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Los Angeles...

Doyle, Gunn and Angel were all silently praying for Wes to reappear. Cordy was really getting pissed and none of them wanted to be there when she finally blew. The young woman was someone no one wanted to piss off on a good day, but watching Wes disappear in plain sight had really enraged her. She was certain that Wolfram and Hart had something to do with it.

Just as she was getting ready to demand that Angel go storm the law offices and demand the return of their friend, Wes reappeared. He wasn't alone, however. Angel was shocked to see that all of the Sunnydale contingent plus a great number of teenage girls were with them. Then more people arrived and Angel recognized Spike and several powerful wizards and a young witch.

"What the hell is going on and where the fuck did you go?" Cordy snarled as she invaded the Englishman's personal space. Angel saw the amused looks on the Sunnydale contingent's faces.

Then he focused on what was bothering him the most. The four core Scoobies all felt different. Giles seemed stronger and reminded him of the night that the adults of Sunnydale were all affected by the magicked candy. Then there was Buffy. She didn't feel the same as she had the last time he saw her. In fact she felt very different. Willow was unconscious and he could smell illness all around her.

However it was Xander that drew his attention the most. The boy had always caused so many mixed emotions in Angel. He was the only one to draw his attention totally away from Buffy. The two were equally loved and equally claimed by his soul and his demon.

Angel had never told anyone that Darla had played with his curse. When he had refused to return to her, she had had a spell cast that would cause him to go insane if the curse were ever removed.

It would make him seek to kill and destroy those who were meant to complete his life. He had done just that. He had tried to humiliate and then kill Buffy, Spike and Xander. Angel knew that Xander would never befriend him. He bore the face of the demon that had fractured his innocence completely. Not that Xander had ever told anyone.

His attention was drawn away from the boy when Spike began to growl at him subvocally. Angel looked at his Childe and raised an eyebrow. "He's mine," Spike snarled. The others looked at the two vampires and Remus reached over and pulled his son away from the angry blond.

Buffy glared at Angel when he snarled at Spike. "Don't even think about it, Angel," she snapped, shocking everyone.

"What? Since when do you stand up for the bleached wonder?" Cordy asked with a sneer.

Buffy turned cold eyes on her and Cordelia actually felt intimidated. "Anyone who tries to hurt Spike or Xander will bleed. That I promise you. They have been soul joined and Spike has a soul now. Not to mention the fact that we owe our lives to him. He was helping us even without a soul," Buffy told her coldly.

Xander beamed at Buffy, and Spike was shocked and heartened by her defence of him. Giles and Dawn stepped forward to stand by their side. "If you harm Spike we'll all be after you," Dawn added.

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