Changes of Scenery 5
Ramblin Rose

When William arrived at Joel's home he saw lights on, so he knew he wouldn't be waking Blair up. He walked up to the front door and knocked.

Blair opened the front door and his mouth flew open. Finally finding his voice, Blair said, "Mr. Ellison? What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in and talk to you? Please call me William. I would prefer that."

"Sorry sir, come in, please." Blair said stepping aside for the older man to enter Joel's home.

"Now, you're wondering what I'm doing here. Well, it just so happens that my son came and saw me tonight and told me all about the two of you and I came over to talk to you about it."

"Oh god, sir, I'm so sorry, he said he wasn't going to tell you. Why did he do that?"

"Because he's a man in love. He didn't want to treat you like you were something to be ashamed of."

"Why aren't you yelling at me?" Blair asked suddenly.

"Because Blair, I like you." Jim could have found a nice woman and settled down, but instead he found a nice man and settled down. Either way, Jim's happy, so I'm happy."

"Did you tell Jim this?"

"Well, of course I did, right before I told him to get to that station and kick some major crime ass. Then I asked if I could come over and talk to you about things and keep you company while he does the paperwork."

"He was happy that I asked to come over." William added.

"William, I'm so glad you came. Have you had dinner yet?

"No, I haven't, how about pizza?" William said. "Sounds great to me," Blair called back as he was heading into the kitchen for the phone.

As they waited for the pizza to get there, they discovered different things they had in common other than William's son. William loved museums and offered to go to any of the showings that Jim didn't want to go to. Blair was pleased to hear that. They talked about the whole thing. What had first drawn the two together and why he loved Jim? Blair told him anything and everything. It was very liberating. William turned out to be a most understanding person. Blair couldn't believe that Jim had told him. He was so proud of Jim. He wouldn't have to hate him forever and he told William that he was thinking this. William smiled and said, "I'm afraid that Jim will be kicking himself for the rest of his life over this. Blair he's very upset about that woman. He knows how badly he hurt you. I hope for both of your sakes, you'll forgive him and give him a second chance."

"William, I've already forgiven him." Blair said with a smile on his face. "All he had to do was say that he loved me and was sorry. Him telling you, screams I love you, to me."

William started laughing and said, "I think you're right, Blair."

The pizza arrived and they ate dinner and drank a couple of beers. Once they were finished, Blair said, "William, would you like to stay in the room I'm in? I'm sure Joel wouldn't mind at all."

William said, "I'd rather take you and some of your things over to my house and we can stay there. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me," Blair said as he got up and walked into the bedroom to pack his things. Blair couldn't believe how this night was turning out. He had never dreamed that Jim would do this. He had really believed that Jim was a coward and didn't really love him. Thank god, he was wrong. But Jim was still going to get his ass kicked.

When he came out, William was standing by the front door. "I left a note for Jim or Joel," William said, "That way they don't think something happened to you."

"Thank you," Blair said. "You know Jim too well. He would be frantic until he figured out what happened to both of us."

They got into the car and drove off. Blair talked nonstop and William realized why Jim said once, that he liked listening to his voice. Blair had a good voice, strong voice and one that William would be glad to hear for the rest of his life if he was lucky enough to have Blair around that long.

At the station house, Jim came walking through the door and said, "Simon, you already know about Blair and I, but I need to tell Joel now. And then I would like to file some charges against the Police Commissioner."

Both Joel and Simon were floored when Jim said this. But both of them quickly got over it and asked Jim to fill them in on what the hell was going on. So, Jim told them about his talk with his dad and how well, it had gone. Then he told them that William had gone over to stay with Blair while Jim was filing the papers.

"Jim," Joel said, "I hope you've learned from this. You can't decide what to do about how others are going to see you. You just have to face them and go with it. Look how well that turned out with your dad, and I bet you never dreamed that your father would go along with this."

"You're right, Joel. I was shocked, but I couldn't have been more proud of my dad. He'd always acted like I was an embarrassment, but maybe it was me. I find it hard to believe that this man, who was so kind to me tonight was the same man I keep thinking about all those years ago."

"Gentlemen," Simon said, "You can discuss this later on. I want to get these papers filled out and get to the Police Commissioner before anyone else does. I have a feeling he'll be watching you and trying to stay a step ahead of you the entire way. Lets get this show on the road."

"Thank's, guys." Jim said quickly, "I couldn't do this without your support. I was hoping I'd have it."

They all filled out the paper work, then Simon called the D.A. at home and told him about it and they would bring the Commissioner in the next morning. He would be brought up on charges of blackmail and harassment. Jim wouldn't be backing down either, so this was serious.

"Jim," Simon said, "are you okay with this outing you at the station?"

"Sir," Jim answered, "if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes. I have to do what's best for Blair and myself. I really do love him."

"You almost blew it." Simon said, "I really thought you had ruined the best thing you had ever had in your life."

"I did too." Jim said, "But you know what, I realized that I couldn't make it without Blair beside me. I knew then that I had to tell my dad. It was an injustice to Blair to not say anything this whole time."

"How long have you been together?" Joel asked, "Not that it matters, but I'd like to know."

"We've been lovers for six months now." Jim said.

"I knew it." Simon said, "I could tell the difference. You both tried so hard to have things not change that they did."

Both Simon and Joel started laughing and Jim scowled at them. "Glad to make your night." Jim said.

"Jim," Simon said, "why not go pick Sandburg up and go home? No reason to stay here. I'll call tomorrow if I need you for anything. Take the day off, both of you. See you tomorrow sometime. Tell Sandburg, I'm glad it worked out."

Jim pulled his cell phone out and called Blair's number and his dad answered, "Jimmy?"

"Dad?" Jim said apprehensively, "Is something wrong with Blair?"

"No, Jimmy," William said, "He's fine, he's sleeping. We're at my house. Come here, he's in the spare room. You know where I keep the spare key. I'm going back to bed. See you in the morning, son."

"Thank you, Dad." Jim said as he hung up the phone.

When he got to his dads house he found the spare key, hidden in plain sight and decided he was going to have a talk with his dad about that. It wasn't safe, and he'd be sure that he'd have a key made for emergencies so his dad wouldn't feel the need to leave a key there.

Walking in, he locked up and headed up the stairs, William stood at the head of the stairs and said, "Just making sure it was you, Jimmy."

Jim hugged his dad and said, "Thanks dad.

"For what, Jimmy?"

"For loving me."

"I've always loved you, Jimmy." William said, "I just didn't show you. For that I'll be forever sorry."

"Dad," Jim said, "don't do that. We're both going to be blaming ourselves forever. Lets stop now. How about we start over. What do you say?"

"I say you get your ass in this bed and let a poor guy sleep, Ellison." Blair said from the doorway of Jim's old room.

Both Jim and William started laughing and William said, "Goodnight, boys, see you in the morning."

"Night, William." Blair said, turning and walking into the room. Blair turned and saw Jim go into William's arms and tell him goodnight and hold on tight. Geez, you're getting down right mushy, Sandburg, Blair told himself.

When Jim came through the doorway, he smiled at Blair and shut the door. He then started taking his clothes off and climbed into the bed with Blair. Thank god, he had a double bed while he was growing up. Think how uncomfortable it would have been if he had to share a twin bed with Blair. Oh hell, he realized he wouldn't care what he had to share. Jim, he said to himself, you have it so bad. You're a man totally in love.

As he crawled into Blair's arms, Blair said, "Never again, Jim. You talk next time anything comes up or I'll leave. Understood?"

"Understood. I promise to love you forever and not take you for granted again. And I also promise to try to never be a dickhead again. Well, at least to you, anyhow."

Blair smiled and Jim covered his mouth with his own. The kiss intensified with such passion that Jim had forgotten how much he loved this man until right this very second. Being with Blair made his entire life light up. Everything was right with the world when Blair was in it. As the kissing continued Jim got them naked as fast as he could and said, "Let me take you in my mouth since I don't have the supplies."

Blair pulled his backpack out from beside the bed and laughed and said, "I have everything we'll need big man. I'm going to make you howl.

"Oh shit," Jim said, "We're at my dads house, Blair."

Blair started the assault and Jim knew he was in for a long night. Jim tried to be quiet, he put a pillow over his mouth at one time, but when Blair started stretching himself for Jim's final entry. Jim couldn't hold still any longer. He put the pillow down and said, "Blair, let me fuck you now."

"Why thank you, Jim, I think you should." Blair said and sat on Jim as quickly as he could without hurting himself. As he did, Jim did howl. And he wasn't even coming yet.

Jim said, "Blair, Blair, Blair."

"Jim, I'm going to make you come so hard, you won't be able to think straight. Pardon the pun. Come right now. Come for me now, Jim."

As he was saying this Jim was hitting Blair's prostate each and every time and Jim did come, as did Blair. Jim did howl. He yelled out, "I love you, Blair."

In his room, William lay in his bed and smiled. He knew this man was going to be good for his son. He wouldn't get any Grandchildren, but who cares. He wanted Jim to be happy and it sure sounded like he was happy. He smiled again and rolled over and went to sleep.

After cleaning them both up, Blair pulled Jim into his arms and said, "I love you, Jim. You belong to me and me alone."

"I thank god for that, Blair." Jim said, "I love you back. And I am yours. As you're mine. We'll be together forever."

"Sweet dreams, Jim." Blair said.

"I'm with you, how could it be anything else?" Jim answered. And as Jim started falling to sleep, he realized that he'd take care of things as they came up. He wasn't going to worry about them now. He had his life mate here and was happy. This was indeed a great life. He pulled Blair closer and fell asleep.

Changes 6

Patt's Index