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Normally people don't usually break out laughing when they read a newspaper's headlines so when the handsome young man at the counter's end began laughing the store owner and several customers turned to stare.

Having exhausted some of his supplies Ranma had reluctantly returned to civilization to restock. The small mountain village was perfect; out of the way of normal traffic yet connected enough to receive merchandise and news from the bigger cities. The little grocery store Ranma found had everything he needed and then some. Tossing the last item on his list into the cart the black-haired boy headed towards the checkout. By chance his eyes spotted the latest edition of Tokyo's biggest newspaper on the counter.
Snatching it up he read, and then reread, the headlines before starting to laugh for the first time since his mate left.

In an early morning raid Nabiki Tendo, the so called "Ice Queen of Furinkan High" was arrested along with several others at the Nerima residence.
Moving on an anonymous tip Tokyo's recently formed Special Crimes Unit began investigating the strange goings on in the Nerima District which has until very recently been a martial arts battle zone of epic proportions. While under surveillance Miss Tendo was observed engaging in numerous and highly illegal activities both on school grounds and in the surrounding residential and business areas. During one day alone Miss Tendo was seen engaged in acts of blackmail, extortion, and selling photos of nude or semi-nude underage girls.
When police arrived to place Miss Tendo under arrest several officers were assaulted by her father and younger sister.
Akane Tendo, age 17, was already under investigation after several families in the area filed charges against the girl. Evidently the youngest Tendo has a severe and violent hatred of boys and almost daily ritual beats a large group of boys each morning.
Recently this school ritual has become dark as Miss Akane had taken to brutally beating her possible boyfriends and several boys have wound up in the hospital with serious injuries. Soun Tendo, father of both girls who retired from teaching his family's style after his wife's death, attempted to stop his daughter's arrest.
Due to his lack of practice Mr. Tendo was easily dealt with. Miss Akane Tendo proved a bit more difficult as she pulled out a large mallet and beat two officers before being brought down by tazers.
Screaming obscenities the youngest Tendo finally had to be sedated before being loaded for transport.
Police are still at this moment conducting a thorough search of the Tendo residence to gather further evidence.
Captain Misato has stated that this case is one of the most disturbing cases he has ever run across in his entire career.
"It's truly horrifying. The evidence we have gathered so far is only the barest tip of the iceberg. I feel that Miss Tendo's illegal dealings are far more sinister and depraved than we were first led to believe."
The sole remaining Tendo, the oldest daughter Kasumi, moved out of the Tendo residence two weeks earlier.
According to neighbors Kasumi Tendo has been a virtual slave to her father and sibling since her mother died, performing all the chores around the house. Miss Kasumi was unavailable for comment as she has severed all contact with her family.
Charges are pending against all three Tendos and will also be leveled against the unknown man who escaped as soon as he is identified.

Still laughing Ranma paid for his supplies and left, quickly making his way out of the quiet village to the sheltering woods beyond. He promised himself though that he'd come back again soon to see what else the papers might print about the Tendos' well deserved plight.
In the last few weeks since Inuyasha's departure Ranma had been training harder than he'd ever done before. In the past Ranma's goal had always been to be the best martial artist ever. Eventually, due to his father's greed and stupidity, the need to find his curse's cure and a way out of his many engagements had complicated that original goal. No matter how hard he tried however the pig-tailed boy only managed to keep from sinking deeper into the black pit of despair and madness that had become his life. If it hadn't been for him casting aside his previous life and meeting Inuyasha Ranma had little doubt he would've eventually snapped and seriously injured, if not killed, one or more of the people around him.
Ranma couldn't wait to see his mate again. By day he trained, working his mind and body to the breaking point, but at night his dreams were filled with the memories of their brief time together. Keeping his promise Ranma had discreetly visited the Higurashi Shrine and met with Kagome's family. The girl's mother was surprisingly nice, not at all what he was expecting. She supported her daughter's dangerous mission and went out of her way to see that Kagome had everything she needed to complete it. When the woman discovered that the Shrine's mysterious visitor was a friend of Inuyasha's she welcomed him with open arms and lots of questions, almost as many as Sota asked. Kagome's brother had a big case of hero worship going when it came to Inuyasha and anyone the half-demon called friend was okay in his book. Grandfather however took a bit more time to win over. The old coot first thought he was a demon and tried to banish him with a lot of poorly drawn seals. Really, Ranma himself could¡¦ve drawn better ones. It was only after he'd beaten and run off a band of punks who were harassing visitors to the Shrine did the old man relent and welcomed Ranma.
His visits weren't very long, only a day to two each time, the rest being spent in the forests preparing for the most dangerous part of his training. It didn't matter if he mastered every form of martial arts in the world, so long as the neko-ken remained uncontrolled in his body he was a danger to himself and everyone around him. This was his ultimate goal, the one that drove him onwards.
So to protect those he loved from himself and others he must master the neko-ken.


Climbing down from the thick canopy above Inuyasha reluctantly rejoined the group, Kirara and Myoga immediately falling into place besides him. Their actions certainly had been curious since his return from Kagome's time but the half-demon paid little attention, his mind focused on other matters.
Ranma. His mate. Memories of their brief time together filled his head, soothing the hollow ache in his heart. Fourteen days were hardly enough time for them and Inuyasha swore he'd return to Ranma as soon as possible.

Being demons themselves Shippo, Myoga, and Kirara noticed the difference in Inuyasha almost immediately.

Shippo was too young to understand; all he knew was that the white-haired boy's scent had changed. It drew him, this new smell, awakened some deeply hidden need to protect his older friend however ludicrous it sounded. If either of them needed protection it would be Shippo himself, the fox demon was far too young to survive against the dangerous foes they faced alone.
When he attempted to question his companions about these feelings Sango looked confused while Miroku just said Inuyasha had probably taken a bath with those strangely smelling soaps that Kagome raved about.
Myoga, who'd known Inuyasha's father and understood the family's bloodline, remained oddly silent. He'd abandoned his previous tendency to flee at the first hint of danger, clinging now to his Lord with an almost fanatical zeal. Twice now the flea demon had leapt to Inuyasha's defense, saving the half demon's life when he unexpectedly faltered in battle.
Only Kirara, the two tailed cat demon, made no such attempts to be secretive or confused. Like a mother with one lone kitten she doted on the boy; constantly checking on where he was, defending him, and seeing to his needs. The others thought it was funny, joking that the cat demon had taken a fancy to the half demon and was trying to woo him with her attention and gifts.
Kagome and the rest of the crew were deeply shocked the first time Kirara laid a plump rabbit at the boy's feet, nudging it forwards. They damn near fell off the rocks they were setting on when the half demon not only accepted the gift but ate it as well, making quick work of the sweet flesh. Most confusing of all however was the cat's reaction to Kagome. Before they'd returned from the future Kirara and Kagome got along well, now she barely tolerated the girl. The closer Kagome got to the half demon the thinner that tolerance was worn down. She'd even snapped at the girl in warning once.
"I just don¡¦t get it. What's wrong with Kirara?"
Sango shook her head in confusion. The group, minus Inuyasha and his pair of guardians, were setting around the campfire discussing the recent changes amongst them.
"Don't forget the flea." Kagome reminded her friend. "Myoga's gone and grown himself a backbone all of the sudden."
"Indeed," agreed the monk as he blew on his tea to cool it. "He has remained by Inuyasha¡¦s side ever since his return from the future."
"Did something happen while you were home Kagome?"
The future girl looked at her dear friend. "Not that I know of. But then we didn't see that much of each other. Inuyasha disappeared for two weeks. You know he never did tell me where he'd ran off to or why he stayed away for so long."
"Maybe he got injured or something," Shippo piped in from his favorite perch atop Kagome's backpack. "That would explain why he smells so different."
"But why hide an injury for this long? Any injury his fast healing ability wouldn't take care in a couple of days would be too serious to hide. We would've seen something by now." Miroku lost himself in thought as he spoke, mentally running over the last three weeks in his head for some clue.
"Why's his smell so important Shippo? So long as he doesn't stink what's the difference?"
"A demon's scent is, like with animals, an indicator of their health, clan, and even sexual state."
Explained the demon exterminator. "If Inuyasha's scent truly has changed and remained so then it can't be those soaps of yours Kagome. I really doubt he's injured, I think he might be sick. He has been a little slow lately."
"And sleepy." Miroku added.
" saw.." Shippo hesitated to speak out loud. Some instinct was screaming at him to remain silent but it was a little too late for that.
"Okay, okay. I saw him throwing up yesterday, and a couple of times before that." The boy fiddled with the tip of his tail.
"Throwing up? He must be sick then." Kagome nibbled on her fingernails in thought. "But why would he have that fancy glow if he¡¦s only sick."
"Glow?" Miroku leaned forwards to peer at the now sleeping demon. He saw no glow but then Kagome did possess powers he did not fully understand. "Can you describe it Kagome?"
"You mean you don't see it? It's very soft and kinda pretty; all golden like. Makes me feel, I don't know..kinda protective if that makes any sense."
A trickle of memory teased the monk¡¦s mind, something that he'd heard about during his travels.
But strain as he might it eluded his grasp. "I think it would be best if we return to the village. Lady Kaede will certainly know what to do about this."
Sango nodded. "I agree. We're not that far away. If we start early we could be there by midday tomorrow."
"Let's get some sleep then!" Shippo bounded over to where Kagome¡¦s sleeping bag was laid out, burrowing underneath its warm top. How he loved the marvelous things from Kagome's time; so useful and comfortable, not to mention all those yummy sweets she brought back for him.

Shifting, Inuyasha curled up against Kirara's warm belly fur. Here he felt safe, felt loved. Kirara purred, swishing her tails around to cover her companion and protect her against the night chills.
Kirara had lived a long, long time, witness and at times participant in many of life's wonders and its horrors. Times of battle, times of peace, buried old friends long gone and made new ones with whom she now traveled with. There were a few years when she'd dallied a bit and produced a litter or two. Sometimes Kirara wondered if any of her dear kittens still lived. It was a harsh world, fraught with many dangers. Who knew what her children might've faced once they left the shelter of their mother's territory. Maybe once this quest was over she'd seek out news of her young. Yes, she'd do just that, just as soon as she saw to this one.
So lost and alone he was. Despite the others friendship he still stood apart. And now he was more alone that ever. Humans had different views of things than demons did. Once they learned of Inuyasha's growing secret there was no telling how they might react. As one of the few demons in this band, and one who considered herself to be the dog-hybrid's friend, it was up to her to see Inuyasha was treated right.
Near her shoulder pale fur lifted and moved. A tiny head popped out followed soon by the rest of the body.
"He's asleep Kirara," the tiny demon hopped over to his Lord's shoulder. "I don't know how long he can keep this pace up."
Kirara rumbled her agreement.
"I worry what the others will think, this certainly isn't normal for their kind."
She agreed with this too.
"Lord Inuyasha will begin showing soon I think." Two sets of eyes trailed down to the half demon's stomach.


Morning arrived all too soon and Inuyasha was informed of the decision made last evening to return to the village. Naturally, to them anyway, he was upset and was quite vocal about it. Strange that, Kagome didn't even try to sit him as she usually did for his use of foul language, the beads remained unused. If only they knew that inside he was bouncing with joy. The sooner they returned to the village the sooner he could travel through the well to see Ranma again.
He had to put up a fight of course. If Inuyasha didn't resist they would've thought something was wrong. Kagome huffed, shouted, and finally resorted to pleading for Inuyasha to agree. Evidently they were worried about him for some reason, concerned because of his recent actions. Secretly he was concerned as well. Inuyasha knew there was something wrong with him. Never in his whole life had he ever been sick.
Injuries he'd had aplenty, wounds from simple fights to desperate battles for survival. But this fatigue, the queasy stomach, it was unknown to him.
Grumbling in disgust, complaining the whole time, Inuyasha followed along behind the others.

As the day passed Kagome kept glancing back towards the half-demon. About an hour into their journey Inuyasha had begun to lag behind. Upon seeing this Kirara immediately trotted back and badgered the white haired boy till he mounted her. Once she was sure her rider was comfortably settled before falling back in behind the rest of the group. The only time she allowed Inuyasha to leave her broad back was when they stopped for a rest.
( I really hope it's not serious.) She fretted silently.

It was the children's excited shouts that roused the old priestess Kaede from her meditations. Peering outside her door her one eye widened when she saw the returning group. Surely they had not succeeded in gathering the remaining shards already.
"Kagome, child what brings yea back so soon?" She greeted the future girl.
But it wasn't Kagome who answered her but Miroku. The dark garbed priest pulled the old woman aside and spoke to her in whispered tones. All those who were watching the pair were startled to see Kaede suddenly begin shaking, skin blanching almost as white as her robe top.
"Surely this cannot be," her voice was barely above a whisper.
"I believe it is." Miroku's eyes drifted over to where Inuyasha still sat astride Kirara's large form.
Together the pair headed for the two demons.
"What ails thee Inuyasha?" The old priestess asked softly.
Wearily the golden eyes opened and focused on her wrinkled features. "I don't know."
"Come child, let us go inside and I will take a look."
She didn't expect the half-demon to obey her so readily. It was a testament to how serious this was that Inuyasha merely nodded in agreement. Kirara bent down to make his dismount easier and transforming into her smaller form followed the pair inside.
"Lay down Inuyasha."
Since he was tired the silver haired boy did as she asked. He flinched as her hands touched him, pressing and poking.
"Careful you old hag." He snapped, showing some of his unusual personality.
"Quiet Inuyasha and let me work."
"You call this work? Feels more like torture to me."
He grumbled.
Kaede continued on with her examination, bringing into play her priestess skills along with those of healing. Strange, her questing hands could feel a slight mound where none should be nestled low within his stomach. Surely it wasn't what it felt like, after all Inuyasha was a man despite his demon heritage. Or perhaps it was because of his mixed blood that this was possible. Who knew what such a mating could produce in the offspring. Calling her magical training into play Kaede probed. Within seconds she jerked back as if burned.
"It cannot be..It cannot..." She gasped; sweat breaking out upon her brow.
"What can't be you old woman?" Inuyasha raised himself up on his elbows to stare at her.
"Inuyasha..yea are..yea.."
"Just spit it out Kaede." He snarled, baring sharp white fangs.
"Yea are..with..child Inuyasha."
"With..child?" Gold eyes blinked owlishly.
"Yea are pregnant Inuyasha."

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