The Place of Our Legacy

Birthday Notes

This will be short (someone please shoot me if it takes you longer than 15 minutes to read this...) as my time is at a minimum.

The site started out small - like, miniscule. And, over the past year, it has steadily grown, gaining a second fandom and becoming this huge... thing that continues to surprise me. I can honestly say I never thought it would become what it has, or stick around as long as this... but you learn something new everday.

Because it's a milestone (of sorts), there are people to thank and all that, so thank you's, virtual choccies, hugs, etc to:

The authors, readers, and visitors:  Without any of you, there is no archive - just a whole heap of wasted space... although there are those who will argue that is still the case... *LOL* Authors - thank you for trusting me to archive your wonderful works, thank you readers/visitors for keeping me on my toes, and making mine (and the authors') heads get big with lovely feedback, and thank you all for making the site a success. You all make my day(s) by visiting, reading, submitting, writing, and enjoying.

My poor, suffering, RL friends:  Suzie, Jodie, Roxanne, Kate, Danielle, Sandy, Rachel, and Eve - my wonderful buds who had to put up with me yacking about the site when I'm sure they would've liked to hear about much more interesting topics. *grin* Girls, thank you for humouring me, and I'll miss you all this year, so keep in touch!!

My (also) poor, suffering family:  Yes, my family probably bore the brunt of my natterings. Mum and Tai - thanks for being my sounding boards, but fair's fair anyway since I had to listen to you too. *wink*

My wonderful online friends:  Too many people to mention here by name, but I'm sure you all know who you are anyway. *smile* Thank you for being you.

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