Demon Hunters

an Old West based, otherwordly AU where vampires, demons, werewolves and other creatures of the night are not myth, but reality.


Writer's Guideline

I developed the Demon Hunters AU to be open to anyone who wanted to have a little fun with ghosts, vampires and demons all set in the Old West universe of The Magnificent 7.

Please keep in mind, these guidelines are somewhat sketchy in places, for two reasons. One, because the original story is still developing, and two, to give other authors a little more leeway for their own ideas. They were written to serve as a reference and additional guide alongside the stories I’ve already written in the AU, and I think that the stories serve as a better introduction to get a feel for the fun and flavour of the Demon Hunters universe.

One last note - I developed Demon Hunters as a slash AU, and so all the stories I’ve written to date have slash content, but as the universe is open to all, gen and het writers are also welcome to make use of it, if they so choose.

Any further questions can be sent to me and I hope that anyone who decides to write a Demon Hunters fic will let me know, because I’d love to read it!


Demon Hunters is set in the OW, same general setting and time frame as the series, the big difference being that the world of the paranormal, the supernatural, is very real in this universe. Creatures such as demons, vampires, werewolves, poltergeists, faeries, etc do exist in this world, though most of the human population refuses to believe or acknowledge their existence. Magic works, at least for skilled practitioners of the art; spells, curses, talismans, etc all are fair game in this universe.

The Seven, the ‘Demon Hunters’, have let it be known that they do hunt and destroy evil creatures, take care of supernatural problems or disturbances, as well as more mundane troubles. People don’t discuss it outright, but believers know where they can turn to. At the same time, the team have also kept their own supernatural natures a closely guarded secret. No one outside their small group is privy to the knowledge.


Of course, there are many different types of vampires, werewolves and other creatures, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, with their own ways or propagating or being destroyed. All are welcome in this universe.

In terms of Ezra's specific type of vampirism, he feeds primarily on blood, semen and emotion. In his own words, from the original Demon Hunters WIP:

“Most vampires feed off emotional energy as well as the physical. Fear is powerful, and easier to induce, but the energy you reap doesn’t last long. I personally find it leaves a bitter taste. Vampires who become addicted to its flavour must feed often, and mercilessly. They need to be destroyed quickly, as they give us all a bad name.” He frowned, lost in thought a moment, before turning his attention back to the gunslinger.

Buck was nodding, absorbed in Ezra’s explanation.

The gambler continued softly, watching Buck’s reaction carefully. “Passion, on the other hand, and lust, is powerful, but more difficult to inspire. The energy is longer lasting, and often vessels are more than willing to repeat the experience since it is much more enjoyable for both parties.” Ezra grinned lasciviously. Then the smile faded as loneliness shadowed his eyes. “Love, true honest love, is the sweetest of all, the longest lasting, and the most difficult to find.” He sighed, blinking rapidly.

Ezra will not burst into flame if exposed to sunlight. In his human form, he will burn, painfully, much like a severe sunburn, but it would take completely unsheltered, long term exposure to direct sunlight during the heat of the day to do any serious damage. The more well-fed he is, the more exposure he can withstand, and the faster the burns will heal. In any of his animal forms, direct sunlight will have no damaging effect, but taking on animal shape is draining of his energy levels.

Being bitten by Ezra will not cause the vessel to Change into a vampire, an exchange of blood is required. Demons and wer are immune to the Change.

In terms of wer, in this universe, people generally don’t become a wer by being bitten, only because humans almost never survive an attack. However, a single bite from a wer will cause a human victim to become a wer through the saliva/blood contact, if the human somehow survives. Demons and vampires, who are strong enough to survive an attack, are immune from becoming wer.

Josiah was Cursed into becoming a wer. At this point, having learned to control the beast within, he no longer considers it a Curse but a blessing, and is no longer seeking a cure.

Silver bullets or weapons are not required to kill him, any bullet will do the job, as it would to any man or wolf.

Having set out the general lore I’m going with in this AU, let me say that it is all open and flexible. Characters developed with different takes on vampirism, lycanthropes and other creatures are certainly welcome to visit Four Corners.


Having set the AU in the Old West, each of the characters, in manner and dress, and even in backstory, will stay as true to the series as possible, although, of course, some differences will be necessary.

Animal Spirit Guides Information

- human, leader of the Demon Hunters
- he started this quest by hunting the demons that destroyed his home and killed his family; he hasn’t found them yet, nor has he learned why they’d targeted him
- Bobcat spirit guide (clear vision in dark places; vigilance; ability to see through masks)

- human, SpiritTalker
- he learned to see/communicate with animal spirit guides while he lived with the Kiowas and Comanches
- he’s also able to communicate with disembodied spirits of those who’ve died but not yet passed on
- Vin has different levels of Spirit communication, from surface non-verbal levels, down to deeply intimate, verbal levels. The deeper the communication, the more difficult and draining it is for him
- Eagle spirit guide (keen sight; rising above the material to see the spiritual; connection to spirit guides and teachers)

- half demon, half human
- his mother was human, a prostitute
- his father an unknown incubus
- Buck, being half incubus, can sense residual sexual energy in the air, can sense the presence of demons (in the vicinity, or if they’ve passed through recently), can ‘feed’ off sexual arousal and activity, his own or others’ and in fact, need to do so with some regularity
- he has some embarrassment and lack of confidence with regards to his demon abilities
- he has somewhat greater than human strength, although not full demon strength either
- Dog spirit guide (companionship; unquestioned loyalty; love; knowledge of all things sensual; protection)

- werewolf, wolf form a large grey timber wolf
- after many years of struggling with it, he has control over the Shifting; he retains awareness of self in wolf form
- his calm nature and spiritual seeking come from his long battle to control the beast within
- Josiah has no particular supernatural strength, in his wolf form. It is a true, wolf form, with the heightened senses, power and endurance of any slightly extra-large wolf
- Crow spirit guide (guidance while working in shadow; understands all things related to ethics; shapeshifter)

- human, Mage/Healer
- learned herbal remedies and basic magics as a slave; learned first aid, treatment of broken bones and inflicted wounds in Union army
- Bear spirit guide (healing; introspection; creature of dreams, shamans and mystics; defense and revenge)

- human
- newest member of the group
- has some Precognitive abilities, but as of yet the visions are random, unclear and not under his control
- Porcupine spirit guide (innocence; trust in spirit; renewed sense of wonder; protection of boundaries; defense when threatened)

- vampire
- can shift forms; has taken the form of a mist, a large black wolf, and a black cat
- feeds on blood, semen and emotions
- Ezra's Charm works on an empathic level, sharing emotion and sensation, but is completely non-verbal
- Ez was born in the early 1700's, raised in the South in a wealthy family
- he was Changed to a vampire in his mid-twenties
- Maude is his Sire
- Wolf spirit guide (death and rebirth; social and family values; outwitting enemies; ability to pass unseen; steadfastness; skill in protection of self and family; taking advantage of change)

- human
- reporter/sceptic, Editor of The Clarion
- she wants to prove they are frauds; doesn't believe in the supernatural
- Fox spirit guide (cleverness; observational skills; cunning; feminine courage; persistence)

- human
- manager of saloon
- Otter spirit guide (sensibility without suspicion; guidance in unmasking talents; psychic awareness; recovery issues; understanding the value of playtime)

- human
- Bee spirit guide (understanding female warrior energy; reincarnation; concentration)



There’s no place like Home.

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© TimberWolf 2003