7677 words

Chapter 1

Yuki took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes irritably. Glancing at the clock on the computer screen, he saw it was almost time for Shuichi’s concert to begin. He took a break from writing, went out to the kitchen to grab a beer, and planted himself in front of the TV. Flicking a few buttons on the remote and TiVo, he prepared himself for the oddity that was watching Shuichi on TV and not being able to see him in person.

Shuichi had wanted him to go on tour with him, but the concert scene wasn’t something he was interested in. He looked around the immaculate room and once again felt that emptiness that came whenever Shuichi wasn’t home. Yuki comforted himself with the thought that this was the last tour date. Tomorrow night he would be home.

He turned his phone back on, remembering that he’d turn it off so he could work in peace. Yuki raised an eyebrow as instead of the show a news bulletin came on.

“Tonight thousands of Bad Luck fans await word on their favorite band. The scene you see behind me is the concert hall where Bad Luck was scheduled to appear. According to Seguchi Tohma, CEO of N-G records…”

The phone rang and Eiri picked it up wondering when he’d begun to shake.

“Eiri-san.” It was Tohma.

“Where is he?” Eiri snapped.

“I’m sending a chopper for you. It should be there in ten minutes.” Tohma continued on, sounding strained.

“Damn it! What the hell is going on?” Eiri yelled, fear starting to grip him.

“There was an accident. The tour bus was hit by a truck. He was the only one standing and was thrown to front of the bus, hitting the windshield. His parents are already here.”

Eiri couldn’t breathe. “Shuichi.”

“He’s alive Eiri-san, but… it’s bad. I’ve been trying to reach you for a while.” Eiri heard the chopper and ran out the door, shutting the phone and tossing it in his coat pocket without thinking twice about it.

Eiri felt disoriented as he rode the corporate chopper to the hospital. He’d never been so worried about his pink-haired lover as he was right now. It had scared him when corporate raiders had taken Shuichi to American, but it was nothing compared to this.

Flashes of his time with Shuichi went through his mind: sleepy kisses in the morning, being serenaded by the tenor as he showered, late night dinners, sleeping in Shuichi’s lap and all the times they’d had sex…no it was more than that. It had been more than just sex for a long time. Shuichi had slowly become his obsession, which in turn had become his undoing.

As the chopper landed on top of the hospital Eiri saw K waiting for him. K only looked at him, nodded, then ran with Eiri hot on his heels. They dashed through the crowded hospital, stopping at the ICU. Finally K turned to him and spoke. “They are about to take him into surgery, make it quick.”

Eiri nodded, glimpsing for a second at Shuichi’s family huddled in the hallway. He stopped as he entered. Shuichi was pale, covered in cuts and had more tubes in him than Eiri had ever seen a person have. He gathered his nerve and walked to Shuichi’s side. A nurse and doctor were readying him, only casting a sympathetic look in his direction. Eiri took one of Shuichi’s hands in his. His throat constricted as his heart screamed.

He leaned over to whisper in Shuichi’s ear. “I’m here Shuichi. Don’t leave me baka. I can’t live without you.” He was about to say he loved him when the doctor loudly declared it was time. Eiri was shoved out of the way and Shuichi was rolled out the doors hurriedly.

Eiri sank into a chair, looking at the spot where Shuichi had just been. He felt a hand on his shoulder, but did not look up. Tears that he didn’t want anyone to see ran unbidden down his cheeks.

“I’m glad you came. It will mean a lot to him. Thank you.”

“What… How…Why?” Eiri whispered, hearing his shaky voice.

Hiro looked down, amazed to see the tears on the face of Yuki Eiri. “The doctors say there’s swelling on the brain and the spine. He could have loss of memory, speech and motor functions. It depends how it goes.” Hiro sat down next to Eiri. “One minute we were laughing and talking, Shuichi stood up to get a drink, and then everything fell over. Everyone was screaming, but Shuichi had gone flying and hit the front windshield. He… he didn’t move. I thought…”Hiro wiped away a few tears. “They say the truck driver hadn’t had enough sleep.”

Hiro left and then Eiri followed him, not knowing what else to do. He was introduced Shuichi’s sister and father. His mother took one look at him and fell into his arms crying. Eiri was too numb to care. K pulled him away and pressed a cup of coffee into his hands. Then they waited and waited, and waited some more. It was interminable.

The entire time Eiri reviewed every minute of his life with Shuichi. Finally, he spoke relating one of those times. “I remember one time I tried to teach him to cook for that stupid game show. He is hopeless in the kitchen. I ran out of bandages.”

Mrs. Shindou smiled. “I tried so hard to teach him to cook. But only his sister could cook.”

“Oh yes, the best cookies around,” Hiro put in with a sad smile. From that point on they shared little bits and pieces of Shuichi. Eiri learned more about his lover in those hours than he had in all their time together. The oddly assembled group began to slowly bond. It was while they were hearing about the time Shuichi had managed to glue himself to the toilet naked, that the doctor appeared.

He was a middle aged man with a strong physique. Reaching up he took off his mask. It was then that Eiri saw the exhaustion on the careworn face. “Shindou family?”

“Yes,” Shuichi’s father spoke for the first time, holding tightly onto his wife.