Fandom: Askewniverse
Pairing: Jay/Silent Bob
Rating: R, for language
Disclaimer: For the most part, the characters and settings this story is presented in are the property of Kevin Smith and View Askew. I don't own Jay or Silent Bob or any of the other common VA characters and am not profiting from this fic. Batman belongs to DC comics and Tim Burton and Bruce Wayne and whoever else owns it.
Notes: Pure, unadulterated, plotless, fluffity-fluff fluff fluff. Just something I threw together when BORED AS HELL in statistics class. Takes place right after "Mallrats." YES, the leg-humping comes form personal experience, but it actually happened after sixth period - drawing two, I believe it was. Just -bam- humped in the middle of the hallway... it was a hump and run. *Ahem* - yeah. On with the fic.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Watching a movie and thinking.

Challenge: the October 2001 "Full Moon" Quickie Challenge


Dance With the Devil

by starlastumbleine

'Here it comes,' thought Silent Bob.

"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

Bob grinned. Comic book movies rocked. They weren't his favorite, but shit, the Joker fuckin' rocked in the Batman movie. And that was one of his favorite lines.

Speaking of the Joker and his favorite lines, Bob smiled and ran a hand through the mass of hair on his lap.

'Where do you get such wonderful toys?'

Bob thought back wistfully on the day.

For all his taunting and teasing, most of the time Jay was really good to him. Sweet, in fact.

Said blonde lay presently in Silent Bob's lap, giving him warm-fuzzy feelings all over again. He ran his hand through his hair a few more times. Jay shifted slightly, back into Bob, settling himself firmly, quietly (for once today) watching the movie.

Even if he hadn't been exhausted as hell, he'd still let Bob hold him like this.

Lots of things went unsaid in their tiny apartment and this was one of them.

Jay was normally all over Bob. That instance today, the kiss on the cheek he'd received for saving their collective asses from LaFours, was really a common event.

Lunchbox went out for Chinese.

Lunchbox gets a hug.

Silent Bob gets us the hell away from the cops.

Silent Bob gets a kiss.

Tubby Bitch gets Jay a beer.

Tubby Bitch gets cuddled.

It just turned out, Jay was a touchy-feely kind of guy.

The kind of guy who, back in high school, would see you in the hall after third period and randomly run up and hump your leg, just for shits and giggles.

The kind of guy who, after your girlfriend dumped you, would take you out to get trashed and then walk around with his arm around your shoulders for the next week.

For all his dickhead moves and fluid insults, Jay was damn nice.

Silently, Jay reached up and took hold of the hand gliding slowly through his hair. He gripped it tightly and pulled it to his shoulder, keeping it there.

Jay had just always liked to keep Bob close to him.

Bob knew that somewhere in all this, in letting Jay do this all the time, he was gaining a sense of possession over him. And Bob decided he wouldn't quite mind being owned by Jay. Jay kept closer to him than any girlfriend had, ever. Jay hugged and kissed him more than his mother ever had. He'd never been appreciated so much for just standing around and keeping someone company.

Silent Bob decided that whatever this was sure beat the shit out of keeping some cold chick around who might cook and clean and pump out kids, but would never be such a friend to him.

As the movie ended, Bob heard Jay's soft, sleepy breathing and felt that the hand holding his had slackened.

He picked up the remote and switched off the television. Then, reaching over to the side table carefully, he pulled the chain on the lamp and the room went dark. Some spots, though, were bathed in the pale blue light of the full moon shining through the window.

Shadows were cast upon the simple, graceful face resting in his lap. Bob pulled his hand lightly from Jay's shoulder so as not to disturb him and he manipulated them both into an easier position, laying together on the couch, tangled with one another, Bob holding Jay warmly to him.

For all he talked, Jay would never make mention of this, so Bob had ventured to do it. Because certain things went unsaid in this tiny apartment. Certain things just didn't need words.

A dance with the devil in the pale moonlight.

This was as close as they'd get to it.

Silent Bob's eyes drifted shut, pale blue shadows fading like bruises to black.

This was all he needed.



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