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"What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?" Xander exclaimed.

Shaking her head, Willow started to say, "Now, Xander, it's really not that bad..."

"Not that bad?" Xander said disbelievingly.

Nodding vigorously, Willow said, "Yes, I was able to throw up a shield around you so the spell mutated, and..."

But Xander cut her off with, "Wills, first a praying mantis lady gets the hots for me, then I'm possessed by an evil hyena spirit, next I end up dating an ex-Vengeance demon, but this -- is -- the -- last -- straw!"

Giving him a commiserating look, Buffy said, "I don't know what to tell you, Xan. But the spell that guy threw was supposed to de-age whoever it hit, so if Willow hadn't helped out, you'd have ended up a baby."

Grimacing, Alexander Lavelle Harris lightly stroked his gravid stomach and said, "Instead, it *gave* me a baby. How am I going to explain this to Anya? We've only been married two months and now, because of some deranged Paternoster demon, I'm knocked up, and as far as we can tell, *she's* the father."

Tara smiled sympathetically and said, "All I can say is: better you than me."

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