Here we give you our links page, because we know you were all secretly dying for us to put one up. We mostly link to pages with slashfic. (Though why, if you were looking for something else, you'd visit our links page, is beyond me - Fort.)

 Oh yes. Don't forget this page is perpetually IN PROGRESS, and due to Fort's abiding laziness may be out of date.

 Also due to Fort's abiding laziness, this page fails signally to reflect our own current tastes. Hope you find something you like anyway.

And now, what you came for... First on roll call,
Bren Antrim,
who is almost single handedly responsible for Virg's Sentinel addiction. Fort is also firmly of the opinion that her writings for that and other shows are some of the best out there.
The Jasmine Alley
This is a great (if small) archive for a great (if small) list. There's some really good fic there. Check it out. Don't miss kel's Loxton pieces. They're intimidatingly interesting.

You can find lots and lots and lots of Sentinel fic (and a few other odd bits) at The Forest >(By lots we mean lots.)

Visit Boyd
Boyd has much to say about fandom and other interesting things. Plus stories.

Give the interesting and original work of quill a try. She also manages to be interesting and startlingly original with non-Sen characters. Check it out! There's also the equally interesting and original work of Gillian right nearby

And already mentioned on the main page...

Zoe Rayne, who is so informative on the eternal questions of slash, also writes very interesting fic, in a number of very interesting fandoms. To be found at Zoe Rayne's Home Page

The incomparable Em Brunson.

Em's Fan Fic

And our very groovesome (or is that gruesome?) pal

Ariana Lussier

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