FATE: Part 2

by:  Bridget
Feedback to:  callistolin@prodigy.net

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

Yoda sighed and looked on at the celebration going on in the square of Theed. For the Naboo and the Gungans, thing had been sewed up very neatly. The Trade Federation was off that planet and there had been a peace between the two species. All and all for the sentient life forms of Naboo, it had been a very good day.

For the Jedi, it was not.

Yoda couldn't deny it any more than Mace Windu could. The Sith had returned, there was no question in his mind of it now. Even from the Jedi temple on Corsucant, the aging Jedi master had felt the massive disturbance in the Force generating from the climatic battle in the power generator on the planet. From what Qui-Gon Jinn had relayed to him about the Sith Lord, it would appear that they might be in trouble. The lone warrior had nearly defeated the benevolent master and his apprentice. It had been far too close for comfort. Yoda didn't want to admit it, but such a thing did make him nervous and he was not alone.

Mace Windu walked up and placed his hands on the cool marble railing overlooking the city square. The sun was beginning to set, adding a warm orange and red backdrop to the color festivities exploding beneath them. His features were solemn. Apparently his thoughts weren't all that different from Yoda's.

"This changes things, doesn't it?" Mace said, looking outward.

"Yes," Yoda said simply. "Returned, the Sith have. Certain of this I am."

"Not all the Council members are in agreement. Ki-Al-Mundi is still adamant about it being a renegade of some kind."

"Worried he is. Knows the Sith have returned. Fears for long time they have been. Waiting perhaps."

The other Jedi master leaned against the pillar. "If they have been waiting, they picked a good time. Senate's arguing back and forth, bickering about things that really don't matter in comparison to the needs of the people. Naboo was invaded, and we were the only ones who did anything about it."

"Dark times have come."

Mace sighed. "And it isn't over yet, is it? Of course not."

"Must be cautious, listen, watch. Come again they will. Soon perhaps."

"I hate to say this, but maybe sooner would be better. I don't like this waiting. The longer times go by, the more doubt there is."

Yoda nodded. "Using this, the Sith have. Patient they are. Careful will shall be."

"Speaking of care, there's still the matter of young Skywalker," Mace said with a small grimace. He knew that this was NOT Yoda's favorite topic.

In a very firm voice, Yoda said, "Agree with him being trained, I do not."

Mace sighed and sat down on the railing, looking down at his friend. "I know. I have many reservations about it, but we have been outvoted and they do have a point. The boy may be able to help us in this, especially if he is the chosen one."

"Much fear in him there is."

Mace nodded. This was true and why he objected, though not as strongly as Yoda to Anakin's training.

"His fear is that he will never see his mother again."

Yoda nodded.

"Well," Mace continued, "maybe there is something that can be about that."

Anakin Skywalker, the slave turned Jedi apprentice, smiled brightly, even thought he had a tiny knot in his stomach which was slowly growing. Everyone was alright, even Pad- even Amidala, which made him very, very happy, but he felt a quiver of sadness. His mother was all around now, probably being worked much harder than she should now by Watto. Unless of course, Callisto had done something.

He really wished she hadn't been in Mos Eisley when Qui-Gon Jinn had come to town. He had a feeling he would have liked her and she might have helped things go a little more smoothly than they did. The problem would have been convincing her. Callisto wasn't the most trusting person in the universe and didn't particularly like anyone.

Still, it would have been neat.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, now a full fledged Jedi Knight walked in Anakin's direction. As glad as he was to see his new friends, he really wished Amidala would finish talking to Boss Nass soon. If he was going to be going away soon, he would at least like to say good bye. Somehow, he knew it didn't matter because he would be seeing her again soon. He just had a feeling and he had learned quite early not to ignore those feelings.

"Hello Anakin, "Qui-Gon said.

Anakin straightened up some. "Hello Qui-Gon, sir," the boy said brightly.

"I have some news I think you're going to like." The Jedi master looked to his former apprentice with a smile. Obi-Wan had been smiling all afternoon since he completed the trials. He had come to like the young boy so the news only increased his good mood.

"The Council has approved your being trained as a Jedi," Obi-Wan said.

Anakin would have jumped out of his seat if he had been sitting down. "Really! Yipee!"

Obi-Wan normally would have rolled his eyes at the boys entusiam, but he was in far too good a mood. "We'll be leaving for Corsucant soon."

Anakin felt his joy subside somewhat. "Oh. When?"

"Not until tomorrow, Ani," Qui-Gon said. "Plenty of time to tie up any loose ends." He knew what his new apprentice wanted to do.

"Great! Is it okay if I go now? There's some stuff I need to do," Anakin said.

Qui-Gon nodded. Anakin shot off like a rocket to find Amidala.

Obi-Wan shook his head with a laugh. "He certainly has energy, Master."

Qui-Gon smiled almost wistfully, "You don't have to call me that any longer, Obi-Wan?"

The younger Jedi paused. "I suppose you're right, but it will be a hard habit to break, Mas... Like I said, he certainly has energy."

"You were just like him when you were his age."

Shakin his head, Obi-Wan said, "No I wasn't."

They began walking in the direction of the palace.

"Yes you were."

"No... I wasn't."

"Yes, you were."



Darth Maul fumed inside the Infiltrator asflew through space towards Corsucant. The rage inside him was enough to frighten any creature in the galaxy.

All but one.

The hologram of Darth Sidious appeared before Maul's lowered head.

"I have failed you, my master," he said, making no attempt to mask the same and anger in his voice.

"Do not worry, my young apprentice," Sidious said, his voice calm. "The two Jedi are of no consequence. From this mission, I have what I wanted. The Senate is now in my control. You have done well, Lord Maul."

The Sith apprentice lifted his head. "When I was on Tatooine, the probe droid found a boy..."

"I am aware of this. He is young, but too old to be trained as a Jedi. The council barely agreed to his training. He knows fear and anger well." Sidious paused. "He may be an assest to us. Or he could very well be our undoing. They say he is the chosen one."

"Master?" Maul was a bit confused. He had never been told of this, but it was not his place to know if his master did not deem it so.

"A prophsey of one who is to bring balance to the Force. We will test him. If he will come to us, he will. If not, he will be destroyed."

"Yes, my master."

Callisto blinked her eyes against the twin suns of Tatooine. Another hot day. Weather this hot put her in a bad mood every time. Then again, weather was ALWAYS hot on Tatooine which might explain her tempermant.

Well, pehaps a very unpleasant disposition would be a help today. She needed that kind of edge to make it through the day when dealing with the "businessmen" of Tatooine.

She stepped through the door of a residence. Not her own, but of a man who owed her something.

"Hello Odome," Callisto said. The tall, dark skinned man turned away from his bench.

"Callisto... And to what honor do I owe this occasion?" Odome said sharply. He wasn't exacty a people person either.

"Have you been listening like I asked you?" she asked.

"Of course."

"Do you have what I've been looking for?"

"Possibly." He tossed her a data chip. "Your Toydarian friend has gottena little careless. Probably why he lost so much in the last Podrace. This may be worth something if you play it right, and to the right people."

"Think the Hutts might bite it?" she asked.

Odome raised an eyebrow. "I would think so, but wouldn;t you want to do straight to the source?"

"Usually yes, but not this time. Stakes are too high to play games. This is for a friend. Besides, if it works, I'll be off Tatooine and you'll never have to deal with me again."

Odome barked a laugh. "I can't say that I'll miss you."

She glares at him with cold blue eyes. "Likewise." Callisto took her chip and strode out of the home. She had work to do and quickly.

Suddenly, a chill ran through the young woman.

Callisto looked around her. Nothing out of the ordinary. She was just getting paranoid was all. No bad things were going to happen. Not like the last time she felt this way.

Still, it would help is she went to work quickly and left this place with Shmi as soon as she could.

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