, your LJ, etc.
(Required) Your author name, and exactly how you want it to appear, including spelling, capitalization and punctuation, if any. LJers, you're free from LJ username constraints here!
How come [story, art, author, artist] isn't on Horizon?
It might be in my pile of stuff to upload. I might be waiting for permission from the author/artist. Or it might not fit within the guidelines of the site (which are flexible, but only up to a point).

Or I might not even be aware of it. Will you tell me about it? Pretty please?
How do I format a story for uploading on Horizon?
Oh, do you ever get brownie points if you do this! Everything you need to know is here:

Preparing a story for upload

It's really simpler than it looks, I promise.
What is the tallest spot on Earth?
That would be, of course, Mount Everest, at 8,848 meters, or 29,028 feet. Several other mountains are taller. These are on Mars. The tallest is Olympus Mons, at 27,000 meters, or 88,580 feet.
Anything else?
Please Contact Horizon

Disclaimer: All characters from the Pirates of the Caribbean universe are the property of Disney et al, and the actors who portrayed
them. Neither the authors and artists hosted on this website nor the maintainers profit from the content of this site.
All content is copyrighted by its creator.

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