Fandom: Magnificent 7 ATF AU
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Josiah Sanchez
Rating: G
Disclaimer: let's see here I am still very poor and I still don't own them and I still have to pay bills.
Notes: Sequel to Those Lazy, Crazy, Hazy Days of Summer.
Thanks as always goes out to the best beta in the world. Carrie.

Series: Home For the Holidays
Warnings: Never say that you are never ever going on another trip with your parents again because you will most likely go on another trip.
Summary: A moment's reflection.

Challenge: the July 2002 Holiday Challenge, Fourth of July.



by Lady Q

It was crowded on top of the hill as they watched rockets shimmy up across the starry heavens.

'Fireworks,' Ezra thought as he laid back against Josiah's strong chest and watched the Colorado night sky light up in celebration of the Fourth. 'That is what love reminds me of. Fireworks.'

'When Josiah told me he loved me, I felt my heart soar, and when we first kissed, I felt sparks all along my body.

'When we make love, I always see fireworks rise up between us.

'When he caresses my naked body, he stirs my very soul into a roaring flame till I can't tell where his body ends and mine begins. Then, we make love till neither of us can hold back anymore and we let our climax take us up into the sky. It feels like there are fireworks between us all the time.

'Unfortunately, fireworks never last for long and only shine for a few moments, reminding us that nothing is forever and that love, even though it can shine as bright, will eventually fade away.

'Yes, I know that Josiah is a few years older than me, and if he goes before me, I will mourn the loss of his light till the day I die, for I will love Josiah forever. However, Josiah's love will forever shine and live in my heart. It will never fade away like the fireworks; it will always be in my heart.'

Ezra brought up Josiah's wonderfully strong hand and brushed a kiss along his knuckles. "I love you, Josiah, " he roughly whispered.

Josiah leaned down and held his love close to his strong body, and as he began to nuzzle Ezra's delicious neck he replied, "I love you too, Ezra."

The End


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