by:  Jenn
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DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

Padme raised her hood to look at the collection of men surrounding the hanger. There were at least five that she could not sense their purpose. Her mouth turned to a frown as another emerged from the hanger itself. She had not felt his presence, either. It was very strange. She slowly peeled herself from the wall to stroll down the alley away from the collection of men and various offworlders. Quietly, she used her force powers to blend into the scenery and the passersby. She moved quickly to the outskirts of the town.

Trudging over the last of the low dunes, Padme approached the small group of Jedi that had amassed outside of the port. As she neared, Qui-Gon lifted his head from where he was looking at one of the twins and called to her. “What did you find?”

“The strangest thing.” She answered, moving to stand next to him. Several other Jedi crowded around. “I found the hanger, and several men loitering in front. But I could not sense their presence, it was only with my eyes that I could confirm their existence.” She shivered. “It was almost as if there was a hole in the Force around them.”

“Sith,” stated Qui-Gon, “and even though, you cannot sense them, it is almost a sure bet that they will sense you. That is why they have come. Tatoonine is isolated and lonely in the outer rim, but with this many Jedi in one place, even without using our Jedi abilities, we attract them. Separation might be in the best interest."

One of the other Jedi nodded in agreement. “Master Qui-Gon, we should separate.”

“That is right, Master, we know of the central point. We know of Master Yoda and Dagobah. A central place that can be for us, when we need it.” Mace’s student, Farre answered. “We can return there when it is needed.”

Qui-Gon stared at the small band of Jedi surrounding him. All were either Knights or Padawans; their masters either killed or missing. Yoda and the other masters, and a few students had waited behind in the camp to wait out the passing of the Sith to return to Mos Espa at a later time. These remaining Jedi were all that the Order could count on. As he took in the faces of those around him, he knew that it would be hard times for them in the future. “Where would you go? Do each of you have safe places to venture to, friends or family that would take you and hide you? How will you know of the massing of the Jedi if such a time does come?”

Those around him answered with their steady return gazes. He knew that they would try to accomplish this task or die in the trying. “Very well then, decided it is. Venture to where you feel is the safest for yourselves. Report to Yoda in due time. The Padawans here should accompany Knights…it is a dark time for the Jedi and those young in their training might be affected more than those longer in the Force.”

Padme grimaced as she pulled on her master’s sleeve. “With all due respect, Master Qui-Gon, in order to leave the planet, we must first get through the spaceport and into freighters.”

Obi-Wan turned from the speeder where he was holding a fussy baby. With ease, he crossed the area to hand the baby to Padme. She took the child and cooed it. The Jedi Knight smiled with knowledge and held out his arm to the woman with a smile. A look of mild disbelief crossed her features as she reached out to touch his arm. She closed her eyes to read his mind, opening them a minute later with a slight grin. Qui-Gon stared at the two of them with annoyance. “Obi-Wan, Padme….what is it?”

Padme nudged Ben who spoke to his Master with a measure of glee. “Due to my job as a person responsible for trade between the spaceports; I know quite a few people. A few that would be glad to get us on a freighter and get us out of here…for free.”

“And, Obi-Wan, how do you propose to find these people.” Qui-Gon answered, a slight grin touching his features.

“In the cantina, of course,” Padme answered, bouncing the baby. “And I know just how to get to them.”

Ben gripped Padme’s arm with savage force. Even though the cantina was away from the multiplex of hangers, it was still closer than the edge of the town. The thought made the young knight edgy. Padme grimaced at the thoughts flowing from his mind and admonished him for it. “Peace, Ben. Peace, down those emotions.”

Ben nodded. He took a deep breath and cleared his mind. Ruefully, he thought back to seven lunar cycles earlier and his same words to the young Padawan next to him. He shook his head at the change in her. The time that she spent extensively training had forged skills of iron in the woman. The time that she had spent with Qui-Gon in a relationship had toned her personality, adding layers of maturity to her already sophisticated persona. As she rounded the next corner nearing the cantina, he caught a glimpse of her face under the cloak. Her mouth, lush and full, was set in a firm line. Her brown eyes were warm, but they burned with the light of determination and not friendliness. Her hair was in a strict braid. All in all the woman was ready for trouble. He was so busy observing her, that he almost shot past her when she stopped suddenly and hung back in the shadows. Ben followed her instinctively, berating himself as he saw two bipedals in black cloaks step by them.

“Gods, I did not even sense them.” He stated as they reemerged from the shadows into the alley once the Sith had passed. “How did you know?”

“I did sense them, Ben, but they have to be close for me to do so when they force cloak themselves like that.” Padme sighed as she got ready to move on. She stopped when Obi-Wan grasped her arm again. “I have enhanced abilities in some areas right now.” She answered his unspoken question, her eyes darting around the area as she waited for the next inevitable question.


Padme grimaced as she began to move off again towards the loud clamor emanating from a semi-subterranean building. “I am with child, Obi-Wan.” She answered quietly and concisely. “It will increase my ability to detect danger to the child and myself.”

Obi-Wan stopped her with another hand on her arm as he caught up to her. “Qui-Gon’s?” he asked, instantly knowing the answer to be true. “Of course it is. Have you told…”

“Last night, Ben.” Padme sighed again, “We need to accomplish this, Obi-Wan.” She turned to look at him. “I know the consequences of what it means to him, and I know how much he has craved for a child of his own. It is something that we both want, Ben. Qui-Gon’s child will be born, although it will be some time. Although the child could be born here while we wait to finish this task.”

Ben grinned at her sharp tongue and moved to the door ahead of her. “Come then, young Padawan, let us find our friends.”

The interior of the cantina, thought Padme, is the same as the one in Mos Espa. As they stepped through the door, she instantly felt at ease. She was acquainted with the atmosphere: dark, loud, and rambunctious. Ben looked to relax almost immediately as he entered also. “What do your friends look like, Ben?” Padme’s eyes skittered around the enclosed space.

“Tall, and amphibian looking.” Ben answered shortly, turning in a circle. He was saved from looking further by the appearance of a tall, snout- nosed finned creature that came over to him to lay a fin on his arm.

“Ben Kenobi.” It spoke with difficulty in the Basic language. “So far from Mos Espa. What brings you here.”

“Ishar,” Ben sighed with relief. It was one of the more friendly captains that he had dealt with in Espa. “Yes, it is a long way, but we have desperate situations that bring us this far.”

“Desperate for a Jedi, is desperate indeed.” Ishar swung bulbous eyes to Padme. “Another of your women, Ben?”

At that comment, Padme raised her brows and turned to Ben with a smile. “Another? How many are there now, Obi-Wan?” She smiled at the blush that crept across the man’s features.

“Enough.” He stated, turning to his friend and with a wave of his arm, beckoned into the depths of the bar. “I have need of you, Ishar, if you could help us. We have need to move a large number of people to various places in the galaxy. Payment would be whatever we can scrounge and…”

“I would rather have a debt from the Jedi, as would any of my comrades, than to have their wrath.” Ishar waved to a table. “Payment can be whatever you are able to pay, so long as my guild is looked upon kindly by the Order.”

“That,” Padme answered for Ben, “is not a problem.”

It was falling night by the time that the two Jedi returned to the camp. It was almost empty as most of the Jedi had retreated in pairs or alone, back to the depths of the desert to put distance between them and the Sith. Farre and two other students remained with Shmi and Qui-Gon. The elder master looked relieved to see the two approaching and handed Magrie to Farre. “What is your news?” he asked as they approached.

“There will be passage, to as many planets as is needed, within reason. Ishar, my Hagndanian contact, will be finding his comrades. It will take at least two days, though, Qui-Gon. But he thinks that they can land out here in the desert to avoid the Sith. I am to meet with him tomorrow night to find the details and the plans. The Jedi will owe him a large debt.”

“A Jedi debt is always fulfilled.” Qui-Gon answered, “ enough Obi-Wan. We have to move to the desert tonight.” A last thought had him turning to look at his former student. “Can you trust him?”

“Remember that young Hagndanian that I brought back to Hagnda two seasons ago?” Ben smiled. “That was his sister. His honor code forbids harming me or mine and he is very fond of me and Padme for that matter.”

Qui-Gon smiled at his love. “Fondness follows you.” He stated. “Come, let’ s go.”

Farre and the others waved as the small band climbed into the speeder to go deeper into the desert. The other three remained behind to serve as a forward warning post. The speeder started and the small group retreated back between the dunes.

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