16: Let Loose the Dogs of War


Fandom: Supernatural

Category/Rated: NC-17 for violence/sexual content

Year/Length: 2008/~10,579 words

Pairing: Sam and Dean

Disclaimer: No profit was made off this. The characters belong the originators of Supernatural. Was all in pure fun.

Warning: Wincest

Series: Supernatural Virtual Slash Season 3

Beta: [info]ailurophile6 for which much thanks.


The Winchesters surrounded Ashley's apartment with the voodoo goofer dust they'd purchased. What looked like a fine black powder close to a pepper salt mix. They'd put it across every threshold and encircled the bed with it. Sam was sure that hell-hounds wouldn't be able to get to any of them while they remained indoors, but he didn't want to remain pinned in one place any more than his brother did, and the more they battened down the hatches the more stir crazy he felt.

If Sam was stir crazy, Dean was totally insane. It was clear by the way he bounced on his heels as he paced the room - make that rooms - stalking around like a caged tiger who wanted to be let out so he could attack his trainer for locking him away from the wild. Dean had never been one to sit in one place. He couldn't stand being in motel rooms for long as the brothers had grown older, and Sam had started asking more and more questions.

The hounds were down in the alley, clawing at the ground, teeth snapping, deep growls rattling their chest. Only Dean could hear them, but he'd told Sam they were down there. Watching. Waiting. Wanting. Teeth that wanted to tear into flesh and drag him away. They drooled at the mere thought of doing so, especially to him. When Sam or Ashley looked out, neither one could see, but a gunshot from the Colt that Dean leveled down into the area proved they were there, sending trash cans flying through the air and tipping over for no reason. Dean knew the reason; they were scrambling to get back out of range of the all too deadly gun.

They were watching TV, curled up together on the couch while Ashley baked something that smelled good in the kitchen when it happened. Dean had settled his head onto Sam's shoulder and slowly drifted off to sleep, and after a few moments Sam had joined him.

It seemed as though he'd woken up, although he knew that wasn't possible. He was in a garden, and his brother was by his side. He was about to ask what had happened when Mary Winchester appeared.

She was pale, beautiful, the kind of gentle glow about her that movie people usually added around angels, and her resemblance to Dean was unmistakable. Sam had always seen his brother in such light, and he often wondered if his father saw Dean like that too. To Sam, Dean had always been the beacon that lead his way home.

Mary was still wearing the nightdress in which she'd died, and Sam felt as if he were intruding on something as she made her way towards where they were standing.

"Dean," she murmured. "Dean, my son. I told Sam I would see you again. I'm so proud of you."

Dean shifted slightly as the soft angelic voice graced his ears. A bright light cut through his closed eyelids, causing the older Winchester to open his eyes. Lashes batted against freckled cheeks as his eyes slowly regained their focus. Dean looked up, raising a fisted hand to rub at them. He wasn't fully aware of where he was but he could feel Sam beside him. And then a warmth washed over him, and suddenly he was fully awake and alert.

Blinking, Dean quickly fumbled for the Colt. It wasn't anywhere to be found, and he felt panic slam into him like a Mac truck. For a moment he hyperventilated, but when his eyes finally fell back upon Mary, he felt his breath catch, and he shook as he recognized her at last. "Mom," he breathed, feeling his throat go dry, and his eyes moisten with tears.

She said nothing at first, but she drifted forward to put her hands on Dean's shoulders and gaze up into his face. Finally she smiled. "You've been put through a lot, love. Through everything you've kept going and not weakened. It'll be over soon, and you'll be able to relax."

Sam smiled. He'd told Dean that his mom was going to see him when the time was right, and it seemed that the time was now. He had questions of his own that he was longing to ask, but it wasn't the moment. This was Dean's time so he stayed silent and watched.

"The hounds can be beaten, Dean. I was given one day to be with you, and then no more. I had to wait until I could be of use to you, because you have so few allies, but this is the day that will make or break us all, so here I am."

Dean looked into his mom's innocent eyes. This wasn't how he'd wanted to see her. Not in a battle. Not at a time when he could possibly die. But Dean had learned not to question at a very tender age, and his father's voice in his head echoed that. That voice was always there. Would always be there.

Lowering his eyes, he suddenly found himself unable to look at her. After all he had done, she'd told him she was proud, but how could she truly be proud of a son who'd thrown himself so willingly into the enemy's grasp, even if it had been for his brother. He closed his eyes, lashes wet as a tear fell. "Mom," he murmured, his voice cracking, "I don't want you to risk yourself for me. Please." Their father should be here, not Mary. Dean started to feel even more guilt weigh upon him. He was apparently now going to taint his own mom with the darkness that had been tracking Sam, and to which he'd given himself so willingly. "I'm sorry, Mom." He whispered.

"Dean." She touched his cheek tenderly, sending a calming warmth through her eldest.

Dean felt as if his knees were going to give out, and all of a sudden he was four again. He reached out and hugged her. Held her to him tightly, not wanting to let her go. Now the tears couldn't be stopped. Nor the trembling that rattled his body and shook his mother as he held her.

Watching the reunion had sent shivers down Sam's back. He felt his own tears prick the back of his eyes as he looked on. Here was his brother, the one stable point in his universe, and the one he loved more than anything else in the world, and this was the mother he'd never known, who had been so horribly wrenched from them. He'd known that Dean wanted to see his mother, because Dean had told him so, but he hadn't realized just how much.

His heart went out to the man clinging to this pretty blond stranger as if he couldn't bear to let her go and tried to imagine how he'd have felt if he'd lost Dean at the age of four. He couldn't. He desperately wanted to belong to the two of them - to be a part of the scene that was taking place right here in front of him. Finally he rose to his feet and wrapped his arms around the two of them. "We won't lose now. We can't. We've got an angel right here with us."

Dean had his face buried in Mary's soft blond hair. She smelled sweet, of lilac flowers, and her touch was as tender and gentle as he remembered. When he lifted his head, eyes red, cheeks wet, Mary used her thumb to brush his tears away. She smiled up to Sam, moving to bring him into the circle by wrapping her arm around him so her hand rested in his dark locks. "My little boy. Dean's taken such good care of you, and I know you have of him. You and I together can take care of Dean now." She looked back at Dean. "Your father trained you to fight. To stand up against evil and protect Sam. You've done that, love. It's time to let others take a turn. You're tired tired in here," She touched his chest.

Dean gasped, rocking a little, and if it wasn't for Sam he might have fallen over. When his Mom touched him, it felt as if she'd touched his soul and it was a feeling that again nearly brought Dean to his knees.

"Sam will be your strength. We as a family won't let them take you. Dean, love, these are dogs. No matter what they are, they're still just dogs deep inside. Remember that," She looked between the two of them, stressing her words.

"I don't want to talk about them," Dean blurted out. He didn't want to waste the time he had with his mother on evil things.

"That's okay," soothed Sam, stroking his brother's hair. "We've got your back. Relax for now and build your strength." He Closed his eyes, breathing in the scent of his mom, trying to fix it into his memory for the times to come when there would only be himself and Dean, and recollections would be all that he had left. "Mom, Dean gave up everything for me. Everything. It's time I gave some of it back to him." He fell silent, wishing he could bring himself to ask about why Star had called him Nephilim.

Dean turned his head to his brother, his eyes still red. He had given up so much. His childhood. His dreams. And more importantly his life. "It was worth it, Sam."

Mary stroked Dean's cheek. "I know. And now it's time to give back. Dean, let me do this for you. Let your mother do what she couldn't all those years stolen from us, let me protect my babies. My beautiful sons."

"Mom," Dean leaned into her hand. "I didn't want this for you."

"I know, I'm sorry." She looked to Sam. "I'm sorry I put you both through this. I should have known. I only wanted to love you." She pulled Sam to her and hugged him. "Please forgive me, Sammy."

"What's to forgive?" Sam studied her. She was not a short woman, but she looked fragile, sandwiched as she was between the two of them. "It wasn't your fault that the demon decided to baptize me in your blood." He bent to kiss her forehead, feeling strange. He'd never known her, and suddenly having her beside him after all these years was odd. He was sure that there were some dark secrets she was hiding, and he knew that until he found out what they were he wouldn't be able to love her unconditionally the way it was evident that his brother did. All he could do was be there to protect Dean and act his part so that Dean wouldn't be hurt any more than he had been. "How are we going to fight the hounds, mom? Do you have any tips?"

"You're my son, Sam. You must have learned what you can do by now - what you can do." Mary gazed up at her tall son, her brow creased in a frown. "Azazel wanted to use you, but you beat him. Now use what you have to save your brother. I'll help, but you must be strong."

"But, Mom, after we killed Azazel, Sam lost his powers. They died with him." Didn't they? Dean frowned at his brother and wondered if Sam had been holding out on him, again the way he had in the beginning. Could someone in their family, for once not lie, give a straight answer and not hide things from each other? Dean had to guess not. It was like it was a part of each of their genes. Their father did it and he passed it on to them. Pretty much enforced it in his teachings.

"They aren't lost," murmured Mary. "He'll find them when the need is great enough." She slid her arms around their waists and began to walk with them. "Azazel didn't give Sam his powers, they come from his heritage, and when he decides that he will use them they will be there for him."

"I don't understand," growled Sam, unable to make sense of what she was saying. "I'm just an ordinary guy. Tell me I am."

"You aren't and you know it, Sam," Dean stopped to turn and look at Sam. "Dad knew it as well." Inside he wondered if he was even a part of the same family as these two walking beside him. "Sam, you are a... what did she all you? Not a nymphomaniac but a ... neph..." Dean tried to form the word, "That one Star called you."

"Nephilim?" Sam spat out the word. "Yeah, she called me that. I don't get it. The nephilim were the children of angels and men, and I don't think that I have any angels in my family tree. Can't see Dad as an angel, can you? Besides, you're my bro. I refuse to consider that we aren't really brothers."

"You are both brothers, Sam. You need not fear that." Mary had bowed her head as they came to a stop. "If there was an angel that came to earth for the love of a man, that angel would give up all her privileges to be with him." She said nothing more, and Sam's eyes widened as he considered her words.

"Mom?" he murmured. He got no further, because there was a growl, and the first of the hellhounds appeared.


Dean jerked awake next to Sam at the sound of the growling of the hell hounds at the door. He looked about, pushing away from Sam and seeing Ashley still in the kitchen, cooking away as if she hadn't heard anything. And in truth, she hadn't. Only he could hear them. He and ... Dean turned his head to the bedroom door as a bright light flared from it, and the doors opened to reveal their mother.

Ashley chose that moment to look up, and she dropped the spoon she was holding as she crossed herself. She came out of the kitchen slowly, gazing at the heavenly figure. She'd prayed for help. She'd been praying for the boys since she'd met them. Maybe at last those prayers had been answered?

Dean shook Sam awake. "They're here. Mom?" He rose to his feet and crossed over to the door.

"That's your mom?" Ashley gaped at the brothers, astonished.

Dean's head jerked as the door started to bang, and then the sliding doors on the balcony started to rattle as well.

Sitting up straight, Sam took in the situation and nodded. "Ash, go climb on the bed. There's goofer dust around it, and they won't be able to reach you. You'll be safe there, whatever happens to us." He gave his brother a quick, considering look. "You got the Colt, dude?" he asked, and when Dean nodded, he smiled. "Good." Bending forward, he cupped Dean's cheek and kissed him hard. "I love you, man," he said. "And you and me will be together no matter what. Okay?"

Together they turned to look at the door, and then Sam stepped forward and opened it, drawing a line through the dust at the threshold. "You can come in, if you like," he said. "But if you come in, you'll die."

Dean pulled the Colt out, cocking it and stood before his mom in a protective stance. He'd always been the better shot of the two brothers, and he gripped the weapon firmly in his hand, tight enough that his knuckles were turning white. They were coming for him. Not Sam. Not Ashley. Not his mom. Him. And they were gonna die if they tried to take him. Ashley was already upon her bed, looking out, worried. He could hear her whispering prayers to keep everyone safe.

The hound at the door could only be seen by Dean. Its fangs were long, and its eyes glowed red. Its fur bristled, and it snarled as it glared at the younger Winchester. It scratched the floor, leaving a mark that showed Sam and others it was there. It didn't matter if it died, more would come.

Sam had in his hand the knife that Star had given him, and he held it up in front of him as he began to declaim an exorcism. He started to reach into his pocket and scattered handfuls of salt onto the polished floor as he spoke, thinking that the footprints would give away the beast's position, and then had a better idea. Without stopping his chant he ran for the kitchen and grabbed the bag of flour Ashley had been using. Returning, he sprinkled a thick layer over the floor by the door and stood to watch as he carried on his exorcism.

Mary had stepped forward, pale, and blond and beautiful, and reached to put her hands on the phantom hound. There was a sharp scent of sulphur, a blaze of light, and a howl, and the body of a dog slowly materialized.

"One," she said.

Dean held his ground and stared at the bastard beast with its bloody fangs and vicious snarl. "You are not gonna take me. I'm not gonna die by you. So you have a choice, go back and tell your master that or stay here with us and be a good puppy."

"Dean?" Ashley stretched out a hand, worried as she saw footprints appear in the flour. Another hound rushed in, snarling, and as Dean saw it charge he fired the Colt, smiling as the bullet struck the beast It fell over dead, materializing as its life left it.

After that there was a steady stream of them. Sam's exorcism didn't seem to help, so he took to slashing with Star's demon knife and watching the pile of dead hounds as it grew. Mary was fighting them steadily, her slender hands somehow seeming to electrocute the creatures, but still they came.

"Sam, we're depending on you. Don't let your brother down." Mary's voice cut through the snarls and growls and made Sam stiffen.

"I don't know what to do. Help me," said Sam, his voice harsh with unshed tears.

"Protect Dean." She said no more, and Sam shivered as he looked inside himself. He knew that there was blackness there. He knew that he held a core of untapped violence, and he suddenly knew that it was the only way to help his brother. Sighing, he looked inward to find the dark that lurked at the back of his mind. He felt cold; he felt nothing. Stepping forward, he dropped his knife and raised his hand.

The air seemed charged, thundery as he raised his hand. "Stop," he growled, and his hair rose on his head to float about him as if electrified. The remaining hounds - three of them, paused for a moment, and all was silent. "Get down," he ordered them. "Down on the ground and stay."

The hounds immediately flattened themselves to the ground, lowering their heads, and one of them whined. Eyes were lifted up to Sam, as if awaiting a command.

Dean had killed a more than a few hounds himself. Halfway through reloading the Colt, he looked up at Sam and was astonished. He blinked, his heart beating fast as he saw what was happening. He swallowed as the dogs cowered and followed Sam's command. "Can you make them roll over?" he asked, a half smile on his face as he met his brother's eyes. He got a look from his mom, and he shrugged. "Just asking."

Sam felt full of energy, his skin too tight for his body, his heart somehow booming hollow in his ears. The world seemed to have slowed down, and he walked forward slowly to where the dogs were cowering, belly to the ground. "Come," he said and snapped his fingers.

As the three animals rose to their feet, he turned, leading the way back to Dean. "This man is mine. He's my brother, and you will protect him with your lives. You will do as he tells you and you will stop anything from harming him. Do you understand?"

Cringing down, each hound in turn crawled to Dean and laid its head at his feet.

"I hope they're house trained," Dean looked down at the hounds and fought the urge to pull his foot away. "Nice puppies." He looked up at Sam and then to his mom and finally back to Ashley who was safe upon the bed. "Now what?"

"Now you have a puppy - three of them actually. You always wanted one, didn't you?" Sam looked faintly shocked at what he'd done, and Mary was beaming, her face alight with approval.

"Sam, you did it. You found your center. I'm so proud of you." She stepped forward and gave him a hug as the other two hounds whimpered by his side.

"I don't know what I did. I don't know how I did it. Mom, tell me what I am. Tell me what Dean is. Star called me Nephilim, but I don't understand that. If Dean is my brother, why isn't he one? Why doesn't he have the power that I seem to have?" Sam was almost crying now, partly from relief and partly from distress. Dean was his brother; he had to be.

Dean slowly moved his foot away, walking around the hound to the other side of his mom.

"Nephilim is a child of a human and an angel, Sam," Ashley spoke as she carefully got off the bed and approached. "Someone in your family is an angel."

Dean looked at Mary, "It's you. You are the angel."

"I was once," murmured Mary. "I gave it up, because I fell in love and was sent to earth for a while, but you are both my children, and both could be called Nephilim." She reached for Dean and put her arms around him as the hounds crouched, watching. "I am rarely granted the chance to come to your aid, but you have so much to bear that those on high have allowed me to do so on two occasions. I had to keep my input to a minimum, and was not allowed to tell you how to access your abilities, Sam." She reached up to touch Sam's face as she spoke. "I am glad that you fathomed it out by yourself. You've made me so proud. You both have."

Dean stared, "Wait, we both are?" Dean just stood stunned, and he looked at Sam. "But mom, I don't have any ... abilities like Sam. I never have had." Unless you counted being lucky at cards which Dean was, and believed it was just that - luck and nothing more. "Mom, is that why when you tucked me in bed, you always told me angels were watching over us? Because of you?"

"Your own guardian angel, yes." Nodding, Mary looked up at her eldest son. "Baby, you have the same abilities that Sam does, but when you saw what happened to me you were so shocked that you lost sight of who you were." She smiled sadly as she raised her hand to cup Dean's cheek. "I hope that some day you can rediscover your strength. If I'd been able to live, I would have taught you both how to use your abilities. That's one of the reasons Azazel took me away from you."

Dean closed his eyes, leaning into his mother's touch. He opened them and gazed at her. She was right. He didn't know who he was. Not truly. He had become what his father needed and wanted. He wasn't Dean Winchester the man. He was Dean Winchester, soldier. "Mom, I don't want you to go. I miss you."

"I miss you too, love. I really do." Mary gave him a long, appraising look. "I was given a day, and then I have to return. A day isn't much time to get to know my two sons, one of whom I never even really met, but at least you'll know that angels are really watching over you, won't you?" She turned to Ashley. "And you are too, my dear; I can sense that. Just take care that you don't follow them too far into the abyss. They have the strength to survive it, but you might not."

Ashley nodded to Mary, "I know, but I'll do my best. I can at least stand at the edge and help them climb back up."

Dean gave Sam a sorrowful glance, wishing his little brother could truly know their mom the way he did. He moved in closer to her and hugged her again, holding her so tightly. He closed his eyes, feeling them moisten with tears. "Mom, you were always my strength. It's the only one thing I held close to me, besides Sam."

"I wish I could have done more to help you, Dean, my love." Mary's eyes had filled with tears, and her voice hitched a little as she spoke. "Azazel knew what he was doing when he took me out of the game. In one stroke he damaged both John and you and left Sammy with nobody to train him. In one fell swoop he disabled all of our defenses and left you two vulnerable. I'm sorry. I would have done anything for it not to have happened." She settled herself down on the couch and pulled her two boys after her. "But I think we need to decide just what you're going to do with your new pets, my son."

Dean lowered himself down to sit beside his mom. "He took a lot from us. But I took more from him. His life. Forever. I did it for you, mom." He gazed at her. "I know it's not... right." He drew a breath then looked at the dogs. "Always wanted a pet." Dean shrugged, "Maybe fetch me a newspaper?" He saw Sam glare at him from the other side of their mother. "Okay, I'll be serious."

Ashley stepped around them. "How about you send them to find the one who has your contract and come back to tell you?" she asked.

"Would they even do that?" Sam sounded skeptical as he looked at his mother. He reached to take Ashley's hand and pull her down onto his lap.

"If you tell them to, Dean." Mary was answering him, but her eyes were fixed on her eldest son, and her mouth curved in a tender smile. "Sam gave them to you. They'll answer to you now unless someone of greater power can take them back. As far as I know, there is no-one of greater power than Sam, unless the higher echelons of hell break out."

"Which they could have done," Dean answered. "After all Dad crawled out of there." His thoughts drifted to his father. Dean had always tried to make John proud of him. He'd been dad's good little soldier, the tool for his father's revenge. He'd had to watch as his dad put Sam first in everything. It had only been at the end, the very end, that his father had told him he was proud of him, and Dean was convinced that he'd only done so because he knew he was going to die. Bastard.

Dean looked away from his mother, not wanting her to read the thoughts in his head. Did she know how John had treated him? Probably. He looked at the hounds which were just lying there, waiting. "Go find who has my contract and come back when you can take me to him," Dean ordered with as firm a voice as he could muster.

The largest of the hounds rose to its feet and stepped forward, whining. It stooped to lick at Dean's hand and then turned, bounding away and out of the door. The other two stood watching for a moment and then followed it.

Sam looked on, his jaw dropping. "That's pretty damned amazing," he said, a smile beginning to blossom on his face. "What a team, dude. I'll line 'em up and you knock 'em down." From her seat between the two of them, Mary Winchester giggled. "I wish I were permitted to tell you what to do. I'm not allowed. I'm under instruction that you have to work things out for yourselves, but I'm not worried, because you're getting there."

"Mom?" Sam's voice was soft, and he looked away from her as he spoke. "You say that Dean has the same abilities I do, but that he was... was damaged by what happened back when I was a baby. Does that mean his abilities are gone? Will he ever be able to get them back?"

"Does he want them back?" she asked, still gazing at Dean, one eyebrow raised.

"Huh?" Dean looked over, having been lost in his thoughts about his father. He backtracked to follow what they'd been saying and gave a swallow as he frowned. "I don't think I can get them back. After all, I'm damaged goods. Been so for too long." Dean pushed himself up and moved away, going to look out of the window as the hounds scrambled up and charged out the door, the door closing behind them by itself. "I was never special." The words were mumbled softly, and he got a distant look on his face while gazing at nothing outside.


Mary and Sam both began to talk at once, but Sam caught Mary's eye and settled back in his seat, allowing her to speak, knowing that her words would be far more welcome than anything he could say.

"Of course you're special." She rose to her feet and went to stand behind her son, slipping her arm around his waist and laying her cheek against his shoulder. "I love you, Dean, and Sammy loves you too. I know that John was hard on you, but you have to understand that he too was damaged by what he saw. He was afraid for you and Sam, and he really didn't know how to care for you. I think that what John did was the wrong thing, but I couldn't intervene. I could only watch."

Dean looked out the window, "He knew how to care for one of us. And he wasn't the only one damaged. He was just selfish was all." He looked down at his mom. He'd almost told her how much he'd come to hate his father. Almost, but not quite. "Mom, the things Dad wrote in that book. Were they just words or did he really mean them?" Because his father sure as hell hadn't ever shown any affection to Dean. That apparent lack of love had been eating away at Dean for a long time, and now that John was gone the damage was showing.

"Dean, I know he loved you." Mary sighed and squeezed him gently. "When I died, he was convinced that anything he loved would die too. He was scared that showing any affection would cause the demon to kill you too, and after a while, even though he was no longer sure of that, he held you away from him, believing that it was the only way to protect you and your brother."

"And his excuse for showing that love to Sam all those years?" The words finally spilled out. Dean looked away. He shouldn't have said them.

"I can't answer that. It's something you must ask John yourself." She stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek and smiled encouragingly. "I know that isn't the answer you need, but it's all I have to give you, love. You will see him again. When you do, ask him."

Dean stared out the window as he nodded, "I don't think I want to, 'cos I might know the answer already." He turned back to her. "Guess I'll never get those powers or whatever back." Looking over at Sam, he smirked. "Guess you aren't the freak of the family any more, Francis."

"Now we know it's possible, dude, we'll get them back for you." Sam gave him his determined face, jaw set and mutinous. "You're not a freak, and stop saying you are. I'll help you find your abilities, so just quit whining."

"I'm not whining. You whine. And brood. And mope. I don't whine." Dean turned and hugged his mother. "When do you have to leave. Can you stay and ... well ... bake me some cookies. Like you used to?"

She laughed and kissed his cheek as he snuggled in against her. "I believe I can do that. I don't have to go quite yet." Rising to her feet, she smiled at Ashley. "Perhaps we could go make some of the cookies he used to love while Sam and Dean clean up this mess." She indicated the flour all over the floor and the dead hellhounds that were only slowly fading from sight as their bodies disintegrated.

Sighing, Sam rose to his feet and nodded. "I kinda guessed we'd end up with the clean up detail. C'mon, dude, let's leave 'em to work their magic while we slave away our lives."

"Hey, I was always the one who had to clean up. Don't know what you are complaining about. Missouri even made me clean up Jenny's house." He grabbed a broom, watching as Ashley bounced into the kitchen and began showing his mom where everything was.

"I made them cookies before. I'm sure not as wonderful as yours though," She smiled as she began tidying some space on the worktop for Mary. Taking the stew she had been cooking earlier, she went to the table with it. "Lucky this stayed warm during all of that excitement. When you're done cleaning up you can come eat."

Dean tried to peek under the lid, but Ashley smacked his hand. "Oh this sucks royally," he growled. "And it's not whining, this is complaining," he informed his little brother.

Laughing, Sam went to find a cloth to wipe up the remaining debris. He assumed that the bodies of the dogs would slowly disappear, so he merely opened the window and began to haul the carcases over and toss them into the alley behind the apartment. "I'll go down in a moment and put them into the dumpster," he murmured, turning back to the mess on the floor and starting to clear it up.

Dean helped as well, mumbling under his breath the whole time. He went outside with Sam to take care of the dogs' bodies, carefully making sure no one saw them. Wiping their prints off the dumpster, he headed back inside. "You know, I'm surprised with all that went on, the police aren't here harassing us? Think this kind of thing goes on regularly in New Orleans?" He asked as they went back up the stairs to Ashley's apartment.

"They probably think that it's related to voodoo, and they're avoiding it in case we turn 'em into slugs or something." Sam wiped his hands on the back of his jeans as he followed Dean back up the stairs. "I wonder how mom thinks we're gonna see Dad."

Dean shrugged, "I don't know. Right now I just want some cookies and some of that stew. You know we have two beautiful women up there cooking for us. How lucky is that? We scored big time!" He grinned as he threw open the door. He could smell cookies in the oven. He went over and sat at the bar, remembering how he would sit at the table as a kid, watching his mom spoon on the next batch.

Ashley went over to lean against Sam's broad back, looking back at Dean and Mary, "He really missed her. I'm glad he got to see her again." She nudged Sam. "And you did too."

"Pretty much feels like the first time for me," said Sam. "I was only six months old, so I never really realized what I'd lost. Dean was my mom, and my dad too, for that matter." He smiled down at her. "Thanks for putting up with this bedlam in your life. You really didn't have to." He took a seat beside Dean as Ashley passed them bowls and spoons. "Are you and mom going to eat with us?" he asked. "Maybe we should wait."

Looking up from her cookie batter, Mary gave him a wink. "You guys go right ahead. I'm... let's just say that my digestion can't cope with human food any more."

Heading back to where the other two were, Dean took a seat at the table beside Sam. He accepted a full bowl as Ashley held it out to him and start to eat. "Wish you could, mom, because Ashley is a great cook." He ate, but he was far more engrossed in watching his mom baking cookies for him.

Ashley nudged Sam, "When you care for people, you take the good and the bad. This, is one of those moments you cherish." She leaned in and kissed Sam's cheek.

The touch of her lips was a sweet reminder that there was someone to help him find Dean's true potential. He gave her a grateful smile and squeezed her hand. The stew she'd made was delicious, and he was suddenly incredibly hungry. He couldn't take his eyes off his brother, who in turn was watching his mom with his heart in his eyes. Sam wished he could do something, say something, but knew on a visceral level that he should just leave his brother to enjoy the brief visit with his well-loved mother. He sighed and leaned his cheek against Ashley's shoulder. "He's going to feel bad when she's gone again," he whispered to her.

"But you'll still be here. You have his heart, Sam, just as much as she does." She caressed his cheek. "He just needed her here. And for one day, it will lighten his heart a bit. Yes it will ache but it will be lighter." She looked over as Dean finished his bowl of stew and reached for a refill smiling softly at him.

The cookies were taken out of the oven, and Dean went over, still chewing as he approached Mary. He moved around her, looking at the cookies and smelling them. He then reached for one, biting into it with his eyes half closed in ecstasy. "Mmm, just as I remember." He moaned.

"He's a bottomless pit, mom," called Sam. "I've never seen anyone eat as much as he does and still stay hot rather than flabby. He must have an incredibly fast metabolism." He flashed Dean a triumphant smirk as his mother started to laugh. "Make him save me one, will you? After all, he's had them before, and I never have."

Dean tossed one over at Sam with a muffled cry of, 'Catch!" before going for another of his own. "I don't eat that much. I just happen to enjoy my food. When you get good food, you take advantage of it while you can."


Their parting with Mary, when the time came, was painful as Sam had known that it would be. Dean had clung to his mother, and Sam had seen the tears he tried his best to hide. He'd wept too, for Dean rather than for himself, and his heart ached for his brother, who had lost so much.

Mary had cried a little too, and finally she'd kissed them both on the forehead and then faded into the growing shadows, leaving them alone with their grief. Sam had stepped forward to embrace Dean, and it had been a long time before either of them could do more than cling to each other and mourn her loss.

Finally, Sam had taken Dean by the hand, kissed him and led him back to Ashley's bed.

Ashley had stood back, watching all that transpired. Sadness was heavy in her heart for them, but she'd promised Mary she would watch out for them as long as she could, or as long as they would allow. And now sadness was heavy in the air. For Dean it was worst of all. He'd lost his mother for a second time, and the pain of the second time wasn't any easier than the first.

Emotionally worn, Dean followed his brother into the bedroom. He turned, "Well, this is one for the journal. We're sons of an angel." He watched as Ashley moved in. She was standing there, not moving and not sure what to do. He reached out to pull her closer and wrapped his arms around her, "Thank you for all of this. Thank you."

Ashley hugged him, "I'd do anything for the two of you. You both deserve so much more. So much better."

Dean looked at Sam, "You should really consider marrying this girl." It was a tease but it was also a good thought. "Make a bunch of little Sammys to go running around."

"You're funny," Ashley laughed as Dean turned her around to put her between them.

"And she's a great cook," Dean pointed out.

"Dude..." Sam was laughing, but he looked vaguely terrified. "We've got a long way to go before we can settle down and start raising rugrats." He reached over Ashley's head to clip his brother round the ear. "I'm not going to start procreating, until we've got rid of the demon that's after you - not to mention your pet hellhounds, and the demon army that's following me around." He ran his fingers through Ashley's hair and moved closer so that she was pressed between the two of them. "No offense to Ashley, but you and I have work to do first." He nuzzled into her neck and then raised his head to kiss Dean's soft mouth. "And you will always be my soulmate. Always."

"Shut up," Dean snapped his teeth at Sam. "You're gonna have a shitload of rugrats. I know it."

"What about you?" Ashley asked, looking up at Dean as she stretched her neck for Sam to nibble.

"Me? I'm gonna die young and leave a good looking body," Dean chuckled. "You two will have great cute little kids."

"Stop pushing Sam," She smacked Dean's leg. "He's right you know. With all you have left to do, and until it's done, neither of you can think of that."

"Yeah but gives us a reason to practice." He slipped his arms around her and pushed his hands under her shirt to cup her breast.

"Besides," growled Sam, helping his brother by unbuttoning the shirt she wore and sliding it down off her shoulders. "I want to see little Deans all over the place too. Just picture it. An army of little, leather clad, heavy metal kids, cookies in hand. It'd be sweet."

He slid his hands up the smooth skin of her back and unfastened her bra, letting it fall as her breasts spilled out into Dean's hands. Bending his neck, he began to nibble at her shoulder.

Dean chuckled, "Yeah, I can just see that. You would go nuts." Dean pulled Ashley back against him, looking over her shoulder as he watched his hands stroke her breasts. He gave them a squeeze before playing with her nipples to get them tight. He slid his hands down to her jeans, unfastening them, and then got Sam's undone at the same time. Their two scents filled him, and he could feel his cock getting hard.

Ashley worked at getting Sam's clothing off, pushing his shirt off his shoulders as well and tugging at his tee shirt to expose those hard, sharp muscles. "I think no matter who has your children they will be adorable like you both. And a handful." She wasn't fool enough to think they would stay here with her, but she was determined that she would make the most of it while they did.

Dean slipped his hands down into her jeans along her hips, pushing them down. He lowered himself, leaving Sam to kiss her lips as he dragged his mouth down her spine, over the curve of her ass, stepping her out of her jeans. He ran his hands up her fine legs, cupping and squeezing her and caressing as his mouth laid wet kisses upon her skin.

Especially since they'd become lovers, Sam had found that he loved watching Dean. Dean's face had always expressed far more of his feelings than he knew, and now Sam could see the loss in his eyes. The kisses he was bestowing on Ashley were taking up all of Dean's attention, and Sam stopped what he was doing to watch, loving his brother, wishing he could give him more than just the promise of freedom one day.

It was a little sound from Ashley that brought him back to himself, and he shook his head as he smiled down at her, touched her lips with one long fingertip and then dropped to his knees to lay a trail of kisses over her belly.

Ashley pulled Sam's shirt up over his head as he lowered himself down, tossing it aside with her clothing. Now she was lookin down at him it allowed her to place her hands on his shoulders, gliding them over tight muscles, one of them finding the way back behind his head and into the thick dark locks of hair. She tipped her head back, her own hair brushing her back and tickling at Dean's face. She moaned softly, turning her head to see Dean, twisting a bit as she moved an arm around him to rub over his still-clothed back.

Dean moved a hand up her side to cup one of her breasts. He mouthed something against her skin before running his hands back down to spread her cheeks a bit and let his mouth and teeth play over the sensitive skin back there.

There was something especially naughty about double-teaming her this way, but Sam really wanted this interlude to be all about Dean. He pressed his lips against her navel and then climbed back to his feet, bending to whisper in her ear. "I want to make him happy. You gonna help me?"

He stepped back and stripped himself of the rest of his clothing, tossing everything into the corner of the room and then moved around to where Dean was crouching, bending to unfasten the buttoned overshirt and pitch it after his own. "Let's get you naked, dude. You're vastly overdressed," he murmured, fumbling for the hem of Dean's undershirt.

Dean stopped what he was doing long enough for Sam to get his shirt over his head. Ashley had bent over, her hands upon her bed. She looked back towards them as Dean continued to lick at her. He curled his hands around her legs, keeping them open and apart as he turned his head briefly to gift his brother with a kiss.

Ashley pushed herself up, turning around and lowering herself to Dean. She leaned into Sam, kissing him and then Dean, pushing him down to his back so she could assist Sam with Dean's pants. Once they were history, she bent to lick Dean's thick cock, listening with satisfaction as he groaned. She caught Sam's eye as she washed her tongue over Dean.

Sam sat back on his heels, watching her attack his brother, a beaming smile on his face. "You're under our power now, dude. You'll never escape the tongue." He seized one of Dean's feet and began to suck on his big toe, swirling his tongue around it as he watched Ashley work on his dick. "Gonna suck every bit of you there is to suck, bro. Gonna make you crazy and then make you come til you turn inside out."

He pressed Dean's knees apart and ran his hands down the long, strong legs to his inner thighs. Ashley was still at her task, and Sam pressed in next to her so that he could lick at Dean's balls. "You taste pretty good, dude. Must be all the cookies you've eaten. You've got a great flavor."

Dean squirmed upon the floor. Ashley seemed more demanding this night than she had before. And her mouth was sweet; it had Dean banging his head back on the rug. He lifted his head so he could look down his body and watch as two heads, one dark and one blond, pleasured him. He pushed up on one elbow then hissed as Ashley ran her mouth along the side, feeling her plush lips massage just right before her tongue swept around his cock and her lips encased him, sucking him down.

"Jeez, woman," Dean arched his head back. "Where did you ...?" He bucked as Sam licked at his balls and reached down, pulling his brother to him so he could kiss him just as Ashley reached out to take Sam's cock in her hand and start pumping it.

"You can have anything you want," whispered Sam. "Tell me what you want, and it's yours."

Dean tipped his head to the side, biting at Sam's neck as he considered that offer.

Pulling off Dean's cock, Ashley rolled across Dean so she could pull Sam's cock to her lips, kissing the crown of it before starting to lick it. Spit and pre-cum had created a little string that connected her to him, and she parted her lips to swallow him down, sucking him hard the way she had Dean.

Dean moved his lips to Sam's ear, "I want you in her. I want to feel you inside her."

Nodding, Sam shivered at Dean's words. Ashley's mouth was hot and silky sweet, and her fingers were skittering over him, finding and touching places that made him tingle. He could feel himself getting close, just from the things that she was doing to him, so he reached down to coax her up to them, pulling her so that she lay sprawled across them both.

"You want to take this to the bed?" he asked Dean. "I know that the floor is nice and clean and so on, but the bed is much comfier, and I don't want to get goofer dust in anywhere important."

Dean chuckled, "Why? Scared it'll prevent you from being a demon in the sack?"

Ashley pulled up off Sam and smacked him. "Must you cheapen this?" she asked, giggling.

"Ask Sam, I'm known for it. Besides, he started it." Dean got to his feet and lifted Ashley with him, climbing up onto the bed with her. He motioned for Sam to follow as he moved half over her, finding a pert nipple to tease, flicking his tongue over it 'til it was hard. His hand slid down between her legs, his fingers slipping inside her.

Ashley made a little, whimpering sound and arched her back. She turned her head towards Dean and kissed him, finding his plush lips to nibble. She wrapped an arm around him, nails scratching his back.

Sam could only watch and admire the way the two of them fit together, the shapely little blond and the husky, muscled warrior who was his brother. He settled himself down behind Ashley and pulled her in against his groin. "You want to feel me inside her," he murmured to Dean. "Don't move." Lifting her leg up and back over his thigh he slid into her from the rear and pressed forward until he could feel his balls slap against her bottom. "There. Feel that?"

He began to move, slowly at first but gathering speed as he felt her insides cling around him, drawing him in and sucking at his cockhead. "Touch her, dude. Make her come for us."

Dean watched him slip inside her, thinking that Sam needed more experience in sex and not just with him.

Ashley let out a little cry, her head back against Sam as he rocked into her body. Dean's hand stroked over her, fingers flicking her clit, making her whole body tremble. She reached for Dean and pulled him closer, "Come up higher, Dean." She tugged at his cock to bring him to her.

Dean moved up higher and Ashley quickly took his cock into her mouth. Hissing a breath out, he looked down at the pair of them and shivered at the sight. "God, you two!" he gasped.

"Not actually god," smirked Sam, "But I understand why you might think so." He chuckled and drove harder into Ashley, reaching around to replace Dean's hand with his own. "I wanna feel you come, little girl," he mumbled, sucking on her neck. He held her tightly as he fucked her, fingers sliding over her slick, wet tissue. He could feel her tightening on him, moist walls clasping as he pressed in harder and faster.

He could see Dean's cock slipping in and out of Ashley's mouth and for a moment felt jealous, thinking that it should be his job and his alone to do what she was doing. She tightened her muscles around him suddenly, her body starting to convulse, and that was all Sam could take. His cock tingled, pulsed and then spat, filling her with his cum as he threw his head back and moaned.

Dean watched as the two of them found their release. They made a beautiful sight, and he moved, caressing and kissing them both. Then he pulled Ashley to him, his cock replacing Sam's, settling her onto him and kissing her as his own hips started to rock slowly. Moving deep inside her he could feel that she was slick with cum from Sam, and he drove deep into her with each slow withdraw and push back inside, clinging to her until there was no room between them.

Ashley moved with Dean, keeping it slow. She felt Sam tight against her back and turned her head to kiss him. Sam slid his hands over her and then to his brother, stroking over his back.

He wondered how he'd ever lived without this - without Dean in his arms. He wondered how long Dean would stay with him, and if Ashley felt jealous of his brother even though she seemed to be happy with both of them. He covered her mouth with his own, nipping and sucking as she panted against him.

"Oh, god," she breathed against Sam's lips, feeling Dean's full length draw from her to push back in. She clamped down around him and heard him respond with a moan. Digging her nails into Dean she snarled as he drew one of her legs up around him, pulling it higher. "God!"

Dean shifted, pushing the two of them over onto their backs, still moving slowy as he rocked into her. He took her hands, placed them up over her head to hold onto Sam as he dragged his mouth down her neck and found a pert nipple to suck upon. She let out a little, helpless noise.

One of her hands settled in Sam's hair, twining around it and pulling hard as she began to come. The other clasped the back of his head, pulling him against her. He could smell the sweet fragrance of her shampoo, and the clouds of her hair filled his vision so that he had to reach to collect it all and twist it out of the way.

The two of them were reaching some kind of high. Ashley was uttering little squeaks as Dean drove into her, and Dean had that look on his face that heralded his approaching orgasm, Sam felt his heart fill with love for the two of them, and he licked at Ashley's neck, then stretched to bite Dean's chin. "Come on," he murmured. "Let me see you get off."

Dean shook his head. "You'll have to wait." He pulled from Ashley and turned her over upon his brother, making her straddle him so she was still exposed. Dean pressed back inside her and pushed her down into Sam. His hand caressed up her spine, grabbing her hair in his hand and twisting it into a knot as he moved in and out of her steadily.

Her body rocked back and forth over Sam, rubbing and making her squirm and moan even more. Whatever Dean was doing was just right. He was hitting all the right places.

Trapped under the two of them, Sam felt his cock begin to stiffen again. He moved until he could slide it up and down over her belly and rode it, slipping up and down as she rocked.

Dean's face was set in a snarl, the effort of holding back seemed to be making him sweat, and Sam wanted to see him lose it, see his eyes roll back in his head as he reached his climax. He lifted his head to nibble at Ashley's ear, slid one hand down between her legs to play with her clit, and slipped the other around Dean to cup one straining buttock. "Come on." He whispered. "I love you."

Ashley let out a gasp. Sam's cock rubbed against her clit, and then his long fingers took over. She felt her head pulled back, and her neck arched, letting out another little cry as Dean dragged her up against him, his hands cupping her breasts. He was mouthing words against her ear and she shivered at the sound of his soft voice.

Dean's sweat mixed with hers. He started to move faster. His breath became more labored, hitching at times, trembling out as his strong arms held her tightly. His teeth clenched hard, his eyes closed tightly, and suddenly he began releasing into her with a grunt. His cock pulsed inside her, spilling over and over as she gripped him, her own body following him down. Dean held her for a long moment, trembling with each quake of sweet sensation 'til both were calm at last, pulsing together through aftershocks.

Gently he pulled from her, laying her down tenderly on Sam before dropping down beside them. He was still trying to get his breath under control as he sighed happily. "Now see, all those times you spent in the car before? You could have been having a good time." he teased, smirking at Sam.

"How do you know I wasn't having a good time?" Sam was panting too, aroused by the sight of his brother's climax. He reached down to palm his dick, feeling the flickering of his own imminent release. "Or are you suggesting I could've been watching you get off with your assorted conquests?" He bit his lip, because that would indeed have been hot. A squeezing drag over the head of his cock got him close, and he closed his eyes, seeing Dean's face contorted in pleasure all over again. "Dude, I'd have been put off for life."

Dean chuckled, "Could have gotten pointers. I should be in porn movies." He winked at his brother, then leaned over to whisper in Ashley's ear, pushing her down.

Ashley moved, replacing Sam's hand with her own and then bent to run her lips over his cock, up and down the sides. She started to fuck him with her mouth as Dean placed his hand in her hair, gathering the strands out of the way so he could watch.

"Besides, I know you, Sam, you were sitting there cursing me 'cos you weren't in your own bed trying to sleep." Dean looked up to his brother.

Sam was going to answer Dean, he really was, but as Ashley took him into her mouth his brain shut down, and all he could manage was a desperate sounding yelp, then he was coming, body locked in spasm as he shot his load.

His recovery was slow, and he lay flailing his limbs and making little grunting sounds for a moment or so before he succeeded in finding the use of speech. "Should be in porn movies, yeah," he gasped. "We'd be rich now if you were a porn star."

The thought struck him as incredibly funny, and he started to giggle. "Dean Does Dallas... sound like a good title for you?"

Dean chuckled and shook his head, "More like Dean does America: Coast to Coast."

Meanwhile, Ashley had swallowed Sam down and sucked him 'til he was empty and clean. She slowly crawled up and lay over him. "God, you two are perverts," she giggled.

"I am. Sam's just a beginner though. Still in diapers." Dean rolled onto his back and sprawled. He didn't want to think about leaving. He liked it here. He really did.

"You having fantasies about powdering my ass, big boy?" asked Sam, one eyebrow delicately arched in inquiry. He gave Dean a fond grin and then tugged Ashley round so that she was settled between the two of them. "Seriously, Ashley, do you mind that my brother here is such a big perv? I think he may be corrupting me, and I'm absolutely convinced that he's corrupted you."

Ashley shook her head, "No, if the sex is gonna be like this, who would complain?" She snuggled into Sam.

Dean ran his hand over Ashley's fine little ass as he found the strength to roll to his side. "Yeah, you big dope, who would complain? We're freakin' sexy."

"So you think we ought to make a porno flick then, Deano? I think we'd make a mint." Sam snickered as Ashley slapped his butt. "Dude, she's brutalizing me."

He rolled over onto her and slid down her to blow a raspberry on her stomach, then turned serious. "Dude, you think that those hounds are gonna come back leading a big bad?" He gave a shiver. "And if they do, how are we gonna kill it?"

Dean looked at his brother, "You are such a buzzkill. I should beat you for that." Dean leaned over and sucked Ashley's tit into his mouth, which had her giggle then moan. He shook his head, "I'm not worrying about it now. Mom was here. Then we had great sex and could be having more. I'll worry about it tomorrow if I'm awake. And no eating all those cookies. Mine."

Ashley looked down at Sam, "You'll do what you always do, Sam. Yes?"

"What? You mean fight my big brother for cookies?" Sam gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah. We'll do what we always do. We'll blast the fucker with rock salt and hope for the best." He sighed. "It just seems so random though. I wish that we could zoom in on the USS Enterprise and vaporize them with our phasers or something. This strategy of bumbling around until we find a demon and then letting it beat us up 'til it makes a mistake is a lousy way to win a war against evil, don't you think??"

Ashley cupped Sam's cheek, "Sam, then don't let them just come after you. Why don't you go after them? Take the offensive."

Dean stopped lavishing Ashley's body with his attention and blinked, looking at her, "When did she get so smart as well as sexy? And why didn't you think of that?" He reached out and smacked his brother.


"We'll think about it in the morning. Sleep now." And pretty soon the three of them were dead to the world.

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