FATE: Part 1

by:  Bridget
Feedback to:  callistolin@prodigy.net

DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all publicly recognisable characters, names and references, etc are the sole property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ltd, Lucasarts Inc and 20th Century Fox.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

Obi-Wan Kenobi watched through the laser wall, the fight with his master and the Sith Lord. Brimming with anticptation and worry, she lightly bounced from foor to foot, waiting for the wall to come down so that he could fight along side. He did not like the weariness he could see on his master's face. While Qui-Gon was an excellent swordsman and well attuned with the Force, he was not as young as he used to be and the Sith Lord had the atvatage of being younger and well in his prime.

For a moment, Obi-Wan's breath caught in his throat, just as the laser wall was coming down as Qui-Gon took a blow to the head and was momentarily caught off guard. Darth Maul grinned and moved his saber toward's the older Jedi's mid section....

... and was met with a blue saber and Obi-Wan flung himself forward, blocking the would-be killing blow. Qui-Gon regained his senses and resumed his guard. The fight was now turned back more to the side of the Jedi. Darth Maul, while an excellent warrior, was now outmatched. In between the laser walls, Obi-Wan had some time to rest physcially while he waited to jump back into the fray. Maul was getting tired and that would leave him open to weakness. He would have to be careful.

The younger Jedi moved forward with a force that knocked Maul back a few steps. The older Jedi attacked with equal strength, though not quite as energetic as he was as tired as Maul was now. This was not going as well as he hoped. Perhaps he had been to hasty in coming down here. One he could have taken, but both of them was proving difficult.

The blue blade sliced down from above, cutting the dual saber in two. Maul flipped and rolled to the left to retrieve the still functioning half, but Qui-Gon Jinn had been antipating this. With an infliction of the Force, he pushed the weapon out of the Sith's grip and into the melting pit.

Defeated, Maul flipped back up to his feet, poised to attack. The two Jedi stood ready to intercept and of his blows, but they were armed and he was not. As much as he hated to do this, Maul had to admit he would have to retreat. couldn't very well kill them if he was dead.

**Patience, my young apprentice.**

Darth Sidious was right. Patience was a virtue. He still had much to learn from his master. He would start by remebering all the would happen here for...

"Next time," Maul growled. And as quickly as he appeared, he vanished in a black flash.

Obi-Wan disengaged his light saber, wiping the beads of sweat off his forehead. "Are you alright, Master?"

Qui-Gon, who was equally, if not more exhausted, nodded. "I am, Padawan. I am just... tired." He shook his head. "My friend, getting older is not as graceful as it appears."

"That's not true," Obi-Wan said with a patronizing smile. Qui-Gon look over at him with one of those looks and waved him off with his hand. The apprentice was about to say more when he stopped. "Master, I do believe this war is over?"

Qui-Gon nodded. He too sensed the cease firing. He also sensed Anakin was farther way... but all was well now. "I would appear so. At least this part."

"Master?" Obi-Wan asked.

"It would appear my suspicious are correct. The Sith have returned. This will not be pleasant in the future, my young apprentice. We must be careful. I still sense a distrubance in the Force. And this latest encounter proves it."

"Yes, master. What happens now?"

Qui-Gon smiled. "Now, Obi-Wan, we rest and make sure the Naboo are well. then we wait. It's all we really can do."

Obi-Wan smiled and supported his master as he walked. While the future was not particularly bright, things were looking up.

Tatooine may be hot during the day, but at night, like most deserts, it was icy cold. All the heat which had blanketed itself on the land during through sunlight hours was now gone. Heavier clothing was required for those who wanted to venture outdoors at this time of night, but few did. Mos Espa was not exactly the safest of havens. Only the incredibly strong or the incredibly stupid went outside without good reason. Toughs roamed the roads of the community and Tusken raiders waited in alcoves for easy prey to wander by.

Callisto Lin sat on a low cliff overlooking the port and was just above a group of about ten Tusken Raiders. They knew she was there and she knew they were they. Neither of them particularly cared. They had developed an understanding about two years ago when Callisto had been traveling alone and a group of fifteen had attacked her with intent to plunder. Quickly, they realized a grave mistake had been made. She had, in a matter of minutes, had immoblized them and all and made it perfectly clear that she could have killed each and every one of them if she had felt like it. The night after that had happened, she traveld in fear of retailiation, but it had never come. They knew she was a danger, but only if prevoked. And she knew better than to wander into their territories now that she had a vague idea where they were. As time went on, she seemed to be allowed into their areas, just so long as she was just passing through. They were, after all, still afraid of her.

Most of Mos Espa was. Most of the time, Callisto was very quiet, rarely caused any sort of trouble, but if trouble went and found her, well, that was different. To put it mildly, she never started a fight, but made quite sure that it was finished and in the shortest amount of time possible.

One of Raiders looked up at her. She met it's gaze (whereever that was) and then continued looking forward. With her body language, she made it clear to them that she didn't intend to hurt them or impede anything they had planned. She was just resting outside, nothing more. She was one of the few humans who spoke Tusken, but she didn't have anything to say other than "I'm passing." Truthfully, she didn't say much to anyone.

She pulled her brown leather coat tighter around her body. She was freezing. Perhaps she should go home now. On second thought, no. What was the point. why bother getting up and walking all that way just to be doing the same thing she was doing now? Although, she didn have alot of thinking to do and it probably would be easier if she was warmer.

Her plan was pretty much in shambles. Now she had to start from scratch. Many people would say it would be easier to free one slave than two, but that wasn't true in this case. Watto had lost alot of money AND his prized possession, Anakin Skywalker in betting on the Boonta Eve Race. All he had now was Shmi, and he wasn't going to part with her, not easily. She would have to raise alot of money quickly or come up with another plan even faster. For all she knew, Watto might be thinking about selling her friend's mother to help recoup from his losses.

Calissto shook her head. Stay in the present, she told herself. No sense getting all relied up until all the information had been had. Tomorrow she would go to Shmi and see what she knew. Then, she would begin the scheming.

There was a solution to every problem, Callisto believed. Finding the answer to this one only required, thought and patience. The problem came when she had the answer and would have to go into badly tapped resources. She did have option.. it was a long shot, but it had a chance of working. First though, she wanted to check her options and use this as a last resort. There weree a few people who owed her favors.

For a fleeting moment, she wished Anakin was here. He was able to help her find thhe flaws when she thought outloud.

She wondered what that kid was doing now. She smiled. Probably off on some grand adventure or training. She hoped he was training. The boy wanted to badly to be a Jedi, espcially after the dream he had. He had such wonderfl dreams, even if a few of them were a little too fantastic for her.

"I had a dream last night," Anakin had said once. "It was about you?"

"Oh really," Callisto had answered. "What was I doing?"

"You were with a Jedi. You were far away from here and you were happy. I was a Jedi to in the dream... I think. I couldn't tell, it was kind of dark. It was very nice, but you looked sad for some reason."

"It was just a dream, Ani. Dreams don't mean anything."

"Yes they do!"

He had such high hopes. She didn't have the heart to tell him that they were probably all inn vain. He might have a chance, but she didn't. She had been trapped here for ten years and doubted that she would ever escape. Pessimism had claimed her young, and she had done all she could to see to it that it didn't happen to Anakin too. He had been such a bight young lad, so full of hope. Funny how her best and only friend was about ten years younger than her.

She missed him.

Suddenly, she laughed, the sound disturbing the Raiders below her. Imagine, her anywhere but here.. and with a JEDI no less. That boy had an imagination! Callisto hoped she would see him again one day.

As her eyes slowly began to close in slumber, a single thought permeated her thoughts. "You will, and sooner than you think."

She hoped that it was true.

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