by:  Seven O'Nine
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DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment purposes and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.  Not to be archived without permission of the author(s).

Qui-Gon Jinn kept pace with the lovely young woman, watching as she skillfully navigated the many twists and turns of the Alderaanian streets. Many of the people nodded their heads respectfully at Princess Leia Organa. She nodded graciously back at them as she went.

But none saw the Jedi beside her, unseen and unheard. Some, more sensitive than others, felt a faint flicker in the Force, but dismissed it. It only brought a smile to Qui-Gon's face, faintly amused.

Then the smile drained away as fast as it had appeared. He could sense the assassin, just around the corner, armed with a vibroshiv. Dark clothing and facial paint, red hair above deep-set gray eyes, a long white scar on the right cheek. Personal thug of the opponent of Bail Organa... seeking Leia.

And you're not going to get her, he thought fiercely. The Force began to unfold, curling into Leia's untrained mind, like mist entering her thoughts.

"Stop, Leia," he whispered. "Don't turn the corner."

Leia almost hummed as she tripped through the streets, her long white gown stirring around her legs in the balmy breeze. It was good to be back on Alderaan. Two weeks on that frozen iceball, Tasna, and she was almost ready to go mad. But it had been worth it—the furry, powerful Tasnia had joined the Alliance. Mon Mothma and her father had been delighted by the success.

Stop, Leia.

Leia stopped almost reflexively. The words were echoed in her mind, like a thought not born of her own will. Like someone else had spoken to her...

Don't turn the corner.

Leia glanced along the street. Only a few people were there, talking and laughing with friends. None of them were near her, certainly not speaking to her. A chill ran through her. She glanced at the corner, then quickly crossed the square and began to jog toward the palace.

Qui-Gon felt a surge of relief as he glided next to Leia, her white gown swirling behind her like wings. For a moment, he had been afraid that she would ignore his warning and go anyway. But, he thought grimly. It wasn't over.

He could see the assassin watching the young girl run, alerted to his presence. The scarred man drew a comlink from his pocket and whispered a few hissed words into it. Directly ahead of Leia was a pair of narrow alleys. In them were four more assassins, their faces painted dark to hide their identity, waiting for her.

As Qui-Gon watched, one of them stepped out into the light, brandishing a long, glistening knife. Leia stopped when she saw him, took a step back—and bumped directly into a second assassin, a Tarkalian with a leering, gargoylelike face. The other two appeared, one of them wielding a vibroax, the other holding a blaster.

The first assassin smirked at the young woman, whose defiant face had turned deadly pale. "Welcome to our little get-together, your Highness," he said with a mock bow.

The Tarkalian started for Leia, and Qui-Gon grimaced to himself, the Force growing strong and turbulent around him. Oh no you don't. She still has too much to accomplish...

Leia slammed her fist against the Tarkalian's gut, earning her sore knuckles and a gutteral howl of agony from the hairy beast. He tottered back, as a hand grasped her long brown hair and yanked her head back. Leia clawed at the hands holding her back, as metal flashed overhead-

And something rushed past her, knocking the assassin against a stone wall like a rag doll. Leia gasped raggedly as his head was thrown back again and again, as if someone were punching him—only there was no one there. His terrified eyes shut with the impact, as the invisible thing punched him again. He sagged to the ground, nose and mouth bleeding with the attack.

Leia's heart pounded in confusion. What was that? A person? A shapeshifter? A ghost?

Her thoughts switched tracks as she felt a cold smoothness touch her side. Her small hands locked onto the wrist of another assailant, and snatched the knife from his startled fingers. It had slipped between his ribs before he had time to react.

The Tarkalian took a flying leap toward her, with a roar of outrage. Leia held up her hands instinctively, but the alien thug seemed to hit a brick wall—an invisible brick wall. He thudded to the ground, unconscious.

Leia stared around herself, wild-eyed, and spotted a dark-clad man sprinting away at top speed. Her face melted into a relieved smile, then into a perturbed frown. She stared around herself and the three unconscious or dead assassins, almost afraid of what might be lurking there. "Who are you?" she demanded, hoping she sounded authoritative enough.

She could have sworn she heard a chuckle as a faint image appeared before her, like a badly-repaired hologram. It was a man, human, over a head taller than she was. Long brown hair framed the chiseled features, accentuating the calm blue eyes that looked into hers with a look of faint amusement. Then he vanished like morning mist...

Leia swallowed hard, not certain what she had seen, or whether she had seen it at all. "Thank you," she said unsteadily, backing away. "Thank you."

Qui-Gon smiled again as Anakin's daughter sprinted away, her fear and uncertainty emanating from her like a cloud. She was afraid... afraid of what she didn't understand. But he knew that she would need help in the future.

And he would help her, however he could.

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