by Mona Ramsey

She was getting better at hiding it. That she was sure of. The boxes of chamomile tea, the cucumbers, the face in the ice baths in the morning—all of these were helping her hide the puffiness, and lack of sleep. The fatigue hadn't caught up with her yet.

She wasn't quite sure when she would crash, but she knew that she had to hold on till June 1st. If she could just make it through Dana's wedding, then she could get some sleep. Maybe find a sympathetic doctor, get some sleeping pills. Just for a couple of nights of uninterrupted sleep.

The dreams were overtaking her. She couldn't stay anywhere overnight—she begged off invitations from Dana and her brother. Now that she had her rental car, it was easier just to drive herself back to the hotel, and wait.

Wait for the nightmares that invariably jerked her out of her rest, drenched with sweat, crying out for—for what? For her childhood? For her family? For her brother?

For it was always her brother's name that she was calling when she awoke.



"Do you realize that this is the first time we've had lunch together in months?"

"I realize that we never really had lunch together before then, except as part of work," Dana said dryly. She surveyed her soon to be ex-partner. "What's wrong?"

"I'm concerned about Beth. I wondered if you'd noticed anything strange going on with her."

"She's been caught up. We all have. Every time I see her, she seems all right, but there's something a little—"

"Off," Mulder finished for her. "I know. I've had the same feeling. I can't put my finger on it, but it's there."

"Did you talk to her about seeing someone?"

He nodded. "She said she'd think about it, but we haven't talked about it since. I think she's afraid."

"Well, everything certainly couldn't be happening at a worse time, with the wedding and all. She's been great—my mother loves her." Mulder smiled. "But it's all so involving that none of us has been able to do anything for her."

"Scully, don't feel bad about getting married. This should be your time, you should be happy."

"Both of us should be. We're both having a life— something that I never thought I'd see either of us doing." She laughed. "The next thing you know I'll be an old married lady."

"Not long now, is it? Nervous? Cold feet?"

"No, and you can just stop what you're thinking. I know what I'm doing, and I can't wait."

"I wasn't trying to talk you out of it, I'm just trying to make sure you're sure."

She got a silly smile on her face. "What?" he asked. Dana blushed.

"When we were working together, did you ever think that we—" she stopped, grinning.

He was smiling, too. "Uh-huh."

"In another life, I guess."

He nodded. "I guess so. In a perfect world we can have all the things we want. In this one, we muddle through with the things that we get."

"How romantic."

"But it's good. I love Alex, and if I don't screw it up, it can only get better."

"Well, don't screw it up, then. You're a revelation, Mulder. Love has really changed you."

"For the better, I hope."

"Well, you couldn't possibly have gotten any worse." At his startled look, she grinned. "Gotcha."

He grimaced at her. "Six months ago it would have been true."

"Six months ago it was true. But that was the past, no changing it. And now—"

"Now all I have to do is get my sister back."


"She's in there, Scully, and she's trying to come out. That's what I think is happening. We just have to figure out how to help her."


They had tried again, with Sarah Mulder. A lunch, this time, in a nice restaurant, in neutral territory. It was quiet, and polite, and awkward for all of them. Beth had been unnaturally silent, mostly, and Sarah had for the most part chosen to ignore her. Mulder had tried unsuccessfully to bridge the gap.

When he finally saw his mother out to her waiting cab, he stopped her. "This isn't just going to go away, mom. You can't just pretend it's not her."

"It isn't her!" Sarah had said, angrily. "My daughter was ten years old, a child. This girl, whoever she is, is not my Samantha. We are never going to get her back, Fox. I wish she'd just stayed where she was."


"Do what you want, Fox. But I don't want to see her again."

He went back to the restaurant. Beth wasn't angry, just resigned. "You can't force this on her, you know. If she accepts me, or if she doesn't, it's her choice." She kissed him on the cheek. "I gotta go."

"Are you okay?"

She nodded. "Fine. I'll call you later."

He watched her go, a troubled look on his face.


"I know that she's not telling me everything. I don't know how to get her to open up, though."

"Maybe you'll just have to get her to see someone else. It was a good idea, to set something up with a therapist. Make her an appointment." Alex brushed his fingers through his lover's hair. "Give it to her and see if she goes. Maybe it'll be easier for her if she's talking to a stranger."

"But I am a stranger! That's the problem."

"You're a stranger, and you're not. She's your sister, and she's someone you just met. It's an impossible situation." He kissed him. "I know I've said this before, but time really is the only thing that's going to make this any better."

Mulder sighed. "Why do you love me again?"

Alex smiled. "There are too many reasons to list. Because you care, because you love, because you feel things so deeply. Because of your eyes" he kissed Mulder's eyelids "because of your smile" kiss "because of your hands" two kisses, one on each. "Mostly because you love me back. That always makes it easier."

"I do love you back."

"I know," Alex said, softly.

Mulder shifted against the couch, taking Alex with him. "How about, when we get things more settled, I take some time off, and you take some time off, and we go away somewhere and be naked for a couple of weeks."

"Somewhere warm, I take it."

"If you insist. Or somewhere we'd have to find ways to warm each other up."

"Ooh, I think I like that idea. When?"

He thought for a minute. "After my life is normal again?"

"Mulder," Alex rolled over and pinned his lover against the couch. "I'll be ten years dead before your life is normal."

"Well, your ashes and I will have a wonderful vacation."


I can do this. It's just a dream. I'll wake up, I'll be fine.

Beth opened her eyes, looking at the clock. 2:48am. Wonderful. I managed to get three whole hours tonight.

She sighed and got up to begin her nightly ritual. Wash her face, change her soaked nightgown, and slump onto the couch in front of the television until sleep overcame her again.

"How do people do this?" she wondered aloud. Flipping channels, she found her favorite infomercial—well, the one she hated the least—and put down the remote. I wonder if I could make money cutting people's hair in my own home with that thing.

She fell asleep again at 5, only to be awakened by the phone at 7.

"Good morning. This is your wakeup call. It is now 7 am."

Nothing like being awakened by a cheerful, mechanical voice.

Yeah, great morning. She pulled herself off the couch, and headed for the bathroom. Two days. Two days till the wedding, then I can get some rest, get some help, jump off a bridge...

"Okay, okay. Just kidding about the bridge thing," she re-assured herself. "It's just a nightmare. It's not real. It's not going to get me."

Her room service arrived ten minutes later. Always the same thing—eggs, toast, and a tossed salad. The maid had long ago stopped noticing the quirks of the hotel guests. Better way to remain sane.

She grabbed a piece of toast, and dug around for the cucumber slices from the salad. She lay back down, chewing the toast, listening to the news on the tv, and feeling her under-eye swelling go back down.

At 8 she was dressed and ready for the day. Nobody the wiser, she thought, looking at herself critically in the mirror. Just enough concealer, not too much makeup. "I'm fine," she said aloud. "Not a problem."

She grabbed her purse, coat, and car keys, and headed out the door. The front desk clerk stopped her with a message from her brother.

"Damn, I nearly forgot." She used the phone in the lobby. "Yes, my name's Beth Locke, and I'm scheduled for a one o'clock appointment with Doctor Hanson. I'd like to cancel."


This morning was the meeting at the dress shop—the final fitting, or what had better be the final fitting. The first, and what was supposed to be the last, alteration on her dress had resulted in a bust size that was about 6 inches too big. She had tried on the dress and burst out laughing. She came out and Dana groaned.

"Who did you make this for," Beth giggled. "Dolly Parton?"

When the bust had been fixed, the hem was the wrong length. Beth was beginning to think that there was something cursing the dress.

"Ready to try on the dress from Hell again?" Dana asked her.

"I'm afraid."

"Me, too. If it doesn't fit this time, you have my permission to wear jeans and a t-shirt."

"Goody. I hope it doesn't."

But it did. She tried it on, carefully turned in front of the mirror, and gave Dana a skeptical look.

"What's wrong with it this time?"

The seamstress was holding her breath.

Dana looked at it critically. "Turn again."

She turned.

Dana shook her head. "I can't find anything. It looks fine."

"I know. I'm going to have to spill something on it."

The seamstress looked shocked.

"You are not!" Dana said. "You are putting that in a plastic garment bag, and I'm taking it to my place for safekeeping. And then we are getting the hell out of this shop."

"Yes, ma'am." Beth saluted her, then went back into the dressing room to change.

"Thank god."

"Is this the last detail, then?" Beth called out from behind the curtain.

"That I have to do, yes. Walter's confirming our travel plans this afternoon, and I think that's it."

"Less than forty-eight hours now, you know. Are you getting nervous?"

"No, but if everybody doesn't stop asking me, I will be." She sighed. "I should have just eloped."

"Oh, I don't know. I think you're doing the right thing. Not too big, not too small, and you'll get some nice presents out of it."

"Tell me about it. They're arriving at my place from all of my relatives. Even the ones that aren't coming sent things, just to make me feel guilty."

"I bet your mother is in heaven."

"Seventh. I believe she had just about given up on me."

"Well, at least she's speaking to you."

Dana looked at her sympathetically. "You just have to give her some time."

"I know. That's what I've been telling Fox. He just looks so—disappointed all the time. Like he wanted everything to be wonderful instantly. I want it to be that way more for him than for me, now."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm about as tired of being asked that as you are about your nerves." She smiled at her friend in the mirror. "Look at us. This should be the best time in our lives—you're getting married, I've found my family. We look like someone died." She pulled on her coat. "Do you have to go back to work?"

"No. Yesterday was my last day."

"Whoa. Was it hard?"

"Yes and no." She shrugged. "I'll miss it, and I won't."

"Come on." Beth grabbed her arm. "Let's start the bachelorette party early, and go get drunk somewhere."

"Not like the last time," Dana warned. "I want to be bright-eyed and bushy tailed on Sunday."

"Don't worry. I'll go easy on you."


"She cancelled?" Fox Mulder listened to the receptionist on the phone. Shaking his head, he thanked her and hung up the phone.

"No go, huh?" Alex asked.

Mulder shook his head. "No. She didn't reschedule, just called this morning and cancelled."

"Maybe she found someone else to go to."

"Maybe she just doesn't want to go at all. Maybe she doesn't want to find out what happened to her."

"Hey," Alex put his arm around his lover. "No jumping to conclusions. Maybe something just came up and she couldn't make it. The wedding is in two days. After that, things will be a little more settled, and we can try again."

Mulder sagged against him. "I know you're right, but I just want her to be all right, and I don't seem to be able to do anything."

"You're doing all the right things. You're offering to help. It has to be up to her to take that help."

He nodded. "I guess I just have to keep trying."

"It's all you can do. She'll come around." He hugged him. "Don't worry so much. We'll get through the weekend, and you'll talk to her on Monday."


They made an attempt at a liquid lunch, but made the mistake of going to a restaurant that had good food rather than one with a cute bartender. They ate and ate until Dana pushed her plate away with a groan. "If I don't fit into my dress, it's all your fault."

"You picked the restaurant. Besides, if we don't fit into them, we always go with the matching jeans outfits."

Dana laughed. "Yeah, and my mother has a fit. She's been so reasonable about the ceremony and the date, I've got to give in about something. Dresses don't seem like such a big deal."

"No, they don't," Beth agreed. "She's great." She paused for a moment, then said quietly, "She told me a little about Melissa the last time I saw her."

"Wow, you really must have made an impression. She hardly ever talks about her." She smiled, wistfully. "I wish she could have been here to see this."

"I think I'd have liked her."

Dana nodded. "I think she would have liked you." She gave a laugh. "She hated Mulder."

"Why, exactly?"

"I always had a suspicion that deep down they both realized how much alike they were. They were very different people, but they had a shared passion for the unknown that they followed in such different directions that it pushed them apart." She shrugged. "But that's just my Psych 101 impression."

Beth got a clouded look for a moment. Dana picked up on it. "So, have you been to your appointment yet?" she asked, casually.

"He told you, huh?"

"Yeah. I think it's a pretty good idea."

"Yeah, great." She sighed, then looked at her watch. "I'm supposed to be leaving the building right now."

"You cancelled?"

She nodded. "Yup," she said, then tried to explain. "I just can't do this right now. Next week, it'll be better. I just can't open up whatever he wants me to open up right now. I can't start something that might ruin this weekend."

"Finding out about what happened wouldn't ruin anything, Beth."

"I know. I'm afraid that I'll just hear what I've heard so many times before, and it'll hurt Fox, Dana—you know it will. He wants to know so badly. I'm afraid of what he'll do when he hears that he won't ever know."

"He'll deal with it. You have to know how much better it is for him now that he's not alone. He's got something besides work to hold on to, and it's wonderful for him."

"I like Alex—he's a good man."

"Yeah. Two years ago, I wouldn't have thought so, but now, I agree."

Beth looked curious, so Dana explained a little. "Two years ago, I thought that Alex was one of our greatest enemies—maybe the one man who could explain everything that we were searching for. Until we found out that he was just another pawn, I thought he was evil incarnate."

"I can't imagine."

"No, I don't suppose anyone who knows Alex now could." She smiled. "But as for Mulder being alone, Alex isn't the only one he has now. He has you. He wants to help you—he's worried that you're taking this all on yourself."

"Why doesn't he tell me this, then? Why just palm me off on someone else?"

"I had no idea you felt that way. You should ask him."

Beth sighed. "I didn't really mean that. I'm just—tired, I guess."

"Maybe you should go home and get some rest."

Beth nodded. "Yeah. I should."


Three hours later, a knock on the door roused her from a much-needed nap.

"Why did you cancel?"

He wasn't even through the door yet. She moved, letting him pass. "Fox, I couldn't make it. I had the final fitting today."

"This morning. Why didn't you reschedule? If it's the doctor, we can find another one—"

"It's not the doctor. God, I don't even know the doctor." She closed her eyes, calming herself down. "I just couldn't, okay?"

"Not okay. You're having nightmares, you're avoiding me—" She started to protest, but he held up a hand, stopping her. "You are, Sa—" He realized what he was going to say, and cut himself off.

"Yeah, Sam." She collapsed on the couch. "Dr. Freud, meet problem."

He sat down beside her. "I'm sorry. I can't seem to stop myself from saying that, no matter how hard I try. I don't do it to upset you."

"I know. And I don't not remember to upset you."

"Is that how you think I feel? Beth, I'm worried about you. It's obvious that you're unhappy. I want you to be okay. You've moved so far from the woman that I met—god, was it only two months ago?"

"I know," she said. "I know I have to do something. I just—don't want to do it alone."

"Is that what this is? Beth, I'll do it with you. I'll be there. I want to be there." He took her hand. "I'll do whatever it takes to help you."

She nodded. "Okay. So we do this together. I guess you can make me another appointment."

"Is Monday okay?"

"You did it already, didn't you?"

He nodded. She couldn't keep herself from smiling.


The wedding was barely-controlled chaos. The flowers were late, the justice of the peace was early, the groom and the best man were valiantly fighting hangovers from a much-too-successful bachelor party. Who knew that Skinner was a basketball fan?

Dana was being amazingly zen about the whole thing, calmly doing her hair and makeup while Margaret Scully and Beth ran around trying to remedy what seemed to be a disaster in the making. With coffee made and passed around, the flowers finally tracked down, and the jp chatting merrily with the groom, Beth collapsed on the bed.

"Why are you taking this all so well?" she asked.

Dana smiled at her. "Because, even if the house collapses around us, I'll marry him at a drive-through in Vegas."

Beth grinned. "Wow. The perfectly-adjusted bride. Who would have thought it could happen?"

"I don't know about perfectly adjusted, but I'll take the compliment. It doesn't matter how it happens, as long as the 'I do' is heard at the end."

"Exactly." Margaret Scully hugged her daughter. "I'm so glad for you."

"Are you really, mom? You're not disappointed?"

"Not in anything, honey. This is what you want. How could I be disappointed."

Unnoticed, Beth stepped into the bathroom to give them a moment alone. She stared at herself in the mirror. It can happen for you, too, you know she told herself. It can happen. She closed her eyes. Oh, Jack, why did you die right when I need you? There was a tap at the door. "Right out," she called, wiping her eyes. She patted a washcloth over them and fixed her mascara. "So, are we ready to get married?" she asked brightly.


Dana was right. In the end, the 'I do's came off perfectly. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Skinner—Dana smiled at that one, as did her husband, who knew she was keeping her name— were introduced to the gathered party to great applause.

Walter's place was a little small for dancing, but they did it anyway. Until the guest list had increased exponentially, Dana had wanted to have it at her apartment. Because Walter's was bigger, the ceremony ended up there.

The bride and groom insisted on everyone joining in on their first dance, so Fox held out a hand to his sister.

"Well, it worked out," he grinned.

"You had your doubts?"

"Me? Never." He turned her. "You look good."

She bowed her head. "Thank you. And you are lovely, as always," she teased. As he started to dip her, she warned, "You drop me, and you die."

"I wouldn't dream of it. I took lessons, you know."

"Really? When?"

"In sixth grade. They made us do it in school. Thought it would make nice, well-mannered ladies and gentlemen out of us."

"And did it?"

"You tell me."

She thought. "I think it worked perfectly well."

It was his turn to bow. "How are you feeling?" he ventured.

"Good." Her smile was genuine. "I actually slept last night. My nightmares have probably just been stress."

"If that's an attempt to get out of your appointment tomorrow—"

"No, it's not. I promised. I keep my promises."

"I'm glad to hear it." As the dance finished, he said, "I'll pick you up at eight."

She smiled. "I'll be ready."


Mulder finally had a chance to dance with his ex-partner about an hour later. The crowd was very lively—an interesting mix of FBI and Scully family clan. Surprisingly, they all got along.

"Do you feel married?"

"I don't know. I think the dress helps," she smiled. "Ask me tomorrow."

"Fine. Give me the number of your hotel."

"Mulder, don't even think of it."

He grinned. "Taking your cell?"

"No, so quit thinking of trying to find me."

"It wouldn't be that difficult. I know where you're going."

"I don't even know where I'm going! How did you find out?"

"Well, let's just say your husband got a little loose-lipped at the bachelor party."

She narrowed her eyes. "How loose-lipped, exactly?"

"Oh, don't worry. I had pretty much figured out what sort of underwear you like already."


He burst out laughing. "Has anyone ever told you you are an easy mark?"

She briefly considered hitting him, then decided that the bride beating up the best man probably wouldn't make the best wedding photo in the album. "So, where am I going?"

"I wouldn't dream of telling you. Let it be a surprise, Scully. You'll love it."

She smiled. "I know." As the music was ending, she asked, "Why don't you ask Alex to dance?"

"How would that look?"

"It's a private party, and everybody knows you. Besides, do you really care?"

He thought it over for all of two seconds. "You're right. I don't." He led her to her husband. "I believe your husband would like the honor." He kissed her cheek, and whispered in her ear, "Be happy always."


They swayed in each other's arms.

"This is very strange," Alex said.

"Oh, I don't know. Feels right to me."

"And if I kissed you?"

"It would just get better." He paused. "I'm waiting."

"I think the level of Catholicism in the room is preventing me from doing it."

"Then I will." Mulder leaned to kiss his lover. "I love you."

"I know," Alex smiled. "Keep telling me, okay?"



Dana and Walter were well on their way to the secret honeymoon destination before the party even broke up. Alex and Mulder made it home by three.

Mulder was in the bathroom when the phone rang. "I'll get it," Alex called out. "Hello?"



Part Seven

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