Freefall Ch. 5

"WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO!?" Lucius yelled at Severus, gesturing between where Potter had been and Snape. "Has no one taught the boy manners!? We were still engaged in our conversation!"

"Is that what it was? It seemed more like a shouting match to me," Severus said, giving his old friend a measured glance of reproach. "Mr. Potter is given to fits of uncontrolled magic, which, if I may remind you, he used to his advantage on the battlefield?"

Lucius huffed angrily before picking at a piece of imaginary dust on his ever immaculate cloak. He tried not to think about how powerful Potter really had to be to apparate within Hogwarts. "Really, this situation is most distasteful. There must be some way out of it."

"What do you recommend, Lucius? Besides, Mr. Potter is just as averse to the situation as you are, wouldn't you agree?" Severus smirked.

"For once, the boy and I agree on something," Lucius shot back.

"Might I suggest that you stop calling him a boy? It might help you adjust to the situation a bit better to realize Potter is a young man now? After all, I seem to recall you favor the younger rent boys of Knockturn Alley, or has that particular fascination died off?"

"Have I mentioned lately how much I hate you?" Lucius sneered, making his nostrils flare, giving him the appearance of an angry lion. Something Snape found amusing, but wasn't stupid enough to point out.

"Do let me know when to be afraid. I might forget." Snape chuckled.

"Bastard," Lucius sighed.

Snape smiled crookedly. "I may be the one you hate. But, if you'll admit to it, what you really deplore about this situation, besides Draco's sudden illness, is that you were not able to put the moves on Mr. Potter at your own pace. Am I correct?"

"Did I say hate? Loathe is a much better description." Lucius looked away.

Snape snorted. "Don't worry, Lucius. I doubt anyone knows you half as well as I do. Your secret is safe with me."

Lucius waved his hand in dismissal. "That doesn't change the fact that Draco will not tolerate the situation anymore than Potter will. And while it may, mind you may, have merely flitted across the furthest reaches of my mind that the young man might be entertaining in bed; it does not mean that I have ever contemplated it for longer than one tumble!"

"Does it really matter, Lucius? It could be very good for the family name. Besides, if that old bat is right, then the potion will show you are soul mates." Severus was trying very hard not to laugh by hiding his mouth behind his hands.

"Do I look like a simpering old romantic fool? Those stupid soul mate potions were created by some clever potions master in the Victorian period to make a small fortune off the aristocracy, letting it become a custom of the time." Lucius looked down his nose with disdain.

"You should know, since it was a Malfoy," Snape laughed. "One that made your family quite rich if I recall."

"Loathe is too light a word. Abhor might be more on target," Lucius glared such daggers at his old friend that it would have made anyone else tremble with fear. Severus only laughed harder.

A loud chime went off and Severus stood. "That's the alarm I placed on Draco's bed. He's coming around. Perhaps we will find Mr. Potter along the way."

"He's already down there, Severus," came the voice of Albus Dumbledore from his portrait.

Severus gave a slight nod. "Shall we? I know you must be eager to see Draco, and of course, Mr. Potter," Severus gestured to the door while looking smugly at Lucius.

"And people think I'm evil," Lucius growled.

"Why thank you, Lucius. I think that's the nicest thing you ever said to me." Severus chuckled. Lucius stormed off toward the Infirmary, leaving Snape to follow him. The discussion was clearly over.

As they entered the Infirmary, it was to find Potter standing at Draco's bedside. The Slytherin's in attendance were spread around him like a security detachment. Draco's eyes were just fluttering open.

"Potter, I must be in hell to see you when I wake. Why are you always the source of my pain? Isn't it high time you did the world a favor and dropped dead?" Draco hissed out angrily. "Most heroes at least have the sense to do themselves in, if they aren't intelligent, to go out in a blaze of glory in battle."

Harry took a step back, amazed at the clear hatred that resonated in each of Draco's carefully measured words. Their battles had always been of a more childish nature. When had Malfoy become so bitter? Even as he tried to fathom the answer to that, Draco arched his back and gasped for air.

Madame Pomfrey appeared out of nowhere and pushed him back. "Mr. Potter, I think it would be best if you left."

Harry seemed to stumble backwards. Madame Pomfrey had always been so kind to him. True, she could be rather brash, but this?

An odd feeling washed over Lucius as he watched both his son and the Medi-witch lash out at theā€¦ young man in front of him.

"Draco, that's enough," Lucius said breaking the suddenly, oppressive and sudden silence.

"Father, don't tell me you believe that rubbish that stupid excuse for a teacher was spouting." Draco spat and then hissed as a fresh wave of pain crashed over him.

"Whether I believe it or not, is not the issue. The fact remains that you have obviously been cursed by a spell that neither Severus nor I recognize. And even in the short time I have been here, I have witnessed what seems to be a direct connection between your temper and your pain. So, I suggest you stop acting so emotional, as if you were a simple commoner, and get a grip on yourself and act like a proper Malfoy!" Lucius was horrified that Draco was so out of control. It was one thing behind closed doors, but quite another in front of so many witnesses. Thank Merlin so many of them were Slytherins. Unfortunately, by the same token they might take it upon themselves to retell the tale to their families, which would only add to their current level of disgrace in polite wizarding society.

"I don't know what came over me, father. It must be the company," Draco said with false sincerity to start, and finished by giving Harry a dirty look.