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Story Notes:
Non-consensual sex between men, consensual sex between men and of course, male pregnancy -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Author's Chapter Notes:
I don't own the characters. I really shouldn't even be playing with them like this, but I'm weak-willed and it's just so much fun.



The limestone passageways were small. If a man were standing still he'd feel as if they were closing in on him, but Lucius Malfoy wasn't standing still. He was running, running for his life.

He could hear his pursuers behind him. If he were to waste time looking behind him, he might even have been able to make out the light of their torches, but he had no time to waste. His one advantage was that he knew these tunnels, but it was proving to be a slim advantage as whoever was leading the chase seemed to know the maze as well as he did.

"Bill! Where are you?"

"Bill, which way did you go?!"

Bill Weasley didn't have any breath to waste answering the rest of the team. He was just a few yards behind Malfoy.

It was the last round-up. Back in England Harry Potter had destroyed Lord Voldemort and the wizarding world had learned why the Order of the Phoenix was so named when Dumbledore was 'reborn'. All the Death- Eaters had been rounded up or killed, all save one, Lucius Malfoy, but that was about to change.

There was no way out of this tomb. It had been cleaned out by Gringott's years ago and Bill had been on the team that did it. It had been quickly apparent to him that Malfoy was headed for the heart of the tomb, to the great burial chamber, but the reason why was not so easily divined.

Lucius had to work fast. Using his wand he scribed the outline of a door on the far wall of the burial chamber. From a pocket he withdrew an ornately carved scarab, as he started to utter an incantation the glyphs on the scarab began to glow an unearthly gold. Lucius placed the scarab in a small hollow that appeared in the wall within the outline he had drawn. The outline began to glow with the same eerie color of the glyphs. The glow became dazzling as the part of the wall began to give way.

"Stop, Malfoy!" Bill shouted as he burst into the room.

Limestone splintered by Bill's head as Lucius' wand spit out a bolt of energy. Obviously Malfoy was not going to be stopping.

"Stupefy!" Bill retaliated.
"Too late, Weasley," Lucius smirked, easily countering the spell as he stepped over the threshold of the doorway he'd created.


Bill dashed forward. The magical opening had begun to close as soon as Lucius crossed over. Focused only on not losing his quarry Bill leapt into the glow as the rest of the Order caught up with him. They watched as Bill was swallowed up and disappeared as the wall became solid stone again.

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