by:  My-Gin-Gone
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DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  The character of Ardeth Fey is from the movie "The Mummy" which belongs to Universal Pictures.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

A sigh. A furtive chuckle. Silence.

We must think of new positions, Ardeth chuckles.

I'm not that strong anymore, Chana giggles.

You don't need strength only endurance.

The midi-chlorians deep within the Master's cells commune with the Force. They in turn speak to him giving him his exquisite connection to the Living Force.

His extraordinary ability to sense the Force in things beyond himself enables Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn to have fine mastery of the Living Force. It speaks to him constantly. And most of the time he listens--especially when improper feelings don't get in the way. As they do now.

Qui-Gon opens eyes and exhales loudly. Knowing that in this state of agitation proper meditation was not possible, he stands up and goes inside. Not minding the granules of sand which cling to his hair and body, he strolls through the dining room and into the hallway closing the patio door behind him.

Chana and Ardeth openly exchange their love through their bond. A bond which he shares. But damned if it wasn't pissing him off. Qui quietly observed the mother of his child laying in Ardeth's arms as he brushed her long sable hair. In between strokes he'd kiss her and she'd gaze into his eyes.

Hostility balled up in his gut as Ardeth's hand stroked Chana's swollen belly. She giggled, nuzzling his neck. Qui clenched his teeth and headed for the refresher.

"Whoa!" You yelp.

Ardeth jerks feeling the jolt of energy surging through their bond.

"What was that?" you ask stroking his beard.

He looks in the direction of the bedroom and frowns.

"I don't know."

You're not exactly sure if he is telling the truth. You turn your head. You see nothing. However you do hear the refresher turn on.

"Ahhh." A bearded man dressed in shimmering robes and lots of jewelry croons as more food is brought into the main dining hall.

He like the other guests sit on dense cushions that line the perimeter of a square. Tables which are perfectly leveled for eating on the floor line the perimeter while the center is empty save for a finely designed floor.

In the middle of the square, various dancers both men and women entertain any and all who look on. The aromatic foods combined with the guests smoking makes this place rather sickening. You study the half eaten food on your plate just as Qui-Gon rubs your swollen belly for the umteenth time tonight.

"No. I have not decided what to name him." The usually modest Jedi Master intones to an equally immodest male guest.

On the other side of you Ardeth stops his conversation with a lady friend to catch a glimpse of Qui's hand on your stomach. Mahogany eyes study you then return back to his conversation.

"Master Jinn!" A round man with a thick neck and a wispy mustache squats behind you. He slaps Qui's back, "You old sith you. A male child and during your Scion Ceremony no less!"

//I think I'm gonna be sick.// You grimace. //I haven't seen this much bravado since I was in the barracks.//

Your attention shifts to Ardeth. The loud music precludes you from hearing his hushed conversation. Wearing a traditional Republic outfit, the lady draped in a long red dress looked quite becoming. Her head recessed in the back of her hood obstructs your view of her face. Either way, she and Ardeth were becoming way too friendly.

Qui's large hand strokes then cups your belly. He laughs, nodding to a speaker behind him. Ardeth suddenly gets up and leaves.

"Wine?" A servant offers.

"No thank you." Shaking your head, you look to the other side of you, Ardeth's speaking companion is gone.

A crowd has gathered around the Master.

"Gentlemen, I always hit my mark." He asserts confidently.

They guffaw nodding their heads and trading sly glances. You wonder where Ardeth is. Lately he hasn't been himself. Distant and cool is how you would describe his behavior. Of course that is apart of his normal strangers, not you!

With a little effort and Qui's shoulder, you manage to stand.

//Would it kill these people to use chairs?// You gripe moving through the crowds and exit the hall.

Party-goers wander about the grounds. Some watch the fireworks display in the night sky while others talk. Through your bond, you reach out to Ardeth. He does not answer but the line is still open and you are able to find him.

Ardeth's tall physique leans against a tree. In the gentle night breeze his Jedi robe flows behind him. A woman in a red flowing dress approaches him slowly. She lowers her hood, exposing shiny teal colored hair.

//A Kryminian.// Your jaw tenses.

She reaches into his robe and grasps something. He stops her. They both smile. Your legs move before you know it.

"Ardeth." Your eyes never leave her.

"Yes." His eyes never leave her.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend?"

Her teal colored eyes regard you with amusement.

"Chana this is Jill." His voice is different. The tone, there is something different about it.

Jill nods pleasantly in your direction. Her eyes return to Ardeth. Your son moves around in your stomach. Instinctively you rub your belly.

"She's new here." Ardeth continues showing a mouth full of perfect teeth. "Aren't you?"


They chuckle as if some private joke was just exchanged. Gods' if you didn't know any better, you'd think this son-of- a...was flirting.

You pause.

//He is flirting!// Your mind projects to Ardeth, //It is time for us to go.//

Their eyes lock.

"Ardeth. Aren't you coming inside?"

"Qui-Gon is calling you."

"I can't hear--"

//Little one, come.// The Master calls.

You ignore him.

"I was born in the Sa'ered." Ardeth says smoothly, "Though at one time my parents did reside here in the Pa'ered."

"Ardeth?" You say tensing your jaw.

He turns to you slowly. "Qui-Gon is calling you." In his eyes you see annoyance.

//Chana!// The Master's annoyance hits you in waves causing your son to shift inside of you.

Your son's emotions shift and turn. They well up in you and whisper "Daddy,". His emotions linger in the Force.

"Is it safe to assume you will be coming home tonight?" You retort.

Jill cocks her head in disbelief. Knowing it is unwise to keep Qui-Gon waiting you leave Ardeth and Jill.

"Four fucking hours ago!" You snarl staring out the window. Scanning the night horizon, you see nothing. "The party ended four fucking hours ago and where the hell is he?"

When you broached the subject of the missing third in your bond, Qui just shrugged and went to bed.

Sand whips up around the house blocking the view. The whine of engines tells you a transport is responsible. A door slams. You lean against the wall as the front door opens.

"Enjoy yourself?" You ask Ardeth as he shakes sand on to your vacuumed floor.

"Lights." He barks. "What are you doing up?"

"Waiting for you. Where the hell were you?"

"Out." The Jedi knight tosses his robe on the sofa.

"With Jill?" You mock her voice.

"Don't start."

You pick up his robe and sniff it while following him into the kitchen. A hint of perfume and a long strand of teal hair linger on the deep brown fabric.

"Grooming the bitch?" You hold the strand in front of you.

Ardeth gulps down his water and casts you a dispraising glance.

"You were with her."

He stops and faces you, "I'm going to take a shower and then I'm going to bed. You can talk all you want but I'm not going to be a part of this conversation."

Ardeth leaves you standing in the dark kitchen holding his robe.

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