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I hope that, if the opportunity came up, I would be smart enough not to get knocked up by a creepy alien couple with fertility issues."
Categories: Stargate: Atlantis; Characters: Ensemble, John Sheppard, John/Rodney, Rodney McKay; Genres: Gen, Slash
Warnings: Alien Conception, Brain-Insane
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 4796; Read Count: 1067; Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/11/2012; Published: 06/11/2012
JOINING A PRIDE by ulyferal [MA - 18+]
[ Reviews = 3 / Kudos Received = ]

Two prides of lions visit Megakat City on the prowl for new mates.  One is attending a security conference that a certain Chief Enforcer is also attending.  Feral lands in the middle of a pride struggle with him as the prize and his objections are ignored.

Categories: Swat Kats; Characters: Ensemble; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations, AU, Complete, Dubious Consent, Explicit Sexual Situations, Hermaphrodite, m/m
Chapters: 30 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 74937; Read Count: 8753; Completed: Yes
Updated: 02/22/2011; Published: 02/22/2011
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]
Friends, pregnancy and angst.
Categories: Buffy/Angel/Charmed; Characters: Anya, Buffy, Hallie, Xander; Genres: Het
Warnings: Adult Situations, Angst, Brain-Insane, Complete, Dark Themes, Death of Child, Extreme Dark Themes, f/m sex, Forced Miscarriage, Het, Loss of Child, m/f, Magical Conception
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 2277; Read Count: 298; Completed: Yes
Updated: 11/13/2018; Published: 11/13/2018