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Story Notes:
For the sake of this story it is perfectly normal for men to get pregnant. This is also part of the 25places challenge I have signed up for
Word Count: 424


Ryan stood at the foot of the bed he shared with his lover and desperately tried to hold back the tears.

Just two weeks previously, his relationship with Horatio had been going so well. Then he began to feel sick in the mornings. There were some days when the wrong smell would send him running to the nearest toilet. When Alexx had jokingly suggested that he could be pregnant, he had laughed it of the suggestion. Like most men, he was capable of having children but he always had a monthly injection to stop any remote chance of a pregnancy.

For two days, the thought he could be pregnant occupied his every thought. He became so distracted that his lover sent him home from work with strict orders not to comeback to work until a doctor had cleared him. On his, way home from work he bought a home pregnancy testing kit. When he got home, it took him another hour before he could pee on the stick to find out if he was pregnant. Just two minutes later he found out he was pregnant and the injections he had been having were not as foolproof as he had been led to believe. It took him another two hours before ghe could stop cursing the doctor who had given him the injections.

For the next week, he drops hints to his lover about the possibility of children. His lover tells him that children would be nice but not something that would be wise in there relationship or line of work. In a fit of anger that he would later blame on his hormones he told his lover he was pregnant. Horatios first reaction had been one of laughter. That laughter soon stopped when he told Horatio about his monthly injections and the positive pregnancy test. For the next four days, everything was okay. Then he heard Horatio having a conversation with Eric. They were talking about him as if he was a joke and on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The next day while Horatio was still at work he packed what few possessions he had into a bag.

Now he was standing at the foot of the bed he shared with horatio not wanting to leave but having no real choice. How could he stay when his own lover viewed him as a joke and believed that he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown?

Two weeks ago, he had a happy relationship with his lover.

Now he alone and pregnant.

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