by:  Kerrie Smith
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Author's Notes: Um...apologies to Rabé's not that we don't like her, really, we do. It's just that one of them had to jump to the wrong conclusion, and it ended up being her.

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

"We discussed it earlier! You said the idea had merit!"

Amidala paced the room angrily. "I said the idea had merit. I did not give you permission to announce our impending nuptials to the entire room!"

"That Obi-Wan fellow. You and he had something, didn't you?"

"Westerly, please!"

"Our planets are going to need something stronger than a piece of paper to make this alliance work. And would I really make such a horrible husband?"

Amidala sagged. "That's not it, Westerly. I... I don't like my options being taken away from me. If we are to be married-- and I said IF, mind you-- you will not make such decisions without consulting me."

"I'm sorry, Ami. But I can't help it. I like this idea. You are beautiful, and smart, and you've got an adorable little accent..."

"It's not an accent!" Amidala exclaimed. "I don't even have it when I talk normally."

He placed his hands on her shoulders, and kissed her on the forehead. "At least consider it with an open mind. Your planet will prosper and grow, and you will be the Queen of Jocar, as well. Rule is hereditary on my world-- our children will rule after we are gone. Please, Ami. Think about it."

"I will think on it," she promised softly. "Now go back to your room."

He grinned, and walked out of the room, passing Governor Bibble on the way.

"This is wonderful!" Bibble exclaimed, elatedly.

"How so?" Amidala asked, sinking into a chair.

"Amidala, you know what an alliance could mean for Naboo. But an alliance of this magnitude..."

"Would benefit the planet immensely," Amidala echoed tonelessly. "Naboo needs me to do this, right, Sio?"

Bibble's expression turned serious. "As Queen, you serve your planet. If you don't feel you are up to the challenge--"

"I will not step down, Bibble!"

"Then you will marry the prince?"

Amidala closed her eyes painfully. "I will marry him." But I won't like it, she pouted mentally.

"You'll never believe this!" Sabé yelled as she and Tare dashed into the handmaidens' chambers.

Rabé looked up from the novel she was reading. "What's going on?"

"Amidala's getting married!" Sabé continued.

Rabé's eyes widened. "WHAT?"

"To that nasty Prince Westerly," Tare added.

"Oh... my," was all the distraught handmaiden could manage.

Suddenly, the door swished open again, and Saché walked through, scanning the room purposefully. "Do we have a vocoder around here anywhere?"

"Saché, Amidala's been betrothed to the Jocarian Prince!" Sabé blurted out.

"I know," Saché sighed, sifting through some of the mess in her section of the quarters.

"You KNOW?" Tare exclaimed. "How could you know? Westerly just announced it a few minutes ago."

"Amidala saw it coming," Saché said, discarding another piece of equipment. "You heard about those Jedi we met during the Invasion, right?"

Tare nodded. Though a recent addition to the flock of hand- maidens, she was already familiar with most of their gossip.

"Well, she told one of them about it, and the sweet thing's come to rescue her. It's the younger one... the, oh, what's the word... the Padawan." She smiled conspiratorially. "I think he's in love with her. It's so cute!"

"You're... trying to stop the wedding?" Sabé asked in disbelief.

"Exactly," Saché said, abandoning her search.

"You can't do that! It could ruin interplanetary relations!"

"And having Westerly for a Royal Consort wouldn't? I'd send a thermal detonator to Coruscant if it'd get him off Naboo."

"But-- but--" Sabé sputtered.

"Oh, you just want to help. I know you do." Saché grabbed the other handmaiden by the sleeve, and dragged her out of the room.

"Wait for me!" Tare called, running after them.

Meanwhile, thoughts of two Jedi Knights ran through Rabé's head. The older one, who'd been slain during the Invasion, and his Padawan, who had arrived at the Palace earlier that day, much to Amidala's delight. "Obi- Wan's in love with Amidala?" she wondered out loud.

"THAT was your big feeling, Jedi?" Panaka muttered in the almost- empty conference room.

Obi-Wan, for his part, sat in his seat, head in his hands. "I can't believe she's really getting married... I thought it was sarcasm..."

Panaka looked down at the Jedi. "Hey, Kenobi. You okay?"

Obi-Wan sat up. "Captain Panaka, I have a problem."

"Jedi, if Amidala marries that punk, we're all going to have problems."

"I've lost Anakin."

"Say what?"

Obi-Wan sighed raggedly. "A few days ago, Amidala sent me a transmission-- it was just a personal note, really, she often sends them. Anyway, she mentioned the negotiations, and made a joke about an arranged marriage with Westerly. Anakin got a hold of it, misinterpreted it, and took off for Naboo, with the intention of stopping the wedding."

"So that's what you're doing here," Panaka concluded.

"Correct. I figured it would be a simple matter of getting this mess straightened out, and heading home to Malastare. But if Amidala's really getting married..."

"And Anakin's on the loose? Hoo, boy. Are you sure he's on Naboo?"

"Oh, he's here. I can feel him. And if I know my Padawan, he's up to something already."

"What we really need is someone to keep an eye on Westerly around the clock," Ric said. "That way, when he makes his move, we'll catch him!"

"Well... how will we even know he's going to... make a move?" Tare asked nervously.

"You're being ridiculous," Sabé protested. "He's not some evil despot. He's just a slightly... overzealous heir to the throne of some little world that wants to unite with our own. In fact, the alliance could benefit all of us, and when Westerly grows a brain, Amidala might even learn to like him."

"And if you're correct, then we won't find anything, and it will put us all at peace. But if he IS up to something, we should know about it, right, Sab?" Eirtae pressed.

"I don't like this," Sabé added.

"I knew you wouldn't. But we all took an oath the protect Amidala, right? And we wouldn't want her getting married to the wrong guy, now would we?"

"And he is DEFINITELY the wrong guy!" Anakin added.

"How do you know?" Tare asked him, smiling.

"I just know," Anakin grumbled.

Tare giggled. Saché was right-- the little Jedi's affections for Amidala were pretty obvious.

"I've got it!" Ric announced. "The ventilation shafts!"

"No!" Eirtae and Sabé announced in unison, their previous argument promptly abandoned.

"It's dangerous in those shafts," Sabé protested.

"Not to mention disgusting," Eirtae added.

"Look, you can spy on any room in the palace from those shafts," Ric pressed.

"Yeah, if you're three feet tall and one foot wide," Saché protested.

Five sets of eyes promptly converged on Anakin.

"So you don't want me alert the Guard?" Panaka repeated, as he and Obi-Wan walked out into the palace.

"I don't want a big fuss made out of this," Obi-Wan muttered. "It's a little embarrassing. "Besides, it's not finding him that's the problem. It's dragging him out of here."

"You could always stay for the wedding," Panaka joked.

"Not funny."


Obi-Wan swore under his breath, right before he was tackled by the enthusiastic Gungan.

"What's yousa doin' here?"

"Visiting," Obi-Wan managed.

"Visitin'? An' wheresa li'l Ani?"

"'Little Ani' is on Coruscant, being evaluated by the Jedi Council."

"Oh. Dat's not so good. Yousa tell him I asked 'bout him."

"Oh, I'll tell him, all right. What are you doing here, Jar Jar?"

"Meesa part o' de diplo-matty corps. Boss Nass say I such maxibig friends wit' de Queen, I should come."

"Wonderful," Obi-Wan deadpanned.

"Seems we be havin' a weddin' pretty soon."

"Seems like."

"Yousa don't seem too-too happy for Amy-dala."

"Oh, I'm elated."

"Dis is Amy-dala's big day. Yousa should be happy for her."

"Big day, indeed. Look, Jar Jar, I'm very busy. I'll talk to you later, all right?"


Obi-Wan continued down the hallway, a highly-amused Panaka at his back.

"I don't know which one of you two hates the other one more," Panaka teased.

"There's a reason I live on MalasTaré," Obi-Wan grunted.

"You live on MalasTaré for the sole reason that Jar Jar Binks doesn't?"

Obi-Wan shrugged. "Okay, not exactly. But you have to admit-- it's a bonus."

When it came to policy, regulations and diplomacy, Queen Amidala knew exactly where to do. She knew her salad fork from her jaala fork, and she knew the correct way to greet a foreign dignitary in sixteen different languages. But right now, she had no idea what to do with herself.

Amidala sat in her favorite chair, her knees drawn up to her chest. Sacrificing her life for her planet-- that was easy. Sacrificing her soul was a little more difficult.

Maybe Sio's right, she thought. Maybe I'm not cut out to be Queen. If I can't handle it, I should do my duty, and step down from the throne.

No! she mentally fought back. I am the Queen. I am a good Queen. I can marry Westerly. I can serve my people.

Amidala sighed. "I wish I could talk to Obi-Wan right now..."

"She doesn't want to see me?"

"No, Jedi Kenobi," Rabé answered as politely as possible. "You know she's getting married?"

"I was aware of that, yes," Obi-Wan replied tersely.

"Amidala's looking forward to it," Rabé pressed. "She can't wait to marry Prince Westerly."

Obi-Wan furrowed his brow. "Are you sure?"

"Oh, yes!" Rabé said, eyes wide and sincere. "He's very handsome, isn't he?"

"Er... if you say so. Could you tell her I came by?"

"Of course, Jedi Kenobi."

Rabé watched, amused, as Obi-Wan walked back to Captain Panaka, and the two talked hushedly for a few moments before walking off. "Try and break up my Queen's marriage, will you?" she warned, with just a hint of triumph. "Pervert."

It's really dusty in here, Anakin decided.

The ducts were narrow, but Anakin could easily crawl through without hitting his head.

"How you doin', kid?" Ric's voice came over the comlink.

"Good. There's a vent up ahead."

"That's just to the hallway."


Suddenly, something thrummed at Anakin's mind like a ripple in a pond. Quickly, he scooted forward to see out the vent. He squinted through the grate, and scowled.

"Obi-Wan. Should have known you'd follow me," he grumbled. He thumbed the comlink again. "Ric? It's Ani. We may have a problem."

"She's probably... emotional or something," Panaka tried to be comforting.

"It's not that," Obi-Wan griped. "Okay, well it's partly that. But I've got this... feeling."


"Anakin. He's here, I know it. He's so close I could almost reach out and strangle him. But... I don't know where."

"We'll find him," Panaka reassured. "How far could one ten-year- old get?"

"Halfway across a galaxy," Obi-Wan grumbled.

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