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Dimension Two...

"As much as I am truly enjoying this, there is a party going on and I can't help but think someone will be attempting to find their host about now." Feral murmured with his eyes closed, laying in Jaren's arms in the hot tub. "Besides, I'm getting very water logged."

Jaren chuckled and kissed the top of his mate's head. Sighing, he said ruefully, "I guess you're right my love. I really should see what my guests are up to. It's just so very hard to let go of you. Hmmm, you smell so delicious!" He rumbled hotly pulling Ulysses' head up and kissing him more deeply.

Feral's toes curled with renewed lust and he groaned. 'Kat's alive! May I never walk again!' He mewed excitedly. Unable to help himself, he swung around, raised up and took Jaren's hard cock in one complete go as he dropped down on it. Jaren growled and began a quick, punishing pace that brought them both roaring moments later.

"Umph...aren't I the one who said we needed to get out." Feral groaned some minutes later as he was recovering again.

"Yes..." kissing a cheek. " did..." kissing the throat "...but you are just too hard to resist..." Jaren said in a lazy, sated way as he continued to lay soft, butterfly kisses on his mate's body.

"Hmmm, if you had your way we would never leave this tub." Ulysses smirked then sighed again as Jaren kissed his mouth.

Long moments passed until Feral sighed regretfully and gently pushed his mate away. With a lazy smile of contentment, he climbed out of the tub. Pouting only a little, Jaren reluctantly followed. The sight of his new mate's nude body as it walked gracefully, hips swaying (unconsciously behaving female for a few precious moments all unaware) made his heart tighten with lust.

Keeping away from his mate's paws, Feral made for the dryers. Some minutes later he was searching for his clothes and dressing. Soon, paws clasped tightly, they walked unhurriedly back to the party. Reaching the french doors, Feral began to pull free but Jaren was having none of it. He tightened his fingers. Eyes widening in surprise but not protesting, Ulysses stepped through the doors paw in paw with Jaren.

It took his high society guests a few moments to register what they were seeing. As the pair moved further into the grand ballroom, a whisper of excitement and shock rushed through like the wind. Tongues were wagging furiously and many looks of dismay, shock, surprise and jealousy swept over them. Jaren ignored it all as he headed for the buffet table. He was famished and he was certain Ulysses was as well. When they reached the well stocked tables only then did Jaren relinquish his mate's paw.

"Thought you might be hungry love. I know I am." He smirked as he handed Uly a plate.

Feral snorted and accepted the plate. "Gee, could that be because you couldn't keep your paws off me!" Uly retorted softly.

Jaren smiled broadly and leaned close to kiss Uly's cheek in full view of everyone then turned to fill his plate as if it were nothing but a casual gesture when it was anything but to the crowd trying not to stare.

Feral felt his face blush a little as he too filled his plate. Jaren led Ulysses toward a circle of tables against one wall. A waiter came to their side immediately and took their drink order. They dug in hungrily ignoring everyone else.

Mayor Manx had been in a far corner of the ballroom when Jaren and Feral had come in. The whisper reached him by way of the wife of one of the investors he was having a business talk with.

She was a beautiful cream Persian, dressed in the latest fashion. She bustled up to her husband and barely restrained herself as she waited to be acknowledged.

"Faren, you just won't believe what has just occurred. It's spreading through the room like wildfire." She said excitedly

"Believe what my love." Faren said indulgently. The other business Kats nodded at her politely.

"Why our host has just come back in, from who knows where, holding paws with Commander Feral." She said, her eyes alight with the news she was imparting. "Not only that but when they went to the banquet table, Jaren kissed Feral on the cheek."

Her mate just gaped at her in shock as did the others standing around her. Mayor Manx was nearly choking on his champagne.

"Wwwhat!" He sputtered. "Excuse me all, I need to see about this personally." He hurried off toward the food tables. Cutting through the crowd anxiously, he finally broke through and saw with his own eyes what all the ruckus was about. Before he could charge over and demand what was going on, Callie who had seen the pair arrive, swiftly cut him off.

"Now Mayor Manx, calm yourself." She warned softly. "Remember he's the wealthiest and most powerful Kat in the city."

"I haven't forgotten, Callie. It's just a shock that's all and I want to learn more about what's going on." Manx huffed then paused a moment as a sudden thought occurred to him. "Just a moment, when you told me Jaren was indisposed, you didn't by chance say that because you knew something I didn't?" He asked his eyes starting to snap with anger.

"I couldn't just blurt out that our host and Commander Feral were...ah...enjoying each other's company, now could I. It's their business and until they made it public, I had no right saying anything about it." Callie snapped firmly.

Manx reared back a bit at Callie's defensive and angry posture. "Now, now Callie. I understand perfectly and you are right. Such a thing spoken out of turn, could have caused untold damages to the parties involved. I'm just surprised is all." He placated her while still looking at the pair that was obviously a couple. Sighing to himself, 'Now isn't this a fine mess!' He thought.

Dimension One...

After reluctantly leaving Felina's apartment, Razor thought about going home but then decided this really couldn't wait. He headed his cyclotron toward the outskirts of town. He knew Professor Hackle stayed up late like most inventors. Razor was the same way.

Very quickly, he'd reached the security gate for the Professor's property. He sat waiting patiently as the security system looked him over then there was a nearly silent click as the gate swung open. He drove away from the main house and down to the main laboratory buildings. Just as he reached a massive rolling door it smoothly opened for him. He drove in a short distance and stopped.

Shutting down his engine, he smiled warmly at the elderly inventor who hobbled up to him.

"To what do I owe the honor of your visit tonight, my young friend?" Hackle asked a bit surprised but smiling quietly.

"Sorry to just drop in Professor, but I knew you would be up. I've been given more data to go along with the information I gave you on Turmoil's new weapon and ship. Looks like Dark Kat is the mastermind behind the present crime wave we've been experiencing lately." Razor said grimly

"Ahh, I see! That is distressing news. Well, let us go make ourselves comfortable and talk about it." Hackle said moving off slowly toward another of his labs. This one held a massive computer, drafting tables, working areas and comfortable chairs. A small kitchen cubby was in one corner and the Professor limped his way to the fridge.

"Would you like something to drink, Razor?" He asked.

"Yeah, good idea. We're going to be talking a while. A cold milk would be great." Razor said.

Hackle nodded agreeably and reached in and pulled out two large cans of milk. He limped back to one of the working tables and handed Razor his drink while he sat down in chair at the table. Razor joined him. Sighing he gathered his thoughts as he opened his milk.

Over the next hour, Razor brought Professor Hackle up to date with the latest intel they'd acquired and what he'd extrapolated from it.

"I'm afraid you are correct about Dark Kat being behind this. It seems to be his favorite way of doing things." Hackle sighed unhappily. "Such a one track mind he has."

"Yeah, it is that. Actually, that is why he's never succeeded though he has come to damn close for my tastes of late. For each defeat, he seems to get more and more canny. Unlike some of the other omegas, he learns from his mistakes and his techno skills are on the par with ours. It's almost like trying to defeat one of us." Razor mused sourly.

"You know, that might not be a bad idea." Hackle said an inkling of a plan forming in his mind.

"Huh?" Razor blinked in confusion.

"If we develop ways that could defeat our way of fighting, our method of weapons development then it should help us be able to defeat Dark Kat because as you already said, he has a very similar techno mindset as we do, except for being a megalomaniac that is." the Professor explained.

"Hey, that's not a bad idea, Professor. Okay I'm game! Let's put our heads together and come up with something." Razor said positively. "Let me contact my partner before it gets much later and let him know where he can find me." Razor said preparing to radio his partner.

"Why don't you plan on staying here for a few days, Razor. It may take us that long to come up with what we need." Hackle told him.

"Okay, you're probably right." Razor agreed then managed to reach T-Bone before his friend headed for bed. Over his comm he could hear the complaining cries of the tabby's daughter. T-Bone distractedly thanked him for letting him know and quickly cut the connection.

Razor had to smile at that. "He sounds a bit harried!" Professor Hackle said amused.

"Yeah, little Zira can be quite a handful when its bedtime. T-Bone tells me its because of her mom's pregnancy. Zira is a little jealous and I'm sure she's worried a little bit about her mom despite how young she is." Razor said shaking his head.

"How is Commander Feral doing? He is getting close is he not?" Hackle asked.

"He's got another two months to go but he's having a hard time with this one. He's retaining water quite a bit and he tires real easy." Razor said with a sigh.

"That is not good news. Has Medi said there will be any problems?" Hackle said in concern.

"No, though he did tell me privately, that he hoped Feral would deliver early. It's possible Medi might have to induce early labor because of the stress on the Commander's body. Medi doesn't want to do that so he's been monitoring Feral real close." Razor said seriously.

"I am glad Medi functions well for you. He is my greatest masterpiece. I've already completed a production model and forwarded it the Science Academy. It will be a real boon for isolated communities as well as the military." Professor Hackle said proudly.

"Heh! You have a right to be proud, Professor. Medi is indispensable and I'm pleased to have him on hand. Glad you managed to get a model made. Hope those jokers at the academy don't delay in releasing him for production." Razor said.

"So do I my young friend. So now let's get down to business. We have some important thinking to do." the Professor said redirecting their minds back to the business at hand.

"You got it." Razor agreed and began laying out some ideas he had. Soon the two of them were deeply immersed as the night slowly passed toward dawn.

Dimension Two...

Feral concentrated on his food and ignored the many hostile glances the female of their species were hurtling at him. It was almost like sitting on an anthill. He sighed to himself as he reached for his wine and caught the eye of his new mate. Let them look daggers at him, he didn't care he'd gotten the prize they all coveted and the heated look in Jaren's eyes was all worth it.

'I've won, I've won!' Sang the phrase in Jaren's mind with delirious joy. He cared not one wit at the many vicious stares he was getting just the warm look from his beloved mattered.

"So what does this mean?" A familiar voice purred questioningly in Callie's ear.

Sighing, Callie turned to the 'cat ate the canary' look Ann Gora was giving the new couple. This was going to big news for weeks and Ann was looking at winning the Pulizer Prize with this story.

"Well Ann, if you want to know the facts I suggest you ask them what's happening." Callie said cautiously.

"Meaning you know but aren't about to put your foot in it." Ann said in amused understanding of the awkward position the Deputy Mayor was in.

"Meaning I'm not giving an opinion on it at all." Callie smiled not biting at Ann's bait. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mayor Manx finally making the decision to approach the couple. Wincing inwardly, she quickly hurried to be by his side. She could feel Ann moving smoothly behind her. No way to prevent the press being involved. It was obvious Jaren was being very open and public about he and Feral.

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