by:  Jenn
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DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

Padme laid her hand on the dark brown cloak of her teacher, testing it for dampness. The glow of her sabre shone in the dank air of the cave and served to warm the cloaks of her companion Jedi. She retrieved both of the cloaks and moved back toward the makeshift camp that the two men had set up while she had recovered. Obi-Wan lifted his head to acknowledge her approach and turned back to tying his master’s ribs. The elder Jedi sighed as the material was drawn sharp across his torso, securing his loose rib into place. Padme could see a bruise extending from one side of his rib cage to the other. She grimaced and moved next to the men and laid the cloaks out on the sleep cushion. "They are dry."

In her exhaustion, Padme Nadierre’s voice had taken on the twang of the Naboo that she had strove to shed over the last season. Qui-Gon raised his eyes from his Padawan to look at the girl as she moved next to them. She sat down quietly; watching as Obi-Wan tried to get his large hands to tie a knot in the material. The Jedi bit his lip and sighed as the knot did not take and the material fell away from his Master’s body. Qui-Gon grimaced and sighed, as he knew that the process would have to start over again. Padme smiled gently as Ben opened his mouth to apologize and shook her head. While sitting there, she raised her hand and the pack across the cushion shook and then rose to meet her hand. Quietly she dug through the collection to retrieve a small vial of ointment. Leaning forward, she spread the ointment on Qui-Gon’s bruise, watching as her teacher unset his jaw.

To Ben, she said: "Tydrian pain ointment…if you ever have a bruise or internal injury such as this, spread the ointment on the surface. It will take the pain from the area, without dulling your senses." She gently prodded the area and nodded satisfactorily. The rib did not seem in pieces, but rather just simply misplaced. All that would be needed would be a mender, but they were not carrying one. "Ben, pull the material again, firmly. When you get it stretched, allow me to tie the knot…my hands are smaller and can get it."

Obi-Wan smiled at Padme, leaning across his Master’s chest to grab at the material. "I think that you will be teaching us the healing arts when we make it back to the ship, Padme."

"Oaf. You, of all people, should know them by now; you need them enough." She joked back as she took the material and secured a tight knot. As she looked down at her teacher, she drew his attention by placing a hand on his chest. "Master Jedi? Qui-Gon, look inside yourself. Is this secured properly, is it causing you discomfort?"

Qui-Gon nodded to Padme, "Time for your next lesson, Padme." He said quietly. "You have the gift of healing. Time to take it to the next level, tell it secured properly?"

The girl closed her eyes, recalling first that day so long ago when she had first healed the Jedi and then set about finding the information that she needed. Gently, she laid her hand on the bound area of the Jedi, visualizing the area. She first saw bruised skin, then the skin in her mind pulled back. Her Master’s voice reached her as she delved deeper into his body with her mind. "Good, Draca, concentrate. Tell me what you see."

She frowned as the skin pulled completely apart to allow her to see his muscles. There were spots of blood on them as she saw tears in their fabric. "Tears, Qui-Gon, tears. There is blood in your muscle." She turned her head to the side as her mind slipped between the fibers to see the bones beneath. "Your fourth rib is slightly out of alignment with the others, and ...yes there is a fracture. I could not feel that before. The binding is properly placed, and I feel no discomfort in you." She was silent for awhile, as Qui-Gon nodded with satisfaction. Suddenly his student turned her head to the other side; she moved her hands to where the fracture was on his torso. He felt warmth even through the ointment and the material. Padme was seeing his rib heal itself as her warmth of her hands crossed the area of the fracture and she applied pressure.

Qui-Gon drew a sharp breath as the heat turned to fire. Obi-Wan held his Master down as Padme continued her administration. "Padme...Padme!"

She concentrated on backing her mind away from the rib to deal with the torn muscles. She imagined herself with a small needle, mending the fibers of the muscle, and watched as they drew together and closed. She backed out of his body with a weary sigh. As she opened her eyes, she was presented with an incredulous look from her teacher and a questioning look from her friend.

"Padme." Qui-Gon said quietly, grasping her arm. The girl struggled to keep her eyes open; she was exhausted. "Tell me."

"I..." she sighed heavily, "I think that I mended your rib, Jedi, and the muscle."

Obi-Wan grimaced, and met his Master’s eyes. They had discussed this possible course for her study previously. But neither one had expected her to immediately accomplish the task. Qui-Gon nodded solemnly, holding her arm tighter. "How do you feel, young one?"

She opened her eyes to meet Ben’s and then smiled. "Tired, Qui-Gon, so very tired."

"Exertion. It takes most of your energy to accomplish something like that, Padme. You should store up energy before you heal someone." Qui-Gon sighed, moving his abdominal muscles. "But I feel that you did accomplish the task, young one. That was very good."

The girl smiled and moved away to sit on the cushion. Ben turned to Qui-Gon to shrug his shoulders. "She does have her talents, Master."

"That she does. But practice makes the effort perfect, Padawan." Qui-Gon gingerly rose to a seated position. "We must dry the clothes. They will do us no good soaked and the temperature is going to drop soon. How many blankets did you say we had?"

"Three, Master, and two sleep cushions. And there are the cloaks."

"Good. That should be enough. Although, I think that we will have to huddle together. Padme is still in a light state of shock; her body will need warmth. The comlink’s voice portion is dead from the water. I have tried to touch the captain’s mind to alert him. He seems to have received the message, and will try to follow the homing beacon in the comlink."

Obi-Wan was already standing and removing his tunic. "I will find a way to lay these clothes out with the sabre near to dry them."

Qui-Gon called to Padme who was already watching the younger man warily. "Draca, remove your tunic and give it to Obi-Wan. Keep your pants, though. Take off your boots and place them where he shows you."

"My clothes, Master?" Padme turned from the men to untie the tunic.

Her small voice made Qui-Gon stop his actions of removing his own clothing. He grabbed at Obi-Wan’s arm and nodded toward a blanket. The apprentice took the hint and handed the covering to the girl. Although she would only be missing her outer layer and would still be in a sleeveless shift, her royal upbringing had created a feeling of modesty about her unclad self. Padme dropped her tunic, and wrapped in the blanket. Her boots came off quickly, and were thrown to Obi-Wan who caught them with the Force and laid them down next to his own.

Qui-Gon sighed with nonbelief and shook his head, "Children."

The darkness of the Oceanian night fell quickly as the three companions huddled on the cushions. They sat in a semi-circle facing each other. The girl was leaning slightly forward, bent at the waist; nodding off and then jerking awake. All three shivered with regularity.

Obi-Wan rose and checked the clothing, returning with a frown. "The damp air is making it hard for the material to dry; I think it will be morning before we can wear them again."

"Such is the way of things, Padawan." The elder man nodded toward Padme, who slept fitfully, and shivered at the same time. "She is doing better, I think, tonight. She will need rest."

Obi-Wan smiled. "It was quite a bit of testing for one so young, Master. I would be exhausted if I were her age again."

The Master nodded knowingly and motioned toward the sabre. "Regardless of the status of the clothes, young Obi-Wan, we should bring the sabre here. Our protection is more important. And we should sleep."

"Sleep?" The younger man was incredulous. "Master..."

"The Force will warn us as to invaders, Padawan." Qui-Gon moved to the cloaks and laid his out on the cushion. Obi-Wan followed his actions, laying his out also so that they overlapped. Both men stopped and looked at Padme, wrapped in her blanket and appearing very young.


Qui-Gon sighed, not for the first time wondering why he had not fought with the council about the life-debt. "Place her between us, Obi-Wan. She is too small to generate her own heat. Padme!" he called loudly, jolting her from sleep. The girl’s eyes raised to her teacher, blurry and unfocused. Her exhausted mind could not interpret the feelings and clues that the Force was sending her, so she just sat. The elder Jedi tilted his head to the side with a questioning gaze and shook his head with pain. The girl was simply too bodily exhausted from her earlier ordeal and with her healing of him that she was unable to consciously move or make a decision. He moved gently to her and picked her body up effortlessly. Obi-Wan watched the turn of events with a questioning look as he began to gather the blankets and the sabre from their places. His Master nodded over Padme’s head, tucked into his shoulder. "She is very weakened, Padawan. I think we pushed her beyond her limits today."

He set the girl down with her head on the folded survival pack. As he sat next to her, he watched his younger friend pull the blankets over to the trio. "The ship will try and arrive tomorrow. To allow time to elapse so the Oceanians will not follow and interrupt their approach."

"What of the plan that they had for us, Master?" Obi-Wan sat next to Padme on the other side, pulling the blanket over his lap and her body. "This was an unusually bold action for them towards off-worlders, don’t you think? I feel that there was something else behind the plan."

"I agree, Padawan, I agree." Qui-Gon stretched his body out next to Padme. "There is something else afoot here, I can feel it. But there is no direction to the feeling, just its existence." He groaned lightly as he stretched his sore flank muscle. Obi-Wan had already lain on his side, facing his Master across Padme’s still form. Their eyes met and fell to the girl between them. Without a question, Obi-Wan’s arm fell to encircle Padme ’s waist and pulled her close to his chest. Qui-Gon lay fully on the cushion and watched as Padme silently, and unconsciously, fought Obi-Wan’s grip. She squirmed until he released his grip. Ben’s eyes opened questioningly and looked at his master. Padme inched across the small space until she was in contact with Qui-Gon’s side. The elder man lifted his arm and allowed the girl to move fully against his flank, and settled it back down around her shoulder and back. He shook his head at Obi-Wan. "I don’t know, Obi-Wan, I cannot sense what it is that she finds so unquieting about you." He whispered.

"Or so appealing about you." Obi-Wan whispered back.

"No," Qui-Gon answered, "there is no pull of her towards me. I think that she just finds my spirit more in tune with hers. But, she has overcome her fear of you when she is conscious; in fact, I think that she is even fond of you. But when her defenses are down, she seems to automatically drift away from you."

"I will double my efforts at making her feel at ease, Master." Obi-Wan added, moving to touch the girl’s side to close the circle of warmth. The trio remained quiet, until Padme began to shiver.

Qui-Gon reached further down, curling his arm around her waist and lifted her slightly so that she was completely lined against his body. Obi-Wan moved in unison with the girl and they became a mass of entwined arms and legs. As Obi-Wan’s arm fell around Padme in his sleep, she began to murmur in protest.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes in slight pain, as he felt her fear. The fear was blinding in her mind, for some reason, and even as her soul fought to control the fear, he could feel that it was not directed at Obi-Wan, but rather someone similar to him, of the same age. Night fears of a young girl, was what he was experiencing through her mind. As she became more forceful in her movements, Qui-Gon moved onto his side and pulled the girl into an embrace. This displaced Obi-Wan’s sleepy hand and the girl quieted almost immediately. Qui-Gon encouraged the change with a sigh and murmured entreaties of the girl to relax. "Peace, little one, no one will hurt you here."

He was surprised to have an answer from the girl as her arm encircled his waist. "Master, why do I react like that towards him? He is a good friend and a proper Jedi; I don’t understand why when I’m tired I need to stay away from him."

He shook his head and then replaced her face into the crook of his neck. "I do not know, Padme. This is only something that you can find within yourself and fix. Was it something from your childhood?"

Padme was quiet as her other hand curled on the man’s chest. She breathed easily, and deeply. "Sometimes I see myself in the room that I shared with Sade in the Grand House...I see darkness... billowing gauze at the window...the smell of the flowers in bloom...and then..." her hand curled about his neck as she shivered. "Pain...anguish...the face of a young man that my father employed.... And then nothing, my mother..."

Qui-Gon was silent as she breathed deeply before continuing. "I think that I know...Master, but...."

"You have buried the pain and the memory." He added quietly, sensing her need to pull back and see his eyes. "Your Jedi abilities have helped to bury it deeply. We should work on uncovering them, but not now, not here. We need a safe, comforting place."

"Was I....?"

Qui-Gon pulled his other arm from her waist to silence her. "Don’t think, young one. Let the thought go, do not dwell on it."


"Padme, listen to me. Relax." Her teacher removed his hand from her mouth and placed it back around her waist. "Uncovering it here would only cause the deepest of problems. I cannot distance you from Obi-Wan, you need his heat as well as mine."

"Yes, Master." She was silent as the darkness was broken only by drips from the nearby wall. "I cannot be against him, though, it causes fear in my soul."

Qui-Gon pulled her fully into a tight embrace, allowing her hands to land on his bare chest. Her eyes searched his as he gazed at her. "Then draw comfort from me."

She nodded solemnly, burying her head in the crook of his neck. Sighing in comfort, she curled her hands on his chest. His long brown hair tickled her face where it was and she smiled from the feeling. The bristles of his beard, as close cropped as it was, were soft and warm. She knew that his blue eyes were closed and that he rested his head on the side of hers in affection. The feeling that she felt was warmth and comfort. Parsecs past as their breathing drew deeper. "I am comforted by you, Master. You have a kind spirit."

The elder man nodded, placing his mouth next to her ear. "And you a very troublesome one, I fear." At her small laugh, he continued. "Why I let you talk me into allowing you to accompany us is beyond my comprehension."

"I used logic." She answered sleepily. She burrowed her face into his upper chest. Silence again enshrouded them until she moved to turn her face toward his again. Her mouth was turned in a fashion that he had come to associate with thought. "Master?"

"Yes, Padme."

"What is your birth name?"

Now, that is a strange question, he thought. He shifted his arms to jostle her closer, "Why do you ask?"

"I was thinking about Ben...about Obi-Wan. The Jedi Padawan learner takes such as name when they enter the order don’t they? Upon completion of the trials, they have the right to change their name again. Why didn’t you?"

"This is not something that a student asks their Master, Draca." He admonished.

"Why have you not changed my name?"

"Padme fits you. It means ‘tiny one’ in Naboodian. I was with your father when he named you. Obi-Wan means ‘one with fire’ in ancient Jedi. That name fits him, though I must admit that Ben does also. That I allow you to call him that is a gift, Padme, and not the normal way of things."

"But..." she sighed as a rumbled laugh came from his chest and warmed her. She lifted her head to see her Master’s eyes. "You avoid the question. Why did you not change your name back?"

He became silent as her eyes bore into his. In the faded light from reflected moons on the water, her deep brown eyes appeared endless to him. Her face was very pale, both from the lighting and from shock; her lips were parted and a light breath fell from them. Qui-Gon felt a pang in his heart as he cradled her. "Are you warm? How are you feeling?"

"You tell me, Master Jedi." She said lightly. "As you say, ‘it is the way of things that a Jedi can see through others.’" She smiled gently. He returned the smile warmly and closed his eyes. "But you aren’t reading me are you?"

He shook his head and she answered. "I am fine, I think. A little disembodied, a little light headed. But good, fine." She pulled her head back to meet his eyes again. "But, sir, you are avoiding the question."

He lifted a hand to lay on her hair. "My name is Lianim. In my native language it means...."

"It means ‘forgotten one’" Padme noted. "Your native language is Naboodian, isn’t it Qui-Gon?"

He nodded. "Now you know why I left my name Qui-Gon."

"And what does that mean?"

" ‘One who goes with peace’."

She was silent as he stroked her hair. "Shouldn’t be ‘one who admonishes freely’?" At Obi-Wan’s snorted laugh; she smiled the apprentice. "Your name does suit you, though, Qui-Gon."

"Thank you." His whisper was low in the darkness. "How did you know that my home world is...."

"Naboo." She finished with a slight shrug. "I guess I’ve just always known. But you don’t consider it your home, do you?"

"No. I have not known Naboo as my home. I was taken to Corsucant when I was less than a season old. The Jedi Council and the building have been my only family and home." He laughed quietly at her look of pity and sighed. "Young Padme, do not look so sad. I have had a good life. Those with whom I studied, my master, and my Padawan are my father, brother and son, as well as my friends. It is a close tie that we form amongst ourselves."

"I have another question, Master."

Qui-Gon shifted his arms and sighed. "If you insist on talking, Draca, call me Qui-Gon."

Padme nodded gently and moved her hands so that they braced against his chest. "I do not know if this question is acceptable to ask."

"You will ask anyway, Padme. Your stubborn nature dictates it, I think. Ask away."

"Is it...acceptable...for a Jedi to take a mate?"

Qui-Gon’s breathing stopped for a moment before continuing deeper. "That is a funny question to ask, young one. What is the purpose behind it?"

"You mean you are not reading my mind?" she joked. When her Master did not join in her joke, she straightened her spine. "I wonder why Obi-Wan has not looked for a mate. I wonder what is in store for me. Plain reasons, Qui-Gon."

"Obi-Wan has not finished his training and therefore is not available to search for a life-mate. You, Padme, will never take the trials and therefore will never be held to that same structure. Besides, on your 21st season anniversary, you will be brought before the Naboo council and a decision will be made as to your status. Jedi’s..." he sighed. "Jedi’s are able to take mates, Padme. It is not forbidden, at least not in most cases."

"Your case is different."

"Yes," his voice was different sounding, deeper, more hoarse. "When I took the trials, my master informed me that the council had foreseen the future and that I was never to search for a mate, never to father children." He turned his face toward hers. "It is an edict that I cannot ignore; it is punishable by removal of my title." He cleared his throat. "No more questions tonight, Padme, please."

"You could choose not to answer them, Master." At his chagrined glance, she looked down. "It is just that I know so little about you. Obi-Wan and I have talked about things previously, but never you...and your defenses are lowered here. I have wondered since I became your indebted one what kind of man you are, from where you came."

"A carry-over from your royal upbringing, I suspect. Ever the diplomat...what is the saying? Know thine enemies as your friends?"

"And know your friends as yourself." She added, reaching a small hand to bury in his hair. "Do not judge me for this, please."

"Never." He pulled the blanket closer around her, "But we need sleep, Padme. I must ask you to stop your questioning. If you have questions at another time, I will answer them; never worry that I will not. All that I ask is that you give me respect as your teacher and use discretion in the type of questions that you ask. And we must work on your breathing exercises."

"Yes, teacher." She yawned as she lay back against his arm. "Peace."

"And peace to you." He added quietly. As the girl drifted off to sleep, Qui-Gon remained awake. His spirit was troubled with many things- the attack on them, the powers behind it, and the ill-timed questions of his charge. Patience, he decided, was the only way to handle the problems. Those against them would eventually show themselves. As for Padme, and her interest in his life... well, he thought kindly, it was in her nature to care deeply for those that she felt responsible- whether they were her subjects, her family or her friends. But this occurrence only doubled his want to train her to her fullest abilities. As he thought of the next steps he needed to take in her training, she sighed in her sleep and he found himself kissing her forehead in reassurance. As the course of his action became clear in his mind, he stopped and pulled back to look at the girl.

The peaceful, angelic look on her face caused a pang in his heart. He felt that this girl was special to him. Recently, he had decided that she was someone that he could call friend, as possibly, her father might have wanted him to treat her. He had known Brace well; had called him friend. And that he was caring for his daughter only cemented the friendship even after the other had passed on in death. But the way that she affected his judgment on the way that he used and was used by the Force, Qui-Gon could not feel well about. Like, he told himself, the way that you are here holding her to comfort instead of telegraphing feelings of support as you were taught to do. He shook his head with a sigh.

There was something about this girl. Something special. It wasn’t just her abilities and talents in the Force, which were considerable and could easily, become something powerful if honed correctly. Likewise, he thought, it wasn’t her beauty. She was uncommonly pretty, with her pale skin and dark, dark hair. Her brown eyes seemed to look through you, and her stature and bearing gave an illusion of height, even though she was very petite. Nor, was it her intelligence, although it was formidable. No, he decided, it was everything together and not any one thing. His arms pulled her closer to his chest with a smile that widened into a grin when she murmured his name and allowed the embrace. She was special to him. And the thought both cheered him and saddened him.

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