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Chapter 24

Gibbs left Tony still asleep with Ducky watching over him and another agent outside of the house. He’d gotten a message from Tobias to say he’d meet him at NCIS. He wasn’t sure what that was about but he’d learn soon.
He entered NCIS and headed straight for interrogation. He’d just rounded the corner when McGee caught up with him.

“Boss, we know who the third assailant was…”

Gibbs turned away because he heard someone approaching interrogation from the other direction.

“It was FBI Agent Sacks…”

Just then Gibbs saw Tobias and two other agents escorting Sacks down the hall. Without thought he was suddenly in Sacks’ face pinning him against the wall, his forearm pressing against Sacks’ throat. Tobias, McGee and the other two agents were trying to pry him off, succeeding after nearly a minute.

The next thing Gibbs knew was that he was being held by McGee and the two agents while Tobias was down on one knee checking Sacks. Sacks was coughing but otherwise appeared to be alright.

“Okay…OKAY!” Gibbs practically yelled. He was slowly released but he could see the wary looks of the agents who were watching him closely in case he tried to kill Sacks a second time.

“Does he need a medic?” he growled at Tobias who shook his head. “Then get him into interrogation!” he spit out with a nearly violent gesture of his arm indicating the room.
Tobias nodded his head at his two agents who moved to help Sacks into interrogation but he walked up to Gibbs.

“I can’t let you go in there, Jethro, you are not a part of this investigation.” Tobias said with one hand on Gibbs’ chest.

“The hell I’m not…” growled Gibbs.

“He’s right,” came a new voice from behind them both.

Gibbs turned to see Leon Vance standing there one hand in his pants pocket the other holding on to a toothpick he’d obviously just plucked from his mouth.

Leon sauntered over to the two men but his eyes stayed on Gibbs.

“You’re too close. In fact, even Agent McGee and Officer David are too close but since they’ve begun the investigation I’ll let them continue unless I feel a need to pull them.”

“SecNav sent you to handle the investigation.” It was a statement. “What else?”

“In charge until further notice,” Leon replied.

Gibbs could see that he wasn’t exactly happy about it, either. It didn’t surprise him. It was close to Christmas and who knew how long the investigation would take, let alone finding a replacement for Jenny. He didn’t envy the man.

“I still want in on the interrogations, Leon.” Gibbs demanded. He wanted to know firsthand just what Sacks and the others had done.

“Can’t happen,” Leon stated unequivocally. “This is going to go by the books and from what I just saw I doubt any of these men would survive to see their trials if you were involved.”

“Damnit, Leon!” Gibbs knew he was right but he needed to be in on it, needed to do something to assuage his anger and guilt.

Leon looked at the furious man before him but he couldn’t do anything about that. He had to make sure it was done right not only for Tony but for NCIS. The whole issue was already raising holy hell with two agencies because an FBI agent was involved but with the sensitive issue of male pregnancy it was a complete powder keg.

“I’m sorry, Jethro…really. If something like this had happened to my wife I don’t know if I could stand back, either…order or not. But I’m not just ordering you to do that…I’m asking you to. Let Agent Fornell and I handle this for you.”

Leon watched Jethro looking for some sign of acquiescence. He didn’t want to take any drastic measures to keep Jethro away but he would, for both his and DiNozzo’s sake. Gibbs eyes were boring holes through his head but he stared right back. After a moment Gibbs did give one single nod. He let out a tiny exhalation of relief, which was all that he would allow himself when facing Leroy Jethro Gibbs in attack mode, and then he nodded back.

“I wanna watch,” Jethro tried again and Leon snorted. He knew Gibbs wouldn’t just walk away, but this he would allow.

“Alright, and then you go take care of Tony,” he said not unkindly.

Gibbs nodded back and his eyes defrosted a bit which was as close as he’d come to a thank you. Tobias also let out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t sure if they’d be able to get Gibbs to back off without cuffing him, not after that murderous intent he’d seen in Jethro’s eyes, a look which he hoped to God he’d never again see on his friend’s face.

“Let’s do this, then,” Tobias said.

“You going in alone?” Gibbs asked.

“No, I’ve got McGee backing me up. I was pretty impressed when I saw him interrogating Perkins and Watts. That boy’s been taking lessons from you, Jethro. He had Perkins shaking and Watts did, in fact, piss his pants.”

Jethro smiled broadly, his first in far too long, and gave a quick nod. “This I’ve gotta see,” he said.


Tobias walked into the room and sat across the table from Sacks and just looked at him without expression. After a few moments Agent McGee also entered. He moved to the back of the room and leaned against the wall nonchalantly and staring at Sacks. Sacks stared back sullen and angry and refusing to speak. Sacks was used to this interrogation technique although he’d always been on the other side of the table in McGee’s position backing up Fornell. But he could do this. He was a trained interrogator, too. He didn’t have to admit to anything. All he had to do was stay quiet until Director Shepherd showed up. Just let Fornell lead the questions and then he’d know what they had on him, he’d know what had been said. He just had to let Fornell spill the information. It should be easy. He’d done this a hundred times to other suspects. He eyed the cool man sitting opposite of him and he felt a twinge in his stomach. Damnit! What did Fornell know?

They sat that way for awhile in a well-known standoff each waiting for the other to break, Sacks occasionally rubbing a hand over his bruised neck. He kept all expression off of his face which was proving harder to do than he thought as his mind worked furiously to figure out his options. He again rubbed his neck. Where the hell did that bastard Gibbs get off treating him like that? He was doing him a favor by getting rid of DiNozzo. Sacks looked at Fornell and then looked at the mirror behind him and wondered who was watching this. Was Director Shepherd there? What had she said about his involvement? This was never supposed to come back on him…she’d promised that. He looked at the mirror again and told himself to remain calm. Yeah, he told himself that but tiny doubts worked their way into his thoughts. Shepherd was a powerful woman. He’d trusted in that power but what if she turned her back on him? And what had Perkins and Watts said? He never knew what it felt like to be on this side of the table opposite Fornell and he’d never really thought about it before. But it was tough, hard to believe with someone as initially unimposing as Fornell, but there was something in his eyes, eyes he’d watched for several years that made him itch to learn more about the man. He readjusted his chair to be more comfortable.

Fornell looked through his papers a bit longer. Sacks was fidgeting. Always a good sign. But Fornell was disappointed. He’d of thought Sacks would do better than this, but then you really don’t know what it felt like to be in the hot chair until you were there. He’d been in Sacks’ position, too, but he’d been innocent. Sacks wasn’t and you could see his nervousness in his darting eyes and slight movement. He waited a bit more.
Sacks looked up at the camera. The red light was on so they were recording this. God, it was never supposed to have gotten to this point and he resented Fornell being the one to question him about it. They were a team, not enemies. This was all DiNozzo’s fault, if he hadn’t caught Fornell’s eye none of this would have happened. Where was Gibbs? He was the exalted one at NCIS…or was he out of it because of his personal involvement with DiNozzo? He gritted his teeth at the thought of the perverted bastard and he blamed him for the entire mess. Why hadn’t he been killed along with his supposed brother? It would have saved everyone a lot of grief. He ran his hand over the back of his neck and finally blurted the question that had been plaguing him.

“Where is Director Shepherd?”

“She is unavailable,” Fornell said and resumed his review of the file in his hands.

Sacks blew out a lungful of air in exasperation. “When will she be available?” he asked and then kicked himself.
Fornell looked at Sacks over the top of his glasses. He’d honestly hoped that Sacks would last longer. But guilt did that to a man if he had any bit of conscience at all. Guilt and fear. He wondered when he would ask for a lawyer.

“What did Director Shepherd promise you?” Fornell asked curiously as he looked at the younger man he’d been mentoring as an agent. Why had he never seen the level of antipathy Sacks held for DiNozzo? He’d reviewed Sacks psych eval to see what they had missed that Jenny had obviously picked up on in order to recruit him for her plan. But maybe it all boiled down to his hatred of DiNozzo. He’d known men to kill for less.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sacks replied as he again glanced at the mirror behind Fornell.

“Well, why don’t I enlighten you?” Fornell began.

“According to some statements I have here it says that you were the ring-leader in your little Get Rid of DiNozzo plan. It was your idea to attack Agent DiNozzo on NCIS premises and that you were the one to take the evidence bag from his desk.”

“Those are lies…”

“Okay, I was just trying to clarify some things from these other statements but if you know the truth, why don’t you tell me. Then you can explain the video evidence from the surveillance cameras in the bullpen and in the hallway where you attacked Agent DiNozzo,” Fornell said as he watched Sacks eyes.

Surveillance cameras? The Director had never said anything about that…

Fornell saw the surprise widen his ex-agent’s eyes slightly before they narrowed again. Gotcha, he thought. But it was the truth. Abby and McGee had worked their magic once they’d gone through Jenny’s computer and saw that she’d been accessing the digital recordings.

Unfortunately she’d been good. They couldn’t recover what she’d deleted but they could prove that the recordings had been altered and by whom. It had been an educated guess on McGee’s part that it had been Sacks who’d taken the evidence. Fornell had gotten lost in his explanation about data this and sequence that and instead found himself watching Abby’s pigtails bounce as she nodded furiously at McGee’s side. God, what he wouldn’t give to have those two on his team. He decided to play his next card.

“We also have evidence linking you to the utility closet,” he said.

“That’s not possible,” Sacks said as he stared into Fornell’s face. They’d made sure that they didn’t leave any trace on DiNozzo… He knew that he hadn’t gone crying to that freaky lab tech so how could they have gotten anything? He thought back. Yeah, DiNozzo had fought, slammed Watts across the face with his knee once when he bent down. He himself had gotten head-butted…could it have been a hair, some spit? Jesus, she must have searched millimeter by millimeter…

“I want a lawyer.”

“The Bureau’s Legal Advocate is on his way here now.”

Fornell watched as Sacks closed his eyes. Didn’t think about evidence at the location, did you? he thought to himself. Tony must have struggled pretty good to have dislodged trace from Sacks and Watts, the two they were able to identify through DNA. It was through Watts’ statement that they were able to place Perkins there as well.

“What I don’t understand, Ron, is why? What would make you get involved with Shepherd on this?”

Sacks looked at Fornell. He knew he should just be quiet but the anger and indignation was churning inside of him.

“She wanted DiNozzo out of the agency," he blurted. "…she said he made her look bad…”

“And you didn’t question this?”

“She’s the Director of NCIS…”

McGee moved over to the table and leaned down, one hand on the table the other on the back of the chair Sacks sat in.

“She’s not the Director anymore…” he said quietly.

Fornell could see the fury in McGee’s eyes and he approved.

“Do you want to know where she is?” he asked in the same quiet voice. “She’s in the hospital. She’s got a brain tumor. It completely affected her behavior, made her do things she normally wouldn’t. But you didn’t question that, did you? You followed along with her plans without batting an eye. The question is why? Why you?”

Sacks turned to look at McGee. She’s sick? No, that’s not possible… Fuck, fuck, fuck… Oh, he was so screwed and he blamed DiNozzo. That guy caused him nothing but grief, the golden boy that Gibbs wanted so bad…that Fornell wanted…

“She knew I hated him…” he said suddenly tired of the bullshit and not caring whether or not his lawyer was present. “…always joking, disregarding procedure…policy…his absence would be better for both agencies…perverted bastard…” Sacks spit out at McGee.

“So all of this was just because of his personality? His sexuality?” McGee yelled as he slapped the table with the flat of his hand.

“No, that’s not all…” Sacks yelled back.

“He’s an excellent agent…one of the best…” Fornell said sincerely playing perfectly off of McGee’s Gibbs imitation.

“The best! He’s an overgrown, arrogant brat!” Sacks nearly yelled at Fornell. “One you kept asking to switch over to us! All you ever talked about was how good he was at undercover work, how well he read people…well, what about me? You don’t know half of what I’m capable of…undercover work, forgery…”

“You signed the counseling forms,” McGee suddenly said. He knew as soon as he saw what was written that Tony would never have said half of that stuff…especially not to the Director.

“Yes! I wanted DiNozzo gone as much as the Director did so I did everything she said, even planned some of it myself to get that bastard out of our lives…” Sacks declared furious beyond all sense. He looked at Fornell with a look of supplication in his eyes. “You didn’t need him…we didn’t…” his voice trailed off at the look of revulsion in Fornell’s eyes and suddenly understanding that he’d lost everything.

So this was all driven by jealousy, both Jenny’s and Sacks’, Gibbs thought as he watched through the mirror, half of him proud of McGee the other half ready to run in there and kill Sacks.

“Our lives, Ron? There is no ‘we’ here,” Fornell stated in disgust. He didn’t know where Sacks was coming from, either seeing him as a father figure or whether or not he had sexual feelings for him but it was immaterial. What he’d done in the name of unreasoning hatred for DiNozzo was beyond intolerable.

“How long are we talking here, Agent McGee?”

“Sexual Harassment, Assault on a Federal Officer, Tampering with Evidence, Hampering a Federal Investigation, that’s a start so I’d say maybe two years…18 months if you consider Sacks’ record…”

“Eighteen months…not that long. But you won’t be alone, Perkins and Watts will be right there with you, although most of the evidence charges will go against you and not Perkins. And then you get out, but to what, Ron?”

Sacks just shook his head resigned to how fucked up everything was. “Look, I took the bag off of DiNozzo’s desk but I passed it on to Perkins. What he did with it was all his idea.”

Fornell nodded, done with the whole thing. Perkins had already admitted to handling the evidence bag but he, at least, had been smart enough to lawyer up during his first interrogation. They hadn’t gotten much more out of him after that. Fornell was still amazed at what Ron had admitted to and he knew he’d be thinking about it and the unknowing role he’d played for a long time to come.

Later, when they had full confessions as well as another name, a woman who worked in the evidence room that Ziva would interrogate next, Jethro stepped out of the viewing room to see McGee handing Perkins off to go back to holding. He walked up to his newest Senior Field Agent and patted him on the back.

McGee turned quickly with a bit of surprise on his face. “Boss…?”

“Just wanted to tell you that you did good in there, Tim…real good,” Jethro said.

Ziva and Tobias had walked up also but remained standing quietly a few feet away.

“Proud of you, Senior Field Agent McGee,” Gibbs continued with a glint in his eye and a slight smile on his lips which broadened when McGee’s mouth fell open.

“Bu-but what about Tony?” he asked, shocked at Gibbs’ pronouncement.

“We can’t be on the same team, especially after we’re married. Need a new Senior Agent. You’re it.”

“Th-thank you, Boss…you won’t regret it,” McGee stammered out.

“It’s up to you to make sure I don’t…but you might,” he said with a smile and then turned. With a nod to both Tobias and Ziva he left to go home to see Tony. He needed nothing more after hearing everything Tony had been through than to hold him in his arms. He practically flew out of the building with only that goal in mind.


Gibbs flew up the stairs but then slowed to quietly open the door to the bedroom. He saw Ducky reading in silence by Tony’s bedside. He looked up when Gibbs opened the door.

Gibbs never said a word, his eyes solely on the lone occupant of the bed. He began to remove his clothes laying them neatly on the chair near Ducky.

Ducky watched the man he’d known and called friend for very many years. He could see how very agitated his was, the anger boiling just below the surface but blazing out of his eyes. He considered asking but immediately discarded the thought. What Jethro now needed was curled up asleep in the bed. He gathered up his book and walked out of the room and went home.

Gibbs finished undressing. Nude, he slipped under the covers and pulled Tony close. Tony mumbled once but curled up to Gibbs with a small sigh. Gibbs could feel the warmth of Tony’s body slowly seeping into him and only then did he realize he was cold, cold inside so deep that he felt frozen. Tony’s warm breath ghosted across his chest where he’d curled up next to him and Gibbs slowly, almost woodenly, began to stroke the soft hair.

Eventually, it was as though the ice in his veins began to melt and the soothing movements of running his fingers through the silk became easy and smooth, no longer stiff with rage and pain. The fury and hatred that had stiffened his jaw and kept his muscles tight faded away allowing him to breathe deeply of Tony’s scent, letting it fill him and ease the pain.

In his sleep Tony curled closer, one large warm hand stroking the soft skin under it. He pulled a leg up and threw it over Gibbs’ to tuck himself tighter to the form that eased his own painful dreams. The feeling of security and safety washed over him as easily as the scent of sawdust and coffee and he slipped deeper into sleep.
Together the two men found what they needed in each other’s arms, healing one another by their presence and closeness. They found peace and slept.

Chapter 25

For three days Tony had slept almost continuously with Stan, Ducky or Jethro in attendance, rousing only to drink water or broth or to use the bathroom. Since he was sleeping easily they opted not to disturb him. Jethro had worried at first but both Stan and Ducky agreed that he would fully awaken on his own when he was ready. In the meantime Jethro started some projects as both a surprise for Tony and to keep his hands and mind occupied…and away from the dark thoughts that still plagued him. He began by emptying the two other bedrooms in the house. The bedroom across the hall used to be the spare bedroom but now contained all of the things from his marriage with Shannon. After his family’s death he was unable to look at the home they’d created together, so he packed everything into boxes and shoved them into the room and closed the door. He hadn’t been in there in years but now he finally acknowledged that he had to deal with it and whatever emotions the memories dredged up. It had been long enough.

So he looked through everything and decided what he wanted to keep. He had no intention of trying to forget the life they had, but he didn’t need to keep every little knickknack she’d collected in their short time together, either. A lot of it got donated, some thrown away, and some would be moved back into the living room downstairs.
Tony had asked once, way back before he’d left that first time, why Jethro didn’t keep a photo of his family out. In his own way, Gibbs knew that Tony was trying to mesh their lives together but he’d resisted. Happy times should be remembered, he’d said and Jethro had wondered at that. Tony had no mementos of his own childhood, just things from his college days and a few photos of friends from his previous jobs in Peoria and Baltimore. With a pang Jethro had realized that there were no happy memories for Tony back then, nothing worth remembering. That wasn’t the case for Jethro. And as he sorted through the boxes he smiled and remembered and finally understood that he no longer needed to shut Shannon and Kelly away in his heart. Being with Tony had healed much of the pain he’d known. So he placed those things he wanted to put out in a box and set them aside to share with Tony and to get his input as to their placement. It was time to mesh together their pasts, their present and their future.

The room finally cleaned he turned to the next part…Kelly’s bedroom. For years Gibbs had refused to go in there as well, but this room he’d left untouched since his return from seeking his revenge and after awhile it was as though it didn’t exist. The only person to have gone in was Tony when he’d left the second time. Jethro still couldn’t believe that Tony had managed to climb down the tree in his condition and he smiled. His boy was definitely spunky but then he grimaced at the memory of the long gash down Tony’s side. He still deserved a head slap for that stunt.

Not one to put something off just because it would be unpleasant, Gibbs opened the door and was transported back through the years. Dusty stuffed animals and pictures drawn by a childish hand adorned the shelves he’d built so many years before and he felt the familiar pang in his heart. Choosing some items that he specially remembered as keepsakes, he again boxed up everything else and sent it out.

He’d just begun cleaning and re-painting that third day when McGee had shown up. He wasn’t surprised to learn that Tony was resting. He noted the splatter of paint on Gibbs’ hands and asked where he was working.

“Spare bedroom,” Gibbs replied but didn’t question McGee when he took his jacket off and rolled up his sleeves. Together they went upstairs and they continued the job working silently but efficiently. The room was done in no time.

“What’s on the agenda for tomorrow?” McGee asked as he gathered his coat.

“Move furniture, paint the nursery,” Gibbs said with a slight smile.

“Fine. See you tomorrow,” McGee said with a nod and then he left.

The next day both Abby and McGee had shown up and they started, Abby keeping uncharacteristically quiet and not asking to see Tony. Gibbs let it slide not sure if Abby was angry or afraid. She’d only asked what theme Gibbs was going with for the nursery. He’d just shrugged his shoulders, at a loss beyond painting the room a light shade of green with white trim. Abby nodded and made a phone call and then sent McGee out for some more paint. Ziva showed up later with a wallpaper border that showed scenes from fairy tales, princesses and knights, smiling dragons and unicorns. She’d also brought matching curtains for the window. McGee returned with green paint a few shades darker than the rest of the room. They painted the bottom half the darker green and then Gibbs ordered pizza for lunch.

Gibbs peeked in on Tony who woke up enough to munch on some vegetarian pizza and drink some juice. He did ask what smelled funny, sort of like paint, but Gibbs brushed away his questions by stroking Tony’s hair until he fell asleep again.

The girls put the border up where the two shades of green met while Tim helped Gibbs put the crib together. It was brand new and had been delivered just that morning. There was also a matching dresser and changing table. The four of them stood admiring their handiwork when Gibbs tapped McGee on the shoulder and they left. They returned a few moments later with a wooden rocking chair and a cradle. It was obvious both had been hand-made.

“Oh, they’re beautiful, Gibbs!” Abby said softly and she lightly clapped her hands together.

“You made these, yes?” Ziva asked. She’d known of Gibbs’ previous family long before the others knew having profiled the team before her arrival.

Gibbs nodded his throat tight with emotion that didn’t show on his face and yet everyone there knew what he was feeling and what it meant to him.

After a bit they moved downstairs once Gibbs had checked in on Tony once more.

“When do you think he’ll see us?” Abby asked once Gibbs had rejoined them.

He could hear the pain in her voice and he brought her into his arms.

“Soon,” he whispered and pulled back to see the tears in her eyes. She nodded and he looked at them all, his team…no, he corrected…his family.

“Thank you…” he said and was rewarded by three surprised looks. “I do say it every now and then, don’t I?” he asked and then saw three equally dubious looks and he laughed. “I mean it, though. Thanks…for all your work, for helping find Tony…”

“Boss,” Tim interrupted. He still didn’t feel they deserved thanks. They’d let Tony down.

“No, Tim,” Gibbs said knowing what he was going to say.
“Tony didn’t let you in…I know how good he is at that,” he said remembering Tony’s cover-up on the day he left. "Jenny’s good, too. She fooled everyone…including me,” he looked at each of them in turn. “I don’t blame any of you.” But I do blame myself, he thought with a pang of self-recrimination.

He saw the easing of tension in the young people around him and relaxed slightly.

“What can we do to make this better?” Abby asked, still not mollified with the situation.

“Well, there is something I was going to ask for your help with…”

“Anything, Gibbs…”

“Name it, Bossman…”

Ziva merely nodded her head with a smile and Gibbs nodded once in acknowledgment before telling them of his plan. Their response was enthusiastic and it eased some of the tension in his shoulders he hadn’t realized he was still carrying. Then they all sat down to work out the details.


Tony tossed the magazine, throwing it actually, across the room to land in a pile with the other magazines in the corner. He’d been fretting not only over his inactivity and boredom but over the fact that he needed to get things done for the baby. He thought about Sue and smiled. Her sweet support for a total stranger had really touched him. And he was sure she was right about that moment when he held his baby in his arms…he just couldn’t really imagine that level of peace just yet. But soon he would know which brought him back to the things he needed to get. Clothes, a crib, diapers, blankets…he wracked his brain, his thoughts filled with all of the stuff in the catalogs he’d seen but it seemed like an insurmountable task to figure it all out. He did order some stuff using Gibbs’ credit card…he had money but no cards, yet…but he didn’t think it was enough plus it was almost Christmas…..


Gibbs walked in with a lunch tray in time to see the periodical sail across the room and to hear his frustration. He smiled. Tony was bored. He was finally really awake after having slept for nearly three solid days and most of the next. After that, although he was awake, he was so tired he spent the next couple of days just watching the TV Gibbs had brought into the bedroom. Jethro brought him a laptop with his favorite games and he seemed content. He wasn’t speaking very much and Gibbs didn’t push him. They spoke quietly together when they weren’t just holding one another but Gibbs knew it wouldn’t last.

Now, after nearly five days at home, Tony was chafing at the bit and displaying his boredom and frustration by pitching the magazines across the room. He nearly laughed out loud at the grumpy pout on the beautiful face. And God, did he look beautiful. The shadows were gone from his eyes and his hair was a mess. He was rumpled and wrinkled and needed a shave but he was the best looking thing Gibbs had seen in what seemed like forever and he had the deepest urge for a repeat of their early morning together. A sense memory of the taste of Tony’s skin assailed him and he felt a familiar rush to his groin.

“I’m not hungry,” he said and Gibbs did laugh out loud when that gorgeous bottom lip stuck out.

“Doctor’s orders,” he said setting the tray on the nightstand. Then he leaned down and pulled Tony’s head in for a kiss. He sucked that pouty bottom lip into his mouth and nibbled lightly until he heard Tony moan. He sat down next to him on the bed.

“If you’re a good boy and eat everything I brought you can have some dessert.”

“I thought dessert came after dinner?”

“If you’re a good boy we can make an exception,” Gibbs said before leaning in for another kiss.

“Mmm, I can be very good…very, very good…”

“Prove it…”

Tony smiled broadly as he reached for Jethro and brought him closer but Gibbs only gave him one more quick kiss. “…after you eat.”

Tony dropped his head onto Jethro’s shoulder with another strangled “aarrgh!” but complied. Besides, the grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup looked pretty good which meant that he’d get his dessert easily. He smiled and lifted his head.

Gibbs looked at his smiling face and dropped another quick kiss on Tony’s lips but that’s all he’d allow himself. He stood up and put the tray across Tony’s lap and waited until he began eating before stepping towards the door. He had to get out of there now or Ducky might find an eyeful.

“You’re not eating with me?”

“Not hungry…had that late breakfast with you,” he said. “Besides, I’m working on some stuff.”

Tony pouted again and Gibbs smiled. “Ducky will be over after lunch. The team will be by to see you this afternoon.”

Gibbs saw Tony drop his head. Shortly after waking up Tony had made his formal statement to Acting Director Vance so that the investigation could continue but he hadn’t made any move towards seeing his team mates. Gibbs knew he was embarrassed about seeing everyone he’d walked away from, but the fact was that they had to talk this thing out. Tony couldn’t avoid them forever.

“You can clean up after lunch. Ducky’ll be here by one,” Jethro said gently. Tony lifted his head and nodded. “Holler if you need anything.”

“What are you working on?”

“Surprise,” Gibbs said easily hoping to get Tony’s mind on something other than the impending visit.

“Really?” Tony said with a bright and eager grin and Jethro nodded.

“Eat,” he ordered and watched Tony dig into his sandwich.
With a nod he left him to eat while he continued with another one of his plans.

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