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Story Notes:
Story is based on a challenge from CJ:
Summary from the challenge:
It's a few hours after the end of Chosen and Xander has returned to the Hellmouth. Climbing down to the very center of the crater that was Sunnydale, he falls to his knees and remembers all the people, places, and things he's loved in his life. Especially the one he loved the most, the one who died to save the world, this time. When he hears a faint cry, he stands and begins to investigate, finding a small, pale child lying in the rubble. Somehow, he knows, or finds evidence that this is Spike's reward, to be given a new chance at a happy life. He takes the baby to LA, to Angel, putting aside his petty differences with the vampire and knowing that this is what is best for the baby. Eventually Xander and Angel decide to raise the child together. Angel begins to feel a little better about losing his own son and sees this as a second chance to be a father. A little iffy on the bunny part, but I'd still like to read it.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, but Joss Whedon does.
Thanks to Sparky and QueenSereya for betaing my story. If there're still mistakes in it, they are all mine.


Spike felt the heat burning his insides and melting his bones before his body turned to ashes.

A bright light enveloped the ashes and transported it out of the pit that used to be Sunnydale.

Spike was still screaming as he returned to his corporeal being. He fell silent as two bluish people came towards him.

"Oh bugger!" He looked at the beings in confusion. "Where am I? Who the bloody hell are you?"

"We're The Powers That Be," the couple answered at the same time. "You have saved this world."

The female walked towards Spike and reached for the necklace around his neck. "Nice necklace."

"Thanks luv," Spike smirked. "So, why am I not in hell?"

"You have earned your forgiveness and will return to earth as a human," the male said.


Spike blinked in disbelief, smiled widely. "Well, let's go then!" Spike was already walking towards the door the couple had come through.

"Don't you want to know more?" the female asked, a sly smirk on her face.

Spike looked at them and shrugged. "So tell me."

"You will return to Sunnydale as a 6-month old infant," the male said and flashed Spike back to earth.

"WHAT!?!" Spike called out, but he couldn't stop the flash from bringing him back to Sunnydale.

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