Beta: Chelle & Tammy
Test reader: Cameowitch
Eagle Eye Credit: Nefernat
Pairing: Snarry
Warnings: FLUFF, takes place after Book 6
Disclaimers: Harry Potter is the property of J.K. Rowling and her publishers. The artist/author of this work receives no profit from it, nor do the creators/maintainers of hpqfac or quillsforacause. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended. Notes/Dedications: to Littleroo27 and for a good cause I’ll make an exception. Title credit to Cameowitch. Don't get used to Snarry from me.
Word count: 2,135 words

“Minerva we both know you can’t send him back there.” Snape cursed the day that Dumbledore had ever asked him to teach Potter how to block his mind. The visions he’d seen out of the boys’ mind were nothing short of atrocious. The dreams had wracked him late at night since the term had ended and he’d seen Harry go back to his ‘family’ with regret. To think he’d always thought Potter a spoilt brat only to find out he was nothing more than an abused slave to those horrific muggles.

“I pleaded with Albus not to send him there, the first day he was left on their doorstop.” Minerva’s mouth was pressed into a tight line. She was grateful that Severus had been cleared of all charges, so that she was not alone in sorting out the damage Dumbledore had done while wielding his power in such a manipulative manner.

Snape sat unbelieving for a moment, looking around the Transfiguration classroom before he managed to get the words out. “You mean to tell me he left a baby on a doorstep in October?”

“Hagrid had put a warming charm on him, but yes he did. We’re fortunate they didn’t put him in a bin. I’ve heard of muggles doing that.”

“He might have been better off.” Severus also silently thanked the gods that Hagrid hadn’t blown the poor boy up; completing the task that Voldemort had set out to do.

“Severus!” Minerva gasped.

“I’ll take him in myself rather than let him go back there.” Severus snapped back. “No one, not even Potter, deserves to be treated the way he has.”

“I never thought I’d see the day when you’d be a friend to Harry. But you’re right Severus. I’ll support you if anyone should ask why he’s with you.” Minerva smiled kindly.

Severus nodded grimly. It was all he could ask for. Putting down his cup, he excused himself and began the journey to pick up Potter. On the way, he was startled by the appearance of Potter’s owl. She flew down and landed on his shoulder, much to his distaste. To his further surprise, she stuck out her leg. The message she bore simply said, “Help me.” It was addressed to Hogwarts, but noting the agitation of the bird he guessed she’d taken upon herself to deliver it to the first staff member she recognized.

He Apparated directly to Arabella Figgs home on Privet Drive and was not surprised to find only her cats. With increasing concern, he made his way quickly toward the Dursley’s and ran into Arabella on the way. She was obviously frazzled and distressed. “Severus! Thank goodness. It’s terrible! They won’t let me in!”

Severus pushed by her and hurried his steps to number 4 Privet Drive. He was dimly aware of Arabella trying to keep up with him. As he approached, he could hear the screams. Mindful of the neighbors, he cast a wandless spell to unlock the door and entered, along with a ‘notice-me-not’ charm, and quickly entered the house. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the neighbors turn away and return to their business. The effects were only temporary, however, so he needed to move quickly.

The scene that he came upon made his blood boil. Potter was tied to a table and being caned. Blood and welts covered a back that looked as if it had already been scarred and torn. His uncle was wielding a stick that Snape recognized from Potter’s mind, as belonging to his cousin Dudley. A huge, fat woman, who Snape guessed was Potter’s Aunt Marge was cheering him on, adding to the screams that were coming from Potter. Everything in the room was trembling with the force of Potter’s magic. But the muggles failed to notice it, as they took delight in removing the skin from the young man’s back.

Severus raised his wand and blasted every muggle in sight into the wall. They crumpled and collapsed, but he was still shaking with rage. He was sorely tempted to cast a Cruciatus on the uncle for what he’d done, and only Arabella’s wail of concern for Potter stopped his hand. As he gathered Potter in his arms, he was stunned at how light he was. When was the last time he’d eaten?

He carried Harry to Arabella’s house with ease and used her Floo to return back to Hogwarts. As soon as he arrived in the Infirmary, he yelled for Poppy. Setting down his charge on a nearby bed, he called for a house elf to summon Minerva. Severus noted that Poppy was crying as she immediately set to work. He’d never seen the stoic woman break down before and was reluctant to note he was feeling rather emotional himself. Had seeing the young man so broken allow him to finally care for him?

The Potions Master lost track of how long he’d been standing there watching Poppy work, when Minerva came to his side and asked “Poppy how is he?”

Poppy looked up with a tear-stained face. “He’ll be fine, but I’d like to have a go at whoever did this to him.”

“Severus?” Minerva asked briskly.

“It was his muggle relatives. When I arrived his uncle was caning him. His screams were easily heard from outside. I was frankly surprised the muggle authorities had not arrived on the scene.” Severus inhaled deeply. “I regret I did not arrive sooner. His own owl somehow tracked me down mid-journey.”

Minerva sighed sadly. “She always was a smart bird. This is not your fault Severus. All of this could have been avoided, if only Albus had seen fit to place him in a proper wizarding home.”

“I’ve done all I can for now. He should be alright after some rest and a proper meal,” Poppy noted after a few moments of silence.

Severus turned to Minerva with purpose. “I wish to remain.”

Minerva looked in surprise at the Potions Master. Yet, she could see the same face on him as when any of his Slytherins were injured. Despite his hard exterior, Severus always had a soft spot. It was something Minerva found endlessly amusing along with the change that took over the man when the school term ended. “As you wish, please inform me if there are any changes.”

“Of course,” Poppy replied looking miffed at even being asked to do something so routine.

“Sorry Poppy, this has shaken all of us.” Minerva put a hand on Severus’ shoulder before leaving the Infirmary.

It was more than 24 hours later that Harry was able to sit up. He winced in pain at the bright familiar lights of the Infirmary before noting the Potion Master asleep at his side. It was amazing how different he looked; calm, approachable and human.

Why was Snape there? Looking over the man, he noted the bags under his eyes and the blood on his robes. Had Snape rescued him? Someone had rescued him from the Dursley’s, that much was obvious. Was it this man who always seemed to hate him so much?

Closing his eyes, he vividly recalled the caning all too vividly. He shuddered as his own screams echoed in his ears. At the time, he’d prayed for anyone to save him. There was one point in which he dimly seemed to recall hearing Arabella’s voice. Had she alerted the Potion Master? Or had Hedwig gotten out the message he’d hastily scrawled while trying to hide from his uncle? His memory was a bit fuzzy for which he was infinitely grateful. He suspected at some point he’d blacked out, but wasn’t sure when.

A strange feeling washed over him, knowing somehow that he had Snape…no, Severus to thank. He had always categorized the man as a slimy, snarky git. Now, he found he had to change that viewpoint. After all he’d saved his life and the Slytherins always seemed to admire the man, so had Dumbledore. Had he misjudged Severus all this time?

Poppy came over and quietly performed her scans. “How did I get here?” Harry asked softly, needing to be sure.

“Professor Snape brought you here. You owe him your life. By the time he’d gotten there you’d already suffered severe internal damage. Ultimately, you would have bled to death had he not gotten you here when he did,” she whispered.

“But he hates me,” Harry protested.

“No, Harry, he doesn’t, or at least not anymore. I think you both believed the other to be someone who didn’t exist. You each convinced yourselves that you had reason to hate the other. Can you say that you still hate him now?” She raised an eyebrow before turning to go.

Harry watched her go and lost himself in his thoughts about the man. He studied the other man carefully before falling back to sleep. When he woke again, cursing the bright lights, he heard a soft chuckle to one side before the lights were magically dimmed. With surprise and gratitude he looked over in the direction of the laughter, to see Severus was still there.

“I imagine these lights are a bit much to wake up to. How are you feeling?”

It was all Harry could do not to ask if the man was feeling alright himself, he was acting so out of character compared to their usual conversations. Then he realized with a start, that with school out for the summer, perhaps a façade had fallen. “Err, yeah they are. I’m okay I guess. Thank you for rescuing me Professor.”

“You may call me Severus, when we are alone.”

Harry blinked and remembering his manners said, “Okay well, Severus, please call me Harry.”

Severus smiled and Harry was stunned at how much it changed the man’s appearance. He was actually handsome. Harry gulped at realizing his own attraction to the man. He had long ago recognized the fact he was more drawn to men then women, but this sudden attraction seemed to have come out of left field. “Does it shock you so much to see me smile?”

“Uh, no offence but yes, it does.” Harry admitted, while trying to get his raging teen libido under some semblance of control. Sometimes he hated being 17.

“None taken, I must apologize to you for the way I’ve treated you over the years. I had believed you to be spoilt at home. Obviously, I was mistaken. I hope to rectify that situation by inviting you to spend the remainder of your holiday at my home.”

“W-what?” Harry asked in confusion.

“I do have an actual house outside of Hogsmeade,” Severus smirked.

“No, it’s not that. I mean, well, I thought I’d have to go back to the Dursleys ““Tears filled Harry’s eyes as a myriad of emotions overwhelmed him; immeasurable gratitude, incredible relief and utter disbelief all rolled up into one with a healthy dose of lust.

“You are never to set foot in there again. Professor McGonagall has already seen to it that they have been visited by the muggle authorities and your possessions have been collected. I must commend you on having such an intelligent owl. She stopped me mid-journey to deliver your message.”

Harry felt tears roll unbidden down his face and hastily wiped them away. “I don’t have to go back?”

Severus blinked, got up and came to stand along side the bed. Taking Harry’s hand in his own he sought to press the point. “No Harry, you are not going back - ever.”

Harry jumped up from the bed and threw his arms around Severus’ neck, causing the man to stumble back a step before he righted his balance once more.

“OH GOD! Thank you!!!!!” Harry exclaimed. Severus was stunned, but slowly brought his arms up to hold the young man in his arms and smiled. Harry quickly pulled away and then declared. “Oh, what the hell!?” as he proceeded to kiss Severus soundly on the lips.

Repressed desire from years of abstinence overtook Severus and Harry soon found himself back on the bed with Severus kissing him senseless. The man was like a tiger unleashed surprising Harry with his passion.

“Well, it appears you’ve reconciled your differences,” Poppy giggled as she came upon the scene.

Severus stood up quickly, dropping Harry and smoothing his robes while he attempted to regain his composure. “I ““

“Oh, don’t bother making up some excuse. I’m happy for both of you. The tension between you two has always been unbearable. Besides it is technically summer break, who am I to say what you do in your spare time?” She smiled and added playfully. “By the way, Harry, you’re free to go. Keep an eye on him would you Severus?”

Severus smirked as he replied, “With pleasure.”

Harry couldn’t agree more.