Adjustments by Nikita [MA - 18+]
[Reviews - 0]
FeatureSnape is sent to bring Lupin back to health, but the tables are soon turned on the potions master when Lupin learns of a few interesting secrets.
Published: 12/27/2017 Updated: 12/27/2017
Story Notes:Not suitable for minors!! OotP Spoilers.

Written for the Master and Wolf Fest and answers Challenge #51: Lupin finds out that in a moment of madness brought on by having been cooped up in the house for so long, Sirius had sex with Snape. Now Snape is having the baby that should rightfully have been Lupin and Sirius'. (The story is told mostly from Lupin's pov, but occasionally from Snape's.) American spelling.

1. Chapter 1 by Nikita [Reviews - 0] (14192 words)