by:  Libby
E-mail address with held at author's request.
Any feedback to:  tpool@unbounded.com
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DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment purposes and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.  Not to be archived without permission of the author(s).

Obi-Wan looked around the room. He quickly spotted his master and went to him. They had been on this planet for 4 days now and the problem was soon to be resolved. They had finished a days work and they were both incredibly tired. They both sensed it in each other.

Obi-Wan was now 19 and he had been Qui-Gon's apprentice for about 6 years now. They had grown used to each other and could sense each other's feelings very easily. The planet of Pithan wasn't the pleasantest. But it was a good job to test out the two's skills.

"Did you finish you're task young Padawan." Qui-Gon said patting him on the shoulder.

"Yes master. They were not very easily persuaded to let me help them but I soon earned their trust." He said rubbing an eye. He had not slept sense 4 in the morning of the previous day. It was now a little after midnight. He was used to staying up late, but to insult to injury he hadn't eaten sense then either. Qui-Gon was more fortunate he had had the time to eat something through the course of the day. And he nearly didn't work as hard. But his apprentice was always thankful to him. And he never complained of fatigue. He was always alert and ready, this pleased Qui-Gon.

"Well I guess it is time to go to our rooms and get some rest. We will be returning to Coruscant tomorrow afternoon."

"Council is calling us back?" Obi-Wan asked looking surprised

"Yes, mainly for you. A famous Jedi teacher has come to give a learning course to some of the padawan's. I once went to his teachings and lectures. You have been one of the few chosen to attend his 4 week course.," he said smiling at his padawan. Obi-Wan seemed to suddenly loose his exhaustion to complete and utter joy.

"Why that is wonderfully, I haven't heard such good news in months!" he said with a burst.

"Yes. But that doesn't mean we wont have lessons of our own. I expect you to keep up with your studies Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon's voice lowered. Obi-Wan nodded. They were known walking. And there was silence much of the way back.

The two shared a living quarter and kitchen space. It connected to their own separate bedrooms. They walked into their living quarter and Obi-Wan plopped onto the big cushioned chair and relaxed taking off his boots. Forgetting his master was watching him with a small grin on his face. Qui-Gon shook his head in delight. He laid his robe on the counter and headed toward his room.

"I suggest you go strait to sleep." He said



"Who else will be at the lessons?" he asked

"About 13 or 14 young padawan, probably around your age." he said

"Will I recognize one of them?" he asked

"I don't know. What does the force tell you?" Qui-Gon was now interested in the conversation. He waited for him to answer.

"I feel, far away something I recognize. But it is so far that it is barely there, yet it haunts me. It tells me that something good will happen. But along with good always comes the darkness. So I should be wary. But the spark of hope strengthens me" Obi-Wan opened his eyes and stood. His eyes wanted approval from his master.

"You are very perspective. This will serve you good in the future." he thought for a while. "Maybe you will see a friend back in the temple but only time will tell, Good night." And he went in his room and closed the door.

Obi-Wan got a glass of water and a little snack to eat. He took off his shirt and plopped into his bed. It was nice and warm and it reminded him of how tired he really was. But he lay in the darkness and wondered about his feelings. He searched himself for what seemed like a decade. Meditating on the power inside him. But before he could start visualizing anything he fell asleep. And he dreamed sweet dreams.

The morning sun woke Obi-Wan from his sleep. He stirred groggily but soon became awake. What time was it? He got up and put a lose shirt on. Not bothering to button it he walked out of his room to see Qui-Gon fixing something of a breakfast.

"Your awake I see. You hungry?"

"Yes very. What time is it."

"Almost 10." He said fixing him a plate.

"Don't we need to get ready to leave?" Obi Wan said worriedly.

"Calm yourself my boy, Two others have been sent to finish what we began. We are in no hurry."


"Don't apologize Obi-Wan there is nothing to be sorry about." He smiled at the boy. He was always polite and always wanted to please him. He always thought he was mad or disappointed in him when Qui-Gon couldn't be happier. He wished that he could get that across to the boy. But he began eating and thought nothing else of it.

"This is good Master, I forgot about what a good cook you are." He said looking up from his plate.

"Well I thank you for the complement." Qui-Gon said smiling widely. He never thought of himself as a cook.

"When does my first class with this Jedi start?" he asked

"Not till later this week. And his name is Master Haru."

"Oh. Why then do we leave this early?"

"So you can prepare yourself."

"Oh. Did you like his courses?" Qui-Gon was a little tired of the second degree.

"Yes Obi-Wan. I enjoyed them very much.," he said looking at his plate.

"Well I hope the same goes for me."

They finished eating then packed their bags. They were back on their transport in no time. And Obi-Wan felt himself getting a little excited. Once they were under way Qui-Gon thought he might tell him what was to come. He knew about it all along.

"We are stopping on Corilia. To pick up one of your fellow classmates.," he said concisely.


"I am not sure. But she is around your age." he couldn't help but smile. He knew the boy knew he was lying.

"No you know her name don't you master.," he said turning abrasively.

"Maybe I do?" he said

"Stop joking the suspense is killing me. Who is it."

"You sure you want to know young padawan?"

"Master!" he was know standing. And Qui-Gon couldn't help but laugh and the boy. But he silenced himself and spoke her name.

"Katrine Sobeare" he said. Obi-Wan thought he was going to drop dead on the floor due to his excitement.

"No. I should have known!" he didn't realize he was screaming. "I can't believe this! I haven't seen her in."

"5 years." Qui-Gon stood.

"Master I can't believe it. What do I say when we get her. Has she changed?" He was pacing around his excitement change to nervousness.

"You know as much as I do." He said calming his apprentice. "I imagine she hasn't changed much though." Katrine and Obi-Wan had been the best of friends. They had known each other from the time they were toddlers. And despite all the hardships they had been through they remained friends. But when the time came that they had become padawan's they were separated. They had not seen eachother in long time. Qui-Gon knew Katrine. Not as well as Obi-Wan but she was fresh in his mind. She was very powerful. There was a race of Jedi called the Zen. They had super force powers. They had basically become lost in many wars and battles. But Katrine was half Zan. Her father was one of the lasts. Most Zan Jedi had blue skin. But she had regular flesh due to the human in her. But she had small growths that looked like crystals on her forehead and in her eyelids. Her eye's color would change with her mood. She could do things no Jedi could do. Yes she was a very powerful person. And he considered himself and his padawan lucky to have her as an ally. Qui-Gon's favorite feature about the girl was even though her skin wasn't blue it still had a kind of blue sparkle. It made her look more elegant.

"I can not wait to see her again." Obi-Wan disrupted Qui-Gon's thoughts.

"Well I suggest you get ready we will be arriving in an hour.

Katrine opened the door to the hanger. She felt so strange. She felt the presence of an old friend. She knew two Jedi would be receiving her for her lessons. Could Obi-Wan be one of them? She wore some black pants that went into her boots. A gray sleeveless shirt with her black belt around her waist with her light saber. She had her gray Jedi cape around her to keep her warm. Most Zan Jedi wore gray and black instead of brown and white. She herself preferred this color. Her hair was down and hung to touch her elbows. She brushed it back. She was beautiful. The soldiers in the hanger all stared at her not seeing many women the whistled at her ignoring she could wipe them out with a swift stroke of her hand. She smiled at them and even gave them a wink to tease them. Her eyes were originally were a dark brown. She reminded Obi-Wan of a hurt puppy. But she had changed sense then.

"Has the ship arrived yet?" she asked the captain.

"It has just arrived on view, here they come know." Katrine watched the transport land. Now she recognized the feeling.

"Obi-Wan." she whispered to herself. She had already climbed the ramp before it opened all the way and was hugging Obi-Wan.

"Katrine." She heard him say. But she hugged him tightly

"I can't believe your hear!" she said. She looked up at him. And she was blown away. He had become extremely hansom over the years. His eyes green and blue. He smelled like spring rain or a winter's wind. Then she saw from the corner of her eye Qui-Gon smiling in delight.

"And Qui-Gon." She went to give him a hug.

"Well hasn't this flower blossomed." Qui-Gon said receiving her hug. He glanced at Obi-Wan to see him staring at her in shock. She had changed in his eyes. Taller bolder. Prettier. And what once was a small circle on her forehead was know a diamond shape jewel almost. It shone a sky blue color. In it was the power to melt the flesh of a human hand. And more circles formed on her eyelids so when she closed her eyes they glowed. Also diamond like growths on her temples. She turned to meet Obi-Wan's gaze,

"Oh Obi-Wan you have changed." she said hugging him again.

"Yes and you." he smiled kissing her cheek. "You are grown know."

"Hardly." she smiled sarcastically.

"Well are two ready to get ready to go, we don't have much time." Qui-Gon interrupted their staring gaze.

"Yeah I am ready if the men have loaded my things?" she looked at the man standing beside them.

"Yes miss all your things are on board.," he said tipping his cap.

"Well all right then." she said and the three walked on the ship and were just 3 hours away from Couruscant. They talked about the past. What they had done in the past 5 years. Obi-Wan found that Katrine had changed a good bit. They both had better value now. They had gained new powers and knowledge. Qui-Gon noticed Obi-Wan trying to find out Katrines thoughts and feelings. He knew that the boy was totally mesmerized at the girl or more the woman before them.

"My brother was killed last year while assisting the governor of Alderan. So I am the last to have as much Zan as I have. There are few those having 1/3 and 1/5 but I am the only one with alittle over a half inside me. That puts me at risks to our enemies so Master Windu requests I take this course to better protect myself. I am the last link." she said looking mainly at Obi-Wan. She too was trying to figure him out.

"Well you are precious cargo then." he said with a charming smile. His smile always made Qui-Gon smile. He didn't often see his apprentice smiling the training and pressure had left him with a strained sense of humor and he thought that Jedi just doesn't smile for any reason. But know Obi-Wan had a chance to show off his shinning teeth.

"Well your quite precious yourself Obi-Wan, the force is strong with you. I foresee many trials and tribulations ahead but I also see the triumph and hope. You will become a courageous Jedi." The words startled Qui-Gon more than they did Obi-Wan. He had sensed the same thing at times. But how could a young padawan learner have such insight as he did. She was a year younger than Obi-Wan and she spoke with knowledge beyond her years.

"Well I hope what you say comes to be true. I have missed your company very much." he said forgetting his master was there to hear him flirting.

"I have missed you too." she said back touching his hand. "But know we have 4 weeks to get reacquainted." she gazed deep into the green eyes. A small tint a blue like a Coriallian sea. It reminded her when she was being unstructured by master Yoda at a small temple sitting on an ocean. The water was clear with a greenish blue tent.

A beeping came from the cockpit and the captain yelled for them. All three rushed to the side of the 3 crewmen that were to get them to their destination.

"Someone is attacking us." he said. Qui-Gon reached out with the force to revile the intity that was attacking them.

"Pirates." he said. But at that moment a hit came to the ship. One crewman hit his head hard on the wall and was killed.

"We are being pulled in." Katrine said examining the dead body.

"Quick. We must stop them from boarding. They do not know that there are Jedi abroad." Qui-Gon said. They waited with Light Sabers ignited and ready for attack. When two pirates came blasting in killing the captain. But he soon was struck down by Obi-Wan's blue blade.

When the battle was over the entire crewman were dead. Only the three Jedi remained. Their ship had been terribly disabled they need to land. But there was only one planet in their sight. Tattione.

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