Eiri Yuki stormed across the room. People quickly scattered out of his way. His temper was infamous at the recording studio and even his brother-in-law had a hard time keeping him calm when it came to this subject.

Across the room a certain pink haired singer that was currently being swarmed. His oblivious lover had no idea as to why he was suddenly garnering so much attention but Yuki did. As Yuki made his way across the room, he thought about how their recent coming out on Japan National Television had made for some strange side effects. One of which was girls from across the country were throwing themselves at Shuichi in an effort to ‘make him straight’. The second was the jealous possessive nature that was now like a second skin to Yuki.

Whereas before he only seemed to care when Shuichi was hurt by someone besides himself, he now cared all the time. Even the littlest things seemed to set him off and this was by now means little. As the big clock began to count down the minutes to midnight at the big New Years Party for the studio, the girls began to jockey for position around HIS Shuichi.

He became relentless and ignoring any attempt at manners, not that he ever really cared in the first place, he began to simply shove girls out of the way. Shuichi was flushed and confused when his lover took him possessively into his arms. And at the stroke of midnight many girls cried out in disappointment as their idol was kissed by his male lover, but Yuki only had one word for them that he growled into a smiling Shuichi’s mouth.