Chapter 4

When Shuichi woke next, it was to see his sister Mikai by his bed.

“Did you bring cookies?” he asked hopefully.

“No, but I get to help you pick out some clothes for you to meet your fans in. After all, we can’t have you seeing them in a hospital gown, can we?”

“You are so silly. If mom and dad want me dressed the next time they see me, why not just say so?” Shuichi winked at his sister.

“I think your fans would like you dressed too. All you need to do is make a small appearance and wave,” declared Tohma Seguchi as he entered the room with a smile and armful of flowers.

“Seguchi Tohma!” Shuichi yelled. “What are you doing here?”

“Knock it off Shuichi, you’re scaring me,” Mikai bit her lip.

“Mikai! Do you realize who this is? Where’s my audition tape?” Shuichi looked around the room as Tohma and Mikai looked at each other with concern.

Tohma started to laugh. “I see. You are having some fun at my expense. Very funny Shuichi-san. Did Yuki Eiri put you up to this?”

“You know Yuki?” Shuichi gasped in surprise.

Mikai started to cry and ran out of the room. Tohma put his hands on his hips. “This isn’t funny anymore, Shuichi! You’ve scared your sister half to death! Now, quit kidding around and get ready for your fans to see you!”

“What are you talking about?!” Shuichi yelled before he passed out. Tohma ran to the door and called for help. Eiri was just returning from having a cigarette when he saw the medical staff running for Shuichi’s room and Mikai crying in the hall.

He ran to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. “What’s happened?”

“Shuichi doesn’t …sniff…remember Tohma or his fans!” She sobbed.

“Shh, we can’t let the word get out yet. Where’s Tohma?” Eiri whispered while sitting Mikai down in a chair.

“In with Shuichi,” Eiri turned his head and saw the confused look on his brother-in-law’s face as he exited his lover’s hospital room.

“Tohma-san, if I had known you were coming I would have warned you,” Eiri said quietly.

“You didn’t think I needed to be told that my top lead singer doesn’t remember that he is just that, my top lead singer?!” Tohma growled.

Mikai cried even more into Yuki’s shirt. With a sigh, he put his arm around the young girl to try to calm her, remembering it would be what Shuichi would want him to do. Tohma’s mouth dropped open. He put a hand out so he could lean heavily against the wall. “First Shuichi’s memory loss, and now you’re being human? You’re acting like the old Eiri-san.”

Eiri shrugged, wiping his own tears on Mikai’s hair. Tohma sagged into a chair next to them. “I must be imagining things, this isn’t you.”

Mikai sat up indignantly. “You are not imagining things. Yuki-san has been wonderful to Shuichi and my family. He’s a sweet wonderful man who loves my brother very much. You take that back!”

Tohma blinked. He wasn’t used to getting dressed down, much less by kids in school. He gave a small bow. “Gomen nasai.”

Mikai gave a small humph and went to go ask a nurse how her brother was doing. Tohma took off his hat and rubbed his hair. “Eiri this is a huge problem. What did the doctors say?”

“They ordered some tests to be run.” Eiri said quietly putting his head in his hands.


“I’m so grateful the little baka remembers me. I…I can’t lose him again.” Eiri sniffed.

Tohma sat back. “So it has happened then. You finally came back, but it was not me who did it.”

“What are you blathering on about?” Eiri snapped, staring defiantly at Tohma.

“You had a breakthrough in therapy didn’t you?”

Eiri harrumphed. “So the twit tells me. But look at me Tohma, is it normal for me to fall apart like this?”

“It is not normal for Yuki Eiri. But it is normal for the old Eiri because he had a heart and wasn’t afraid to show his feelings or love for anyone. Even those that didn’t deserve it, so isn’t it high time you stopped going by that ridiculous pen name and went by Eiri?” Tohma smiled gently as he wiped away Eiri’s tears, shaken to see this about face.

“I never meant for this to happen. I just wanted to put it all behind me,” Eiri ran a hand through his hair.

“Then get on with your life with Shuichi-san. He needs you now.” Tohma bit back the pain that statement caused. There was a time when he was what Eiri needed. But that had all changed. Shuichi had been able to break down the walls that Eiri had placed around his heart in a way that he never could.

Eiri gave a half-laugh, “You want me to be with him now? Can I get this in writing before you change your mind again?”

“I deserve that. But at the time, I was concerned only for your health. I may never understand how the two of you came to be, but it doesn’t matter now. I love you. I always will love you. But only Shuichi can love you enough to bring the real you back to all of us. I missed you Eiri.”

“You sound sappier than my books. Maybe I should write that crap down.” Eiri scoffed.

Tohma smiled, got up and put on his hat. “I will make the press statement for Shuichi. Is there anything else I need to know?”

“Yeah, Hiro doesn’t know yet, none of them do. Only his father, the doctor and I knew up to this point.” Tohma nodded in understanding. “He has to undergo physical therapy because he’s been in the bed for too long.”

“I understand, so will his fans. I’ve never managed a comeback before; he will be more popular than ever, if…”

“Don’t say it. He loves his music. When I asked him if his music meant more to him than I did, he had to explain to me that we tie for first place and can’t be compared. But you’ve seen how he comes alive on stage. We have to get him to remember no matter what it takes.”