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At around seven that evening, four people gathered around a coffee table covered in pizza boxes, drink cups and notepads.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Jake asked, taking a bite of his dinner as he sat next to Callie on the comfortable couch in the Furlong-Feral's home.

"I will," Feral said, ignoring his meal for the moment. Chance sat silently beside him on the love seat, munching on his pizza, ears pricked forward.

"With an 85% certainty, the mob boss behind this attempted coup is Tiger Frostburn. With Council Kats Daniel Longsfur and Casey Murrin in his pocket. I discovered no one had been doing background checks for over the past year which allowed a mole to block any checks from being done so that Frostburn's picks could be salted quietly throughout our government."

Callie sighed and shook her head, making a note to check council meeting minutes to see what else this mob leader might be involved with. "Frostburn! I've heard some rumors floating around about him but those were connected to some construction contracts he's bidding on. Those two are the ones trying to convince the council to consider him over other, more honest, qualified contractors."

"Really? That's the first I've heard of that and something we should look into as well," Feral said, thoughtfully, jotting a note on it himself. "It might lead us to a link between them and Frostburn."

"I hope it does. Anyway, I would have never considered those two. They do an excellent job of portraying themselves as fine upstanding and hard working councilors but I always felt they were trying rather too hard to come off that way, so glad my instincts were right about that. So what are you doing about proving Frostburn is our infiltrator?"

"I have my new Cyber Squad digging into his financials and tracking all his internet traffic. And I have my top black op team working with an on-scene RICO surveillance to get more dirt. However, they've already discovered Frostburn has had plenty of time to build a really tight defensive ring around his doings. Obviously, the legal way will take years to cough up what we need to drag his ass in, but, even more underhanded methods won't garner what we need before the election and could cause harm to your run for office, so, I've decided something a lot sneakier needs to be done that will have a better than average success in bringing down Frostburn."

Callie grimaced, not liking using such methods to get at the truth but pragmatic enough to know there wasn't enough time to be completely aboveboard here. The safety of a whole city was at stake.

"And what would that be?" She asked, resigned.

Feral glanced over at his mate then over to Jake before responding. "I want you two to go undercover and see what you can find out." He raised a paw when he saw them about to object. "Yes, I know I have you on bodyguard duty but this is more important and you're the only ones I can trust will succeed. And don't worry...I have two of my best black ops taking over her protection while you're busy. Besides, don't forget, you did train her to protect herself," He reminded them.

"Yeah, but with the number of thugs Frostburn can throw at her might overwhelm them," Jake warned, very unhappy about this plan.

Callie gently patted his arm. "I'll be extra cautious and watchful. Besides, don't forget you have me under pretty effective surveillance yourself. And if it does become an issue, I can summon Ulysses for help by the comm you gave me."

Jake's look was still mulish and unhappy. Callie sighed and turned to face him directly. "You trained me for this...unless you're willing to say I'm not good enough..."

"No you're trained to the highest level I could get you," He conceded, irritably.

"That's what I thought, so let me use my training and if I need help Ulysses is the perfect choice. We need you to do this. Frostburn must be dealt with, if he's really the culprit that is..." She gave Feral a quick glance to confirm he wasn't that certain of the mob bosses guilt.

"You're right, we're not absolutely certain and that is what you two will have to find out as well," Feral said, reluctantly, though his instincts said they were on the right track.

"Then find out for certain and take him down. You will not blow your cover for me. Understood?" She demanded, sternly, turning to include Chance in her stare.

Chance didn't look any happier than his partner but could see she was adamant and right, damn it. "Fine ... but I don't like it!"

"Neither do I," Jake grumbled but gave in gracelessly.

"Look! I don't like this either but I will protect her, promise," Feral added his assurance, feeling exactly as they did but for their safety as well as hers.

"Good. Now that's settled let's get onto other business..." Callie cut in, determined to move past this and get to the rest of their business, the evening was getting late.

"Fine, then I have a complaint..." Jake growled. "...Doing this job for you is going to put my work on the project behind, Ulysses. You want this new training system up soon and there's no way I can do both."

"You won't have to. The property we're being bequeathed has not yet been transferred to Enforcers paws and won't be for at least another week due to real estate laws. My financial officer is expediting the paperwork as fast as he can but it's still an unavoidable delay. However, the owner has given us permission to clean the place up and that's a huge job that will take more than a month to accomplish. So while that's being done, you'll have plenty of time to focus on your undercover work," Feral told him.

"Oh...okay, no problem then," Jake sighed, subsiding, resigned to having his work put on hold.

"Alright with that out of the way, there's other issues we face here ..." Feral began, ignoring the rolled eyes he was getting from all three. "I need to know when you plan to announce your candidacy, Callie. Though you will have two guards, I need to beef up your security. Also, I concur you should announce development of The Enforcer Training Module and the presentation of new military hardware from Professor Hackle and Razor..." The three gave him a shocked look. "...No hear me out...adding Razor will help get my Enforcers to accept the SWAT Kats more. Anyway, both these things plus a promise to clean out the rest of the criminal problems will give your platform a solid foundation against the dark horse. However, don't mention or answer any questions on who is responsible for the module nor who will be in charge of it for now. Oh, by the way did we actually say who is going to be in charge of the project and if we do have funding?"

Though still taken by surprise by Feral's suggestion of mentioning Razor, Callie answered readily enough, "Yes we do. Both Hackle and Young are on board."

"Great work," Feral nodded, pleased.

"And I have to agree with your suggestions. It will definitely get my campaign off to a firm and resounding start, but another problem has cropped up and you mentioning Razor is part of it. Though keeping the identity of the one responsible for the module is a great idea, unfortunately, when we do release his name, it can't be Jake but Razor as it was he who was given it by the Loonatics," Callie said.

"That occurred to me today too," Jake said, sourly. "I had so wanted to get my name restored but that can't happen now. After thinking about it all day, I've come to the realization that even if I and Chance revealed our identities as the SWAT Kats that still wouldn't help matters with the Enforcers who hold our vigilante status against us. Though now with what you said, Ulysses, plus adding the fact the Enforcers are aware of my talents developing new weapons and systems, perhaps it wont be as hard as we originally thought. Another thing you could mention to them is the fact Chance and I didn't break any major laws ..." Jake trailed off, giving Feral a questioning look.

Feral sighed and rubbed his face. "That's what I was hoping for, Jake, and, yes, your talents are known but they still aren't too happy. They still haven't accepted my mating of Chance very well and when they find out he's T-Bone..." He trailed off. Everyone winced at that reminder. "...However, if you succeed in bringing down Frostburn and they and the city learn just how widespread his plans were, that might go a long way to gaining their respect ... but it will mean giving up your SWAT Kat identities. Only that will convince them how much you contributed to the city's safety and well being and, hopefully, get them to accept you as their teacher when the module is built," He finished then sighed when he saw the looks of anger on their faces. "I'm sorry, I just don't see another way around it."

Chance felt angry and cornered. It wasn't fair! He wasn't ready to give up his secret but glancing over at Jake and the resigned look on the red tom's face, he was forced to accept that things were changing for them all and perhaps it was time to pack in the super hero stuff finally. But still it rankled inside.

"I can see and feel what you're thinking buddy and I agree it sucks," Jake said, perceptively. "But Ulysses is right, there isn't another choice. Of course we could always back away from the whole thing..."

"No!" Chance cut his friend off sharply. "We never back off when things got tough and we won't now. Besides, I can't be selfish about this. You deserve the recognition you've been denied for so long."

"You both deserve recognition for your unfailing protection of the city and devotion to their safety," Feral said, firmly. "But you don't have to give up your secret just yet. I think that will only come into play when Frostburn is brought to justice and no sooner."

Chance gave his mate a wane smile at the big tom's attempt to ease his anger and pain at losing something so important to him. "Thanks, love."

Feral smiled gently and gave his mate a hard hug. "Okay, enough of this sadness. We still have legal issues to be dealt with. Right, Callie?"

"Right." Callie was willing to move away from the painful subject and onto the rest of the business they had to deal with now. She hurt for her lover but Ulysses was right, this was the best way to solve the problem.

"The first step needing done is Jake gaining legal ownership of the system. I'll have my lawyer draw up that and, sadly, I'll have to tell him eventually what the real name will have to be on the documents. By the way, Mr. Young shrewdly realized how this system could be used for many more fields than just law enforcement medical, fire fighting, dangerous career fields, diplomatic situations, science and technical problem solving, education, nearly any field imaginable..."

The three males gaped at her as the implications sank in.

"Kat's Alive! Selling that system could make Jake millions!" Feral blurted, shocked.

"Wow! Jake that's incredible!" Chance gasped.

"I can't believe I never even considered the other applications possible. You're right Callie, this is way beyond just setting up a training program for the Enforcers," Jake gasped then shook his head. "Crud! All the legal and business crap that will have to be dealt with is enough to give me a headache."

"I know, I feel the same way so you can see why a savvy lawyer is needed to get this all set up before we even announce it's other abilities. That we'll have to keep ruthlessly under wraps so the only thing being announced is how it will train Enforcers to do their job better. No word of its others uses will be mentioned," Callie said, firmly.

"Good idea but it won't stop smart people from realizing it's real worth..." Jake warned.

"True, but we'll not answer any inquires on it from any source until we're ready, understood?" Callie asked, giving each of the males a stern look.

"You won't get any argument from me. That's a very good idea," Feral said gravely. Chance and Jake simply nodded their agreement.

"Fortunately, I have such a lawyer in my employ to handle all the details." She made a lot of notes in the silence that followed as the males thought about the implications of what she'd laid out to them already.

"Crud, the longer we talk about this the more involved it's beginning to get. Soon I won't have any time for doing my own inventions, being a SWAT Kat or an Enforcer!" Jake exclaimed breaking the thoughtful quiet of the room.

"Well yes, eventually you would, my love but not right away and maybe not for a few years at least. This will take a lot of time to set up and run properly so don't get too upset yet. Anyway, no one expects you to handle all that alone," Callie soothed her lover.

"Huh...sounds like it will still keep us too busy," Chance said, skeptically.

"Don't panic guys. Being a canny business Kat and a gracious person to boot, Mr. Young gave me some tips on how to manage this profitable venture. First we need to obtain a patent on the system so that ownership is firmly established. Next, a corporation needs to be set up to manage the proceeds for the system when it goes public." The three males stared at her in consternation but she didn't notice as her eyes remained on her notes.

"Mr. Young and I agree you should remain sole owner of the corp but will have a hand picked president and board of directors to run the day to day operation for you. This way no one can wrest the control of the system from you. So a contract will be drawn up that will stipulate you have controlling ownership of the patent itself and its original purpose. At that time, we'll figure out what percentage of the profits you should receive as well." She flipped the page of her notebook and continued writing and talking.

"Then there are the contracts that have to be set up between you and the Enforcers for you to run it and train them on it, the funding contract, the building contract, the contract for the company doing the remod, and finally, at least for right now, the contract between your company, Jake, and the Enforcers for upkeep of the system they are unable to do, repairs and upgrades. There that should do it for now." She finally looked up and smiled broadly as she added, "...and just think, you'll be improving the employment outlook of the city with many new jobs too."

All three could only gape at her for a long moment. Jake was reeling from the realization of how much one little invention from an alien race was going to change all their lives.

"Wow! My buddy the tycoon!" Chance finally blurted out, shaking his head in amazed disbelief. Things were going a bit too fast here for him. He could see just how much their lives were going to change before the year ran out and he wasn't so sure he liked it.

Feral could only shake his head.

"Uh...gee Callie, it seems to be an enormous undertaking and I'm not the business type," Jake managed to finally verbalize past his shock.

"Don't worry love, like I said, you won't be saddled with the day to day running of this at all. Only your name will be on the company. You'll be free to continue inventing and doing what you like to do while making tons of money at the same time," Callie assured him, smiling. "But you needn't worry about that right now. After all, the system has to be up and running first before the rest can happen. I will say, Mr. Young also suggested that the city be represented on your board of directors and that the money the company makes be funneled into investors and, to keep the city happy, into the Disaster Resource Fund which has been seriously depleted by the omegas and Mayor Manx's indiscriminate plundering. Doing this will show how involved your company is in the city's welfare."

"Hey, that's a great idea and it doesn't hurt that it will also ensure your chances of becoming mayor, either," Jake smirked.

Callie blushed. "That too."

"If this system makes as much money as I think it will, Megakat City will be flush for the first time in decades," Jake said, shaking his head in amazement. And, he thought, I could designate some of those monies into worthy charities too.

Callie was glad Jake was such a giving tom. Anyone else would be upset at someone else deciding how his funds should be managed but Jake wasn't moved by having lots of cash. Smiling to herself, she jotted a few more notes, her pad filling up fast. Suddenly she paused, there's still the issue of my campaign. I've just got to find a campaign manager and fast. There's just so much to do and so little time to do them in ... a year was now seeming too short a time to get it all done before the elections.

Staring at all the notes Callie had written compared to his mate's single-page filled notepad, Chance whistled in unhappy concern. "Crud, Callie. There seems to be the lion share of the work being done by you. You sure you have time to help Jake and deal with your campaign?"

"I'll manage. It's nothing I don't do for my job after all, though I will admit an assistant would make it easier," Callie sighed.

Jake looked over her notes and shook his head. "Yeah, hope you find one fast as we seem to be adding to an already heavy workload.

"And what about campaign funding, that has to be done to right?" Chance added.

"Yes, I do have to get started and I'm pleased to tell you that Mr. Young was tickled about my running and has graciously donated a huge sum toward it already."

"You told him?" Feral asked, shocked.

"I had to as he wondered why I was approaching about the project without the Mayor's input. He's a very smart business Kat like I said before and he already knew who was truly running the city. It's nice to know he thinks so highly of me. Also, since he's investing so much into all this, I felt he should be aware of our infiltration problem. He was unhappy but not actually surprised. He warned we need to deal with it quickly as a mob boss running a city this size would ruin business for the world's economy."

Feral's eyebrows rose at that last comment. "Huh, he's turning out to be more than he seems. I never would have credited him as being that perceptive. Since he's so canny, perhaps, Callie, he might know of someone trustworthy and effective to be your assistant and even campaign manager in one. It would be to our benefit to have an outsider who wasn't already in someone's pocket here."

Callie eyed him in surprise. "I never thought of that and I believe you'd be right. I'll give him a call tomorrow and ask. Thank you, Ulysses."

"You're welcome," Feral smiled, pleased he could be of some help. Chance was right, the she-kat was taking the lion's share of the workload but he knew she was the only one truly skilled at getting this kind of thing done.

"Hey, let me donate to your campaign fund too. I bet even the professor will do the same," Jake chimed in, giving her a hug and a kiss.

"Wonderful idea, thank you, love," Callie said, pleased and touched at the gesture and promise.

"Oh...I just had another fantastic thought," Jake said, brightly. "Do you think Mr. Young would like to be a member of my board of directors?"

Callie blinked at him in surprise then could have slapped herself for not thinking of it herself. "I think that's a grand idea and I bet he'd be thrilled as he thinks this is going to be the best investment he'd ever made. His experience will be a blessing too. And how about Professor Hackle for that as well?"

"Ooohh...great idea...I'll ask him!" Jake said, excitedly.

"Wow! With all that support, Callie, I don't see why you wouldn't be a shoe in for mayor," Chance said.

"Oh, that reminds me..." Callie turned to Feral, "Uly, your question about when I'm announcing my candidacy ... I think I should get it done by the end of the month but it all depends on a lot of factors. One, I need that assistant/manager; two, we really need to get the bad guys out of the race, and three, I need the funds to get started though that's already got a considerable jump start."

"That will hopefully work for us, but don't forget Frostburn won't wait too much longer to introduce his dark horse and get a jump on the race. I don't know if that will be bad for you or not. However, I was hoping for an earlier announcement as I was going to use it as a prod to shake Frostburn and/or those two councilors into making a mistake when they hear you're running. But it can't be helped. Chance and Jake will just have to do what they can to shake out the info we need," Feral voiced his concern.

Callie groaned. "Damned if I do ... damned if I don't. I just don't have any choice since I don't even have a campaign team to do anything with yet. No one knows about me running except you and Mr. Young. It doesn't help that even Manx hasn't bothered to prepare and announce either. Seems he thinks he's a shoe in," She snorted, writing another note to herself. "I'll do what I can, that's all I can promise."

"Manx always was delusional," Ulysses said sarcastically. His mate laughed. "Though it doesn't help the guys in their undercover work, it might be a good idea that you wait now that I think of it. It will give you time to get the patent and ownership of the system done before anyone finds out about it. I freely admit, it makes me nervous that the longer it remains in the air the greater its chances of being leaked out despite our care."

"That's a legitimate concern, Uly, even though I'm the only one with it, I can't say 100% that it will remain unknown and safe now that it's out in the open," Jake said gravely. "I hate to say this, love, but that better be your number one priority. And, yes, I know you'll have to tell your lawyer about me but I know you only trust so many and this tom has to be one of them so you have my permission...uh...that is do you have an objection, buddy?" Jake paused to give his partner a questioning look.

Chance grimaced but nodded slowly. "Yes...I suppose so. It does have to be done so I can't truly stand in the way of it."

"Good, then you have our permission," Jake said to Callie.

"Thank you. I know how hard it is for you two to allow that. Okay, the patent and ownership first then find a campaign manager, then funds, then announce. I can't wait to throw Manx under the bus by leaking some of his less than savory activities during his tenure."

"Ohh...nasty. Though I like the idea, are you sure you want to be seen as a mudslinger?" Jake asked.

She eyed him thoughtfully then sighed again. "No, I don't. I have to hope my campaign manager can think of something better to counter Manx's smarminess."

"Heh, besides the module and new weapons, you might also mention how the two of us have been working together to rid the city of the omegas and are presently taking out the new crime wave but don't let on we know about Frostburn's invasion. We don't want to tip our paws there yet," Ulysses suggested.

"Which is why you're guarding her so carefully," Jake said, knowingly.

"Exactly. I may not like putting her in such direct danger but it's the only other thing I can think of to try and get those rats to come out of hiding so we can catch them," Feral added.

"I certainly don't relish going through the whole year of my campaign worrying about the criminals trying to weasel their way into the mayor's office so I hope this plan of yours works."

"Don't worry, love," Jake growled. "...Chance and I will have these guys tagged and bagged before you know it."

Callie leaned close and kissed his cheek. "I know you will which is why I'm not that worried."

"Well, then here's hoping you luck out getting an assistant soon so things can get rolling." Feral pulled Jake and Chance's minds off Callie's safety and back on something else. The big tom's stomach growled at that moment and Chance rolled his eyes as he shoved some pizza at his mate. Feral just grinned and picked up a slice and took a big bite. It was cold but he was too hungry to care.

"So have we covered everything?" Jake asked, reaching for another slice of pizza himself.

"I believe so," Callie sighed, closing her notepad and picking up her glass of wine, sipping it and relaxing now that the main business was done.

"Hey, by the way, Uly says you're cleared to handle yourself so how did you do in the danger room final," Chance asked, relaxing back against the loveseat and caressing his mate's back. "I hadn't had a chance to get an update."

"She did very well all four times I put her through it," Jake interjected, before she could respond, smirking with pleasure. "Hey, what can I say, I'm a great teacher!"

Callie shoved him playfully for that remark while secretly pleased he was so proud of her. That warmed her heart.

Personally, she'd thought she'd done badly. It had been as grueling as Ulysses had warned her but she hadn't failed to finish and didn't get tagged or injured. So despite feeling like she'd been run over by a truck and hobbling in pain for a week afterward, she was thrilled she was considered trained enough to protect herself. Now maybe he wouldn't hover over her so much. One could hope.

"That's great news and perfect timing," Chance said.

Knowing she'd be in the crosshairs of Frostburn's thugs, she only hoped their confidence wasn't misplaced as she needed to survive the coming storm.

"Anything else to be discussed?" Feral asked.

"Yeah, I do have one more thing and it's about the project itself. Since it's settled that I'll be in charge, here's some of the people I'd like for my team. Professor Hackle, of course, Dr. Konway, when you can spare him, Uly, as he'll be the best for determining the physiological problems, and then I thought Dr. Greenbox would be perfect...yes I know he caused problems and was jailed but it wasn't his fault and he is an exceptional inventor. There's not many in his category around and I promise he will be watched closely. As for others, I'll leave that to you, Hackle and Greenbox to suggest."

"Hmm...not sure I like having Greenbox but if you feel you really need him, I can perhaps go along with a temporary trial period. However, all your candidates must undergo stringent security screenings. If you can, try not to have more than ten assistants. " Jake nodded, Uly's request was certainly reasonable.

"Is that it?" Callie asked, when Jake fell silent and no one said anything more for some minutes.

"Yep, sounds like we've covered all of it and what a lot of work it is for you Callie," Chance said, shaking his head.

"Well, it might not be as dangerous as what you two plan but I'll manage," she assured him, smiling. "Oh, and Jake, before I forget, my car is making loud noises. I think it's time to replace it. However, since Uly says you and Chance are committed tomorrow night, you got anything else I can drive?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. We have one in the yard you can use for right now and it has the added advantage of being something no one will think you'd drive so if anyone's hunting you, they won't know what to look for if you don't park in your spot in front of city hall for awhile," Jake said, relieved this was an easy fix.

"Good idea," Feral said. "Just make sure to tell Captain Redfur what the car looks like so the guards he's putting on Callie will know." That made him feel better about Callie's safety when the pair weren't guarding her.

"Sure," Jake agreed.

Scrunching her nose in distaste, Callie sighed and nodded reluctantly. "Okay, I can see how that would be a good idea overall."

"Don't worry love, it's not that bad a vehicle. I'll go get it tonight and trade your vehicle out," Jake said, kissing her on the cheek.


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