Chapter 4 – Draco's dreams and revelations

Draco barely slept that night. He tossed and turned in fits. His body was drenched in sweat as he saw his lover fall to the ground cursed from this plane by his father's right hand man who was still loyal to Voldemort. Draco himself had always had doubts as to where Lucius' true allegiance lay. Draco had made sure his lover's killer died next, but it didn't stop the scene from replaying over and over.

"I need to tell you …"

"Shhh, Blaise baby save your strength."

"I'll live on, we both will."

"Of course baby," Draco leaned over and kissed Blaise for the last time. When he pulled away Blaise was gone.

He dispatched his lover's killer quickly. Then he looked up to see Potter cast the Killing Curse on Voldemort, just as Voldemort cast the same Curse on Potter. Charlie Weasley intercepted the curse diving down on one of his dragons like some knight of old. The curse bounced off the Dragon's scales and rebounded into Charlie. As Charlie Weasley fell to the ground Potter had screamed the most gut wrenching cry Draco had ever heard before or since, and it was echoed by the scream of the Dragon, who upon losing its master crumpled beside him and breathed its last.

Draco woke gasping for air several times that night. Each time he managed to calm himself to sleep only to wake up shortly after from the same dream. Only it was not just a dream, it was a memory, one he had blocked for a long time.

When he arrived on Potter's doorstep the next day Potter frowned. "You look like shit."

"Thanks, where's the coffee?" Draco grumbled walking straight out to the back patio past Potter.

"Good morning to you too, Sunshine," Harry snapped grabbing two cups of coffee and forgoing the usual tray. When he slammed the cup down in front of Draco, some of it sloshed over the side. "I hope you don't expect me to be talked into this fool's errand by your winning personality today."

Draco looked up at Potter, a scathing reply on the edge of his tongue then remembered Snape's words.

"If Potter has a child it will be partly yours!"

"Sorry Potter, bad dreams," Draco muttered before taking a sip of coffee.

"Oh," Harry said in response, yet the one word was heavy with understanding. There were a few minutes of silence but it wasn't awkward oddly enough. "I'm sorry about Blaise," Harry finally whispered.

"He really loved me," Draco's voice cracked.

"You act like it’s a shock that anyone could," Harry patted his arm. "Actually you sort of grow on a person."

"Like mold?" Draco laughed half-heartedly.

"Quick like that, yes, but I never thought green was your color actually," Harry squeezed his arm before withdrawing it slowly. Draco's hand flew out quickly and covered Harry's. "Malfoy?"

"Can you call me Draco at least, or Granger and Snape won't think I'm even trying," Draco looked at Harry seriously.

Harry blinked. "Okay Draco. I suppose you better call me Harry then, for the sake of appearances."

"Yes, for appearances," Draco echoed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Harry asked uncertainly.

"No… yes… no… I don't know," Draco answered at last.

"I understand if you don't –" Harry began.

"He was pregnant with our child. Snape just told me last night. I didn't even know." Draco looked away unwilling to let Harry see the pain in his eyes.

"Oh god Draco, I'm so sorry." Harry put his free hand over his mouth and gulped. That had been the one true regret of his life with Charlie was they never had a baby. Family meant so much to both of them. Yet it was a surprise to hear that Draco wanted children. "Did you want –" Harry began then shut up, afraid to go on.

"Yes, Harry," Draco whispered. "I tried to hide it even from myself. But Blaise he saw right through me, just as Severus did. He –"

"It's okay Draco, you don't have to tell me," Harry replied with a sad frown on his face.

Draco shifted in his seat and pulled Harry's hands into his own. "Yes I do. Please keep in mind that Severus just told me this last night."

Harry's face lost its color, "Told you what Draco?"

"Blaise… he cast a spell on you to ensure that part of him and the baby would live on," Harry tried to wrench his hands away feeling ill.

"No! You're lying to me! You just want to hurt me! This is all some crazy ruse to hurt me!" Harry pleaded his eyes shiny with tears. "God please Draco, tell me that –"

"I'm sorry Harry. I just found out last night! Before Severus told me, I never even knew Blaise was pregnant. He loved me in his own twisted way, even if I didn't feel quite the same." Harry had gone rigid in his seat as silence descended over them filling the air.

"Where are the coffee mugs?" a voice called from the kitchen. Draco recognized it as Hermione, surprised that she had returned again this morning.

Draco cleared his throat. "Upper left cupboard near the sink," he replied from memory. He looked desperately at Harry. "Give me truth serum if you want to. But I honestly did not know or put him up to it."

Harry wrenched away his hands before Hermione stepped out on the patio looking from one to the other. "Well it is a bit tense out here isn't it?" She glared at Harry. "I take it you didn't discuss my idea with Draco?"

Harry got up and walked toward the pool as Draco watched Hermione who waited for an answer or for some sort of inquiry to take place. "Okay I'll bite Granger, what idea?" Draco sighed unhappily. He tore his gaze away from the lone figure by the pool. A moment later he heard a splash.

"Hmm, that's unusual. Harry only swims when he needs to stop thinking." Hermione mused aloud. "What did you two fight about?"

"We didn't fight. I just told him something I found out. Now what's this idea of yours?"

Hermione instantly brightened. "Oh I think the two of you should date! It would show the public that you’re supporting Harry!" Hermione beamed at Draco.

"Are you sniffing the same potions Severus is?" Draco shook his head, got up and stormed out of the house.