[Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarstar
Repercussions of the birth.
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Ensemble, Spike/Xander; Genres: Gen, Slash
Warnings: Partner Betrayal

Challenges: None; Series: Baby Blues, Baby Blues
Chapters: 1; Completed: Yes
Word count: 1629 Read: 615
Published: 06/23/2011 Updated: 06/23/2011
Story Notes:NOTES 1: Spike POV. The series will switch POV as it goes along.
NOTES 2: Buffy is alive and well in this fic. Not sure if she just didn't die or if they brought her back somehow. It's not really relevant to the story so make up your own minds.
DEDICATION: This goes to everyone who sent me such amazing feedback during this series. This was the first thing I ever wrote, and it has been really encouraging to hear from all of you. I won't mention everyone by name because we'd be here all day, but you all know who you are, and I have tried my best to reply to everyone personally. If I missed you then I'm sorry but you can be sure I loved hearing from you. Thank you all so much! Also an extra special thank you has to go to Mod for taking the time to beta this for me. I really could not have done this without you and I have to say thanks for being so patient and giving me such wonderful advice.

1. Chapter 1 by Karen [Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarstar (1629 words)