by:  Jmas and PHO
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DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognisable characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment purposes and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.  Not to be archived without permission of the author(s).

Part Eight: by Jmas

Jack felt his skin crawl as he realized exactly how many System Lords surrounded him.

Aris Boch grinned at him from beneath his hooded robe, as if he were reading Jack’s revulsion. Jack tried to fight his natural instinct not to trust Boch. The guy had gotten a little to close to eliminating his team, it was hard for Jack to trust him. Aris grinned again.

"Relax, O’Neill…we’ll find your buddy."

Jack just gave the scarred bounty hunter a sour frown and checked on the rest of his team. Makepeace was looking around warily, his usually stolid expression more than a little uncomfortable in the Goa’uld finery he wore. Carter was nearly hidden in the veils that enveloped her frame. Teal’c also was hidden in the folds of the dark cloak and hood, a band of gold concealed his Jaffa tattoo from view. Jack knew his own mother wouldn’t recognize him beneath the dark brown wig and glittering jewels he wore. He felt like an idiot, but he knew this was the only way they were ever going to get close to Daniel.

Aris claimed to know that Daniel was safe, an act that alerted Jack’s inner radar. Aris had finally acted honorably when he’d blown up his own ship to cover the fact that he’d let them go, but a lot of other stuff had gone down before that moment of sacrifice. Jack knew he was probably being unfair to the bounty hunter, but Aris Boch was just a little too much like Jack himself for Jack’s own comfort. Jack laughed to himself briefly, wondering exactly what that said about his so-called inner man. Jack wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to know.

Aris led them to a small alcove, motioning for them to be seated on the low, velvet benches. Tables at each corner were laden with rich food and bottles of various colored drink. The great hall was lined with such alcoves, all dimly lit which made it impossible to see the occupants.

"This is how it goes," Aris explained quietly. "Your little pal will get paraded down the aisle then tied up on that big post. The seller gets to set the starting price and the buyers raise it from there. " Aris indicated a jewel-like switch at the central table. "You use that to raise. And like I told you before, you bid more than you’ve got with you, and you don’t get out of here alive. It’s a hard and fast rule among the System Lords…you just don’t do it."

"Really trust each other, do they?" Makepeace’s sour comment about summed up Jack’s own feelings on the matter.

"About as much as we trust them," Jack confirmed.

"Makepeace grinned, "That much?"

Jack shook his head, grateful that his marine counterpart was making such an effort to keep him on an even keel. They hadn’t argued once since leaving SGC, only coming close when Makepeace saw the getup he was expected to wear.

A chime sounded dully causing Jack to start and turn his attention to the door. A tall, blond guy entered first…a guy who seemed to make Aris bristle. Jack opened his mouth to question the big man, but lost all coherency when he saw who was behind the newcomer.

It was Daniel, dressed like a refugee from a bad pirate movie, stumbling along behind the other man as he was led down the aisle by a leash attached to the shackles on his wrists. Jack noted with some measure of pride that Daniel was fighting every step, despite the short chains that held his ankles, and still held his head up defiantly. The big stranger looked back at Daniel like he was indulging a favored but recalcitrant pet and jerked on the chains, sending Daniel to his knees. Jack whistled softly, a signal they often used in the field, and sighed in relief as he saw Daniel’s head snap up in recognition. Daniel knew they were there.

Daniel got to his feet again and his captor led him up to the post, locking the chains on a ring embedded there. Jack traded a look with Makepeace, the marine was drinking in the sight of the disheveled archaeologist, clearly as relieved as Jack that Daniel was still alive. The situation wasn’t great, but at least they were all in one place again.

The blond guy was speaking now, in Goa’uld. Teal’c leaned forward, whipering a translation. "The man is introducing himself. His name is Cantor..Boch."

Jack looked at Aris, who was still staring angrily at Cantor. Aris nodded curtly. "He’s my cousin, okay. I should have known he was the one who got Daniel. He’s almost as good as me."

Jack took that remark with a liberal portion of the proverbial salt. Aris’ pride probably was deserved, up to a point, but Jack figured that the admission probably left a lot unsaid. Like maybe Aris’ cousin was just as ruthless as Aris had been.

Cantor was speaking again. Teal’c continue his quiet translation. "He is welcoming the bidders. Now he is presenting his prize." Jack could see Teal’c’s eyes glowering at the term, Teal’c had been in places like this before and his expression mad it obvious how much he detested this reminder of his former life. Watching Cantor lift Daniel’s head with a grip that was in no way gentle, Jack had to restrain himself from jumping out in front of everybody and shooting Aris’ blood kin...System Lords or no System Lords. Makepeace must have recognized the signs because Jack felt a firm hand close over his shoulder, dragging him painfully back to reality.

Teal’c was still speaking. "Cantor Boch has started the bidding at five hundred sheshka."

Jack couldn’t resist the impulse, "Is that a lot?"

Aris nodded. "Twice what the bounty was."

"How many shesh-whatsis do we have?"

"Five thousand," Teal’c answered, quietly.

"Is it going to be enough?" Jack was worried, the little lights over the other alcoves were flashing on and off like traffic blinkers.

"The bidding is up to two thousand, O’Neill."

Jack hit the bidding light, thinking sadly that this was no way for Daniel to figure out what he was worth.

Daniel tried to relax, knowing that his friends were here. He tried to keep himself from returning his gaze to the alcove where they were hidden. He had hoped but not really expected that his friends would find a way to help him. Just knowing they were this close helped so much. Whatever else might happen, at least now they were in the same galaxy.

Daniel had felt himself giving up as Boch took his chain from the four guards who had escorted him to the hall. He’d never felt so isolated, so far from any hope…

But Jack was here.

Daniel tried to focus on that, even as his mind translated Cantor’s spoken Goa’uld. The bidding was up to four thousand. Daniel had a fair idea of what a sheshka was worth and would have laughed if the situation weren’t so tragically dire. Four thousand sheshka would buy a fair-sized country. He smiled a little, he’d be working the rest of his life to pay back that kind of money. Daniel felt a tremor run through him, threatening to overwhelm the comfort zone his mind had managed to lock itself into.

What if Jack didn’t have enough?

He tried to quash that notion.

No, he wasn’t going to think like that. If Jack couldn’t buy him out of this, then his resourceful friend would think of something else. Jack wouldn’t abandon him, Daniel knew that with the certainty of several year’s worth of shared danger, experience and pain. Jack had traveled all this way to save Daniel, he wouldn’t give up.

The bidding had passed five thousand. Daniel waited, barely breathing, to see the light above his friends’ alcove light again. After many long minutes, Daniel realized Jack had reached the limit. The other lights gradually ceased, leaving one light in the furthest alcove. Daniel felt his heart sink, but managed a brave look at his friends, knowing they could see him. He tried to convey his faith in them, tried not to let them see how afraid he was.

But Jack would know. Daniel knew that Jack would follow him. As Cantor Boch led him back down the aisle, Daniel heard Jack’s low whistle again. Daniel tried to smile, even as he kept his eyes forward, fearful of giving his friends away. The whistle was a promise. Jack’s promise. They would find him.

Feeling Boch’s sharp pull on the chain, Daniel held that promise close to his heart. It was all he had to hold on to.

Teal’c could read the pain in O’Neill’s eyes as Daniel Jackson was led back down the aisle. Colonel Makepeace placed a comforting hand on ‘Neill’s shoulder, whispering in his ear that they would follow Daniel Jackson. O’Neill gathered himself, nodding absently and whistled softly as Daniel Jackson passed them. Teal’c could see the slight, albeit frightened, smile and knew that Daniel Jackson understood.

Teal’c glanced at Aris Boch. He knew the bounty hunter possessed a newly-formed sense of honor, and that Aris Boch was being well rewarded by the Tok’ra for his aid in getting them here. He wondered if they could expect any further help from the bounty hunter now. Boch was staring down the aisle as his relative led Daniel Jackson roughly through the door, his expression dark and unreadable.

As Teal’c watched, Aris Boch stood, nodding to himself as if he’d come to some sort of decision.

"Well?" He asked, his familiar sarcasm firmly back in place. "We going after him or not?"

O’Neill looked at their former enemy for a long moment. "Why?"

Aris Boch shrugged, his eyes glinting coldly. "Let’s just say this thing just got personal and leave it at that, okay?"

O’Neill stood, locking eyes with Aris Boch. "Let’s go then."

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