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On entering Doctor McCoy's quarters, Spock found the man standing at the edge of his bed. In his hand, Leonard held his tunic as though he was getting ready to turn in, but, in reality, he was simply staring blankly at the wall, lost in thought. Neither the swish of the door as it opened and closed nor the near silent footfalls alerted him to his visitor's arrival. However, the soft touch of a kiss to the back of his neck did jerk him out of his dreamlike state.

"You appear perplexed," Spock's all too familiar monotone offered from behind him.

And you appear to be stating the obvious again," Leonard retorted, rolling his eyes as he turned to face his lover. "I'm just trying to figure out what I may or may not have agreed to tonight with those crazy Abrbonians."

Spock's eyebrows rose slightly. "Are you unsure of the terms of your agreement or are you unsure if you entered an agreement?"

"Both," Leonard admitted with a shrug, his expression still showing his distracted state. "I think at one point, I had a grasp on the whole conversation, but the more I tried to get things clarified the more confusing it got. Not unlike chatting with you on occasion."

"I communicate in a logical and concise manner. I highly doubt the Abrbonians do the same." Spock uttered this statement haughtily, holding himself stiffly, feeling a little insulted at Leonard's dig. Not that he would admit to such a thing if questioned about his tone.

"You, my friend, are rarely concise," Leonard laughed as he tried to focus more on the here and now and shake off his earlier thoughts. He gave Spock a pat on the shoulder as he spoke, then held it for balance as he leaned over and planted a quick kiss on those tightly drawn lips, trying to get the other man to relax a little. "You are definitely more of why say it with one word when you can use three kind of guy. However, I am starting to understand why they don't like you with that comment."

Spock, standing rigidly with his hands folded and tucked behind his back, gave a little sniff before saying, "It is more probable that the Abrbonians dislike me because they have discerned that I am an obstacle to acquiring your affections than due to any observations I may have made regarding their ability to converse effectively."

"If that don't beat all, anyway, them fixating on me," the doctor scoffed, eyeing his companion warily. It paid to be cautious when accusing a Vulcan of letting his emotions get the better of him, but Spock was not usually this uptight during his visits. "Not jealous, are you?"

"Jealousy is an..." That was as far as Spock got before a hand clamped tightly across his mouth and he found his lover glaring at him.

"Dammit," Leonard growled, suddenly very much in the room. "This is where you make a nice little compliment about how I just might be attractive enough to deserve a little attention now and then, even if you aren't jealous, not where you go on yet another little rant about how Vulcans don't do emotions."

Spock muttered something unintelligible and then stared down at the hand still covering his mouth, while Leonard looked at him questioningly. Feeling a little sheepish, the doctor removed his hand to allow the other man to speak. Straightening out what could only be an imagined wrinkle in his tunic, Spock repeated what he had said while gagged. "You are not receptive to hearing me state the obvious, so stating that you are aesthetically pleasing to the eye would serve no purpose but to aggravate you."

Leonard simply ran his hand down his face in frustration and shook his head. It was hard to argue the point with someone who appeared to think that your attractiveness just was. Even if Leonard himself would, in fact, disagree with the assertion, it was still flattering. "Any particular reason you stopped by this late? Other than to engage in odd conversation? Because I have to admit I'm kind of chatted out at the moment. Hanging out with Ge'Ha and Te'Bora can do that to a person." With that, the doctor flopped haphazardly across his bed.

Spock raised his eyebrow as he took in his lover's unusual position and attitude. Usually their time together had as much to do with conversation or debates (not arguments no matter what the captain claimed) as other activities. "I was desiring your company, but if you find yourself overly weary I will leave you to rest."

Leonard's foot snaked out, hooking itself around the Vulcan's knee to prevent him from leaving, then slid the same suggestively up his lover's leg. "I didn't mean to imply that you should leave, just that we should stop talking."

Spock's mouth curved slightly upwards, as close to a smile as the Vulcan usually allowed, as he moved towards the bed. Leonard pulled himself back up into a seated position to watch as Spock sat at the edge of the bed to remove his boots. With a soft chuckle, Leonard observed, "It's best to shed those right away. It's almost as though they were designed to discourage fraternization."

"I am doubtful that Starfleet gave any consideration to such concerns while designing uniforms," Spock reflected as he shucked off the articles being speculated on.

"True enough." Leonard said, twitching his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. "They wouldn't make those dresses so short if that were the case."

"I would prefer you not to be considering the hem lengths of female uniforms while preparing to partake in sexual congress with me," Spock advised as he pushed the other man back on the bed. Any smart retort that may have been made was lost in the bruising kiss that followed. After that, there was no real conversation, just the grunts and groans that accompany the fumbling of clothing removal and foreplay. Neither was locked into a particular role when it came to sex, but tonight, tonight Leonard needed to feel Spock inside him, a need expressed more in actions than words. He needed to fill an emptiness he was suddenly feeling. He blamed it on the Abrbonians for putting the idea into his head that he wouldn't have anything with Spock come morning, so he was grasping at what he could get. What he could hold on to. It was probably why the hurt felt a little more acute when Spock refused to stay long after it was all over. The Vulcan was correct, of course. It was impractical for him to stay the night. But Leonard wanted Spock to do the impractical, the illogical for him once in a while. Not all the time, just every now and then. He sighed to himself as he knew that would never happen. The Abrbonians were more likely to pull off their promises than Spock was to meet that need.

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