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Story Notes:
On re-reading, I realise that I seem to have set this fic in the Abrams Universe (due to one line definitely) - BUT- It could be set in either really, and it is meant to take place around the time of The Motion Picture...

Author's Chapter Notes:
McCoy gets his best friends talking...


McCoy sat in the locked room with his friends and colleagues, Jim Kirk & Spock. It wasn’t an unfair assessment of the situation to say that the three men were dumfounded! Yes. Even Spock.

“I would offer you both a double whiskey, and get one for myself...” McCoy began.

“But you would be correct not to.” Spock noted.

McCoy nodded, looking to Spock.

“I don’t know why I’m so surprised! I mean, what are we in now, the 23rd Century?” Kirk looked from Spock, briefly, to Leonard McCoy, to Spock again...

“They read our minds, Jim...” Spock stated. “Even as a touch telepath myself, I know that that is a lot to face up to, quite literally...”

“And yet, it’s so simple...” Kirk pondered aloud. “They read our feelings, for each other, made things far more simple than we,” Jim looked at Spock, “have ever let it be..!”

McCoy spoke up, unsure if he should. “What did I tell you not so long ago, Jim?”

“You basically told me,” Kirk looked to the Doctor, then, before continuing, at Spock, “that Spock is my ideal life partner, my ideal mate...”

“And you didn’t disagree...” McCoy reminded Kirk, and looked at Spock as he did so. “How do you feel about Spock, truthfully?”

“I love him as a man in love loves the one he’s in love with...” Jim braved saying it.

“He’s told you very clearly how he feels about you, Spock...” Dr McCoy told the Vulcan.

“And our baby?” Spock queried James Kirk.

“I am, undeniably shocked that you are carrying our baby, even with the help of alien telepathy and Conception/Gestation Surgeries...” Kirk started.

“Understandable.” Spock understated, but knew the Doctor and Jim could tell.

“I understand that these aliens were only trying to help us to be happy, and that, since V’Ger, you understand the importance of happiness...”

“I do.” Spock informed him.

McCoy and Spock himself noted Jim’s smile.

“I want to be a great father to the child, like I know my father would have been to me...” Jim spoke of George Kirk, who died to make sure his crewmates would be kept safe.

“There is no reason you cannot be...” Spock replied simply to the father of his child.

Jim was on the verge of tears, but he braved looking in to Spock’s eyes.

Leonard McCoy quietly left the room, and made sure it locked again...

“Spock, are you okay about this?” Jim asked.

“My logic and my emotions are actually working in tandem about the matter...” Spock spoke honestly. “I can cope, Jim, do not worry...”

Kirk got up and walked over to the Vulcan who was making it possible for him to settle down, and belong to a real family...

Spock looked up from where he sat on one of the room’s sofas, and held out two closed fingers to Jim, asking the man to touch him as a spouse would.

Jim met Spock’s fingers in what he knew was the very dignified, very intimate, Vulcan sign of love. He sat beside Spock and smiled. “All this and we haven’t even kissed yet...”

Spock’s eyes smiled, even if his face was controlled enough not to... “We don’t have to wait for my Pon Farr to take hold...”

With that, James T Kirk kissed Spock, and they leant back on this sofa in the locked room, and began to make love for the first time, and not before time..!

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