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Several weeks later

Jim had been doing some watching of his own. He had been eyeing people on his own terms for one. It turned out that most of the Vulcans really didn’t like it when a human out-stared them. They usually found something else to do “ mumbling things about it not being logical. It didn’t stop them from trying to avoid his gaze though. Not that the pointy eared bastards didn’t deserve it. He thought back on how his Bones had reacted to Jim’s line of questioning a few weeks ago and his mouth drew into a hard line. If he ever saw someone pressuring his Bones, he’d have one of their bones to pick with them.

Of course, Bones didn’t need to know that Jim had more or less also threatened Sarek. He usually didn’t mind Spock’s father, but Bones was his priority relationship wise. He didn’t give a damn that Sarek was technically his father-in-law. Bones was family “ chosen family. And no one messed with Jim Kirk’s family “ not even Vulcans that belonged to that same family.

The older Vulcan had merely blinked at Jim, when he had confronted Sarek. He had told Jim that he had no intention of forcing Bones to do anything that the doctor didn’t want to. Jim believed him, but a little threatening never harmed anyone. Well, not if they hadn’t followed through with the threats. Something that Jim would most certainly do if Sarek ever forced Bones into anything he didn’t want to.

The very thought of it made Jim bare his teeth. Another Vulcan hurried away rapidly and Jim blinked “ brought back to the present. Perhaps it wasn’t the most diplomatic of gestures he could have made “ especially in his capacity as official liaison between their two species. He looked around and noticed that most of the Vulcans that had been there before had already left. For seemingly emotionless logical oppressors they sure as hell didn’t want to deal with moody humans. Jim’s eyes narrowed as another Vulcan raised his head. This one seemed prepared to actually try and outstare Jim. Jim snarled slightly, enjoying the widening of that supposedly detached gaze. He’d have this one peeling out of the diplomatic quarters in five minutes at the most.

Fucker didn’t know just who he was dealing with.

Jim already mentally looked forward to seeing him scuttle away.



As he entered his quarters, Jim released a sigh of relief. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and sank down into the sofa “ relaxing to the best of his abilities. Diplomacy was a bitch. Especially when you tried to navigate between two species where one had basically enslaved the other “ even if they really didn’t like it when you pointed that out. His muscles ached and he arched his back slightly “ feeling something pop. It made him wince. Bones was going to have his hide if he came into sickbay all tensed and achy. He was always on Jim’s case to take it easy. Jim snorted. Like either one of them actually knew the meaning of taking it easy. He sighed.

The door to the bathroom hissed open and Jim could hear George’s giggling before he saw his son. It made him smile. The blonde 3 year old stormed out of the room “ a whirlwind of movement and happiness “ followed by Spock’s large measured steps. Both of them stilled at seeing Jim sitting there unexpectedly in their living quarters “ watching the two of them together almost indulgently. George was wearing nothing save pyjama shorts. His son tried to get away with wearing as little clothes to bed as he could. Spock was less than his usual stoic self too “ his hair was wet and plastered to his forehead. They both looked ridiculously happy in their own way. Jim’s heart throbbed slightly at the sight of them.


“Daddy!” George shrieked and made a beeline for him and the sofa. Jim chuckled and reached for his son as George all but launched himself at Jim. He tickled his son and then hauled him gently into his lap “ ignoring the twinge in his back.

“Daddy.” George spoke contentedly as his head was tucked under Jim’s chin, both of Jim’s arms around that little torso “ holding his son close and protected. Jim nosed the blond hair and inhaled sharply. He placed a kiss on his son’s crown.

“Little man.” Jim spoke softly, bringing up a hand to card through George’s blond hair. Spock settled beside the both of them and Jim smiled at his husband “ who was watching them fondly “ or at least what passed for fond expression on a Vulcan. It was strange at how easily he tended to translate Spock’s moods and emotions. It still surprised him after the past few years spent together.

Jim smiled softly at him and angled his head towards Spock before he even really knew that he had done so. His husband moved quickly though “ brushing his lips firmly against Jim’s own. He met Spock’s eyes and could see the desire there. Jim swallowed. He still wasn’t quite used to the intensity of Spock’s feelings “ not after all these years. He doubted that he would ever get fully used to it. There was something to be said for the intensity of a Vulcan’s passion.

“Your bedtime begins in approximately six minutes.” Spock spoke composedly to George though his eyes remained focussed on Jim. It made him shiver. George merely burrowed closer into Jim at Spock’s words. While their son went to bed when he had to, it didn’t mean that he didn’t want to stay up later. Especially when Jim had just made it back in time to put George to bed. Jim automatically tightened his hold on the boy and kissed his son’s head again. Spock’s eyes continued to burn heatedly though and Jim cleared his throat “ trying to compose himself. He looked down at the blond head of hair cuddled close to him. Sometimes his son reminded him of an octopus “ all arms and a tight grip.

“Come on, little one.” Jim said amusedly. “Let’s get you ready for bed.”

He stood up while supporting his son, who wasn’t letting go either way. Jim snorted slightly as those legs and arms forced themselves even closer “ all but clinging, despite Jim holding George up in a perfectly adequate fashion. Spock remained seated for a moment longer “ trailing his eyes up and down Jim’s body. Jim felt himself flush slightly at the blatant appraisal.

“Can I have a story about earth tonight?” George asked sleepily. Jim tore his own eyes away from Spock, walking towards his son’s bedroom. He heard Spock stand up and follow them. His husband placed a hand on the low of Jim’s back just as they entered their son’s bedroom.

“Of course you can, little one.” Jim brushed his lips against George’s head. He sat down on the bed and placed his son down. Spock helped Jim tug up the covers. George squirmed slightly and Jim reached beside the bed for the stuffed tribble that sat there. George tucked it proprietarily under a firm arm and Jim suppressed a smile at the sight. Scotty had won some major points with that present.

Jim carded his fingers through George’s hair one more time and then cupped his son’s chin for a moment. He looked at Spock once, before turning back to their son. And then Jim launched himself into the story he had promised his child. Blue and brown eyes following every move he made, listening carefully to the story he spun.

“There once was a planet, …”


Jim gasped as Spock insistently backed him into their bedroom “ kissing him fiercely with both of his strong hands spanning Jim’s face. Jim moaned and kissed Spock back the best he could. Their tongues stoked against each other “ lips lingered together “ teeth nipped at the brim of the other’s mouth.

Spock’s hands relentlessly trailed across his body, until they reached the hem of his shirt. Spock started tugging at the shirt of Jim’s uniform urgently. A few sharp tugs and the shirt gave way. Spock drew back himself and drew it over Jim’s head. It fell to the ground “ laying there forgotten. They were still stalking backwards until Jim felt the bed against the back of his knees and fell on back unto it. It knocked the breathe out of him for a moment. Jim looked up at his husband, smiling slightly depreciating at this less than sensual move. Spock was watching him, however, his eyes taking in every aspect. Almost as if Jim were perfect and all he could wish for at that time “ at any moment in time. Jim flushed. He still wasn’t used to seeing that reflected on that Vulcan face. He wasn’t used to it all. He probably wouldn’t ever be used to it.

His husband slowly moved to remove his own shirt and Jim grinned at that. This he could deal with. He reached for the fastenings of his own trousers while simultaneously toeing off his boots. By the time he had wiggled out of his clothes, Spock stood naked “ taking it all in. The Vulcan was an impressive sight and Jim looked his fill “ his breath starting to speed up a bit already.

Jim paused for a moment “ considering his options, then lay back sensuously “ supported on his elbows. He spread his legs deliberately and nothing less than provocatively. As expected his husband moved in between his thighs. A strong hand moved up and down Jim’s flank, while the other fumbled for the lubrication they kept in the hand side table. Jim laughed slowly as Spock had to look away to find it “ that control so visible shattered. Then his own breath caught as that dark gaze connected with his again. They kept the gaze as a slick finger penetrated him slowly but firmly. As Spock crooked his finger and massaged his prostate deliberately, Jim swore. He curled his legs up slightly and fucked back on that finger. His hips circled and Jim panted already.


Two slick fingers pushed at his entrance, obliging his demands “ stretching him so well. He bit down sharply on his lower lip. He couldn’t wait “ he didn’t want to wait. He wanted enough of a burn that he would feel it so very satisfyingly when Spock slid into him again later that night “ or early in the morning. He wanted enough of a burn that he felt it when he sat opposed Vulcans, humans and other alien diplomats alike. He wanted it so he it could ground him, when peace talks frustrated him to end of his rope “ when he felt so frazzled he thought he would scream. He wanted it because he could. Because he always wanted more. More of Spock and more of this. Always more. So he said it “ demanded it.

“More damn you Spock!”

He more felt than heard or saw his lover slicking up his own erection. A moment of emptiness enveloped him as Spock withdrew his fingers and Jim whined deep in his throat. Emptiness wasn’t what he was going for here “ no matter how logical it was that Spock had to draw back before he could move closer. Jim was reassured scant moments later though. Blunt familiar pressure moved against him intimately and then he was filled. His lover balanced himself over him, with a hand placed on either side of his head. Jim locked his legs around Spock’s waist, drawing his Vulcan closer and deeper into him. He lay down more fully on his back and brought his arms around Spock’s back. He ran his nails down his lover’s back and bucked up into the surprised thrust he got out of his husband.

“Gods yes.” Jim panted.

Spock growled and started bucking up into his body with wet smacks of skin. It only made him want it harder “ faster “ it only made him want more.


Spock met his fevered gaze and one of those strong hands reached for the mind meld points on Jim’s face. He moaned, twisting his body closer. And once those fingers connected “ the world exploded.

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