Scared by Sara [M - 16+]
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If you like Frieza in anyway, you won't after this, and if you don't like him…come join the torture party! Angst, death, cruelty to children, yaoi, lemon, male pregnancy (so far….) Um…oh yeah, maybe best read listening to Thankyou by Dido, that's the song I listened to while writing this…
Categories: Dragon Ball Z; Characters: Frieza, Original, Raditz, Vegeta, Vegeta/Frieza, Zarbon; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Abuse, Alien Conception, Angst, Birth, Brain-Insane, Complete, Forced Conception, m/m, Non- Con, Out Of Character, Slave/Master, Yaoi
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 13560; Read Count: 8301; Completed: Yes
Updated: 04/04/2011; Published: 04/04/2011