by:  My-Gin-Gone
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DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  The character of Ardeth Fey is from the movie "The Mummy" which belongs to Universal Pictures.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

Your mind clears momentarily from its cloud of arousal. You have no idea who turned off the water and when it happened but now the only sound you hear is the smacking of Ardeth taking you from behind. Your hands grip the face bowl, legs spread far apart. You straddle an overturned hamper to give you height. Ardeth stoops to grip your waist and hips. Sometimes he strokes your swollen stomach. His pace is furious. Ardeth's stiff penis slides in and out of you. Your body enjoys him fully but there is something missing.

His connection to you is not there. You mentally reached out to him several times but were blocked. Yes on more than one occasion during lovemaking when you've reached out to him you discovered him thinking about the results of a negotiation or a situation at the temple instead of his undivided attention -- BUT it was ALWAYS easy getting him back on track.

"Oooohhhhh." You moan quietly. The discomfort you feel is not very pleasurable.

Ardeth grips you harder and delves deeper. His thrusting turns into pounding. Aggression is behind it.

//Honey you are hurting me.// You project.

He does not listen but grinds into you. You whimper.

He grabs your hair and snarls in Titanese, "You will know!"

Suddenly an image flashes in your mind. It is there for only a second but enough for you to make out a campfire, Ardeth and a woman making love. You know it is not you.

"Ardeth?" A muffled voice floats in through the closed door.

He thrusts arcing his hips upward. You yip. A tear streams out of your eye. His anger grows.

"Ardeth?" The voice calls again. It is Elin.

He stops. His chest heaves with exertion. Ardeth holds you tightly, still inside of you. Your hands trace his hoping for a connection.

"Yes?" He answers and grips your hair. You move your hips feeling him wedged in you.

"We are going into town now." Elin informs sweetly.

"I will be right there." Ardeth answers dryly. He summarily withdraws and moves you and the hamper out of the way. He places his erect penis under the faucet and turns on cold water. Ardeth closes his eyes and scowls. You observe with shock.

Before you can say a word, he has left the bathroom with you in it.

"She's quite pretty." Elin folds her legs on the sofa. Ardeth and Qui sit on either side of her.

The rest of the house is dark and silent.

"Yes we know this." Ardeth says placing his wine glass on the end table beside him.

"ooh. Snippy." Elin turns to Ardeth. Her fingers trace is smooth exposed chest, "You were always the mouthy one."

Ardeth removes her hand, "And you were always presumptuous."

"Exciting." She corrects tracing the ridge of his nose with her finger.

Qui shuffles next to her. Elin redirects her attention to him.

"How long did you court before bonding?"

The Jedi Master gazes at her coolly, "Why?"

He sips his wine.

"I am curious. There is no crime in asking."

"I know how you are, one question always leads to another more personal one."

"It comes with the job," She sits on her haunches and frowns, "You know you can never keep things from me. What? Five, six months?"

Qui replaces the glass. He is agitated. Elin knows this and shifts tactics.

"Do you have any children?" Elin pivots her head and stares at the two. "Oh come on. I haven't seen you two in years. I merely want to get to know you again."

"We have two." Ardeth volunteers.

"Where are they?" She smiles.

"At the temple." Qui answers quietly.

"Why Master Jinn that is excellent news. You two must be very proud."

"We are." Ardeth gets up and pours himself another glass of wine.

"So? The both of you? One of you? Boys, girls? What?"

"I have a son, Obi-Wan and Ardeth has a girl Nurit." Qui gestures to the hollow on the end table.

Elin studies the image intensely. "Ardeth she looks just like you. Qui, he has your eyes other than that...."

Qui chuckles, "Chana says he is a mixture of both of her parents. I would not know about mine." He drinks more wine.

She replaces the image, "I should have been their mother."

Ardeth stops pouring.

Your eyes pop open. The room is dark and a thin sheet of sweat covers you. You glance on either side of you to find the bed empty. You hobble out of bed still sore from your encounter with Ardeth and open a window to let in the night desert air.

Laughter and giggles. Muffled enjoyment flows through the walls. There is more laughter and giggles and then hushed speech. You decide you are thirsty and head to the kitchen. The light clicks on and the conversation in the livingroom becomes more faint. Raucous laughter rings out.

"No. I won't be one of those types." You down the entire glass, "I refuse to be jealous just because there is a beautiful women in the midst."

As you amble down the hallway to your room, you glance into the living room to see Elin sitting on the sofa between Qui-Gon and Ardeth who are wearing sleep pants and no shirts.

Elin in a fit of giggles, flings herself on Qui-Gon's lap while her legs swing onto Ardeth's. You feel your heart rip into pieces when Ardeth caresses Elin's ankle and Qui strokes her golden hair.

She strokes Qui's beard as her slender leg rubs Ardeth's muscled torso.

"They are old friends besides I should understand." Your eyes fill with tears. You head for the medicine cabinet and go straight for a sleeping pill. Your hands tremble. "I should understand." The pills goes down bitterly, "They would."

You furl your brow at that last sentence in all its ridiculousness. No. If you brought an old friend who was male into this house and offered him a place to stay for as long as he liked not only would Qui withold sex from you, he'd lecture you for hours on the moral implications of such arrangements and insist that you tell the man to leave. Ardeth on the other hand would tell him to find a place in town-- or die, point blank.

You yawn. "But I am not them. I trust them." You climb back in bed. "It's not the way it seems." You drift off.

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