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[ Reviews = 2 / Kudos Received = ]
Xander's Pregnancy
Parent Series: None; Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Ensemble; Genres: Gen, Het, PreSlash, Slash
Warnings: Brain-Insane, Caveat Lector, None Given
Challenges: None
Open: Closed
[ Reviews = 3 / Kudos Received = ]
Earth was also destroyed. At a rendezvous with the remaining humans and Vulcans, the Vulcans more or less take charge and enslave the humans to rebuild their species with fertile humans. Since they’re so rare as well, the Vulcans don’t think they’ll offer much resistance. Spock becomes captain of the Enterprise once more and gets his pick of the crew. Despite everyone thinking he’ll choose Uhura, he picks a rebellious Kirk.rn
Open: Open
Oops! Someone is pregnant. Whatever shall they do?rnrnLaw & Order/X-Files
Parent Series: None; Categories: Crossover/Multi-Fandom; Characters: Ensemble, Fox Mulder, Mike Logan, Mulder/Logan; Genres: Gen, Het, PreSlash, Slash
Warnings: Angst, Brain-Insane, Child Abuse, Complete, Dark Themes, H/C, Het, m/f, m/m
Challenges: None
Open: Closed