Return of the Monster Plot Bunnies

Hope everyone can find something interesting.


Sorry if these plot bunnies have been done to death. I haven't read anything like them and would love it if someone sent me a link to where I could find them. Thanks. Massive amounts of misspelled words ahead. Please forgive me if I mess up. Sorry. In addition, I am not responsible if you don't like the ideas. Or if you don't like AUs and crossovers, you probably shouldn't be reading this. Can't deal? Don't read. -lina

Lord of the Rings...from the movie not the book:

Why does Aragorn so fear Moria? What if, as part of his test to become a full-fledged Ranger, he was taken there? He was supposed to spend a week looking around and finding out what the dwarves were up to. As back up, Legolas and Glorfindel went along. (After all, Aragorn is NEEDED alive.) However, things go horribly wrong. How?

Suppose Aragorn couldn't deal with the burden of being Isildur's heir? He left the elves and became a full time Ranger, found a mortal wife and even had children. But one day, the wife and all but one child are killed by Orcs. The elves know there is a child left, but find a trail leading to a nearby river and then nothing. So, Gandalf wipes Aragorn's memory since he goes mad with grief and wants to kill every Orc in existence. Now, 15 years later, a young fighter saves Legolas' life and joins him on his journey to Rivendell. What if the fighter were Aragorn's surviving child? What happens next?

Legolas is facing an arranged marriage to a female he has never met, but comes from Rivendell. He flees Mirkwood to buy time to think about what he should do. Along the way, he is attacked by Orcs and sorely wounded. Though he escapes the attack, he collapses in a nearby wood. There, Elrond's sons find him and take him back to Rivendell. Elrond heals him and Legolas awakens in the very city he wants most to avoid. Fortunately, no one knows what the Prince of Mirkwood is supposed to look like, so they don't know it's him. And since his throat was injured, he cannot say his name and as his wrist on his writing hand was broken...he cannot write they give him a nickname. But can he escape from Rivendell before they discover who he is? And will he want to?

Legolas is devastated by the death of Gandalf. More so because he thinks he was a coward before the Balrog and should have been able to do something to save the Wizard. His grief is so deep, the Lord and Lady worry he is going to will himself to death. How would they help him get over his pain? Who would they send?

Ever wonder why Haldir accepts everyone BUT Gimli? Why he is so against the dwarf? What if the Lord and Lady saw Haldir's arrogance as a problem and sent him to work with the Rangers for a year? Tell the tale set long before the Fellowship. What happened to make the arrogant Haldir protective of the innocent and so distrustful of the dwarves?

I noticed the Lurtz and Legolas seemed to know the other was around. What if Lurtz would sense elves? He's never seen one, so when they finally catch up to Aragorn and group, he goes looking. What if Lurtz kidnaps Legolas as well as Merry and Pippin? He wants to understand how he can feel Legolas and vice versa. What will he discover? Will it change the destiny of the Uruk-Hai for all time?

Galadriel knows Boromir will betray them. She also knows that it may well cost them everything. So what if she took steps to make sure Boromir cannot go? Maybe makes him ill or he is wounded by accident, or even just disappears. Would she send another in his place? Who? And what happens to Boromir in the meantime? Would the Ring call to him still?

What if Aragorn felt smothered in Rivendell? Everyone so depending on him. Watching over him to make sure nothing happens to him. What if, when he was young, he ran away from home? Tell the story of how he met Legolas. Became friends with him and Glorfindel. How he knows Haldir. And why the blond elf is so cold to him when they again meet many years ago and why Legolas is so sensitive to people insulting Aragorn.

Aragorn is pretty old. Well, maybe not to his own people, but to us he is. In all that time, he never took a lover? What if he did? What if he took a woman, maybe a female ranger, as a lover? What if she got pregnant? Wouldn't that mess with everyone's plans for Aragorn? What if this happened before he knew who he really was and so would have married her? Knowing all this, what would the others have done? Tell the tale.

A take on that idea, for those who might want a little push. Haldir and some other elves are sent to capture the woman and bring her to Lothlorien. There, Galadriel and Celeborn hope to convince her to either give them the child or let them end the pregnancy. They're not trying to be cruel, but Aragorn has a destiny they cannot allow to be sidetracked. What if she escapes, with the help of a certain elf Lady who thinks it is wrong? What happens to the child? Who does it become? Is it male or female? And would the child grow up to seek revenge?

Aragorn spends lots of time away from Rivendell. In fact, he seems to spend a lot of time avoiding the elves. He's not seated with them at the council and doesn't like Legolas defending him. And he acts very respectful to Haldir. Why? Suppose that the elves are not all sweet, innocent people. What would happen if some of them were fascinated with the young human being raised at Rivendell and decided to "learn" more about him? What if Legolas and Haldir came across the "learning experience" and it wasn't exactly one Aragorn wanted? Tell the tale.

The Adventure of Jules Verne:

While in America, Jules meets a strange man who seems to know all about magic. One night, the young man comes to Jules badly hurt. Before he dies, he passes on his legacy to the only white man he thinks could handle it. The legacy? He was the last Dragon Master and now Jules is the first white one. Only Jules doesn't believe in Dragons. Now a tattoo appears on Jules back, an elaborate drawing of dragons in flight. Are Dragons real? How could they be hidden? And who killed the last dragonmaster? Will they come after Jules and can he protect himself?

One night, a man comes to Jules' flat and kidnaps him. He leaves a note for Phileas to follow a set of clues, each with a trap. When Phileas gets past them all, he finds Jules unconscious and tied to a chair. A single old man confronts him. Phileas is told he has been chosen to protect the last true healer on the planet. A person who can cure and disease with a touch. A person hunted by the world's most powerful people. Phileas can't say no, but when he asks who the healer is, the old man just says he has already met the he must guard and love. Who is it? What will come after the chosen? Will Phileas find the chosen? (leaning toward Jules being the chosen for my fic)

The League is just darn unpleasant. What if they manage to get Jules, Phileas, Rebecca, and Passepartout? But rather than touch Jules, they want to break his mind. So they torture Rebecca, Passepartout, and Phileas in front of Jules. They never ask anything; they're just being cruel. But they do say that all Phileas, Passepartout and Rebecca have to do to end the pain is to ask them to stop and take Jules instead. Will they? What will such a display do to Jules?

Remember when the League created the Doppelgangers of Phileas and Rebecca? What if they had done more than just get Jules arrested? What if they could feel the affection the real Phileas and Rebecca felt for him and decided to use it to hurt Jules? What would they do and how would Jules react? Would he be able to stop them? And if he couldn't, how would he react when the real ones return?


Sanzo wants to be alone. So what happens if he is? What if, during a battle, a youkai manages to hit Sanzo with a spell that teleports him to a small island in the middle of nowhere? So Sanzo is finally alone with no one to need him. How does he react? Is it what he really wants?

What if Goku walked into a trap one day? Not one set by Kougaiji, but just some human assholes who realized he was youkai? What if the trap had his food drugged so he couldn't fight and while he was helpless, the humans beat him almost to death? What if Kougaiji was the one to stop them? What will he do, finding his greatest enemy helpless and near death?

Sanzo is sooooooo standoffish. What if there was a reason for his not liking being touched? What if it had to do with his childhood? What happened and who did it?

All the guys have haunted pasts. Things to hide from the others. Pain they don't want to share. But what happens if they are trapped in a building and the only way to open the door is for all of them to share their deepest secrets. But can they? And are they what everyone thinks? Have the bad guys caught them at last?

Big TIME AU.... what if the guys were actually members of a rock band? Sanzo the lead singer. Goyjo on guitar. Hakkai on synth. Goku on drums. And the enemies (Homura and gang included) were members of rival rock groups? And Kanzeon is the head of a BIG recording company. A company with a million dollar contract to offer....but only one.

Homura is very complicated. Why would he want Goku to be stronger? Why is he obsessed with Konzen? What if he had always wanted Konzen, but the God died before Homura could do anything? What if he really did care for Konzen, but over time, being used by the Gods has twisted him and now he fears his feelings for Konzen.....fears them because he knows he would only hurt the one he loves? So now he has found Konzen the form of Sanzo. At first he wants to kill Sanzo as the young man would never be able to stop him should Homura give into his obsession with him. But, later, he wants Goku to become stronger to protect Sanzo should he ever lose event he knows is coming. So what if that were the truth? Homura wants Konzen, and with him reborn as Sanzo...he can have him...but only though force and he doesn't want him that way....but will not be able to stop he pushes Goku...whom he knows loves become when the time comes....Goku will kill Homura and keep Konzen safe.

What if Sanzo were the child of the female God Homura so loved? She was killed because Homura loved her and reborn as a human. So what if she were Sanzo's mom? The child Homura feels should have been his. Only...the soul is that of old rival. At first, Homura wants to settle the score...but later realizes that Sanzo is the ONLY child his former love will ever have. Knowing the God who ordered her murdered will eventually demand the life of her child, even more so should the God realize who Sanzo used to be, Homura encourages Goku to become stronger...strong enough to protect Sanzo. At the same time, he allows others to challenge the group...after wouldn't be him killing Sanzo. So what happens? Will Goku be strong enough? Will the God give the order? What would Homura do if he did?

Suppose Nataku was on his throne in a coma because he could not deal with an order he had been given? What if he were ordered to kill Konzen and the others...and got them....but Kanzeon locked Goku away in his cage with the wards making sure he could not get out and no one could find him? But Nataku knew he would have to hunt him he just sent himself into a coma to avoid it. Now, Goku and the others are back. Is the order still in effect? Will Nataku wake up and follow it? Will the guys be able to stay alive this time? And why was the order given in the first place?

Poor Kougaiji...twisted and trapped inside his own mind. What if the change made him do ANYTHING to revive his father? He's already sacrificed many of his own followers. So what would happen if he found say...Goyjo helpless? He casts a binding on him that forces Goyjo to...not to kill Sanzo but rather knock him out and steal the sutra. How does Goyjo's brother react? How will Goyjo do it? Will he be able to stop himself? Will Sanzo kill him?

Remember when that desert youkai woman had Sanzo helpless? When he got free he became vicious and cruel; unlike anything the others had seen. What if she did something to Sanzo? Something that drove him mad? What was it? What did she do to Sanzo while he was helpless to stop her?

People keep commenting on how pretty Sanzo is. And he keeps shoving a gun in their faces. Why doesn't Sanzo like people noticing that he is good looking? Why does he get so upset when someone comes on to him? And it's not just the men. He doesn't like women touching him either. Why? What happened to make him like this? Or did something happen when he was Konzen?

Having seen the new Reloaded book I am even MORE convinced something is going on between Sanzo and the others. They do their best to protect him or at least keep the other Youkai away from him. Now, you've already seen the above make one of your own.

What if BOTH Gojyo and Hakkai could remember their past lives? They worry and protect Sanzo and Goku and even do their best to comfort Sanzo in his dark moments. What if they knew how they died before and it was Konzen who tried to protect them and got himself killed? What if this were the reason they looked out for Sanzo? And what happens if Sanzo begins to have nightmares about Konzen's last moments?

The group is used to dealing with mad youkai, so what would happen if they found a group of evil humans? One day they come to a village in the middle of an idyllic forest. It feels very peaceful and the people are wonderfully helpful and open. But the night they stay, Gojyo goes out to look for girls and doesn't come back. There is no sign of violence and no one remembers seeing him. They split up to find him and only Hakkai shows up at the meeting place. When the remaining two confront the townspeople, the people seem terribly confused and genuinely concerned and even offer to form a search party. That night something attacks Sanzo and Hakkai and carries off Hakkai and knocks out Sanzo. When Sanzo wakes he is chained in the jail. It turns out that the townspeople survive by feeding a huge youkai creature other youkai and in turn it gives them everything they need. No one works, no one gets sick, and best of all no one grows old and dies. Can Sanzo save the others? (Or you could come up with your own reason for the disappearances)

What if, when Kougaiji saved Yaone, the Crow Clan had to go out and get another victim? What if that victim had been Hakkai's wife? Suppose the reason Kanon was taken was because Kougaiji interfered. Now Hakkai likes Yaone, but what would happen if one day he found out why Kanon was taken? That the "reason" Kanon was chosen was because of Kougaiji and Yaone? What would he do?

One day, the guys take shelter in an empty temple. The walls depict a Sanzo killing hundreds of youkai. Sanzo tells them there was once a terrible battle there back when GuymaO (sic) was still around. The temple priests were eventually all killed and the only survivor was the depicted man. He never left the temple and died all alone. That night, Sanzo seems to have a nightmare and wakes the others up with the noise. However, when Hakkai goes to wake him up, Sanzo attacks him...using martial arts. He then grabs a spear off the wall and tries to kill them. They run rather than hurt Sanzo and figure he is just still having the nightmare and will wake up. What is going on?

Everyone believes the stories about "eating a Sanzo." So what if the legends were true? Just that everyone had the wrong kind of "eating" in mind? What would happen is someone found out the right way to gain immortality and eternal youth?

What if a very old youkai knew the truth because it had been doing it for thousands of years? However, the Sanzo must be pure. smoking, drinking, or meat eating and he or she has to "eat" a Sanzo once every thousand years. Think of it like getting a booster shot. Now, Sanzo and group wander into town as the youkai is looking to get his or her booster. Unfortunately, Sanzo isn't quite like other Sanzos. So what happens now? Could be comedy with the youkai trying to seduce Sanzo without really knowing him. IE....thinking Sanzo is some sort of shy, introspective person. Or could be angsty with the youkai kidnapping Sanzo and trying to "purify" him in time. Or something in between. Like kidnapping what he or she thinks is a shy, introspective Sanzo only to find out what he's really like. Or even something else.

White Cross:

So the fight is over and everyone goes back to normal lives....yeah right. Schwartz members do go their own ways but find themselves running into members of Weiss. Schu runs into Youji in a casino. Ran runs into Brad at a martial arts competition. Nagi and Omi are in the same college class. Ken finds Farfi watching some of his soccer kids. However, that doesn't mean they end up fighting. Schu convinces Youji to not start anything. Ran glares at Brad but does nothing because of the innocents around. Nagi and Omi actually strike up a friendship. Farfi beats Ken when he tries to drive the Irish man off...but he tells Ken he was only trying to keep the kids safe from God and then lets him go. What happens next? Will the former enemies get past their...well pasts? Or are they on a collision course again...only without their partners for back up? (Guess which way I'm going to take it. ;)

Brad has a thing about redheads. Of course, Aya (Ran) was always off limits. But after everything fell apart, he begins to wonder and Schu joins him in that. So they watch over him and Farfi and Nagi keep track of Omi, Ken, and Youji. One night, some muggers attack Ran and even though he manages to beat them up, one pulled a gun and got a shot off. Brad and Schu kill the guy and take Ran to the hospital. He doesn't understand why they did it and begins stalking them to find out what is going on. Will they be able to convince Ran they aren't going to hurt him or the others?

Crossover time: With Yu Yu Hakusho Suppose the members of Weiss and Schwartz are hiding out in hotels on the same block and a group of monsters open a gateway near them. They get hit with the same effect as the one created by Itsuki. Then the monsters attack and those changes manifest during the battle to keep from getting eaten. Yusuke and gang show up to find the monsters dead and a new group of changed humans. What happens next?

Suppose Schwartz kept track of the members of Weiss....just not for a bad reason. With their organizations shattered, the two groups are suddenly adrift...but Weiss members try to go back to normal lives. But...Schwartz has a harder time. To relieve the boredom...they begin watching over different members of Weiss. Brad looks after Omi. Nagi takes Ken. Farfi tracks Aya. Schu keeps an eye on Youji. One night...Omi is attacked on a college campus and Brad saves him. He leaves when the campus police arrive...but Omi knows who saved him. When he lets the others will they react? Will they find their tails? What will they do then?

Suppose a new crook wants to be the leader of a new criminal empire...yet Aya's team has been keeping the peace and getting rid of those who want to rebuild what they tore down. He contacts Brad but finds the man and his former teammates less than willing to fight Weiss again. In fact, they are trying to get on with their own lives. Knowing his men wouldn't stand a chance, the bad guys come up with a plan. He has some men kidnap Omi at college and leave enough evidence to lead back to Brad and the guys. Will Aya and the others fall for it?

After everything is over, the guys try to get on with their lives. Omi goes to college and so does Nagi. Ken gets a job at a center for kids as a coach. Youji and Aya run the flower shop after it reopens. Then one day, in a completely random act of violence, two men come into the shop to rob it. They catch Aya and Youji off guard and manage to spray mace in Youji's eyes, knock him out, and pin him to the floor as a hostage. Aya, being Aya, glares at them and pisses off one of the guys. He orders the man holding Youji to keep a gun at the unconscious man's head and tells Aya he's going to teach him some manners. Youji wakes to find a beaten, bound Aya being raped with the hilt of his own sword. The men get away and the pair are left with the crime and its consequences. Aya could stand any form of torture if he knew it was for a reason. But a mindless attack simply done for another's pleasure? Can Aya survive that? Can the guys help him?

Bring Brad and the guys into it. Omi and Nagi are taking the same college classes and have come to an understanding, if not formed a friendship. Brad made a fortune on the stock market and they are all in contact with Nagi living with him and Farfi getting some help. (Not that he's changed much...just not killing innocent people for fun...bad guys on the other hand...) Omi misses a couple of classes and Nagi calls him and Omi and he meet...and Omi cries on his shoulder unable to keep the emotions he feels about Aya's attack under control any longer. Later, Nagi lets is slip in front of Brad. Let's just say he reacts rather poorly to anyone touching "his" Aya...and Schu isn't too happy that someone was abusing "his" Youji. What do they do? (In mine they kind of take over the flower shop through sheer force of will and bring everyone back to Brad's mansion in the country to try and help Aya while Brad hires people to find the crooks.....he's pissed!)

So Brad can finally live on his own and the others are free to do so as well. Bored with normal life, they decide to continue as freelance killers. However, on one assignment, as Schu is about to kill a scientist, a young woman appears and attacks him mind-to-mind. Through him, she forces all of them to face the pain their actions have caused. They all pass out and when they wake up, the scientist and the woman are gone. However, the guys aren't quite the same. Their consciences are alive and well. Now they have to deal with guilt and compassion. What happens now?

Aya has a very strong sense of right and wrong. So what would happen if someone, not Brad or his crew, were killing people "for Aya"? Say a woman who gave Aya a hard time suddenly turns up dead and Aya gets a dozen roses with a picture of the dead woman attached. As the days pass, people who hurt Aya end up dead, missing, or in the hospital. (Am thinking of having Brad beaten to a bloody pulp and in the hospital which would bring Schwartz into the fic). Anyway, who is stalking Aya and why? In my version, the person is NOT demanding anything. He or she is just killing to "protect" Aya from afar.

Ken becomes the coach of a small soccer team who don't know about his past. He is very happy until one day one the players is killed in a hit and run. Two weeks later another dies when his house catches fire. After the death of a third, a stranger calls and tells Ken he is being used. That the boys aren't what they seem. The speaker also warns Ken to stay out of the way. So what is going on?

What if Schu came mind to mind with a woman every bit as powerful as he, only she is one of the good guys? What if he became obsessed with proving she was just as bad as him at heart? Could he? Or would she show him things he never thought of?

After the end of the series. Suppose Brad and team are hired to kill a man. They arrive on his estate to find all his guards gone and the front door open. When they find him, he's calmly sitting in front of a fire with all the lights turned off. However, once they confront him, they find they can't move. The man revels he is a very powerful psychic. He also has no tolerance of bullies. So he reaches into their minds and takes over. When they wake up, they feel ok, but the man is gone. They go home and try to sleep only to find they have an urge to find Weiss members. Not just an urge. A NEED. Brad to find Yohji. Farfi to find Ken. Nagi to find Aya. And Schu to find Omi. They can't stop themselves. And when they do find the members of Weiss, they can't help but do whatever they are told. Will the Weiss guys take advantage? Will they teach Brad and team something new? Will it get kinky? (What? You know Omi has a closet full of leather. Just like Quatre. It's always the cute and quiet ones!)

Farfi is obsessed with God. What if he came to believe the Weiss group were fighters for God? So he watches them and plans to destroy them and hurt God. But what happens if one day he finds Ken alone in a park? He's going to kill Ken, or at least try when Ken gets mugged. He does OK at first, but then one of the guys hits him with a stun gun and they beat the helpless Ken. Farfi isn't going to interfere, but it suddenly occurs to him that maybe God doesn't care about his fighters. The thought enrages Farfi and he attacks the men, killing them. He takes Ken home, but tells Brad and the others that if they touch him, he'll kill them very, very slowly. When Ken wakes up, he's tied to Farfi's bed and his wounds are all taken care of. Ken is, of course, both confused and upset. But Farfi tells him that no harm will come to him and when he's better, they will put him in his own room where Farfi will make sure God never hurts him again. Can Ken convince Farfi to let him go? Will the team find him? How will the other's of Farfi's group react?

What if an off-handed comment by Brad got Farfi to thinking about the Weiss team? What if Farfi thought he could hurt God by thwarting what he wanted and he thought God wanted the Weiss guys to suffer? So what if he decides to make sure they are never hurt again? How would he do that? What would it mean for Brad and the others?


Saiyuki and Star Gate crossover. As Sanzo and group stay at a temple, the Sacred Wheel at the temple's heart begins to move and turns out to be a Star Gate. Jack and the others come through. Now a spy is there for Kou Gaiji and he knows about the Gate. What happens now? Does he go after the newcomers? Do the newcomers defend the temple? What would happen if say Jack were covered in the blood 1000 youkai and so became one?

Final Fantasy 8:

Seifer is living peacefully at Fisherman's Horizon when one morning there is a knock at his door. He yells for whoever it is to come in, but there is just another knock. When he opens the door, he finds an unconscious Zell. There is no sign of violence and when Zell wakes up, he doesn't remember how he got there. He of course goes back to the Garden, but two days later, it happens again. Who is doing this? How and why?

Rinoa is the only sorceress not being imprisoned by Laguna. Mostly because Squall loves her and she helped stop him in the final fight. However, it doesn't make some people happy. They try to take Rinoa but in the end, she is sorely wounded. Thinking she is going to die, Rinoa passes her power onto the only person with her at that moment......Seifer. What will happen when a man has a sorceress's powers? Will they try to lock him up? What are his powers? Will anyone try to protect him?

What if when Squall and the others beat the Sorceress who was using Rinoa as a junction, she passed her powers on to someone.....someone not female? Say Squall or Zell? She knows that giving the men the power may well drive them crazy. She also knows that doing so puts Laguna in a difficult position....after she makes sure he knows Squall is his son.

Brotherhood of the Wolf:

What if Mani had not died and instead was hiding and healing? SO after Fronsac deals with the bad guys, he discovers the woman he loves has been killed by the church and Mani just manages to save his life. Framed for Marianne's death, the men have to kidnap Thomas and take him as well since the church knows he knows too much. What happens now?

Ranma 1/2:

Crossover with Yu Yu Hakusho. What if Ranma was another Jump Gene Yusuke? One day...a new enemy comes and kills Ranma...but he is reborn. Now....Enma orders him killed and dispatches his special team...only they are beaten by the one who killed Ranma....and the monster then tries to capture his victim...but Yusuke and team interfere. Koenma explains what is going on and that Ranma must come to the Makai to keep both himself and his family safe. Of course Ranma's group aren't just going to sit idly by and let Yusuke run off with their friend. So will they all end up in the Makai? What will happen?

Ranma helps and old woman fight off some muggers and she thanks him. He offers to walk her home as he has nothing better to do and doesn't want to go home since he had a fight with Akane and knows what will be waiting for him. She leads him to a temple on the outskirts of town; one he didn't even know existed. As he says goodbye, five men appear and attack the woman. Ranma tries to defend her only to get his rear kicked, but three other men appear and drive them off. The old woman insists on bandaging his wounds. While at the temple, the old woman offers to train Ranma. He refuses at first but remembers how well the three men fought. Who is this woman and what does she have planned for Ranma?

Suppose a man comes to Nerima and seeks out Ranma's father and challenges him to a fight. Genma at first refuses but is goaded into a fight and loses badly. The stranger then insults Genma and Happosai. Happosai demands that Ranma avenge the insult to him and his father. Ranma refuses. But the man notices Ranma and asks him to fight. Just a sparring session. And a little jibe to Ranma's pride does the trick. However, the man doesn't have that easy a time beating Ranma. When he finally knocks Ranma down for a few minutes, he bows to the boy and says he will one day be a remarkable man and is worthy of receiving the family's destiny. Then he just walks off. That night, Ranma vanishes. He goes outside to practice and never comes back. What happened? What destiny?

Fighting Games:

Shingo wants to be able to create fire like Kyo or K'. He wants it really bad. One night, he goes for a walk after practice and disappears. Everyone looks for him, but he shows up two months later acting like normal. However, the first time he gets into a fight, he calls up blue flames. What happened to him? Is he the same Shingo?

Sorcerer Hunters:

One time when Carrot is transformed he gets out of control. He ends up hurting Marron before the girls can do their job. Everyone tries to hide what happened as it really isn't Carrot's fault. But what would happen if he found out he almost killed his brother?

ST: Voyager:

On a distant planet the crew find an odd circular object. As they watch it begins to rotate and eventually a wormhole is formed. And out step Jack and his crew from Star Gate. So what happens next? The crew finally has found someone who can help them with wormholes and Jack has found someone with weapons that could help them stop the Go'auld. However, the Prime Directive will not allow Janeway to give away weapons or anything that will really help Jack. Now what?

The crew finds a very advanced society and decide to see if they can negotiate some supplies. However, when Chakotay, Tom, Harry, and Neelix beam down, the way Tom and Chak interact causes a stir. Chakotay tries to apologize, fearing some kind offense, but the people just smile and tell him it's nothing. When the Captain comes down, the leaders of the society throw a banquet. There, they seem to honor Tom and Chakotay and spend a lot of time fussing over them. Janeway asks what is up and the eldest leader tells them that their whole society is based on the lesson taught them thousands of years ago by two men who acted just like Tom and Chakotay...and were lovers. So, the people are honoring that memory by honoring the new men. How do Chak and Tom react to learning this?

Q gets bored one day and so goes to visit Voyager. Janeway has no time for him, but he refuses to leave. When Tom mutters something about uninvited guests, Q gets a bit miffed and tells Janeway he'll be right back...and takes Tom with him. He leaves Tom on a rather nice planet and says he will not return until Tom says he is sorry and leaves Tom in a nice cave with a river nearby and a small forest with fruit trees nearby. Tom of course yells and screams. He so busy ranting and raving, he doesn't watch where he's going and falls off the cliff the cave is on. When he awakes, someone is taking care of him and his sight and voice are gone. He tries mentally yelling at Q, but nothing happens. He doesn't recognize the other person's voice, but he can tell he's still on the planet. So what now? Will Q come back? Who is this newcomer?

Voyager comes across a distress signal, which leads them to a dead planet. Beaming down, Chakotay, B'ellana, and Tuvok find ruins of a very advanced society. As the planet has plenty of plants, Janeway want to stay and investigate the planet while stocking up on supplies. However, the more they learn about the people of the planet, the less Janeway likes it. The people had a very strict class structure, even going so far as to genetically engineer the populace for "their places." So what would happen if someone is investigating a medical facility and accidentally sets off a machine? What if the machine injected them with DNA meant to make them fit into one of the class structures as well as a sedative to keep them out until the DNA took effect? Which one and what effects would it have?

Q is bored yet again. So he visits Voyager without their knowing. As he watches everyone move around, he decides to have a little fun. So he causes things to happen. Like taking tools from Engineering, changing door codes, little annoyances that cause big stirs. However, one of his little pranks is to have Tom trip and dump his food all over the Captain's front. Unfortunately, the Captain has had a very bad day with some very bad news and takes it poorly. She has Tom locked up for his little "joke" and no amount of protesting that it was an accident convinces her. Q shows up to complain that she has no sense of humor and she blasts him and Tom. She calls him all sorts of things and isn't real nice to Tom either. She says she doesn't need two screw-ups on her crew. Of course Q smiles and tells her that if that is how she wants it then vanishes. Security calls to tell her Tom just disappeared from the brig. What happens to Tom? What happens period?


Investigating a distress beckon, Dylan and crew find a small asteroid that seems to have been converted into a lab. Dragon Clan was experimenting and trying to create the ultimate killing machine and were using a human to test things out. Dylan finds everyone dead and only a young human woman alive and unconscious. She's in bad shape and looks as if she fought against whatever killed everyone. So Dylan and crew take her aboard. But what if she were the experiment? What if she they made her too powerful? So powerful she couldn't control what they had done and when they made the inevitable mistake, she wiped out the base? She didn't mean to kill anyone. Now what happens? Has she gained control or is the crew of the Andromeda in trouble?

Star Wars:

It is discovered that Anakin has fallen in love with the young Queen. The council arrests him and Obi-Wan. Through the bond the two share as Master and Student, Anikin feels that Obi-Wan was punished severely....he has been blocked from using the Force and thrown out. Anikin is assigned another teacher who is far stricter and his freedom is very limited. Would he let this stand or escape and try to find his former Master?

Sensing that Obi-Wan is not ready to have a student, or even be a Master himself, the Council assigns both of them to a new Jedi Master. This man however is all business. One day, when Anakin can't do a very difficult maneuver, the Master strikes him and when Obi-Wan tries to stop him, the man uses the Force to throw Obi-Wan against a wall. He then tells them they were terrible students as they had a weak and pathetic Master. They are going to learn to obey. He'll see to it. Later, Anakin tries the maneuver in a public contest and almost gets killed. Their Master is chastised for pushing them to hard and both Anakin and Obi-Wan are told my Mace to try harder and he ignores their attempts to tell him how they feel. That night their Master goes after Anakin, but when Obi-Wan interferes, takes it out on the young man, hurting him terribly and making Anakin watch everything. That night, the pair escape and steal a shuttle. On a new planet, they find out the Jedi have branded them fugitives and sent other Jedi after them. What happens now?

Rurouni Kenshin:

A Kabuki group comes to town one day and brings with it a unique group of people. At the same time, a man from the government is passing through town. He decides to stop and see a play, showing up at the same time as Kenshin and gang. He sees Sano and orders his guards go bring the young man to him. Of course, Kenshin and group stop him but there is a lot of commotion and the play has to be stopped. As the Official is on his way back to his hotel, he and his guards are killed. Saitou is told to arrest Sano for the murder even though the killing was done with a sword and not fists. Is Sano being framed? Why?

One day, Sano is out in a nearby forest practicing what Saitou has taught him when a man runs into him while being chased by a bunch of very unpleasant looking men. Sano is holding his own when one of them pulls a gun. However, instead of getting shot, another man comes out of nowhere and slices all the bad guys. The man being chased throws himself on the ground at the newcomer's feet and apologizes profusely for almost having been caught. The newcomer shrugs it off and stares at Sano who finally looks at him and realizes it is Enishi. What next?

Saitou is taking part in a drug bust on the harbor when it turns out to be a trap. He is shot and about to be killed when a small figure attacks the ambushers. A fire breaks out and the last thing Saitou sees is Soujiro's smiling face as he drags the cop from the burning building. What is Soujiro up to? How did he know Saitou would need help? What is going on?

Sano doesn't know who he is. What would happen if, one day, a small family of farmers comes to town? They are selling in the market when a group of thugs tries to take food without paying and even make some heavy passes at the young, and very pretty, daughter. Someone looking just like an older Sano beats the men up and warns them never to come back. Saitou sees the whole thing and is very curious about the man. He watches them the rest of the day. However, as they are packing up, Sano and Kenshin show up to do some last minute shopping. What happens when they see the Sano look-alike? Is this the key to Sano's past?

What if Saitou is sent to Tokyo to find a serial killer. He helps with the investigation and even manages to get a really good look at the man doing all the killing....he looks just like Sano...only much older. And he kicks Saitou's ass. Saitou goes back and has Sano dragged into the police station. He asks the young man about his family, past, etc. Of course, Sano can't help him and isn't too happy being asked so Saitou has him locked in a cell for safekeeping. When Saitou leaves for the night, two guards decide to ask Sano the same questions but aren't nearly as nice about it. The next morning, all the cops in the station are dead and Sano is missing. Where is he and who has him? And is the serial killer related to him?

Getting sick of Sano getting into drunken brawls, Saitou arrests him one night and leaves him in jail. The next morning, Sano's jacket is torn and his pants are stained with dirt. When Saitou lets him out, Sano is very quiet and avoids letting Saitou near him. Over the next month, Sano doesn't go near any sake houses, which makes Saitou feel better, until he finds out he has stopped going to training sessions with Kenshin and hasn't been to either the restaurant or the dojo since being released from prison. When he goes to check on Sano, he finds his shack long deserted. What happened to Sano? Where did he go?

Enishi realizes the mistake he made in trying to destroy Kenshin. He now knows the truth about Kenshin and his sister and regrets his actions. After dealing with his father, Enishi wants to make it up to Kenshin by making sure he is happy. But what if Kenshin really loves Sano, but feels a duty to Kaoru? So Enishi kidnaps Sano to make Kenshin realize he must follow his heart. Does it work? Or does something go wrong? Or maybe Enishi falls for Sano himself?

Yu Yu Hakusho:

Suppose Yusuke gave the island to Jin and the others? So they are living there and the gang sends all the good youkai to live there. Koenma doesn't mind as it helps him have some extra fighters available should he need them. However, what happens if other youkai are getting jealous? What if one of them has a power to reverse a person's true heart? What would happen if they went bad and Yusuke and his friends were called into make sure the youkai were "dealt with"?

So what if Genkai took all the people who got powers from Sensui to her temple and trained them? What would they become? Would they eventually work with Yusuke or take his place when he settles down?

So three years have passed since Yusuke and the gang settled down. However, not all is well in paradise. At a reunion party, Hiei and Mukuro show up as well as Yomi, his son, Jin, and others. Keiko drags Yusuke off and everyone can hear a fight. Yusuke comes out with a bruise forming on his cheek. He explains that Keiko is having a hard time at work and the party continues. But was that all there was to it? What if an old enemy was back?

What if, after beating Sensui, the guys were treated as criminals? Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama were all placed under arrest. Koenma was knocked unconscious and Kurabara made a HUGE fuss which allowed the others to escape. So he was arrested in their place and Jack-Tar was as be taught to join their group. They also try to go after the other changed humans, but Genkai saves them and takes them to her temple. Now Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama are on the run in the Demon world and Genkai is under attack in the Human world. Can Koenma stop the insanity or will both worlds be consumed by it? And what will happen to Jack-tar and Kurabara?

After seeing the show and the Sensui eps.....I am getting strange ideas. What if Sensui was Koenma's lover? (In his grown form you hentais!) And when he found Itsuki, the oni joined them. So when Sakyu (sic) got Sensui, he hoped to get Koenma too. Only it didn't work out. So what if Sensui decided to say goodbye to Koenma? What would happen?

What if Sensui and Itsuki decided they didn't want their lover getting caught up in the mess they were going to create, so they kidnapped Koenma shortly after the tournament?

Sakyu has Koenma imprisoned for Sensui and Itsuki and they are already opening the gate. They plan to open it during the tournament. Things with Yusuke went the same, just without Koenma involved. Can they stop Sakyu and what will they do when the team is Enma rescue his son?

What if Sensui didn't want to kill Yusuke...just save him from the pain he's felt? So what if, after the tournament, he goes and beats Yusuke and kidnaps him? He isn't hurting Yusuke or anything....just trying to convince him of the righteousness of their goals. But when he can't, he shows Yusuke the tape...the one ripping people's minds apart! So what happens when the team is faced with Yusuke working for Sensui? Is he faking or really corrupted by the tape?

What if all the changed humans kept their powers and became Genkai's students? What would happen? Would monsters come after them? Would Koenma try to recruit them?

What if Genkai left the temple and took over the island the tournament was held on? There she trains the demons who wanted to stay and have become allies. She also has the changed humans as her students. So what relationships develop? How to they interact?

Suppose Yusuke DID win the contest and take over his ancestor's role. What would he do? Without being able to see his human friends? Cut off from the world he knows?

What if, a thousand years later, Keiko and the other full humans have been reborn and the world is very different. None of the humans remember who they used to be. Unfortunately, some monsters have a long memory. Someone is trying to kill them. Koenma sends his newest Team to take them all to the island where Jin and the gang are waiting and will keep them safe. And Botan is sent to try and find Yusuke who hasn't been seen for over 600 years. How will everyone react...especially if some on the island had developed relationships with the past lives of the humans? And who is trying to kill them? And how is he or she using Yusuke's fighting style?

Koenma seems to care deeply about Sensui. So what if they had been in love but Sakyo got to him before the pair could act? Now, years later, Koenma has fallen for Yusuke. What if the reason Yusuke is so angry with Koenma is because Sensui told him about the past relationship and Yusuke feels Koenma doesn't trust or believe in him? So what happens after Koenma's new lover kills his old one?

Twenty years after the final fight, Yusuke still hasn't aged any, but all his mortal friends have...but not Kurama. Yusuke now lives with Keiko at Genkai's temple with Kurama who runs a business through tele-conferencing. Then the day they all dread comes....Kurabara dies. At first everyone is mourning, but at the funereal, his sister hysterically claims it was murder. Then, Keiko dies. Is someone killing the human members of Yusuke's team or is it just time taking its toll?

What if Yomi's son decided to have a little fun? He manages to create a being from the leaders of the Demon world...and then promptly loses it in the human world when taking it there to see what kind of havoc it will cause. (Hiei came to look into the breach in the barrier) Now, about 10 years later, a terrible flash of power brings the team together again to investigate the murder of a well-known and respected businessman and his partners. It looks like a monster did it. Is it the created creature? (In my version, the creature looked just like a little kid and was taken in by a small street gang of kids. They became good friends. Might even make a good crossover with Duo as the creation.)

How about a Saiyuki and Hakusho crossover? Come on! Two shows about a team fighting monsters?

Sniper gathers the changed humans and forms them into a group to help make things better on earth. However, Enma isn't so sure a group of people like them should be free to act as they want. He orders Koenma to bring them in for questioning and testing. Yusuke and group however do not want to follow this order. Enma gives them a choice....cooperate or face the same treatment as the humans. What do the guys do?

What if the Dark Tournament was actually a battle of the bands? The guys are all musicians in one group. (You have to have seen the posters and CDs with this yummy.) Doguro has a group and so do all the others. They have been gathered by Enma (head of the world's Largest music company) to compete for a single recording contract. What lengths will the competitors go to in order to win? And what happens when someone dies? Was it murder or an accident? Does it matter?

Remember when Enma sent his team to kill Yusuke and Koenma tried to stop them? What if, after defeating Sensui, Yusuke finds the team still wants to kill him? Koenma gets in the way of the battle and is badly wounded. Yusuke loses control and lashes out driving everyone back, then scoops up Koenma and vanishes. The team take Kurama and the others back. There, they are told to find Yusuke, kill him, and save Koenma or face a death sentence. What will they do? Where is Yusuke? And is Koenma OK?

What did Yusuke do while touring the demon realm? He was gone for a while. Who did he meet? What did he do?

Yusuke visits Jin and Toya when he is feeling lonely and they do their best to make him feel at home.

What happens if a Kitsune gets drunk? According to legend, they lose control of their form. So what would happen if Kurama and Yusuke go out and get drunk one night to complain about the loves of their lives? What if Kurama became Yohko Kurama? Yohko Kurama is used to taking what he wants. So what if Kurama wants Yusuke but has always controlled his impulses? Will Yohko act on that desire and what will it mean for the group the morning after?

What if Yusuke, while traveling, fell into the Saiyuki dimension? So he runs across the group in trouble and saves them. He decides to join them and hopefully find a way home. What would happen?

Koenma can't quite forgive his father for ordering Yusuke's death. He remains distant even though he does his job. Enma tries to make amends by giving Koenma more time off, but all Koenma does with his time is spend it on earth. Then Yusuke wins the next tournament and is the ruler of the demon realm. Enma declares he can never again set foot on earth. Nor can he be with Keiko. Koenma is furious and demands his father not hurt Yusuke like that. Enma is equally mad at his son's rebellion. He orders his special troops to basically keep Koenma under house arrest. Unfortunately, Koenma tries to leave and in the ensuing fight gets badly hurt. Botan tells Yusuke and he takes Koenma away and hides him. How will his father react? Where would he hide him?

Fairy Tale Ideas in different fandoms:

Frog Prince....Slam Dunk...Hanamichi is horribly scarred in traffic accident and no longer comes to school. In fact he never comes out of his house. Can the team reach him? Or will they shun him?

Frog Prince....Yu Yu Hakusho...what if Kurama were cursed by a powerful demon and his body became twisted and deformed. Only an act of true love can save him...but who will do it and what is the act?

Frog Prince....Star Gate...on a new world, Daniel is exposed to a plant pollen that affects his mind. He hallucinates that he has become hideous and no one can convince him he isn't. Can his friends prove it is all in his mind? How?

Frog Prince....Phantom Menace...Obi-Won is hurt in a training accident and his face is disfigured. When the other students at a temple avoid him or react poorly to his looks, Obi-Won begins to avoid his classes and other people. One night, he just vanishes altogether. Can Qui-Gon find his student and bring him back? Should he?

Frog Prince....Lord of the Rings....Haldir is an arrogant elf. What would happen if during a battle with the Orcs, his looks are marred. So badly that no elf wants to look at him anymore? He runs away and stays in a forest near a human village. People avoid the forest thinking it is haunted. One day, a group of children enter the forest on a dare and almost get killed by a bear. Haldir saves them and finds the kids aren't all that frightened by his looks. In fact, they are enchanted that he is an elf. Can they teach Haldir that looks aren't everything?

Frog Prince....Lord of the Rings...Legolas knows he looks good but has never made an issue of it. In mines of Moria, an attempt to save Gandalf leaves him with awful scars on his face. With his confidence shattered, the elf begins to will himself to die. Will the Lord and Lady just let it happen? Or will they send someone to show Legolas he is still beautiful?

Frog Prince....Saiyuki....Gojyo loves being loved. But one day a female youkai spits acid at Goku during a battle and Gojyo gets in the way. His face and chest are horrifically burned and not even Hakkai can heal all the damage. So Gojyo has lost his looks. Will this destroy him or will the others find a way to show him it doesn't matter?

Frog Prince.....Andromeda....during a battle, Tyr is badly wounded and one side of his face too badly burned to heal properly. At first he doesn't' care about this, but when members of other Prides react with disgust, he confidence suffers. One night, he overhears Becka complaining about having to deal with looking at Tyr. Tyr takes to wearing a mask which pisses both Dylan and Harper off....and embarrasses Becka. Can anyone convince Tyr not to care what others think?

Frog Prince/Beauty and the Beast....Kindaichi....On vacation, Kindaichi becomes mixed up in the case of young women who are kidnapped only to be returned a few days later. They say they were taken to a huge mansion and waited on hand and foot by a man who always wore a mask. When the girls continued to want to leave, the man drugs them and they wake up at home. Kindaichi investigates the surrounding forest and falls and injures himself. He wakes up in a huge bed covered with satin sheets and a broken leg, which has been properly set and cast. The room has little light and a man warns him to just lay still until he can heal enough to be moved. What happens next? Who is this man and why is he kidnapping people? And what will he do to Kindaichi?

Sleeping Beauty....Justice League....a new enemy ambushes Green Lantern, Flash, and Batman. He aims a strange weapon at Green Lantern, but Flash gets in the way and takes the beam head on. Flash collapses and the others show up and capture the guy. The beam was meant for Lantern so the guy tells them that since it didn't kill Flash, he doesn't know what it would do to him. Now, they have to find a way to wake Flash up. Only problem is that the longer he remains asleep, the lower his bodily functions dip. Soon, his heart will stop. What can they do?

Vampire and Similar Ideas:

Slam Dunk....One night, Hanamichi and Rukawa are walking home when something comes out the shadows and attacks them. The Next morning, Sendoh and the team find them hiding out in the gym. Hanamichi is behind Rukawa with serious wounds on his neck and shoulders. Rukawa has terrible bruises around his own neck and looks like he was badly beaten. Both are unconscious. What happened to them and why does Rukawa refuse to allow Hanamichi to be alone.

Rurouni Kenshin....Hiko isn't the best for no reason. His superhuman strength, speed, and skill come from his being...well Superhuman. He's actually a very old vampire. The first Japanese vampire created by a European creature that ship wrecked on the shores of Japan over 300 years before. At first he tried to protect his country but got disillusioned. (Anyone want to write that story?) He has been looking for a replacement so he can rest for some time. When he found Shinta, he knew he'd found the one. And after watching Kenshin, he knows he was right. Now he's ready to rest and ready to awaken what he planted in Shinta all those years ago. But what will it mean for the others? Does Hiko mean for Kenshin to be alone? Or does he have plans to see that he never is?

Suppose a vampiritic youkai attacks the group and manages to get Goku. Over the following weeks the rest of the guys begin to feel tired, listless, and weaker all the time. One night a servant at an inn comments about the marks on Sanzo's neck. He suddenly notices them and knows there are more on Hakkai and Gojyo. Can he save Goku and the others? Can he save himself?

Kindaichi.....investigating several murders due to people's have all their blood drained, Kindaichi slowly starts to unravel the case. However, one night he is attacked and he wakes up in hospital almost having died from blood loss. For some reason, the killer stopped just short of killing him. Kindaichi tells the cops who he suspected, but they find the person long gone. As the months progress, Kindiachi begins to feel a craving for something, but doesn't know what it is. What happen to him? What is happening to him?

Neklord managed one last piece of revenge before he died, he cursed Flik. Not Viktor. Why? Because he knew Viktor cared for Flik. Now, under the light of a full moon, a guard in the Hero's army is found with his throat slashed and very little blood around. Shu calls his leaders together and finds Flik tired, but Viktor feeling very rundown. What is going on and can they stop it before it costs them too much?

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