by: PHO
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DISCLAIMER: All characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

Crash! God, that cell door sounds loud. The sound echoes off the wall and reverberates around this near empty room. Guess I should be honored that I'm alone. Not quartered with the 'Hole in the Wall' gang. Oh, wait. Stupid. I'm sooo stupid. They don't want me comparing notes with the others. Have to admire their strategy.

Is it always this cold in here? Funny, I never noticed it before, but then I've never been a resident. Now that I think about it, the temperature was decidedly chilly on the way down here. Is the thermostat working right? Maintenance should really check on that. But that's not my problem now.

I cannot believe this is happening. That no one sees the truth. Surely there's someone at the SGC who's not blind. The greater good, dammit, I'm working for the greater good. Earth cannot survive if we fail in this.

Band-aids. That's what they've put on the threat. A box of fucking band-aids. And they think they've solved the problem. Well, they're wrong. They're so Goddamned wrong. Shit. Someone's coming. Well, looks like I'm gonna have company whether I want it or not.


"O'Neill." Great, Mr.Let's-Go-Undercover-And-Fix-This-Mess himself. Okay, now what? A stand and stare competition? I can only guess what he wants.

"Why, Makepeace?"

Well, I guessed right. Damn these Air Force boys are predictable. "I should think that would be obvious."

"You've thrown away your career and your freedom in one pretty stupid move, Makepeace. That's the only obvious thing to me. Then there's the fact that you almost destroyed our alliances with the Nox, the Asgard, and the Tollans. I just don't see how you, of all people, could do that so easily."

God, O'Neill, I really wish I had a shot at making you understand, but I don't. "Believe me, it wasn't an easy choice, O'Neill. Not by a long shot."

"Then why?"

"When they first approached me, I was very skeptical, to say the least." Stick to the truth, Robert, it's easier to maintain than a lie. "But it didn't take long for me to see they were right. That the Earth was being terribly weakened, and it was my duty as a Marine officer to keep this tragedy from continuing."

"That's it? You almost cost us everything because it was your duty to do so? That's so fucking stupid, Makepeace!"

"That's your opinion, O'Neill. I don't happen to agree. And before you ask, I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Just leave, O'Neill. You're not making any converts today. "Is that it?"

"No. Thought you'd want to know that your not-so-fearless leader was arrested about an hour ago. All of you Maybourne groupies will be joining him in Washington for court martial."

"I assume you're finished." God, his eyes are so full of ... is that pity? Odd, I'd have thought disgust more his style. Guess he's been hanging with Jackson too long.

"Goodbye, Makepeace."

He never looks back as he slams the door ... there's that echo again. Talk about making an exit.

Alone again ... naturally. Isn't that a song? You're being stupid, again, Robert. It's a damn shame. Two groups working independently from each other, with the same goal. To save the Earth. From all her enemies.

Appearances, Jack. Appearances can be deceiving. You really weren't listening in the Gate room, were you, Jack? When I said that this goes higher than Maybourne. Way higher. But Maybourne doesn't know who they are ... they're not that stupid. And to find them ... those in power who would destroy us ... to bring them down ... that's why I'm here ... now. If only the Asgard, and the others, hadn't decided to take action. I was close, so close.

My only regret is that my friends here ... my team here ... won't know for quite some time that I haven't betrayed them. That I didn't sell out to Maybourne and his stupid, narrow line of thinking. But I have my orders.

Orders, O'Neill. I'm sure you know about those. My orders ... straight from the top ... to go deep undercover, to seek out and render harmless all of those who would destroy this planet. What's a little jail time compared to the future of humanity?

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