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I hated when Father had the others over and made me serve them. I was just a curiosity for them, just a pathetic ghost that Father kept around so he could drain me. Every time I saw the Light and began to move towards it, he dragged me back. He laughed at my pathetic attempts to escape him and at first I hated him. I hated every breath he took.

But my hatred fed his passion and I began to work on letting it go. He would have noticed, I expect but he was busy absorbing energy from all the muggles they were killing. So I kept quiet and did what he wanted while I watched and waited. Voldemort was planning his victory and that was something that I was terrified of. I'd never be free if He won.

I levitated the silver tray with the brandy on it and silently served the wizards around the great table in the dungeons where their plans were laid out. Laying the tray down, I dematerialized to conserve my strength.

"Here, MacPherson, once you're within the gates, we'll follow. You are our wedge," Father said with a cold look at the giant who leaned on the table and pointed to the gate on the plans. "I hope you're worth what we're paying you."

"I'm worth twice that piddlin' amount." He said with a lazy brogue. "The only one on the grounds who might give you trouble is my dear cousin, Rubeus. I'll take care of him and enjoy wiping the dirt with his pansy ass."

Father smiled without any humor the way he always did. "See to it. Evans, I want you to transform and find Malfoy junior. We're not leaving without him. If you can find Potter at the same time, then let Hughes know so he can grab him. Our Master wants Hogwarts leveled to the ground and every single soul within it snack food for his delectation."

I shivered and thought longingly of the school that I'd once hoped to escape to. The Headmaster had been so nice when I met him that I had thought it would be great fun to go to school there. But that had been before Father killed me and sucked out all my energy. I was tied to the family estate now and my only hope was that Father would fail in his pursuit of power so I could escape.

I pitied the two he wanted, Malfoy and Potter, pitied them with all my heart.


I lay in bed and thought about the future. If I was thinking about our son being born then I wasn't thinking of this afternoon when I'd meet the boogeyman of my youth. We needed to go through the trunk of baby clothes that Mum had bought at the auction to make sure that they had escaped the moths. I was concentrating on that.

"Rubeus, stop brooding." Sev leaned up on one elbow and looked down at me. "That's my job and I won't have you usurping my prerogative." He leaned down and kissed me gently, his tongue stroking my lips until I opened to suck him inside. I loved his early morning taste so I concentrated on scouring his mouth clean.

His chuckle caught me off guard and I opened my eyes to look into his. His black eyes sparkled in the sunlight creeping in the window. "Ru', I love you. Geil MacPherson is a bully and a coward. You are neither. You are a brave man to love me and even braver to embark on fatherhood. That takes guts and strong determination."

"I'm no' feelin' very gutsy at the moment." I admitted shamefaced to my lover.

"Then, I shall inject some courage into you." He slid up and blanketed me with his warmth. "There will be no other in your memory, Rubeus Hagrid. No one belongs there but me."

He held my gaze while he moved between my legs and I began to burn while he prepared me for his beautiful shaft. Then he was in me, moving slowly but surely and staking his claim to my body and my heart. Our hands clasped between us and his swelling belly caressed my own cock to aching hardness.

"See me, Rubeus, see only me." He said fiercely and I nodded immediately. "I love you so much that there is no room for any other inside of me."

"Ya've filled up all me empty spaces, Sev." I realized that it was true. The long ago gangbang was like a pale memory that had happened to another me, not something that meant anything at all now. Now was filled with my Severus and our child.

"Good," he said and continued to stroke into me until I fountained between us and he flooded me with his heat. I turned us so he could relax without squishing our child. We rested for a long moment and I realized that I was truly relaxed. Our focus today was on keeping Voldemort out of Hogwarts and we would not fail.


"Rhea?" I said quietly in case she was still asleep.

"Good morning, love." She turned over and smilingly kissed me. That was something I hoped to never, ever get too used to.

But when we broke apart, I looked deep into her beautiful eyes. "Harry likes boys."

Her hand stroked my cheek lovingly. "Yes, he does and his heart is given to Gersey."

"And Gersey's is given to Harry?" I'd been watching them for over a week now.

"He's as taken as they come, Siri. He's been waiting for wee Harry since he first discovered that he liked his own sex. He experimented a bit but he kept his heart until he turned around and saw your godson." Rhea smiled and kissed me again.

It wasn't what I'd thought would be Harry's path but it could have been worse. He might have fallen in love with Snape or my new brother-in-law. Still, there was plenty of time for him to do some experimenting of his own. If we could just get through today's battle intact and with no casualties.

"Siri?" Rhea pulled back a little. "You do realize that Harry wants children and is prepared to carry them himself?"

"What?" I blinked at her in disbelief. "He's too young."

She shook her head and went up on one elbow to look down into my face. "He's an old soul, Harry is. I expect he'll wait until Voldemort is dead and his schooling done but I also expect within a year, he'll be ready and eager to get pregnant. If you've a problem with that, you'll need to be working on it."

I couldn't think of anything to say. I still couldn't bear to think of Snape as pregnant so Harry was right out. I opened and closed my mouth twice before looking miserably at my wife. There was just too much going on and my brain couldn't handle anything else. She smiled and kissed me gently, hugging me to her breasts while I hung on and tried to come to terms with all the changes in my life.

"I'll try, Rhea. Really I will but not today, not when we've got a battle on our hands." I murmured against her warm skin and held her as close as I could. "Be safe for me, love. I just found you and I couldn't bear to have anything happen to you."

"You too, my love." She kissed the top of my head. "May we all stay safe today."


I checked Ss'seren's wings and she flexed them for me with a flirty hiss in my direction. Chuckling, I gave her the okay to fly reconnaissance for us. Draco was already up at the school with Dumbledore getting ready to hold a press conference. I didn't like being so far away from him and I don't think that Ss' did either because she hurried me up when I would have done one more check.

The hellbenders were egg sitting for her and we checked it one more time before I left to join the others for the walk through the Forest and she took to the skies. There is nothing more beautiful than a dragon in flight. She soared upward on a sudden thermal wind and I smiled before joining Gersey in front of the greenhouse.

"Everything all right?" He asked before striding out into the trees. Harry had stayed at the school with Sirius and Rhea so he hadn't seen him since yesterday.

I knew just how he felt. I'd gotten up early and had breakfast with Draco but had to watch him stride off into the Forest with Dad Hagrid and Aunt Illona. "Fine. Ss' will keep a dragon's eye out for trouble. What board did you end up on?"

He snorted and rolled his eyes. "Somehow I ended up on the Shetland Island Petroleum board. I know zip about oil drilling in the Northern Sea but Dra' seemed to think that I'd catch what was off at their meeting next Wednesday. He said something about disharmony slowing the drilling schedule."

"It could be that one of them is triggering little earthquakes to disrupt the platforms." I'd read something about it in the Witches Daily and quoted what I remembered to him.

His eyebrow went up and he began to whistle slowly. I envied him that ability and pondered why I'd never learned how. But thinking of pursing my lips led me to thinking of Draco and how focused he'd looked this morning, reading aloud to Aunt Illona part of his speech while Dad Hagrid looked on with a judicious air.

I had to chuckle and Gersey stopped whistling with another raised eyebrow. "Just thinking how easy it is to think of Illona as 'my' aunt and your Dad as another father."

"The lines are blurring among all of us and I can't help but think of that as a good thing, Charlie." He slowed a bit. "I also don't think it's an accident. The Light is good at drawing allies together and working them into a seamless whole. I want this whole thing over so Harry and Draco can finish school and get on with their lives."

"Me, too." I said wholeheartedly. "There's so much to look forward to. After we finish with Voldemort."


I listened proudly as Draco gave his speech to the handpicked reporters from the papers we'd selected. Dale Smithers of the Naiad Street Journal, a business daily, asked Draco about the reason behind the board shakeups and the dear boy looked properly horrified at the malfeasance he'd found among the wizards that his late father had trusted.

The list of names was new and he handed them out to the ten reporters with a sad look. "I grew up knowing these men and I couldn't believe what evil deeds the lawyers and I uncovered. Their families will suffer, I know, but Headmaster Dumbledore has agreed to let me pay for their children to continue here in school. Headmaster, if you'd explain that arrangement?"

He stepped back and looked at me respectfully while I silently applauded his demeanor. Stepping up to the desk of Minerva's classroom on the south side of Hogwarts, where we were holding the press conference, I laid out the plan that would keep the affected children here attending school for as long as they needed. My internal clock kept ticking away the minutes to the arrival of the duplicitous giant and his allies while I bantered with the reporters.

Smithers wanted to know why I was now on the board of the Cadbury Chocolate Emporium and I truthfully told him that I liked sweets. That got a nice laugh from the men and women of the press and a little quip from Draco about paying me in chocolate. Actually, I thought that was a splendid idea and so I told him.

Fiona Bailey of the Witch Daily asked Draco about the rumors about death threats. He acknowledged their existence and said that he'd turned all such correspondence over to the Ministry and the Aurors. "I have perfect confidence in their ability to track down and punish the criminals. I'm safe here at Hogwarts and looking forward to my seventh year. There's still so much to learn!"

They chuckled at his ingenuous look but I knew how very true that was. There was little time left and so much to be done to prepare Harry and him for the battles to come. Ten minutes to go, I realized and found Draco winding up the questions. Everyone looked excited, ready to go home and write up articles about the Malfoy heir and his amazing grasp of business.

Lucius had done a good job training his son to take over his businesses. It was just too bad that he'd been such a poor steward of his wealth and talent. I sighed silently. I'd failed him badly and the others of his generation. So many lost to greed and despair, I thought. Voldemort had much to answer for but then so did I. Gazing at Draco, I saw an almost affectionate gleam in his eyes when he looked at me.

Redemption was perhaps at hand.


I could tell that Sirius wanted to talk to me but I wasn't ready to talk to him. He was being stubborn about me being gay and really disgruntled about Gersey. Part of me understood but part of me was impatient and just wanted him to accept that I loved Gersey and move on. But that wasn't happening yet and I was praying that Rhea got pregnant really soon so he'd concentrate on something else.

Moving slowly, I finished the last position and lay breathing. Gersey's book on yoga had been a real revelation. I'd tried rushing each position but that didn't work. When I asked him for help, he went through them with me very, very slowly. I felt really stretched and limp when we were done and that felt good, not as good as flying but a close second.

Now I enjoyed the yoga just for itself and did at least an hour a day. Today was going to be frightening so I made sure that I moved really slowly, thinking only of each move. I had no desire to think too far ahead because then I'd just worry. I wasn't worried about me but about all of the family, any of whom could be hurt or killed. Unlike some of my classmates, I knew there was nothing exciting about battling the Dark.

It was scary business and people died. People I knew and liked had already died.

I set my jaw, no one I loved would die today. I would follow orders even though I wanted to stay with Ger, holding up the mirror. But Dumbledore was pretty sure that coming to Hogwarts to get Draco and me was the reason for their push. Severus and Mum had told us the stories of Samhain sacrifices and I knew that we were just what Voldemort wanted.

Almost as if I'd heard him give the orders in his hissing voice, I shivered and sat up. I had time for a quick shower and then I'd head for the press conference so we'd all be together when the attack hit. Grabbing a towel, I thought about raising the mirror earlier and leaving Dad, Ger and Remus there to hold it up. Ducking under the stinging water, I wasn't even hard, the way I usually was when I'd been thinking about Gersey.

Once we were done with this attack, I was going to wrap myself around him and not let go for a day. I soaped and rinsed, getting out and drying off quickly. Dressing took two minutes and then I was flying down the stairs and across the lawn to the great hall where the Headmaster and Draco, with all the reporters should be.

I didn't want to be late. We needed witnesses to this attack so the wizarding world at large would know just what was happening. Voldemort was real and everyone needed to know that.


Baffling people with bullshit was one of my very favorite things, I thought with another smile at Fiona Bailey. She was a beautiful witch with raven black hair and the most beautiful green eyes so I was flirting shyly the way I'd been trained by my mother. For a moment I thought of Narcissa, she hadn't wanted to be a mother or even acknowledge that she could have a sixteen year old son.

But she didn't deserve to die, tortured by a big green lizard with delusions of grandeur. So now I was going to help bring him down in part for her but mostly so none of my new family or friends would get hurt. The other students really had no idea of the evil and death that followed Voldemort. But Harry did and I smiled at his entrance into the great hall.

The reporters were stunned for a moment then looked surreptitiously between us when Harry came over to me and stood close. I smiled at him then spoke to our audience. "Harry, do you mind if I tell them what board you're going to be on?"

"Let me, Draco." He ran a hand through that silky black hair of his and grinned at them. "I chose the board of the Manchester United Quidditch team that the Malfoys have owned since almost the beginning of the franchise. It's going to be great fun to see how a professional team works."

"Will you be flying with them, Mr. Potter?" Fiona asked while her colleagues were still stunned. "Are the two of you friends?"

"Harry and I have been flying against each other for six years now. We know each other pretty well and yes, I do consider us friends. He was there for me when I became an orphan." I'd known what I wanted to say earlier but somehow saying it made the pain come back for a moment, sharper than ever.

Harry just threw his arm around my shoulders and squeezed once. "We're friends."

"And your flying?" Smithers asked avidly.

"I'd love to fly with them some practice but Quidditch is still a game and not what I want to have as my career." Harry said with a smile. "I'm still deciding what that will be."

"Now boys, we need to let these ladies and gentlemen get on with their stories. And you too have some homework, I believe." Dumbledore smiled at all of us and began moving them towards the doors.

And that's when we heard the explosions.

Fiona Bailey

I was badly frightened by the sounds of explosions but the two young men who I'd just been interviewing straightened up like hunters and sped for the door, the Headmaster right behind them. Dale took off after them and I wasn't going to let him scoop me on this story. The others followed me out of the hall and we saw through the gates of Hogwarts a battle raging.

There were giants and wizards in black with glowing wands and colored trails of spells zapping through the air. If I didn't get fried in the next few moments, I was going to have an even better story than I had right now. There were two giants trading blows and around them were the oddest group of wizards dueling that I'd ever seen. Short and tall, dark and red-haired, male and female, some of them had to be professors here while others wearing muggle clothing looked to be passer-byes.

I kept young Draco in sight and saw him side-by-side with Harry, their wands at the ready while chaos played out just beyond the gates. It was odd but I could have sworn that I heard drumming nearby. What I couldn't understand was why all the battle was going on outside the gates while another set of gates appeared about fifty feet in front of them.

They hadn't been there when we arrived. A particularly vivid green flash flew like lightning towards Harry and Draco from the wand of a tall wizard near a swirling black hole that had appeared behind the fighting. The young wizards might have been connected by invisible cords, their wands came up to the ready but a few feet in front of them the spell hit some kind of invisible wall and zapped back to the casting wizard like a speeding arrow.

I can truthfully say that the look of menace on Draco's face was almost more frightening then the satisfactory splat of the spell hitting the wizard. The fact that the identical look was on Harry's face told me more than any words just how far they'd gone in their training. And no matter what the Ministry had to say about the attacks on muggles and wizards alike, I was seeing the truth in vivid detail.

If it wasn't Who-wasn't-to-be-named, it was the nearest thing to him and I was suddenly afraid as I had never been before. I saw bodies on the ground and when Harry cried out, I whipped my head around to see a dark haired man crumpling to the grass. Something wavered in front of us and Harry darted to the man's side, taking a protective stance over his prone body and using his wand to solidify whatever the shimmering 'thing' was.

Dumbledore hurried forward with Draco and I saw a full-grown mastiff break free of the conflict and head straight for the young Malfoy. I shouted a warning and the blond had his wand up in a heartbeat. When the dog sprang, he was met with a curse that I'd never heard before. He twisted in midair and hung there before crashing to earth and beginning to change.

The Headmaster added something to the curse and the animagus froze half-transformed and immobile. The cries of curses flew through the air and spells were sent and countered in less time than it took to see them. I was getting dizzy trying to watch it all when suddenly it was over. The bad wizards dove through the black hole and disappeared, leaving behind some bodies and scorched grass.

Only then did the Aurors appear but I followed Dumbledore over to Harry and the fallen wizard. Thankfully, he was sitting up with Harry's help and I was almost knocked over by a dark-haired woman calling out, "Remus!"

"He's all right, Royan, just knocked out." Harry told her and she sank down to his side, gathering him into her arms.

"Sweetheart," the wizard said, "I'm fine. Really, I am."

"Oh, Remus," she burst into tears and he cuddled her close.

I was jealous as Hades. They looked so sweet together and if I wasn't mistaken, she was pregnant. My mother would take one look and give me her lecture on finding a nice wizard and settling down. My biological clock was ticking but I liked what I was doing, reporting the news of the wizarding world. There weren't too many men out there who'd be willing to have a two career marriage.

At least I hadn't met many and I'd met a lot, just never the right one. While I was watching that little reunion, I looked up and saw the most beautiful man I'd ever seen come striding across to the couple. Blinking, I wondered who he was and if I could get his phone number.

"Harry, are you all right?" Were the first words out of his mouth and I watched him hug the young wizard while my jaw dropped to the ground.

Why were all the good ones married or gay, I wailed silently? Sighing, I got a little closer to eavesdrop on the conversation going on in front of me. Dumbledore was conversing with an older gentleman and a female giant with snow-white hair. They were talking about a mirror and its success with terms that I was going to have to look up later. It was some kind of magic that I'd never heard of.


I held Harry and said a grateful prayer to the Goddess-who-looks-after-young-wizards. This could have gone bad in a big way and it was a good test of what we could expect in the next battle. I hoped that one would be the final battle. It better be. Remembering the reporters, I took a quick look around and found a pretty woman giving me an interested look.

'Too late, I'm taken', I thought with satisfaction but put a little distance between my little love and me. We weren't quite ready to out ourselves on the wizard news. "Harry, we'd better see to Ru."

"Oh, wow!" Harry dropped his arms and turned to where Ru and Geil had been fighting. "I forgot all about the MacPherson, I was so worried about keeping the mirror up."

We hurried over to where Ru was sitting on the big red-haired giant who'd hurt him so badly when I was just a child. Severus was going to take one look at his bonded and go into full protective mode. Geil was cursing up a storm while my brother calmly broke his captured wand into tiny little pieces.

Ru sported a black eye that was already swelling shut, a gash on one cheek, a ripped sleeve that showed a slowly bleeding gash from a knife and his left knee looked swollen. Geil looked much worse and I smiled at my big brother, glad that he'd finally put the last of his bad memories behind him.

"Good job, 'arry, ya keepin' the mirror up like that." Ru' squinted up at us and Harry beamed at him. "Any of ya seen Granny? She said something about taking care of Geil, 'ere."

The giant blanched and flinched when he heard Granny's dulcet tones from behind us. "Aye, Rubeus, I'm 'ere and so's the others. If ya'd be so kind as to stand up, we'll take 'im from 'ere."

I gave Ru a hand up and he stood with a wince while I wrapped my arm around him so he could take the weight off his sore knee. Harry moved to his other side and offered his shoulder to Ru. That might have looked silly because of their disparate heights and weights but all I could think was my love's great big heart was manifesting again.

"Geil MacPherson, ye no longer are a member of our clan. Ye be exiled as of this moment. No one shall give ye aid or shelter and if we need ta, we'll testify agin ye at your trial." Granny had never sounded so cold before.

"I witness, sister." Aunt Illona said quietly, appearing on his other side.

"I witness, sisters." Arwen stated from my other side. "Bonded by earth and rain."

"Bonded by flame and wind."

"Bonded in darkness and in light, ye are cast out of our clan forever." Granny finished up while all three of their wands cast a gray spell that covered his body like a fine ash. Then she imperiously beckoned to Auror Weasley. "Ye can 'ave this one now."

He bowed to her and called over two other Aurors to wrap him in bindings and transport him away. "Thank you, Ma'am. I'm sorry that you had to do that."

"Aye, I'm sorry as weel." Granny sighed and looked her age for a moment. Aunt Illona put an arm around her and Arwen joined the hug. "Is there any more that we can do to help ye 'ere, Arthur?"

"No, Ma'am, we've got them well in hand. Headmaster Dumbledore will come with us to undo the spell on Nigel Evans so we can question him." He bowed again and turned back to the animagus who'd been heading for Draco.

I looked around and saw Draco and Charlie standing with the good looking reporter that had been giving me the eye earlier. She was asking eager questions and I had the feeling that this battle was going to be all over the newspapers for some time to come. But for now, we needed to get Ru to his cottage so Poppy could tend to him. I called to Hossic who was being interviewed by two of the covey of reporters that had scattered to talk to all of us.

He nodded and smiled down at the man who was interviewing him, saying something and then striding over. "Well, you did good, big brother. But we'd best get you cleaned up before," he caught himself, ". . . your bonded sees you or we'll be in big trouble. Harry, I can take that side if you'd like to go and check on Remus?"

My little love smiled and let Hossic slip into his place before heading back to my brother-in-law and sister. Two Aurors were binding the animagus when suddenly he began to curse in a slow steady voice that was half-human and half-dog. The Aurors froze and we all had our wands up to the ready when a black cloud seemed to pour from his mouth and head for Harry.

I dropped Rubeus' arm and sprinted for my little love, afraid I'd be too late. But Draco was suddenly there by his side and together they raised their wands and chanted the curse-breaker that would send it back to him. The blackness hung in the air for a long moment, giving me time to reach them and reinforce their counter spell. Then it flowed back into wizard.

Suddenly he began to swell and I saw his eyes go from blank to knowing. "Master!" He cried out but he just kept on blowing up like a human balloon until with a pop he exploded into a million pieces.


I was afraid that I was going to throw up but I held on hard to my control, sneaking a look at Draco to see if he had the same urge. He was pretty tightlipped but he was swallowing hard so that made me feel better. I could feel Gersey's warmth behind me and I wanted to lean back so much but I knew that would look bad so I didn't. But when he hugged me close and I saw Charlie hugging Draco, I knew it would be all right.

Turning into him, I slid my arms around his waist and buried my head in his chest. There was a little pitter-patter sound that made me go nauseas. It was raining body parts and that was just sick. Then I had a sudden horrible thought and raised my head. "Gersey, it wasn't our counter spell, was it?"

"No, Harry, it wasn't." Gersey sounded angry and tired. "It's something Voldemort did through a link with him. The Dark Lord doesn't forgive failure."

"Then I hope MacNair is writhing in Hades right now." Draco said quietly from the safety of Charlie's arms.

"We can only hope, Dra'." The dragon handler said just as quietly, stroking the blond hair beneath his hand. "Dad, I want to get them away from here. Is it all right if we go?"

I saw Arthur pat both their shoulders and smile at Draco. "Yes, go and wash away this horrible sight. Draco, you did a fine job today. I'm proud of all of you."

"Auror Weasley, is the Ministry now acknowledging the return of . . . the Dark Lord?" The pretty reporter who'd come up behind him hesitated then swept on. "Is this the beginning of new warfare between wizards?"

Arthur smiled at her grimly and moved towards her and the other reporters with Dumbledore approaching from the other side, so we could make our escape to the Quidditch locker rooms. I was starting to shiver a little even though the day was warm. Gersey stripped me bare and had me under the hot water inside of two minutes. I shook hard but slowly the heat began to get through.

He had his shirt off so it didn't get wet and he never once let go of me. Slowly my legs felt less like noodles and more like they'd hold me up. I picked up the soap and hurriedly washed away the nastiness that curses left behind, even though we'd countered them all. I didn't want to think about that right now so I concentrated on making sure that all of me was clean.

"That's enough, Harry, there's nothing left of them on you." Gersey's voice woke me up from my hard scrubbing and I dropped the soap. "It's all right, little love. I've got you."

He turned off the water and wrapped a warm towel around me, lifting me up and carrying me over to a bench. Then he sat down with me in his lap and hugged me close, rocking me while I cried a little into the wiry curls on his chest. "It's never going to end, Ger'. He's always going to be out there plotting to kill us all."

"No, he won't, sweetheart." Gersey kissed my temple and I turned so I could taste him again. His lips are always so warm that I wanted to crawl inside of him and never come out. He kissed me for a long moment before pulling away and looking into my eyes. "Harry, we beat him today with only a few casualties that can be healed. The Light is getting stronger with each new convert to our cause. And I think we converted a few more today. The press saw for themselves what he can do, what he wants to do."

I nodded. "They won't let the Ministry hush this up, will they?"

He smiled and rubbed the towel over my back. "Twelve good reporters from as many newspapers? The Ministry is going to have to finally acknowledge what's happening. Maybe that idiot Fudge will get the boot and someone intelligent take his place?"

"Good, I've never liked him." I said vindictively. "He's always so condescending to everyone. He was really rude to Rubeus once." I stilled. "Oh no, we left Ru with just Hossic."

"Gration was headed towards them when I got you away, little love. Ru is probably being fussed over as we speak. Sev was waiting for them in the old cottage so I know that he's being well taken care of. The twins will make sure that nobody who shouldn't knows that he's there." He finished rubbing my back and started on my front.

I turned on faster than a light bulb. He noticed and suddenly I had a lumpy lap to sit on. Kissing him again, I pushed inside of his warm mouth and tasted everything that I loved about him. His callused hand slowly stroked my cock from tip to root then back up again while I shivered but in a good way. I moaned a little because it felt so good and he swallowed it up like I wished he'd do the rest of me.

We had to breathe finally and with a last gentle squeeze, I came and came and came while he whispered how much he loved me and scattered kisses over my face. I wanted to sleep for a week but I also didn't want to let go. Dumbledore's voice from the other side of the door told us that the reporters were gone and we were going to meet in the great hall for a debriefing in half an hour. Gersey called back that we'd be there.

I sat up straight and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "Thank you, Ger. I love you."

"I love you too, Harry Potter, and I always will." He kissed me and we both smiled.

Then we got up and finished cleaning so we could join the others.

A Spy

A small black widow spider crept through the tall grass and around smoking pieces of shriveled flesh. He shivered but kept on going. Evans had failed, he would not. None but he, MacNair and Voldemort had known that two animagi were going in to find the two young wizards that were wanted.

It was a long journey towards the school and he had to dodge some of the many pairs of feet that were moving to and from the main building. Once there he would spin a web and wait for them to come to him. The port key that he had around his neck would transport them straight to MacNair's manor house.

He dreamed of the reward that his Master had promised him. Wealth and power would be his when Voldemort ruled the world. If he'd had lips he would have been licking them at the thought of all the young girls that would serve him. The sweet young first years would be so delightfully frightened when he first stripped them.

So lithe with just the beginning buds of breasts and no pubic hair at all, he smiled and hurried faster. They'd be so tight when he thrust inside of them. They'd scream and plead while the blood ran thick between their legs. Oh, he'd taken his turn with the Malfoy bitch but she was nothing but an old hag and he'd barely been able to keep his cock hard enough to rape her.

But his Master knew the secret desires that he kept hidden from the rest. And he'd promised him that the innocent flowers of Hogwarts would be his, all his when the Dark Lord assumed his rightful place. Creeping along, he spied the double doors that led into the school. Perhaps he would scout out the girls dorms first, just to see what would soon be his?

He saw another body part, perhaps part of an eye, and he decided not to take the chance. It would be better if he found Malfoy and Potter first. Voldemort had a nasty habit of punishing those who failed him. The doors were closed but he could wait until someone came by and he could hitch a ride inside. Until then, he'd dream a little.

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