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"So, Blair . . . why are we seeing Laurene today?" Dr. Roberts, the baby's pediatrician, asked. As he waited for the answer, he began his examination.

"She cries all the time--morning, afternoon, night. I can't get her to stop. Jim's not getting enough sleep, and he's getting really . . . cranky," he answered, shooting for a diplomatic tone.

"Barring any other excuses, providing I find anything, my first thought would be colic," the doctor commented. "However, colic usually starts in infants only a few days to a few weeks old and ends around the third month. Laurene is three months old now. When did this start?"

"It started back in early December," Blair mused, casting his mind back to determine the timing. "But it didn't really start getting noticeable as a problem until around Christmas. Laurene's always been a little fussy," he added. "She's got a taste for breast milk, and won't take formula unless she's missed a few feedings. Even then, she tends to spit it up. She can't tolerate a wet diaper, or even a damp one. The slightest sound in the apartment can set her off."

"And this started when she was around two months?"

Blair nodded. "Yeah, I guess that's about right."

"Well," the doctor sighed, "I can't find anything physically wrong with her. I'll have the lab draw some blood for testing, just in case. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but it's probably something related to colic, and you'll just have to ride it out. Why it started so late, I don't have a clue. I'll call you with the test results in about three days. In the meantime, I'd suggest trying to get some rest. By the looks of you, Jim's not the only one losing sleep. Do you have anyone who could watch Laurene while you clocked in a few solid hours of sleep?"

"I don't know," Blair hedged. "There's our neighbor across the hall, but I really hate bothering anyone. Laurene's a real handful when she cries."

"I think you should seriously consider it, Blair. If your health deteriorates from lack of rest, you won't be in any shape to care for Laurene. Consider, too, that exhaustion tends to decrease the amount of milk you produce," he added for emphasis. "If Laurene is constantly hungry, that could be part of the problem."

"Thanks, Dr. Roberts. I'll see what I can do." Blair wrapped Laurene snugly in her insulated blankets and carried her out of the exam room.

"Don't hesitate to call if you have any questions," the doctor added as Blair made his way toward the clinic's exit.

"Don't worry," Blair responded. "You'll be hearing from me."

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