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While members of the Wotan's insertion team enjoyed their evening, elsewhere in the huge city an angry set of eyes was watching the news in his hidden lair.

A huge fist slammed down on a console startling a batch of pink creatures who flew off toward the ceiling to avoid their angry master.

"Damn fool! How did he let himself be killed and how did that fool Feral manage to accomplish it?" A deep voice snarled bitterly.

"Perhaps that new security specialist is the reason, sir." One of his ninjas, that were hovering near him, ventured to say nervously.

Dark Kat growled but said nothing as he thought about that piece of information. "This has changed my plans somewhat. Prepare to depart tomorrow. I don't care if it takes all night to get ready. Go!" He barked.

His minions took off like a flight of geese to do his bidding.

"I will not allow this event to ruin my plans. I will simply move up my time table while my enemies are feeling victorious. It may make them careless and that works to my advantage." He rumbled to himself.

He flicked off the TV and turned toward a huge computer system that took up one wall of his hideaway. He studied a monitor that had picked up something interesting a few weeks ago.

He'd set it to watch the skies for anything of interest and it had picked up an odd flickering that shouldn't be there above their planet. His computer extrapolated that it might be something that reflected their radar but couldn't determine what it might be.

Dark Kat believed it to be some kind of space craft. What it was doing there was a mystery but he was determined to find out and see if he could use it to his own advantage. His black widow had been rebuilt with the capability of entering space as he'd heard the SWAT Kats had done during the incident with Mutilor.

Tomorrow would reveal all.

Early the next morning...Enforcer Headquarters...

With Kam in tow, Feral arrived at his office feeling happy and ready to tackle another omega. He and Kam had bounced ideas around last night as they lay entwined after hours of great sex. It was decided that a search for Dark Kat and Hard Drive should be made.

This morning, Feral called a meeting of his squadron leaders and set them the task of finding the two criminals. This would take some time unfortunately, so Feral set to working on his pile of reports and meetings he'd needed to get done. Kam simply followed him around, listened and occasionally gave advice.

Jake and Chance arrived at the salvage yard at nearly the same time. They drove their bikes into the secret entrance to their hangar and parked.

"Well fancy finding you just getting in." Chance said with a smirk. "Get lucky too?"

Jake blushed, but nodded as he put his helmet on his bike. "I was with Genus."

"Oh, that guy you met before. Cool." His partner said moving toward the ladder for upstairs.

"Yeah. So who were you with?" Jake asked as he followed his partner up.

Chance moved to their fridge and retrieved a can of milk. He eyed his partner questioningly and received a negative head shake.

"I met this really hot looking Kantin bitch last night. She was fantastic."

Jake frowned, "Kantin you say? What did she look like?" He asked cautiously.

"Uh, she looked something like a Shepard but not exactly. She had lovely tan fur with a fall of copper hair that went down her back. She was built really nice too, only a little taller than me." Chance told him.

"Huh! Interesting. Genus looks like a Shepard too, but not exactly and he has golden fur with reddish-gold hair that comes to his shoulders." Jake said slowly.

"Really, what a coincidence." Chance said with a shrug.

"Buddy, its looking more than a coincidence since Feral's visiting security specialist also looks like a Shepard but isn't really. What are the odds of finding three Shepard-like Kantins in town." Jake said seriously.

Chance stared at his partner in confusion. "While it might be unusual to see that many at once its not really that strange, Jake. We do have a good sized Kantin population not far from here." He reminded his friend.

Jake shook his head firmly. "No, Chance. These three Kantins only look like Shepards but there is something about them that just makes me think they aren't Kantins at all."

"What? How did you come up with that?"

"A variety of things keep nagging me. I'd swear they bear a striking resemblance to the primitive wolves we have here on our world." Jake said adamantly.

"Wolves? You're really reaching there buddy. What hard facts do you have for this crazy notion?" Chance asked shaking his head.

"None...yet...but I'm keeping my eyes and ears open." His partner said grimly.

The tabby sighed. "Well, I'm just going to enjoy Tara's company, if you don't mind. There's nothing about her that makes me feel uneasy. What about you and this guy Genus?"

"That's what's bothering me. I like Genus...a lot...for someone I just met. He's very intelligent, can tech-speak just like me, and is really a great sex partner but there's just something about him that sets off my alarms." Jake said, not being able to articulate what it was that bothered him about his lover.

"You think he could be dangerous?" Chance asked in concern.

"No, not that kind of alarm. Just that something about him tells me he's not what he seems to be but in a good way. If that makes any sense." His friend said, spreading his paws in frustration.

"No it doesn't, actually, but I know you. Whatever it is will become clear to you in time." Chance reassured his bothered partner.

Sighing, Jake nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Let's shelve this for now and get to work."

"Roger that."

At the museum, Tara was flying high. Her night with Chance had been fantastic. They had set a date to see each other again very soon. She could hardly wait.

Donar was in a happy mood as he started his supply run for the day. His evening spent with Professor Hackle had been exceptional though he still hadn't got the old Kat to completely accept the need to use his robots the way he envisioned but that was okay. Donar felt he would be able to bring the tom around to his way of thinking soon enough if he spent more time around the inventor. The Kat's labs were an incredible oasis of inventive genius. He couldn't wait to tell Kam when they met in a week.

Across town, Genus was arriving at his job at Enforcer Headquarters. He was feeling cheerful and ready to start the day. His night with Jake had been invigorating but he could feel the Kat eyeing him oddly when Jake thought he wasn't looking. Despite his reassurances and their definite attraction for one another, Genus could see Jake didn't completely trust him. The wolf guessed the tom was adding up clues in that incredibly smart mind of his and coming up with the possibility that Genus wasn't from around here. He gave it a few days more before Jake confronted him about who and what he was. When he did, Genus wouldn't hold back the truth, that would make a dangerous enemy of this brilliant Kat and Genus had no intention of that happening.

Meanwhile, as everyone else settled into their work day, Dark Kat was setting his plans in motion by launching his Black Widow into the morning sky, heading for space and a rendevous with a shadow.

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