
Only a step away.... Death story. J/B.
Summer's Day, Jim, Blair, and a lazy June afternoon.
And After... Inspired by Kit Mason's Incentive Program. Warning, B/S. Kit Mason once, very kindly gave me permission to post it. I hope that permission holds! Best to read her story first, though I think it works okay without.

Of Dreams. A sentinel dreams. Not quite the sentinel you were thinking of though.

Checklist. Jim's bad day.

Ad Hominem. Someone commented that ad hominem was not to be confused with homo sapiens or indeed homo sentineliensis. I don't know who it was, but thank you for the kickoff. TS, J/B, NC17.

The Labyrinth. A slightly experimental story, which naturally, isn't quite as depressing as it first seems - honestly. (PS -- Link to the prologue now fixed... guess that tells me how many people ever look at the site!!)

Rules for Bad Guys (Cascade Addendum). This works on its own, though it's not a story, just a list of rules. However, I feel that it continues the fine tradition begun by TLC Co-Productions, bringing a fine line in satire and parody to fandom. Or not.

Page last updated 18/09/2004